
The sky is dim and the thunderstorm is slanting.

On the top of a lofty mountain peak.

Zhang Yi quietly sat cross-legged on a boulder with a calm complexion.

At this time,

In his body, the battle between the two attributes of Natural Wind and Thunder from Nine Heavens has been going on for a long time.

But its power will eventually be exhausted.

Now, the strength of these two Attribute Powers is finally reaching its limit.


It is the time for Zhang Yi to finish.

Zhang Yi looks at himself inwardly,

At this moment, the majestic true essence exists in the lake with two colors at the same time, and each occupies half of the true essence. lake.

One is the gloss of azure, which reveals a sense of agility and swiftness between the fluctuations of water.

The other is the color of silvery white, and between the waves, there is a dense lightning that shuttles through the true essence.

These two completely different colors separate the true essence of the lake entirely different, which can be described as everyone minds their own business.

On the whole, these two Attribute Powers seem to have returned to calm.

But at the place where they are handed over, they still show a state of anxiety, all the time, azure true essence and silver white true essence are trying to erode each other.

The true essence in Zhang Yi's body is in constant internal friction.

In this state, the amount of true essence that Zhang Yi can mobilize is less than 1/4/2021.

And once this limit is exceeded, it will cause the balance between these two attributes to be lost, and then his true essence lake will fall into endless competition.

If the true essence is out of balance during battle, it will lead to a very unfavorable situation.

Just in terms of the current state, the true essence of Zhang Yi's attributes not only didn't give him an advantage in the battle in the same realm, it actually dragged him back.

This is the problem that must be solved in the integration of multiple Attribute Powers-how to thoroughly integrate different Attribute Powers so that the formidable power can be exerted beyond the original?

There are many ways, and here, Fenglei sword art's solution is a sword!

Use the true essence of wind and the true essence of thunder to create an unparalleled long sword.

Because this long sword is made of the two true essence attributes of wind and thunder, it can naturally transform these two true essence attributes by Perfection.


Through this long wind thunder sword, Zhang Yi can thoroughly integrate the two true essences, from the true essence of wind and the true essence of thunder. It becomes the true essence of wind and thunder.

"It seems to be exhausted."

Looking at the true essence lake that briefly recovered its calm inside, Zhang Yi laughed.

"Now, let me do this finishing work."

Zhang Yi murmured, the mysteries of Feng Lei sword art passed through my heart, and both of his The hands bear the mysterious seal, and then the true essence that restores peace in the body, the lake welcomes a third party.

At this time, as Zhang Yi pinches the secret art of the wind thunder sword method, a mysterious wave condenses over the true essence lake.

Natural wind and Thunder from Nine Heavens instinctively felt a sense of anxiety. They wanted to counter Zhang Yi, but the waves of the water could only cause some ripples.

As Zhang Yi said, this Attribute Power entrenched in the true essence lake, after a long time of confrontation, has no strength to resist.

Now is the best time for Zhang Yi.

With the condensation of Zhang Yi's handprints, an illusory long sword gradually formed in the sky above the true essence lake.

Then Zhang Yi's hands changed more and more, and he could only see the afterimage of one after another when he was in the air, and he couldn't see the specific changes in his technique.

And the true essence lake is violently turbulent at this time, there are azure light spots and silver white light spots floating from the true essence lake, and then rushes to the illusory long sword above.

As the illusory long sword incorporates more and more light spots containing two Attribute Powers, its surface has become more and more substantial, as if to completely condense from the illusion.

true essence The lake is turbulent.

The two Attribute Powers tried to set off the waves again, resisting the force of swallowing, but they didn't work at all.

I don't know how long it took, and a word cry echoed in the true essence lake.

Zhang Yi eyes shined, looked towards the sky.

At this moment,

Above the true essence lake of Zhang Yi, a long sword exuding azure-white luster stands quietly in the air.

The sword body is three feet three, thin and tenacious. There is a breeze surrounding this sword, and there is a small electric arc flashing in the breeze, adding a sense of mysterious.

Wind thunder sword,

This long sword composed of Wind Attribute true essence and Thunder Attribute true essence is finally formed!

I only saw the true essence lake below. At this moment, with the formation of the wind thunder sword, it became more peaceful than ever.

For the wind thunder sword that combines two Attribute Powers, its grade level has surpassed the single Attribute Power below.

as the saying goes one mountain and two tigers,

But in front of this stronger long sword, the wind of nature and Thunder from Nine Heavens can't be called The tiger is out.


They all obeyed.

What's more, the breath of these two Attribute Powers is still flowing on the body of the wind thunder sword.


There seems to be a light shout echoing above the true essence lake.


That wind thunder sword suddenly carried the sound of wind and thunder and plunged straight down.

Amidst the ups and downs of the waves, this wind thunder sword is inserted in the center of the true essence lake.

Then the sword body bloomed with endless rays of light, and the whole true essence lake began to boil. In front of the fully integrated example of wind thunder sword, the true essence of wind and the true essence of thunder finally ceased to repel and began to real Fusion.

Zhang Yi closed his eyes and waited quietly for the arrival of the last moment.


When Zhang Yi changed to Fenglei sword art.

Outside, something is happening right now.

Medium domain.

Extreme Yin Sect,

At the top of a mountain range covered by the cold mist, there is a wide hall built by the green Spirit Stone.

In the center of the hall, there are several people standing.

There are two men in the middle, whose status is faintly higher. They are the two Elders of Extreme Yin Sect.

One is Xing Jue, who Zhang Yi has seen, and the other is Peng Yue, who has just left the customs.

One of these two people is the cultivation base of Heaven Realm Early-Stage, and the other has reached Heaven Realm Early-Stage Peak.

These two Extreme Yin Sect's strongest battle strengths are usually secluded cultivation and rarely show up.

Because of the major event of Immortal Spirit Pool before, Xing Jue only left the customs to escort Xuan Yinzi, but he didn't want to fail in the end.

At this time, two Elders appear at the same time, it must be a major event in sect.

At this time, these people gathered in the hospitality hall, but they had just finished discussing a conversation.

And their complexion is a bit embarrassing, obviously they have not achieved the expected results.

"Damn, Lin Gu's people are so courageous. When they heard that someone in Water Reflection Sect had a breakthrough to Heaven Realm, they immediately retreated and stopped participating in this matter."

"What a group of people See the guy at the rudder of the wind." Xing Jue Complexion Ashen said.

"This incident is also expected. There is only one Heaven Realm Martial Artist in Lingu, and if we count the Heaven Realm that just broke through Water Reflection Sect, then we are both Extreme Yin Sect and Water Reflection Sect. Because of the two Heaven Realm Martial Artists, it is forgivable that Lin Gu did not dare to participate more."

" And these years, Lin Gu and Extreme Yin Sect have joined forces to oppress Water Reflection Sect, which has already won There are many benefits. At this time, the road ahead has changed, and they naturally refuse to take risks."

Peng Yue's expression said in a tranquil voice.

“Furthermore, for Water Reflection Sect, Lin Gu’s withdrawal from the alliance with Extreme Yin Sect is a big breath of breath for them. Naturally, they will not find Lin Gu’s troubles anymore. He will concentrate on dealing with us, Lin Gu is good at it."

"Then what about our future engagement?"

Xing Jue asked.

"Since the news has been released, of course it must be held."

"In the past few years, although Lin Gu and Extreme Yin Sect have teamed up to squeeze Water Reflection Sect, there is no doubt that, Extreme Yin Sect is the main force among them."

"Water Reflection Sect can let Lingu go, but it will definitely hate Extreme Yin Sect, and now, the other party has two Heaven Realm Martial Artists, this matter , It’s better to make a decision early."

Hearing Peng Yue’s answer, Xing Jue was nodded, then he gritted his teeth and couldn’t help saying.

"That kid was lucky, and he had a breakthrough like this."

The kid in Xing Jue's mouth naturally refers to Zhang Yi.

When Yuji was fighting in the Immortal Spirit pool, he threatened Zhang Yi with a bad tone and didn't put him in his eyes.

But I don’t want to be more than ten years old, and it’s a breakthrough to Heaven Realm for convenience.

Now, the opponent is equal to him, and the junior Junior, who had been looking down before, now he wants to look at him.

This kind of gap makes Xing Jue feel a little unacceptable when he thinks of it.

Xing Jue fell silent, and Peng Yue, the Sect Master looked towards Extreme Yin Sect, asked.

"By the way, what's going on with Xuanyinzi."

"Back to Great Elder, now I am trying to break through Heaven Realm in retreat."

Hear this Suddenly, Peng Yue frowned and said, "How confident is he ready to break through Heaven Realm in such a hurry?"

"Less than 40%." Sect Master swallowed, cautiously replied.


Peng Yue scolded loudly, "Xuan Yinzi has always been calm, how can he be so reckless this time? He doesn't know that breakthrough Heaven Realm must be accumulated to the limit before breakthrough Is it?"

"In case of failure, the chance of a breakthrough again later will be slim."

"After hearing the Water Reflection Sect breakthrough Heaven Realm, he also The retreat hit Heaven Realm." Sect Master brace oneself replied.

"It's him again!"

Peng Yue's face suddenly became gloomy, and Xing Jue said at the same time, "Waiting for the day of the appointment, the boy will let him I'll take care of him."


On the top of the mountain, a silhouette sits quietly cross-legged.

His body is surrounded by the true essence of light azure, and a powerful force naturally radiates from his body, making the air all around slightly turbulent.

In his body, the true essence is the majestic and immense lake, the lake surface is pale blue, and between the sparkling waves, there is a fine electric arc flashing in it.

After that, Zhang Yi opened his eyes.

In those black eyes, there are rays of light with light azure surging in the eyes, which makes people expect a strange feeling.

Zhang Yi stood up and grabbed his right hand.

I saw the true essence of light azure condensed in its palm. In the deepest part of the true essence of light azure, you can faintly see silvery white thunder light surging.

Zhang Yi presses down at will, the true essence of azure is swept out immediately, sweeping fiercely to the ground below.

After that, the ground under Zhang Yi's feet actually formed a handprint-shaped hole, which was not bottomed.

Zhang Yi can feel that this true essence palm print goes all the way down, and it goes deep into this mountain for tens of meters.

At this time, Fenglei sword art has been successfully transferred to Zhang Yi, and now he has taken a solid step on the road of Heaven Realm.

"system, call up the attribute panel."

Zhang Yi said, and then the attribute panel was in front of Zhang Yi.

Age: (104800)

cultivation realm: Heaven Realm Early-Stage (0100w)

Fleshly Body Realm: Earth Realm late stage (0250000)

Current cultivation point: 10.9w

Level 1 Spirit Pond: 10,000 years (to be upgraded)

Cultivation speed: 20,000 years

(Level 1 cultivation technique Feng Lei sword art: 10000 years)

(aptitude bonus: high grade aptitude +100%)

Art of concept: 20% Concept of Wood, 30% Concept of Thunder, five To become a sword intent

Special skill: Eye of Revelation

Secret technique: Annihilation Sword Qi

martial skill :

Level 4 Sword Art : Leiyun Sword Art (Introduction)

4th-order movement method: Yun Shuyun Volume (Introduction)


Resurrection Coin: 1



Zhang Yi's eyes are full of surprises.

This cultivation technique has greatly increased the speed of cultivation far beyond Zhang Yi's expectations.

He originally thought that the Tier 4 cultivation technique could reach 5000 cultivation points, but he didn't expect it to be 10000 cultivation points.

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