Zhang Yi sits in a relaxed posture in the Qin Family lobby. It seems that he is completely his own territory.

Qin Bei left,

Zhang Yi waited for a while.

At this time, someone finally came in again.

There are three people here.

The old, the middle and the young are one each.

Young Master Qin Bei, patriarch Qin Province, Old Ancestor Qin Mo.

Zhang Yi looked towards the person coming, laughed, pointing to the other side of the seat way, "Sit down and talk."

And Qin Mo saw Zhang Yi when he entered the lobby It was a moment of tension in my heart.

Before entering the hall, although he did not release the divine sense, with his Earth Realm Great Perfection perception, he did not notice the slightest breath in the hall.

After entering the hall, naked eye saw Zhang Yi and confirmed that there was such a person.

If Zhang Yi were to be placed on the street outside, he was afraid that he would directly think it was an ordinary person and ignore it.

"The strength of this person should not be underestimated! The strength of the other party has been purified at least once, or even twice."

As soon as we met, Qin Mo's evaluation of Zhang Yi in his heart Defined as very dangerous.

No wonder you dare to enter Qin Mansion unpreparedly.

Be aware that Qin Mo’s home court is at Qin Mansion. Even if he is also the Earth Realm Great Perfection, he is sure to beat him.

Qin Mo cares, his complexion shows no trace, he sits on the other side of the seat, while Qin Bei and Qin Province stand respectfully behind him.

"Your presence at Qin Mansion really made Qin Mansion flourish. I don't know what your name is..."

After sitting down, Qin Mo smiled Slowly said.

Zhang Yi laughed and said, "No matter the name, you should already know what happened."

"You Qin Family Young Master interrupted me. I don’t want to say cultivation, I still want to rob me. I don’t know what your Qin Mansion plans to do about this matter?"

On the other hand, Qin Mo feels a little upset because of Zhang Yi singlehanded's direct insertion of the subject, but the old fox is after all It is old fox, but Qin Mo's face has not changed at all.

Qin Bei really provoked the opponent first. The key is that the opponent's fists are also strong enough. If it can be resolved peacefully, Qin Mo will never want to make a big fuss.

"Qin Bei!"

"Hurry up and apologize to your Excellency!"

Qin Mo did not look back, but said solemnly.

Behind, Qin Bei immediately took a few steps and bowed, "Qin Bei knows his fault, and please forgive Qin Bei once."

After apologizing, Qin Mo continued. "Qin Bei is a youngster after all. Youngster does things. It is inevitable that he is a little impulsive. Fortunately, he did not cause damage to you. For this reason, we at Qin Mansion also prepared a small gift as compensation for disturbing your cultivation."

Qin Mo waved his hand. Immediately, Qin Bei took a few steps forward, holding a storage ring in both hands and handing it to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi eyebrow raised, took the storage ring, and then a Strands of Divine Sense penetrated into it.

After that, Zhang Yi casually placed the storage ring on the coffee table next to the seat. He smiled and looked at the opposite side, but did not speak.

The atmosphere in the living room suddenly fell into a state of silence.

Zhang Yi didn't speak, and the other party naturally didn't speak immediately. The atmosphere in the hall gradually became a little depressed.

The lobby is well-lit, with light pouring into it through the hollowed-out gap, but it doesn't bring a trace of temperature, but the air is faintly cold.

At this time, with the chill of the atmosphere.

Qin Bei's heart throbs, standing beside him, and he feels his heart is about to jump out of his chest at this moment.

He felt a little lack of oxygen, but he didn't dare to show the slightest abnormality. He could only maintain a normal breathing rate, which made him even more uncomfortable.

And his forehead, at this time, he could not control the overflow of fine cold sweat.

Even Qin Bei is already an Earth Realm Martial Artist, but under this silent pressure, he feels very depressed.

The Qin Province behind Qin Mo was also under great pressure at this time. He couldn't help cursing in his heart, "What kind of existence does this provoke Qin Family!"

At the critical moment, Qin Mo spoke again. His words were as usual as before, but it was like a spring breeze blowing into the solidified time and space, and the concept of time began to flow again.

The pressure on Qin Bei and Qin Province suddenly loosened.

"What is your dissatisfaction with you? If so, let's just say that Qin Family must be satisfied."

When Zhang Yi heard this, he raised his eyes and looked towards the other party. Then said slowly.

"At the beginning, your Young Master planned to kill me and get the treasure. Do you think, how should I compensate me?"

After hearing this, stand by Qin Province behind Qin Mo couldn't help but yelled.

It's really the villain who sued first.

The other party killed someone and asked for compensation. They wanted to resolve the matter peacefully, but the other party would not let it go.

Be aware that the two people killed were Earth Realm Martial Artists. Even in Qin Family, they were high-level battle strengths. Losing one would be extremely painful, let alone losing three of them all at once!

In the end, the compensation they gave was already extremely generous.

There are resources worth nearly 20,000 Spirit Stones!

For this, I don't want to get revenge with Zhang Yi.

Their sincerity thinks they are already extremely sincere, but the other party obviously wants more than that.

Qin Province couldn't help but look at Qin Mo.

At this time, Qin Mo's face remained unchanged, and he said calmly, but his tone had already weighed on some weight, and he was obviously a little angry.

"This matter is indeed too rude to Qin Beitai. After this matter, I will be punished severely by Qin Family."

"Qin Family can compensate 30,000 Spirit Stones for this. For our Qin Family, these resources are also very traumatic."

"How about I hope your Excellency will give me Qin Mo's face?"

Zhang After listening to the remaining unmoved, Yi asked instead, "With 30,000 resources, do you look down on me?"

"Your Excellency, you are too much!"

Qin Province, standing behind Qin Mo, couldn't bear to say anymore.

They gave in vaguely, but the other side pressed on step by step. Do they really think that their Qin Family are soft persimmons?

Qin Mo, who was sitting, had a gloomy expression at this time. He stared at Zhang Yi closely and spoke heavily.

"Your Excellency, we have shown our sincerity, why not take a step back?"

"I admit that your strength is indeed deep and unmeasurable, but if you do it here, you must Your Excellency also has no absolute chance of winning."

In the final words, Qin Mo was already faintly threatening.

"Oh, I don't think so."

tone barely fell, a cup of tea was sent to Zhang Yi's side immediately.

The teacup has high-speed rotation, but the tea does not have the slightest turbulence, and stays in the teacup steadily without spilling the slightest.

Faced with Qin Mo's temptation, Zhang Yi waved his hand at will. The high-speed rotation teacup suddenly shattered, and then the tea inside it rushed towards Qin Mo.

Qin Mo's expression was startled, and the barrier of true essence of earth-yellow appeared in front of him.


However, the cup of tea was not blocked by the true essence barrier at all, but passed through it without stopping.

Finally fell on Qin Mo's brown robe.


Qin Mo's clothes were wet.

But at this moment, Qin Mo didn't pay any attention to his own situation, but looked at Zhang Yi with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

Even if the opponent is the Earth Realm Great Perfection that has been purified twice by true essence, he can't break his Body Protection True Essence with a wave of hands.

At this moment, Qin Mo suddenly felt the same pressure as Qin Bei Qin Province.

The man in front of him is like a man in the mist, whose strength is more than he imagined.

I thought that with the advantage of the home court, he might be able to fight the opponent, but he didn't want him to seriously underestimate the opponent's strength.

Qin Mo couldn't help but remember the words used when Qin Bei and Qin Province interrupted his secluded cultivation.

Qin Bei once said, "The opponent's strength is deep and unmeasurable, and please Old Ancestor to think twice."

After that, Qin Bei was rewarded with a big mouth. son.

Unexpectedly, at this time it became a truth!

At this time, Zhang Yi's mentality of wanting to play has also disappeared. He stood up and no longer concealed his strength.

Suddenly, a boundless coercion that seemed to merge with Heaven and Earth rushed towards the other three.

In front of that majestic power, the three of them suddenly felt like a reef on the seashore was facing the waves of the sea.

Heaven Realm Martial Artist!

Qin Mo suddenly opened his eyes.

He never thought that the other party would be a Heaven Realm Martial Artist!

At this time, he was deeply regretful, and even for a moment, he had a little killing intent towards Qin Bei.

How dare he provoke this level of existence!

After a few seconds, this power disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

On the other side, Zhang Yi’s calm words came, "Okay, let’s stop here. I want all the resources that Qin Family has accumulated in 50 years, otherwise Qin Family won’t have it. It must have appeared."

"Go away, I only give you one day."

After speaking, Zhang Yi closed his eyes.


The three of them did not dare to say one more word, and they all left dingy at this time.

After they left, Zhang Yi opened his eyes again.

"If you want to rob others, you must be ready to be robbed!"

"If you want someone else's life, you must be prepared to lose your own life at any time. ."

For those who provoke themselves, Zhang Yi starts ruthless when he has a chance.

"Fifty years of Qin Family's background, although I am Heaven Realm Martial Artist now, but if I want to come, there should be some help..."

, Zhang Yi runs Fenglei sword art and enters a semi-cultivation state.

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