Nan Lian’s icy words came out, "Why do you have to be pretentious, fight and fight if you want to fight, and withdraw when you want to withdraw, why do you have to talk so much?"

I heard Nan Lian’s Words, Peng Yue breathes deeply, closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes had returned to a state of indifference.

"That's what I said."

"Now that the chips for these two competitions have been determined, let's start now."

Immediately, Peng Yue looked towards Xing Jue, Xing Jue smiled, his figure stepped forward, and then even the ghost-like flashed into the air.

He looked towards the location of Zhang Yi, with a cold smile on his face, and his voice spread all over the place, "Boy, come on, let me see, after you break through Heaven Realm to the end has several points of strength!"

Is it my lead? I thought I was the finale, but it seems to be sorted according to the strength of the strength.

Zhang Yi looked at Xing Jue in midair, and said something in his heart.

"Be careful."

From the side, Nan Lian's reminding words came.

Zhang Yi nodded, immediately his body shape also soars into the sky.

As Zhang Yi and Xing Jue both slid into the air, the Martial Artist who all around watched suddenly retreated.

The volatility in the battle between Heaven Realm Martial Artists is too alarming, you must withdraw enough distance, otherwise within its attack range, even if the Earth Realm Martial Artist is careless, you will have to lose your life. .

Heaven Realm Martial Artist, and only Heaven Realm Martial Artist can compete!

As everyone retreated, the plain suddenly became empty.

"Really didn't expect, you actually broke through to Heaven Realm, and now you have become my opponent. The world is really unpredictable."

Xing Jue looked at the opposite. Zhang Yi, coldly said.

"My luck has always been good." Zhang Yi said in a tranquil voice.

"What about breakthrough Heaven Realm? Do you think you can compete with me like this? The gap between you and me cannot be easily smoothed out."

Xing Jue calm Said.

Zhang Yi wanted to laugh when he heard this sentence.

What kind of confidence does a Martial Artist of Heaven Realm Early-Stage have to say such a thing?

The guy who was cultivated in Early-Stage for so long and didn't touch even the threshold of Early-Stage Peak, how did he cultivate his invincible self-confidence?

"I feel that the gap between us is not that big. Maybe it will be smoothed out after a few years." Zhang Yi replied seriously.

"hmph, who can't say big things, let you see the gap between you and me."

tone barely fell, the true essence of Xing Jue is fierce It broke out, and the power that shook Heaven and Earth moved toward Zhang Yi's oppression, apparently trying to give Zhang Yi a disarm.

"Small carving skills!"

Zhang Yi gave a faint smile.

The opponent just wants to take advantage of Zhang Yi's first entry into Heaven Realm, and has not yet switched to the cultivation technique to preemptively oppress Zhang Yi from the imposing manner.

But how could they think that in just three months, Zhang Yi had converted to the fourth-order cultivation technique and also integrated two Attribute Powers.

On the power and power alone, it is to compare the strength of true essence.

The same Heaven Realm Early-Stage, naturally Zhang Yi’s wind and thunder true essence has the upper hand, Xing never did this, but he shot himself in the foot with a rock.

Zhang Yi thoughts move, true essence The lake suddenly surging up, turning into a true essence beam of light soaring into the sky!

And the imposing manner crushed by Xing Jue was suddenly pierced into a hole, and it became empty.

After that, Zhang Yi's power was fully utilized, but instead he oppressed the sky above Xing Jue.

Xing Jue opened his eyes wide, his face was incredulous.

In the stage of fighting power, he actually fell into the disadvantage.

"You have already converted to Tier 4 cultivation technique?"

Xing Jue reacted and couldn't help blurting out.

"Isn’t it just changing a cultivation technique? What’s at the worst? Isn’t it a very simple thing?"

Zhang Yi’s casual tone came and I didn’t forget it. To be sarcasm, "Or, is it more difficult for Elder Xing?"


Xing Jue cursed inwardly, complexion ashen.

I wanted to give the opponent a good start, but I didn't want to start the game because I missed it.

However, I feel irritated. As a Heaven Realm Martial Artist who has been cultivation for hundreds of years, his mentality is also very good.

At first it was underestimated because Zhang Yi just broke through Heaven Realm, but now, Xing Jue has adjusted it right away.

At this time, he looked at Zhang Yi with sharp eyes, and then only heard the sound of "sou". The silhouette of Xing Jue left in place was suddenly disillusioned, and he appeared in front of Zhang Yi at an extremely alarming speed. , And then banged forward with a palm.

"Yinxuan palm!"

loudly shouted, Xing Jue's palm suddenly enveloped Zhang Yi's whole body.

The palm is not close yet, Zhang Yi already feels a very gloomy breath emanating from it.

This gloomy breath is like a tiny poisonous snake, wandering around his body, trying to penetrate into his body all the time.

"What a difficult breath."

Zhang Yi immediately felt bad.

The true essence of Xing Jue. The Attribute Power integrated in the lake should be the characteristic of Yin Attribute's infiltration.

"Wind and Thunder Movement!"

Zhang Yi true essence The lake is turbulent, a wave of Wind and Thunder Power immediately surrounds Zhang Yi's body, and that gloomy breath touches Wind and Thunder Power, disappeared immediately.

Thunder Attribute Power, it can be said that Yin Attribute is just a restraint, not to mention that the level of Wind and Thunder Power is still above the other's single attribute.

Zhang Yi looked at the fast approaching punch, tentatively.

The other party is Heaven Realm Early-Stage, he naturally has the capital to take this move.

"Spring Wood Palm!"

Zhang Yi fleshy body stretches, the dormant dark golden divine force surges from his body, and he then mobilizes true essence, the two forces suddenly merge Two for one.

Zhang Yi then took a palm forward.

As the two attacks approached, Xing Jue took the lead to press forward.

In an instant, the violent black true essence sprayed out from Xing Jue's palm. The small fan shape rushed towards Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi is in the center of palm force, facing with a palm without evasiveness, but also pushes up.


At the moment of contact, a huge wave of air suddenly swept towards all directions. The spread, the grass pours out in pieces.

This scene is particularly spectacular when viewed from a high altitude.

In the extreme distance, everyone is concentrated attention completely. Seeing the first encounter between the two of them, they couldn't help but raise it in their hearts.

Who has the upper hand in this first match?

After that, everyone's eyes narrowed, and Zhang Yi's figure swayed at the center of the explosion, and he took a few steps back.

After that, everyone was in an uproar.

"Sure enough, Xing Jue has passed through Heaven Realm for many years. Even if it is the same Early-Stage, the accumulation in other aspects is higher than that of the other party."

Someone shook their heads. Said, I think there is no suspense in this competition.

As for the location of Water Reflection Sect, everyone's eyes are a little disappointed.


"But...isn’t that a swordsman?"

When everyone was feeling depressed, there was a sudden voice Don't know where it came from.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and then quickly looked towards the center of the confrontation.

Xing Jue saw a palm to repel Zhang Yi, the imposing manner suddenly became more vigorous, he took advantage of the victory and pursued, and then shot Zhang Yi with a three-pointer stronger than before, causing the air to turbulent.

"Third Rank's Spring Wood Palm fell short of the wind."

Zhang Yi took a few steps back to remove the impact from the opponent, and couldn't help thinking of it.

If the cultivation is Tier 4, he is sure that the person who retreated just now will be Xing Jue. After all, his true essence is combined with a divine force blow, and its basic strength must be higher than that of the opponent.

It's just that the opponent's fourth-level palm increase is much larger than his own Third Rank increase, so he fell into a disadvantage.

But it's okay, he just wants to try the strength of the opponent.

Seeing Xing's strikes, which is stronger than before, Zhang Yi's eyes cold, and Battle Master's combat experience began to control the field.


A word cry spreads.

Between Xing Jue and Zhang Yi, there appeared a long sword that was as white as autumn frost.

Zhang Yi grasped one of them, and then slammed forward.

"Return me!"

As Zhang Yi swung his sword, the dazzling sword qi shone.

I saw the extremely condensed sword qi flying across the void, with a sharp meaning of 50% sword intent, and slashed towards the palm fiercely of Xing Jue.

With this sword, with an invincible posture, only listening to pu' sound, Xing Jue’s cold-sufficient palm was suddenly torn apart, and the rhythm of his victory and pursuit was interrupted.

And Xingjue is also simply, coldly snorted, and the remaining breath of that palm suddenly dissipated, killing sword qi.

The first match.

The two each have the upper hand.

"Really a difficult swordsman." Xing Jue looked at Zhang Yi, first complimented him, then turned around, slowly said, "It's just that the sword intent doesn't seem to be strong enough."

"It's enough to deal with you."

Zhang Yi raised his sword and pointed at Xing Jue, speaking calmly.

Immediately, Zhang Yi thoughts move, and a wind and thunder suddenly surrounded him.

Zhang Yi felt the blessing power of Fenglei, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Now, it's time for me to attack."

tone barely fell, Zhang Yi's foot slammed Stomp, the figure is distorted, and he is gone.

Zhang Yi silhouette disappeared, Xing Jue’s eyes fluctuated, and then he suddenly turned around and took a palm shot, and then patted the space behind him again. An extremely cold breath suddenly emerged from the palm of his hand. Spread out.


In the space behind Xing Jue, Zhang Yi's figure suddenly appeared, and then a sword struck Xing Jue's silhouette like a thunder, and At this time, Xing Jue's palm technique was also just right.

The sword and the palm collided, Xing Jue's eyes suddenly shrank.

I saw Xing Jue's cold palm penetrate Zhang Yi's figure without stopping, and then Zhang Yi's figure gradually dissipated.

This is actually a fake!

On one side, Zhang Yi's real figure appeared, and the sword of speed to the pinnacle was stab towards Xing Jue!

Under 40% of the Concept of Cloud, Zhang Yi's movement method Yunshu Yunjuan has also been improved.

This move means gathering, dispersing and clutching.

Zhang Yi first appeared behind Xing Jue before, and after being sensed, he used Yunshu Yunjuan's movement method to disperse like a white cloud, and then gather on the other side.

At this time,

Zhang Yi took advantage of the characteristics of the movement method to beat the opponent by an overkill.

The tip of the sword flashed dangerously, pointing to Xingjue!

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