Withdrawing his thoughts, Zhang Yi looked at the twisted Teng Man on the floor and began to look at it.

After a few breaths, he found out.

I saw Zhang Yi body flashed, and it fell to the ground, and then he shook his long sword and plunged into the ground.

The tip of the sword plunged into the ground, Zhang Yi then turned his wrist, and the true essence shot out, and the ground suddenly cracked.

The crack has a length of several meters, but it goes deep into the ground for several tens of meters.

Through the light from the outside, you can see the intertwined roots inside.

This is the main body of Spirit Devouring Teng Man. Under Zhang Yi Eye of Revelation, he easily found the hiding place of his main body.

At this time, if Zhang Yi chooses to chop off the roots with a single sword, the life of this strange plant will come to an end.

"Meeting is also destined. It would be a pity to remove this exotic flowers and rare herbs in this way."

Zhang Yi converges the sword intent, and after controlling his power, he cuts it down with a sword. , With the sword light streak across, the main root of a Spirit Devouring Teng Man was cut off by him.

As a species of exotic flowers and rare herbs, it is obviously also one of the very precious Heaven and Earth Treasures, which is extremely valuable.

As Zhang Yi cut off the main body's roots, the earth shook again, and the earth swelled up, as if something was about to break through the ground.

"Don't get excited, I have already lost a lot of strength to ensure that you can survive. This part of the body will be treated as an apologize for you to shoot me."

Zhang Yi said, with a wave of his hand, he took the chopped roots.

"After I go back, I will plant this root on my Fallen Cloud Peak. I don’t know if it can survive? If it can, it’s a curious attraction."

Zhang Yi looked at the root system in his hand, whispered, and then he processed it carefully for a while, then let the ground shake, and walked away from here.


Leaving this strange place, Zhang Yi traveled a few days before finally rushing to the location of Heaven Heart Grass marked on the map.

Looking at the mountains ahead, Zhang Yi divine sense unfolds, and soon he has discovered.

There is a depression in the center of the mountain in front.

This basin is black and yellow in color. The area is not large, and the diameter is about several hundred meters. Inside are exposed ore and some scattered flowers and plants.

And in the center of this flower and grass, there is a strange grass.

The grass is two fingers long, with five round leaves on a thin stem.

The whole body presents the color of jade green, as if it is carved out of jade green jade, and it has a natural breath.

The moment Zhang Yi saw the weird grass, Zhang Yi's eyes were fierce, and his desire emerged instantly.

This is his goal, Heaven Heart Grass.

At this time, he is in front of Zhang Yi!

When Zhang Yi moved the tip of his nose, he caught a very slight smell in the air.

As this elegant fragrance enters the body, there is a feeling of coming to life in various parts of his body.

Zhang Yi can feel a sense of hunger and desire coming from all over the body.

It is not the hunger of body refinement that overdraws the body, but the deeper domain of the human body, which is related to the domain of innate talent.

"The hard work pays off. I didn’t want to sleep and eat in the wild these days, and now I finally found you."

Zhang Yi smiled at the corner of his mouth, murmured in his heart, and then He divine sense turned to the side.

A few meters away from Heaven Heart Grass, there is a demonic beast three to four meters in size lying on the side, with eyes closed as if sleeping.

"Is this the demonic beast of Heaven Heart Grass? It looks like a spirit wood beast."

Zhang Yi nodded.

"In other words, it seems that every Heaven and Earth Treasure is surrounded by a demonic beast."

"If you want to win the treasure, you must first defeat the Guardian. It feels like It's like a game setting."

Zhang Yi complained in his heart.

Of course, this is reality after all, and it is not as rigorous as the game.

As long as the incubation level is high enough to avoid the exploration of the guardian demonic beast, it is also possible to smoothly extract the Heaven and Earth Treasure.

Or you can come to a lured the tiger away from the mountain. One person will seduce the demonic beast, and the other will seize the treasure.

Of course, Zhang Yi naturally did not choose either.

For him, Mang is over.

If you can push flat, who would think of any tactics?

Although Heaven Heart Grass is very rare, for most Heaven Realm Martial Artists, it has only a weak effect.

Because more than 80% of the innate talents who can break through Heaven Realm are Top Grade aptitude, Heaven Heart Grass has no use for them.

Compared with the top Heaven and Earth Treasure like Longyanghua, the demonic beast guarding the Heaven Heart Grass is nothing more than an ordinary demonic beast, and its battle strength is about the same as Wang Heng without beastization.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi body flashed instantly appeared over the basin.

The traces of space fluctuation came, and the sleeping Wood Spirit beast noticed it, opened its eyes suddenly and looked towards Zhang Yi’s place. The beast’s pupils were full of vigilance, and there was a roar. out.

Kuang Shan was afraid that the demonic beast would swallow Heaven and Earth Treasure directly, so he still lurked the tiger away from the mountain, but Zhang Yi chose to appear directly in the front.

At this time, he looked at the Wood Spirit beast slightly smiled below, and then he slammed a punch.

The amount of violent violence condensed on the shadow of the boxing, and the distance across the space was instantaneously. Before the Wood Spirit beast had time to react, this fist fell on the body.

With a cry of pain, the Wood Spirit beast was blasted away.

However, with such a strong burst of power, Heaven Heart Grass, a few meters away, was not affected at all, and even the surrounding wind did not fluctuate at all.

I have to say that Zhang Yi's control of power is already perfect.

Then Zhang Yi took a step forward and came to the front of the Wood Spirit beast again. After he blasted out a few more punches, the Wood Spirit beast wailed and turned away.

While Zhang Yi shook the head with a smile, he did not chase, but turned around and came to the side of Heaven Heart Grass, cautiously dug it out.

"This is the happiness of wretched development stream players."

"What demonic beast is full of forest crisis, what kind of difficult copy, in front of my luxurious strength, it is not a touch. Just broken."

Looking at the small grass with five round jade green leaves in his hand, Zhang Yi smiled even more.

This trip to the demonic beast forest, the two goals he set have now been achieved.

Under his strength comparable to the late Heaven Realm, the whole process is not so interesting and bumpy, and there is no life or death crisis. Instead, there is a kind of where water flows, a canal is formed, as boring. feel.

"Well, boredom may be the real Martial Dao."

"If every time is a crisis-ridden stimulus, maybe you can get through with good luck. Once or twice, but after a long time, there is always the possibility of overturning."

"If you miss, you will be consigned to eternal damnation!"

Zhang Yi will Heaven Heart Grass In the bag, a little bit on the ground with your toes means flying away.

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