The wait between the two did not last long.

Soon, a blue streamer was seen flying across the sky first, and after a few breaths, it appeared in front of the two of them.

Zhang Yi looked up and found that the opponent was on the top of the mountain who was loudly shouted and forced to retreat.

The person also saw Zhang Yi, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

He then came to the black shirt man, whispered a few words in a low voice transmission, his gaze kept looking towards Zhang Yi, obviously talking about what happened just now.

The Third Palace Lord glanced at Zhang Yi again. After he sounded a few sentences, the visitor looked at Zhang Yi with a look of astonishment, and then bowed his head and said nothing.

Then, from the far horizon, there was a constant sound of breaking wind, and the Pepsi Pavilion was also among them.

As everyone gathers, Peak Master tokens are constantly appearing, and the Taihe Temple has faint signs of opening.

When the eighth Peak Master token appeared, the token in Zhang Yi's hand was dragged by an inexplicable force and floated in the air, as did the rest.

Then, each of the eight tokens has a rays of light shooting out, rushing towards the light curtain.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yi also showed a touch of joy in his eyes. It seems that the required tokens for opening the Taihe Temple have gathered here.

"Eight Peak Master..."

Zhang Yi looked towards all around, muttering in his heart.

There are eight people who have entered the Taihe Temple. They are all good cultivation bases, and they are also powerful competitors for this opportunity.

Normally, having a Heaven Realm Martial Artist is enough to become a Great Influence. However, in this Po Tian Sect, there are eight representatives of Peak Master!

And the total number of Heaven Realm Martial Artists may be dozen!

"Is it because of the cultivation environment and the saints?"

Zhang Yi guessed in his mind.

The cultivation environment leads to more powerhouses, and there is a saint who usually explains the cultivation experience, and at the critical moment, he can protect the law when everyone breaks through the Heaven Realm. Therefore, the Heaven Realm Martial of Po Tian Sect Artists can have so many.

As Zhang Yi thought, there was an ancient rune flowing on the light curtain guarding the Taihe Temple, and then the light curtain vibrated, and a crack was gradually torn apart.

At the moment when the crack appeared, Zhang Yi's eyes lit up, and his figure immediately rushed out, and the all around Martial Artist also acted at the same time.

a stream of light passed through the cracks and entered the interior of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

As the light and shadow change, Zhang Yi's eyes seem to have rays of light condensation. When he stares at it again, he has already entered the Taihe Hall.

In the depths of the great hall, there are four extremely strong stone pillars, and at the top of the stone pillar, rays of light bloom, and items rise and fall in the rays of light.

A bloodthirsty sword, a flying sword, a five-colored soil, and a light blue medicine pill.

And on the chopping board behind these four items, there are still many treasures stored, but they are obviously not good enough.

Zhang Yi's heart moved when he saw this scene.

"Eight people, four treasures..."

When his eyes flashed, he found that all around the other Martial Artists who entered this place also changed their expressions. It's all embarrassing.

They understand that the winners of the four treasures should represent the final places that can enter the retreat of the saints.

In this way, nearly half of the people in this Taihe Hall will be eliminated directly.

Eight into four, this elimination rate is obviously cruel.

However, Zhang Yi and the three Palace Lords both looked indifferent, silent, and they all had extreme self-confidence in their hearts.

After all, in terms of their cultivation base, it is far more than the Martial Artists present, and almost two of them have been appointed.

So, although on the surface it looks like eight into four, it is actually six into two. Even if you count the deal between Zhang Yi and PepsiCo, it is five into one... ..

I have to say that this truth is so cruel and helpless.

Even the Heaven Realm Martial Artist is facing a situation where there are too many monks and less meat, and it is inevitable to be curled up. (Scroll, you can scroll!)


After understanding the current situation, for a while everyone moved away from each other, guarding each other, from now on At the beginning, they were rivals.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start. As for who can win treasure, it depends on their abilities."

The three Palace Lords took a deep look Zhang Yi, then glanced away, looked at the crowd and said.

When the words fell, he didn't hesitate anymore, body moved, it turned into light and shadow and fell into the foot of the bloodthirsty sword.

Then he stood with his hand in his hand, and the power of the late Heaven Realm suddenly broke out, causing all around aura to sway, and the imposing manner was heart-palpiting.

Feeling the overbearing imposing manner, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

The realm of the late Heaven Realm!

They never imagined that they would encounter such a tyrannical existence during their trip to the ruins this time.

While their minds were shaking, they all gave up the fight for that treasure.

There was a shadow in everyone's hearts. As a result, the battle had not yet begun, and there were seven people and three places in front of them, and the pressure suddenly increased.

Just when someone set their eyes on the Flying Sword.


There was a sword chant.

Immediately, a sharp Flying Sword struck across the sky, and when everyone was too late to react, it was directly inserted into the ground three feet in front of Tongtian Flying Sword.

In an uproar, Zhang Yi body flashed, sitting cross-legged behind Splitting Space Sword.

As soon as he moved his body, the cultivation base of the Double Heaven Realm immediately spread towards all around, making everyone's expressions even stronger.

"I want this Flying Sword, the one who crossed this sword, die!"

Zhang Yi's calm and cold tone spread throughout the Taihe Hall.

Immediately he closed his eyes, as if he no longer paid attention to external affairs.

"Damn it, what the hell is this..."

Everyone suddenly shouted in their hearts.

One Heaven Realm in the late period was to have their quota cut off, and now there is a double Heaven Realm in the midterm, isn’t they six in two?

With this coming and going, the game suddenly became very unfavorable.

On the contrary, the person at Pepsi Court was moved in his heart.

The reason why he looked for Zhang Yi to join forces was only because the opponent beheaded Kuang Shan, and his strength was good.

But his previous speculation was that Zhang Yi's strength was around the mid-Peak of Heaven Realm.

He never thought that apart from the spirit Qi Cultivation Base, the battle strength of Fleshy body is not bad at all.

With such strength, even if you face the three Palace Lords, you will have the power to fight!

"Didn't expect, the opponent's strength is so strong, no wonder he would not be willing to join hands with me."

"Originally I thought the opponent was a lone ranger, now I look at it. Come, but I am not qualified to join forces with the other party."

He ridiculed himself, but his heart stabilized.

Although Zhang Yi's cultivation base was a bit beyond his expectations, it is a good thing for him now.

After all, they have an oath that the other party will help him capture the Heavenly Soul Pill.

But what is different from his idea is that the many Heaven Realm Martial Artists present are all solemnly looked towards.

They are afraid that another supernormal battle strength will appear.

In that case, they will be sad and have to face the situation of five advances and one.

Fortunately, the remaining six people looked at each other, no one stood up, and their hearts relaxed a little.

There is still a chance...

They thought of it in their hearts. Then his eyes suddenly became fierce.

The strength of the first two is too terrifying, they don't dare provoke, but for the remaining two places, they may not have the same strength.

After figuring this out, the six people were on alert for each other, and there was a fierce battle around these last two treasures.

In a corner of the Taihe Hall, there is a ring rising, which is obviously prepared long ago.

Otherwise, the six people will fight in the Taihe Hall, which will obviously blow the Taihe Hall directly.

The light curtain of the ring is set up, and the six people including PepsiCo will win the two treasures and get the final place to start a life-and-death battle.

As a result, Zhang Yi, who seems to sit cross-legged, has nothing to do.

With his cultivation base, naturally no one dared to challenge him, especially after he said that the person who crossed the boundary had died.

In this way, Zhang Yi became a spectator after entering the Taihe Temple.

He cast his gaze on the medicine pill floating on the stone pillar, which was the deal he made with the people from Pepsi Court.

Immediately, Zhang Yi looked towards the ring in front of him. At this time, the battle broke out inside.

"Well... the person from Pepsi Court is pretty good. Under normal circumstances, it shouldn't be a big problem to win a spot. I just need to prevent some accidents."

Zhang Yi's heart Murmured.

Under his Eye of Revelation, the cultivation base martial skill of all parties in the field are all under his control, so Zhang Yi can infer the outcome of the battle based on this.

As long as there are no problems, Zhang Yi believes that Pepsi Court’s man’s winning rate is still quite high under a normal matchup.


In Zhang Yi's thoughts, violent battle fluctuations broke out on the ring, and someone was already fighting for the third place.

Be aware that the Martial Artists who can enter this Taihe Temple are all those who have obtained Peak Master tokens. Their strength is not ordinary in the outside world. However, here, they must be in order to get the spot and fight with all strength.

The fierce battle was divided between the two sides after dozens of minutes.

But then everyone's expressions changed in an instant, because after the ring was divided, the light curtain only lasted for ten minutes before disappearing.

This means that someone can enter the ring to start a new round of challenges!

Be aware that the two on the ring have just fought, no matter who wins, it will definitely consume a lot of strength. In this case, the winner will rest after ten minutes. To meet new challenges, it can be said that the conditions are harsh.

This ring is not a fair one-to-one rule at all, but the people standing in the ring must accept continuous challenges from all sides, and only the one who persists to the last can get the spot!

As a result, the pressure suddenly increased for the six!

"It's a cruel rule..." Zhang Yi sighed after realizing this.

Then he faintly muttered to oneself.

In this way, the person from Pepsi Court might not be able to win a spot.

After all, although the opponent's strength is good, one-on-one hope is great, but compared with others, he is not a crushing gap after all. If he encounters a continuous challenge state decline, he may miss.

"No, we have to create a fair arena, otherwise there may be variables..."

Zhang Yi thought in his heart, and suddenly stood up.

At this time, the first battle is over, and there is no time for the second person to take the stage to challenge.

The six people are complexion ashen just because they understand the rules of the ring, and the situation is a little stalemate.

At this time, Zhang Yi, who was on the scene to superb battle strength, stood up suddenly, which undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention.

Even the three Palace Lords turned their gazes through, with some doubts.

Zhang Yi was watched by everyone, face doesn't change, he said in a tranquil voice, "The rules of this ring are a bit unreasonable, I don't like it very much."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned, and Zhang Yi continued, "Everyone, how about a fair fight to determine the remaining two places?"

After hearing what Zhang Yi said, everyone After a few seconds, someone reacted and asked tentatively, "I don’t know what you mean by the fair fight?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "The meaning is very simple. That is, after a battle, you must wait for the people on the ring to rest and regain their full strength before you can continue to challenge."

"In this way, the fairness of the battle can be guaranteed. How about?"

After hearing Zhang Yi's suggestion, the eyes of the six people suddenly had rays of light flowing out, and there was a color of thinking between the eyebrows.

Compared with the rules of the ring itself, the rules proposed by Zhang Yi are undoubtedly more beneficial to them.

After all, none of them wants to meet new challenges in such a low state after they have worked so hard to defeat one person.

In this way, their chances of getting a place will undoubtedly become extremely small.


Why did the other party propose this way?

What are your plans?

Everyone's eyes flickered, and no one spoke for a while.

Zhang Yi is not in a hurry either. Anyway, his quota has been set. What should be anxious is the other party.

And Zhang Yi thinks his proposal is a good choice for them.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Zhang Yi's rules are more reasonable.

The most important thing is that, except for Zhang Yi who is very clear, the remaining six people all have a lot of confidence in themselves and believe that they can beat each other in a fair fight. .

This proposal is not so much a conspiracy as it is a conspiracy.

After a period of silence, someone broke the silence.

"Why did your Excellency propose this? You already have a quota, so you can sit back and relax, right? Why do you want to intervene in it again?"

This topic is undoubtedly everyone present. problem.

What is the purpose of the other party saying this?

Zhang Yi glanced at each other, laughed, "I just want to see a wonderful battle."

"Everyone is in Peak state, so it looks interesting enough There is suspense, isn't it?"

Everyone heard Zhang Yi's answers with different expressions, and they obviously wouldn't believe it easily.

However, when they looked towards the winner on the ring, they found that they did not have much choice.

Fair battles, continuous battles, are nothing more than two results.

"Your proposal may be good, but how can you ensure that everyone abides by the rules?"

Zhang Yi said calmly, "If you don't agree, then naturally just let it go. You agree, then I will monitor it."

Zhang Yi said, looking towards the Splitting Space Sword inserted into the floor, calmly said, "If someone breaks the rules, then I have to kill him. Now."

Hearing Zhang Yi's tone, everyone felt chills for a while.

Then they thought carefully and found it feasible—after all, they had no choice.

If when the time comes, they have discovered any drawbacks, when the six people work together, are they still afraid of the other?

Thinking of this, their gazes looked towards the black shirt man again.

Even if Zhang Yi proposed the plan, it would be difficult to implement it if the only Heaven Realm on the scene opposes it later.

The three Palace Lords glanced at Zhang Yi, then thought for a moment, a ray of curvature appeared at the corner of their mouth.

"Interesting, this plan is indeed more fair, just do it like this, and I will guarantee its fairness."

The underlying meaning of this sentence is what Zhang Yi has Means, he will stop.

When the black-shirted man finished speaking, the expressions of everyone present relaxed a lot.

After all, these two people are not in the same group. There should be no problem under mutual restraint.

But how can they think that Zhang Yi really didn't use any means, nothing more than can see through a person's full strength and know the result in advance.

Seeing everyone agree, Zhang Yi said in his heart.

"I tried my best. If you still can't grasp it, don't blame me..."

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