Liu Hanyan replied: "Liu Family is a family of forgers, that's why it is so...richer."

"But Liu Family is not strong and easy Being stared at, the father would choose to send the younger sister to the marriage at the time, hoping to get the protection of the Wang Family."

Zhang Yi knows that he has sufficient resources but no corresponding strength. So I chose to protect myself by marriage.

The idea is good, but didn't expect that their two daughters have such a good relationship, so counting, Liu Yan should have been cheated by his daughter.

Zhang Yi nodded, "Let's go."

Liu Hanyan asked: "Now?"

"Resolve early and stop work early."

Liu Hanyan:

……Senior Brother’s cultivation base is also Profound Realm Great Perfection……Why are you so confident?

Liu Hanyan thought, but didn't dare to ask.

The city of Baizhong, with ruined eaves and broken walls, deserted, the streets are no longer prosperous.

With the Wang Family patriarch breakthrough to Profound Realm Great Perfection, it should have been looking for Liu Family to settle accounts.

The script is supposed to be like this...


Wang Family patriarch cultivation deviation, at the time of the breakthrough, I lost my mind and was dominated by Evil Thought , Become not recognizing one's family, become a wild beast who only knows to kill.

There was a frantic killing in Baizhong City.

Finally, twelve Profound Realm Martial Artists, including Liu Family patriarch, launched a blockade against the enchanted Wang Ba in order to gain time for the people in the city to escape.

The result was a complete defeat, and all twelve people died.

Baizhong City has become an empty city.

If such a tragedy happened, if it took a little longer and passed it into the ears of those Great Sects, then, even if Zhang Yi didn't take action, someone would come to solve the matter.

On this day, the sky over Baizhong City was covered with dark clouds and the wind was howling. In this terrible weather, a wind-winged beast was approaching here.

The phoenix beast hovered in the sky, let out a roar, and then dived down.

From the harsh air-splitting sound, two figures fell from the sky and landed directly in Baizhong City.

It is Zhang Yi entire group.

Falling on the ground, Zhang Yi frowned, he smelled blood, a strong smell of blood!

Thoughts move, Zhang Yi divine sense spread out, and all around suddenly came into my eyes.

The corner of Zhang Yi's eyes jumped.

Good guy, under the cover of divine sense, the entire city has fallen, and there are many dead bodies scattered on the ground. It seems that they have been dead for a long time.

"Why is this here." Liu Hanyan looked at the scene in front of him, unable to believe his eyes.

Suddenly, Liu Hanyan began to run in one direction, which was the location of the Liu Family mansion.

Zhang Yi thought for a while, got up and followed behind him.

Across several streets, Zhang Yi and Liu Hanyan came to the original Liu Family residence.

The gate has been blasted to pieces, and when I walked in, I found a lot of marks on the slabs and walls on the ground. It seemed that a battle had broken out.

However, there is no dead body in the Liu Family, and it seems that all members have retreated.

Liu Hanyan who didn't see the corpse was also relaxed. At this time, no news is the best news.

Zhang Yi looked at Liu Hanyan and said, "Go to Wang Family Mansion."

"Yes, Senior Brother." Liu Hanyan obediently agreed and led him. Zhang Yi walked to the Wang Family mansion.

"Boom, boom."

At this moment, there was thunder, deafening, and suddenly it rained in the sky, and the rain was getting worse!

Heavy rain, leaning down, the sky is gloomy, and the line of sight is somewhat obstructed.

Looking at all around, there is a ruin, no one exists.

Zhang Yi seemed to feel something, and couldn't help but whispered, "Is it potential?"

All the sights of all around undoubtedly created a very terrifying atmosphere, an intangible atmosphere The pressure assaults the senses.

Zhang Yi held his breath, and the divine sense was fully rolled out. This trend is not yet qualified for Zhang Yi to escape.

As a Heaven's Chosen-level Profound Realm Great Perfection Martial Artist, I want Zhang Yi to retreat, at least, not Wang Ba after this enchantment.

As he got closer and closer to the palace, Zhang Yi perceives an astonishing fluctuation in the true essence ahead.

With his eyes narrowed, Zhang Yi twisted his body and drove forward.

After getting closer, Zhang Yi turned to Liu Hanyan and said:

"It's not safe ahead, you don't go any further."

"Yes, Senior Brother." Liu Hanyan replied.

Zhang Yi nodded, walk into the palace.

After Zhang Yi walked into a certain area, on the grass in the center of the palace, a three-meter-tall man with big muscles opened his eyes.

In those eyes, there is no reason or aura, some are just crazy bloodthirsty.


The muscular man stood up, and a huge imposing manner burst into all directions in an instant.

It's like a demonstration.

Zhang Yi naturally felt this huge true essence fluctuation.

Slightly comparing, Zhang Yi found that this true essence is far more powerful than Profound Realm Great Perfection Martial Artist.

"Does it become stronger after being in a demon?" Zhang Yi murmured.

thoughts move, Zhang Yi saw the scene ahead.

On the grass in front, there was a big man with a height of three meters, and twelve corpses were scattered all around this big man. Zhang Yi was moved when he saw two of them.

Is another elder of Liu Yan and Liu Family.

Zhang Yi immediately showed his insight to Wang Ba.

Insight: Wang Ba, Profound Realm Great Perfection, in a state of enchantment.

Note 1: Enchanted state is the state after Martial Artist's mood is invaded and out of control. Once enchanted, his strength explodes several times, he will have super resilience and the ability not to be afraid of pain.

Note 2: Enchanted state, extremely bloodthirsty, like killing.

"Is the Profound Realm Great Perfection enchanted."

Zhang Yi sensed it and came to the conclusion that it was "killable." So he stopped covering up, and when his body moved, he felt The same pure and huge true essence is distributed.

For a time, two imposing manners clashed vaguely in the air, hiding their murderous intention.

Wang Ba's blood-red eyes stared at Zhang Yi's direction tightly. Although Evil Thought had already taken the lead, the moment he felt Zhang Yi, an angry mood exploded naturally.

"Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi! Zhang Yi!"

Wang Ba whispered first, then turned into a roar, his voice was full of madness and resentment, and he moved towards Zhang Yi Charge here.

I feel the terrible resentment exuding from Wang Ba, Zhang Yi nodded, this time it is right.

An opponent who is not weak, but still mad, is the most reassuring if he is dead.

Zhang Yi sensed Wang Ba's approach, and simply waited in place.

Due to the various things that have happened to the essence of flame, Zhang Yi decided to close the curtain on this scene.

"Speaking of which, this is my first battle in the true sense of the real world."

Zhang Yi's deep eyes flashed with light and shadow.

"Also, let this battle be the last battle of my Profound Realm."

"Become my stepping stone to breakthrough Earth Realm."

" After this battle, I went to pass the seventh test, and then separated cultivation, and I would never leave without breakthrough to Earth Realm!"

"After all, adventure is only for a while, and development is king. "

Zhang Yi has already made a plan in his thoughts. After this battle, he will never go out until the Earth Realm cultivation base.

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