A space crack occurred over the dense forest, Zhang Yi stepped out of it, and then he raised his eyes to the distant sky.

I saw the original vast void there. At this time, part of it was broken, and fragments of mountains and earth appeared in the air, and then fell into the demonic beast forest, causing widespread turbulence.

The Small World built by the saints is just a gap in space attached to Star Realm.

At this time, Small World collapsed and the energy it maintained no longer existed. Naturally, it would fall from the gap in the space on the Star Realm ground.

"Po Tian Sect, no longer exists."

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yi couldn't help but whisper.

And his true essence is in the lake, the Supreme Treasure Tianyang gun is trembling slightly at this time, feeling.

In fact, not only now, when the golden skeleton wakes up for a short time, the sun spear shakes a bit this day, and it is even more intense than it is now.

For this reason, the saint knew that Zhang Yi had obtained this Supreme Treasure.

Staring for a while, Zhang Yi condensed his sentimental emotions, and recalled the feeling of manipulating the formation just now.

"Is this the power controlled by the Holy One, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi are both for my use, absolutely above it, just like the Spiritual God in the Sovereign world."

"In this comparison, the strength of my Heaven Realm in the late stage is simply wave-breaking. It is impossible to withstand a single blow."

Of course, Zhang Yi's sentence is nothing serious, he I am quite satisfied with my performance.

"This trip to the customs has done a lot of things, and even the copy of the saint ruins is the next time."

"Although there are some setbacks, the result is still Yes, the process is quite stimulating. It is a show of skill."

"And the harvest is quite rich, it is another step forward from the path of the saint."

Thinking about it, Zhang Yi was planning to leave.

However, Zhang Yi's location space fluctuates for a while, and then his silhouette is disappeared.

In a small pavilion, Zhang Yi's silhouette suddenly appeared, and then he was guarded and looked around with dignity.

Just now, he was dominated by an absolute force and was forced to be led here from where he was!

A saint has shot him!

As soon as Zhang Yi observed, he immediately saw a gorgeous woman sitting in the pavilion.

Different from the two saints who have died for endless years in the remains of Po Tian Sect, sitting in front of him is a true living saint.

He suddenly understood.

"The seven saints of Star Realm..."

Zhang Yi guessed, and quickly cup one fist in the other hand to salute, "Junior Zhang Yi, I have seen senior "

"Don't be too restrictive, I just want to ask about the things in the ruins." The woman was nodded, and said with a smile at random.

Sure enough, I came for this. It seems that the seven saints have long understood about the ruins of the saints. This news is really well-informed...

I heard the other party's intention, Zhang Yi Relaxed in my heart, and then obediently and honestly explained all the things in the ruins.

"Did you kill the remnant of the evil demon?"

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, the woman looked at Zhang Yi in surprise.

"Where does Junior have such strength, but it is through the power of formation left over by Po Tian Sect."

Zhang Yi said modestly.

"Even so, it is still unbelievable. After all, the methods of the saint are beyond imagination, so it saves me a shot."

The gorgeous woman said.

Sure enough, although the saints generally do not take action, they will still intervene when things of this level are involved. After all, it is the culprit that destroyed Ancient Era.

If I didn't choose to fight, but flee directly, presumably the saint would personally kill the fake body...

Zhang Yi thought in his heart.

The gorgeous woman said with a smile after she looked at Zhang Yi, "It's really Heroes come out from the Youth, it's no wonder that Chen Fang said you are a good seedling."

Who is Chen Fang?

Could it be the old man I met before...

Zhang Yi guessed in his heart, the expression unchanged replied, "senior praised, I just did I should do it myself."

"Is this..."

The luxurious women pondered for a while, and then threw a jade token to Zhang Yi.

The jade token passed in the air, Zhang Yi quickly took it, and asked inexplicably, "senior, is this?"

"The Order of the Holy Ones, the Seven Holy Ones An identity certificate established, holding this token, no matter where it is in Star Realm, is enough to get the corresponding respect."

The woman said.

"Generally speaking, only Martial Artists who reach the Heaven Realm Great Perfection and possess the potential of breakthrough saints will we issue saint orders."

"Your The strength is good. Although it is only in the late stage of Heaven Realm, it is Dual Cultivation of the spiritual body and has accepted the baptism of Holy Spirit liquid. In the future, there is indeed the potential to reach this step of the Holy One. It is worth having this token."

Is that so...

It looks like this, this token is simply a Star Realm pass, this world is not Ren Woxing yet, is this the honorable treatment brought by strength...

Zhang Yi thought to himself, his face deliberately revealed a hint of joy, cup one fist in the other hand said.

"Thanks Senior."

"This is just a manifestation of your strength, no need to be polite."

The gorgeous woman continued. .

"In one hundred and thirty-seven years, there will be an opportunity. Martial Artists who hold the Order of Saints are eligible to participate, and you can also try."


Zhang Yi murmured, somewhat unclear, but told him directly that it was very important.

After all, what can be called an opportunity to Zhang Yi is rare in Star Realm.

"Is there a chance for the breakthrough saints?"

Zhang Yi could not help but guess in his heart, and felt that the probability was very high.

After all, according to what the other party said, only Heaven Realm Great Perfection is qualified to obtain the Saint's Order, and the road ahead of them is only to become a saint.

"Yes, the seven saints are obviously happy to see the birth of new saints, and when the Martial Artist arrives at Heaven Realm Great Perfection, they will obviously provide some help to let them break through as much as possible... "

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi's expression remained unchanged, and once again bowed his hands in salute, "Senior said, Junior remembers."

The woman nodded, finally said, "That's right, Although the sacred order is unusually noble, but if you want to keep it, you need enough strength."

Zhang Yi frowned, asked, "senior means that someone will grab it?"


"This is also a test. How can you qualify as a saint if you don't even guard the sage order?"

"Junior knows it."

Zhang Yi replied.

And the gorgeous woman smiled on her face and stood up and said, "Okay, since you have solved the ruin's troubles, then I should leave too."

After speaking, she disappeared without whereabouts.

Zhang Yi looked at the jade token in his hand, his eyes flickered slightly, and his back figure left in place.

"One hundred and thirty-seven years..."

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