sword intent Perfection Realm.

By no means can it be achieved by parsing sword intent to ten achievements.

Enough life experience is also needed in order to be able to achieve all kinds of tempering and complete sublimation of the mood.

Only by reaching this step, can you truly achieve perfection without a weak spot.

The sword intent Perfection and even the later Sword Soul realm, which is the birth of Martial Dao Will, have extremely high requirements on the level of soul and will.

What Zhang Yi lacks is this experience of the state of mind.

This is no wonder, after all, he has always used the cultivation point to improve the sword intent, although there is no problem, but the experience of the mood is far from it.

The reason why Zhang Yi is stuck on the 99% progress bar is essentially the case.

Although the 10% analysis of the sword intent has been completed, Zhang Yi's spiritual experience is not enough to support him from 90% to 100%.

Although formidable power alone.

At this time, Zhang Yi, who has resolved ten percent of the sword intent, is no different from the real Perfection sword intent at the power level.

But if it is not Perfection, it means that there are still weak spots and loopholes, and the sword intent cannot go further.

And Zhang Yi gradually understood this.

But he chose to do nothing and waited patiently.

After a week of stalemate in Zhang Yi's state, changes occurred.

At a certain moment, the ninety-nine percent of the sword intent displayed on the attribute panel jumped to ten percent, which is the realm of Perfection sword intent.

At the same time, Zhang Yi's body suddenly made a strong change.

"Sure enough!"

Zhang Yi was ecstatic at this time, he knew that he was right.

Although Zhang Yi's mood is not up to standard, he has really invested in the cultivation point to enter the sword intent column.

At the beginning, the system also popped up:

[Whether it consumes 409.6 cultivation points to increase the sword intent to ten percent? 】


So, unless the system fails, it will definitely break through to the Perfection Realm of Sword Intent.

What Zhang Yi didn’t expect was that the system’s approach was to construct an illusion, and then pull his spirit into the illusion world, in order to achieve the tempering at the spiritual level, to help him Step into the Perfection sword intent.

At this moment, under the influence of the system, Zhang Yi’s Sea of ​​Consciousness has set off a huge wave, with misty rays of light appearing in the sky above Zhang Yi’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then his spirit is all Inhale it.

As the world turns around, Zhang Yi appears in a strange world.


"Where is this?"

Zhang Yi got up from the ground, looked towards all around with confusion, and fell into a brief period of confusion .

Immediately, his consciousness quickly returned, and he understood.

"By the way, I was analysing the sword intent and planned to upgrade the sword intent to Perfection Realm, but the mood is not enough, so now I want to sharpen my mood in this fantasy world?"

Zhang Yi murmured.

Then he thought for a while and walked forward.

"didn't expect Perfection sword intent also has this advantage. Although I usually believe that I am invincible in the same realm, but only at the level of mood, I have always been in an absolute disadvantage, I am afraid that even the ordinary Heaven Realm can’t be compared in the mid-term."

"Now, when I finish my fantasy state of mind experience, I think that my state of mind will not lose to the real Martial Artist of the same realm!"

Thinking about it, Zhang Yi's eyes became brighter.

He realized more and more that this is undoubtedly a very critical opportunity!

An excellent opportunity to pull the distance in at the mental level in one fell swoop.

After all, this is the fantasy world built by system, so there should be no danger when you sharpen your mind.

Zhang Yi walked into the depths of this world, and it didn't take long for him to see a path in the front then is.

A road that is shrouded in fog and can't see the situation inside.

Zhang Yi looked towards the entrance of the road, where there is a wooden token standing there.

——Heart Refinement Road.

When Zhang Yi saw it, he suddenly had some information in his mind, which made him understand the specific role of this road.

Heart Refinement Road.

As the name suggests, it is a tempering of the state of mind.

As soon as Zhang Yi walks in, he will be surrounded by mist, and then the various phantom formations inside will activate, transforming into various illusions.

For example, being naked and being burned by flames.

For example, in the vast ocean, there is no one all around.

Another example is the transformation of himself into the emperor of the world, all around is the Jiuchi Meat Forest, with countless beauties.

Countless illusions will envelop Zhang Yi's spirit and drag his spirit into ruin.

What Zhang Yi has to do is to keep his heart in the illusion of myriad forms, and walk 1,800 meters from Heart Refinement Road to the end of the road.

Then the tempering of this state of mind will end, and Zhang Yi can also use this state of mind to advance to the Perfection sword intent.


Zhang Yi took a deep breath.

"Heart Refinement Road? I'm really not sure."

Zhang Yi murmured, then stopped hesitating and stepped into the fog-shrouded road ahead.

As Zhang Yi entered, the mist of all around suddenly surged, submerging his body in it, and it was not visible.


"xiū xiū xiū!"

The wind is like a knife cut, and under the scorching sun, Zhang Yi's figure appears.

He looked towards the front, into the endless golden sand sea.

Zhang Yi then bowed his head and looked towards himself.

At this time, he is playing a middle-aged man in linen short sleeves.

The appearance is dark and thin, and the lips are also a little chapped.

Zhang Yi squeezed both hands, but found that his body was empty, without a trace of true essence flowing.

"This illusion is really real. Although I have self-consciousness, there is no weak spot in the world."

Speaking, Zhang Yi looked towards the front, looked thoughtful.

"To pass this illusion, do I need to walk through this vast desert with the body of a mortal now?"

"This is really torture."

After speaking, Zhang Yi stepped forward, but after only one step, Zhang Yi reacted.

He didn't even have a pair of shoes!

After a moment of silence, Zhang Yi set off again and stepped into the vast desert alone.

The sky above is a hot and venomous sun, and below are sand grains that are directly irradiated with hot sand. From time to time, there is a strong wind blowing, bringing up yellow sand in the sky.

This is the world of the spiritual realm, so even though Zhang Yi is a mortal body at this time and does not have the slightest water supplement, he can still survive.

It's just that all the suffering he has experienced is equivalent to Zhang Yi's personal experience.

Zhang Yi was walking in the yellow sand. His body began to be reddened by the flames, and then soon cracked.

The yellow sand brought by the wind penetrated into his cracked crack, making it painful and even worse under his feet.

This is unbearable torture for Zhang Yi!

Three days later, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the sky, bringing up the sky full of yellow sand, exposing the submerged ground below.

I saw a white skeleton on the ground, and a small black snake crawling over it at this time.


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