Wind Wolf King's sharp claw flashed dangerously, all around suddenly screamed.

"Red tone, get away!"

Someone hurriedly shouted next to him.

In Wind Wolf King’s path forward, tall women are the first to bear the brunt.

This is not a coincidence, but she is the daughter of a middle-aged man, so she was chosen as the first goal.

Assault and kill her, and the middle-aged man will also suffer a huge blow.

At this time, to the voice of all around companions, Hong Yin bit her lips tightly, and clenched the long sword in his hand.


She took a deep breath, a true essence burst out of her body suddenly.

Next, she danced with the long sword in her hand, transforming a sword flower into the void in front of her, trying to resist Wolf King's attack.

However, at the moment of the confrontation between the two sides, the huge impact of Wind Wolf King was assaults the senses. Red tone's face turned white, and it turned out to be directly shaking the long sword in his hand. out.

The empty door opened wide when he staggered back.

Compared with Wind Wolf King, her cultivation base is still too far behind. Even if she is prepared, she still collapsed on the first encounter.

In the red-tone pupils, Wind Wolf King’s sharp claw zoomed in rapidly, as if she had seen the scene of herself falling while clutching her neck.


There were heartbreaking voices from all around, and she sighed in her heart.

However, at this critical moment, changes suddenly occurred.


A ray of brilliance cuts through the dark night sky, quietly but looks very gorgeous, the moment it appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.


Immediately, all around is the shaking of The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

There was a sonic boom in the air, and the painful howl of Wind Wolf King, and finally the four fields returned to silence.

This scene happened in an instant, and it has ended.

And Hong Yin felt a gust of wind blowing in front of her. She opened her eyes involuntarily, only to find that Wind Wolf King, who should have appeared before her to tear her to pieces, was gone. trace.

"What's the matter?"

Hong Yin was a little confused, and quickly looked to the side, but saw a large amount of smoke rising on the ground in the distance.

And among them, there is a demonic beast crawling on the ground, breathless, it seems to be dead.

The side head of this Wolf King has a light arrow inserted into it.

It is precisely because of this deadly arrow that Wind Wolf King fell.

Seeing this sudden scene, at this time, whether it was the people guarding the camp or the attacking Storm Wolf group, they all subconsciously stopped fighting.

The situation that was supposed to be on the verge of collapse, but because of an arrow from an unknown god, it stopped the decline, but it got better.

"Wind Wolf King is dead..."

Hong Yin watched this scene with his eyes wide open, and his expression was a bit busy and confused, as if he hadn't reacted yet. After a while, she Suddenly turned his head and looked towards the position where the light arrow was sent.

I saw a man wearing white clothed under the branches there.

He used the four-cycle spiritual energy to form a bow, and his true essence was an arrow, and he shot and killed Wind Wolf King.

After all, no matter how fierce Wind Wolf King entangled with everyone in the camp, it was just a confrontation at the Earth Realm level.

The difference in strength is too big and it is crushing. Zhang Yi does not need to use martial skills, just use the true essence to transform the bow and arrow at will, and then bend the bow and shoot the arrow.

In the camp, everyone at this moment looked at the silhouette in front of them with incredible faces.

Of course they have the impression of the identity of the other party, but the Martial Artist who strayed into the fog forest they met during the day.

But they didn't expect that Martial Artist, who they thought was not a threat at the time, appeared when they were most in crisis, and shot Wind Wolf King with one arrow and rescued them.

At this moment, the originally harmonious silhouette disappeared. In their eyes, Zhang Yi seemed to turn into an unattainable mountain at this time, so they could only look up.

Although the aura on the opponent's body is still indifferent, no one thinks that his cultivation base is normal at this time.

——Isn’t Wind Wolf King stunned?

"It's him..."

When he saw the other party, there was only one sentence in Hong Yin's mind that reverberated.

The other party is the Martial Artist who I met during the day with an indifferent face.

When I met them, the confident expression on his face was really not a pretend, he really was not simple!

At first, Hong Yin just felt that the other party was a little suspicious, and asked them if they could go with her for the first time. She was naturally a little resistant and vigilant in her heart, and then rejected the other party.

But Hong Yin didn't expect that the other party's cultivation base was so high, and he saved them at this time.

"What the hell does he want to do?"

Despite being saved, her heart is relaxed, but she is still full of doubts.

However, Hong Yin didn't dare to ask more, so she could only condense this question in her stomach.

No matter what she thinks, she would never think that Zhang Yi just suddenly have a thought and asked casually, without any reason.

"roar roar!"

all around, as a swift Wind Wolf King was shot, a low beast roar came out, and the Storm Wolf group all around the camp There was a riot.

In the original fierce crimson beast pupils, when looking towards Zhang Yi at this time, he brought a touch of awe and fear.

The king of them!

I was shot by this man!

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Storm Wolf group.

If it weren't for a Wolf King, the Storm Wolf would have been defeated and fled sooner rather than later.

Although there is no collapse and escape at this time, it is not much different.

In the distance, an angry beast roar came, and Wind Wolf King, who was entangled with the middle-aged man, let out a mournful cry.

The hatred beast pupil stared closely at Zhang Yi's figure, as if he wanted to remember his figure in his head.

Immediately, the Wind Wolf King exploded with demon power, trying to temporarily repel the middle-aged man to escape.

"Want to run! How could it be that easy, I will save my life today!"

The middle-aged man who thought that there was nowhere to go, but now Suddenly every cloud has a silver lining.

After Zhang Yi rescued everyone, he no longer had any worries. Essence, Qi, and Spirit suddenly skyrocketed from a very reluctant state to Peak.

One move and one move are momentum is big, power is deep, killing intent is violent.

Middle-aged man long spear martial arts, blossoming spears and flowers enveloped Wind Wolf King, covering all the vitals of the opponent's body.

At this time, the two parties that should have been evenly matched, because of the sudden outbreak of the middle-aged man, they suppressed Wind Wolf King for a while.

The wounds on Wind Wolf King's body keep stacking up. Although it also keeps wounds on the middle-aged man's body, the imposing manner has gradually fallen into a disadvantage.

And once the imposing manner is lax, then defeat is not far away.

Is Wind Wolf King obviously felt bad too. He screamed, the azure demon power surrounding him soared. After choosing to hard-wire a shot from the middle-aged man, Wind Wolf King finally Find an opportunity to leave.

His figure shook, and with the help of the thrust generated by the long spear hitting it, he ran towards the foggy forest behind.

Then there was another beast roar, and Storm Wolf who was all around turned around and began to retreat.

In just a few ten breaths before and after, Storm Wolf disappeared from everyone's sight.

Seeing this scene, middle-aged man sighed.

Although he hit the Wind Wolf King severely in the end, it was still too difficult to kill it.

The opponent himself is good at speed. At this time, he has the upper hand when he concentrates on fleeing for his life, but he still wants to keep the opponent a bit whimsical.

Although he failed to leave the other side with some regrets, the heart that the middle-aged man had been holding finally relaxed, and he had time to look towards all around.

At this time, after the previous tragic battle, there were countless demonic beast corpses all around the camp, and a strong smell of blood permeated the forest.

The soil under his feet was also dyed red and black. From time to time, naked eye saw that part of Storm Wolf's body and organs were scattered on the ground.

All of this is telling everyone the cruel reality.

They encountered a very tragic demonic beast attack tonight, life hanging by a thread.

If it weren’t for a mysterious man who suddenly came to the rescue and an arrow flew to kill one of the Wind Wolf King in seconds, they would be wiped out here, and even the bones would be eaten by Storm Wolf. Exhausted, only a pile of bones that no one knew about was left, showing the danger of the foggy forest to future generations.

"It's safe..."

In the camp, the people who have reached the limit do not know who said, and then they slumped on the ground unscrupulously, breathing heavily.

They were trying their best to resist. At this time, as soon as Storm Wolf retreated, the dual exhaustion that originated from the body and spirit was pressing on them.

Of course, while panting heavily, their gazes are also coincidentally looking at the mysterious man under the tree.

They couldn't think that the mysterious man, who appeared to be a Shenwu image, was actually the young man who asked them if they could go with him before.

I have to talk about the world, sometimes it is so unexpected.

Under the big tree, Zhang Yi looked far away, looking towards the place where Wind Wolf King had left.

This male and female Wolf King, although there is no threat to him, but he does not like to be hated by others.

He could see the change in the pupils of the beast when Wind Wolf King left, the remaining disease.

Although the opponent’s cultivation base is not worth mentioning, since the opponent has taken the shot, no matter how weak or weak the opponent is, the hidden danger must be eliminated.

Under the crescent moon, Zhang Yi once again bends the bow and shoots the arrow, tilts the angle toward the sky full of arcs, and then releases his fingers.


Another light arrow rushed out from the ground and shot into the distant sky. After traversing a beautiful arc, the light arrow fell into the forest. between.

Zhang Yi was moved in his heart, and a corresponding picture appeared in his mind.

It was a running ailment, Wind Wolf King was shot through the body by an arrow.

Two arrows, two fast Wind Wolf King were shot!

After finishing all this, Zhang Yi looked towards the people in the camp and walked over slowly.

"Many thanks, my lord came to help."

The middle-aged man looked serious, arched his hands to Zhang Yi, and changed his name from brother to adult.

The strength of the middle-aged man is inseparable from the Wolf King of the opponent, but this mysterious man can be killed with a single shot, and the difference in strength is unimaginable.

His strength was originally the latter stage of Earth Realm, and the only person who can do this step is the Heaven Realm Martial Artist.

The people all around also came back to his senses at this time, and the gaze that looked towards Zhang Yi became more in awe.

It's no wonder that although the other party accidentally strayed into this misty forest, he was still very confident and did not show any panic.

The middle-aged man thought that the other party had some means, but he couldn't predict that the other party's means were only derived from his own strength!

Heaven Realm's Martial Artist, even if it is located in this foggy forest, its divine sense can also play a considerable role.

"It's just a small matter. Didn't you also give me a map."

Thanks to the middle-aged man, Zhang Yi said with a smile.

"How can this be compared? If there were no adults to take action, our team would be damaged here today."

middle-aged man said seriously, and Hong The sound is a little afraid to look at Zhang Yi's silhouette.

Although Zhang Yi was a suspicious stranger to them at the beginning, and her choice was not wrong, she still feels a little uneasy at this time.

However, Zhang Yi didn't look at her much, but followed the middle-aged man's words and said nodded.

"That said, the map and life-saving grace are indeed incomparable, so how do you plan to repay me?"

"If the adults have any needs, as long as it's me, Flame Energy has enough to do it, and it will do its best even if it sacrifices its life."

The middle-aged man said with affirmation in his eyes and said without hesitation.

Zhang Yi doesn't doubt his words, but still doesn't take seriously, it's just a trifling Earth Realm, what can come into his eyes?

Zhang Yi laughed, but did not refuse, but said easily.

"I really need some Heaven and Earth Treasure recently. If you know the path of the foggy forest and find the location, it will really save me some things."

Although he can Slowly explore the foggy forest, but if someone leads the way, it still has to be a lot easier.

This is also the only role of this team.

It turned out to be like this. Because we are familiar with the terrain, do you want to join in and act with us in order to better find Heaven and Earth Treasure?

Suddenly, the middle-aged man thinks he knows the reason, and then he replied it.

"Yes, adults don't worry, we are in and out of this foggy forest all the year round. We are not familiar with the place where Heaven and Earth Treasure may exist here. If you want to come, we will definitely help the adults."

But then, he hesitated slightly, "My lord, I still have some important things to deal with in a while. If the adults still need someone to lead the way, I can let my daughter accompany me."

It seems that they are indeed in trouble, so I don't know what's the cause?

Zhang Yi thought to himself, somewhat curious.

Here, Zhang Yi is just a little curious about their story, and did not intend to intervene in it to help them solve their difficulties.

What Zhang Yi likes to see is that after his slight shot, their respective life trajectories have shifted.

It's like a guest watching a theater, not a good old person who helps them solve their difficulties.

Just like the grievance between Wang Heng and Supreme Truth Sect, even though he was dominated by him, Zhang Yi did not personally intervene in it in the end, but based on the battle conclusion of Wang Heng and Supreme Truth Sect Old Ancestor.


For the middle-aged man's words, Zhang Yi casually agreed.

But he just needs Heaven and Earth Treasure to make up for the last cultivation point of Fleshy body breakthrough Heaven Realm later period. It will not take much time to think about it.

"It's coming, it's coming."

Zhang Yi murmured in his heart.

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