After finishing all this, Zhang Yi looked towards the other party again, with a plan in his heart.

An undetected rays of light flashed through his eyes at this moment. Zhang Yi had already grasped the identity and cultivation base information of the opponent at this moment.

In order not to lose some suspense, Zhang Yi will not use Eye of Revelation under normal circumstances for general Martial Artists.

But the other party is Heaven Realm Great Perfection, and he decides to engage with the other party, so naturally he must respect it.

It is one thing to obtain information about the Saint Order from the opponent, and he is also a little uncomfortable with the other party's roaming behavior.

Damn, this guy is even cooler than him. This is no longer being merciful, but opening houses everywhere.

Can Zhang Yi bear it?

Of course I can’t bear it!

Not only to fuck him, but to fuck him to death!

Anyway, it's not a good product. Zhang Yi doesn't have any psychological pressure to kill him.

Although Zhang Yi is not the Holy Mother, but since being met by him makes him feel uncomfortable, then he will not show mercy.

At this time, under Eye of Revelation, information about the other party also appeared:

Name: Huajianzui

cultivation base: Heaven Realm Great Perfection

Major in Artistic Conception: Perfection of Fantasy Artistic Conception

Main martial skill: illusion

Life Experience:

Drunk among flowers, when I was young Also known as Wang Haichuan, his mother was a servant girl, who was born after accidentally having a relationship with patriarch. Therefore, although he was famous since he was a child, he was bullied and humiliated by many family children.

After his mother passed away, she was not treated in the family, and resentment gradually grew.

One day accidentally rescued an old man in the woods, but he didn't want to be a high-level Martial Artist who was about to die.

With the opportunity, he has since embarked on the road of cultivation. After the cultivation base is successful, he will destroy the family by himself and start to rush around.


A life-long romantic, beautiful and sexual, is a graceful Young Master on the surface, a dirty hooligan in the dark.

In the eyes of the other party's intelligence income, Zhang Yi looked towards the other party's eyes are even more indifferent.

Pina Young Master on the surface, nasty hooligan in the dark.

This sentence, coupled with Zhang Yi's sight of the opponent's behavior just now, is already very clear.

The so-called love saint is just Hua Jianzui using the illusory mood of his cultivation to construct a nihilistic picture, letting the girl sink into it, and let it be a hypocritical villain at her mercy.

It is not so much voluntary, as it is forced to volunteer.

With the help of the influence exerted by the illusion on the spiritual realm, so that oneself can be transformed into a love saint, and at the same time, it is also named as a love saint by the people of Star Realm not understanding the complete truth. .


Zhang Yi said with a sneer.

"The love sage is drunk among the flowers. I thought I was a suave and merciful person, but I didn't want to. It turned out to be just a fishy mouse relying on the cultivation base."

Hearing Zhang Yi's unconcealed words, Hua Jianzui's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

With his cultivation base, who would normally dare to treat him like this? Some words have been frustrated by him a long time ago.

At this time, he looked at Zhang Yi icily said.

"I thought the Alliance Leader of the Quartet Alliance would be a hero, but now it looks like it's nothing but me."

"You just relied on the cultivation base to kill. A late Heaven Realm, who really thought he was invincible in the whole world? Can he look down on the Heaven Realm Great Perfection of Star Realm?"

Between Heaven Realm Great Perfection and Heaven Realm Great Perfection, also There is a gap.

Zhang Yi said in his heart, said with a smile.

"No, I don’t look down on Heaven Realm Great Perfection Martial Artist. After all, it’s Star Realm Peak battle strength. I will still give some respect."

"All I look down on is you. ."

"Whether it is your character or the cultivation base, in my eyes it is impossible to withstand a single blow."

Zhang Yi said with a smile, between words It is ruthless.

"Damn it!"

"Zhang Yi, you have done too much. Originally, I wanted to back down and make things small and nothing small."

"But now it seems that I took a step back, but you are unsatisfied."

"I am also Heaven Realm Great Perfection, do you think I am really afraid of you."

"What if you have the sage's order? This only represents the potential of a breakthrough to the sage. Do you think it represents real battle strength!"

"What's more, The Holy Order can also change hands!"

Hua Jian icily said, with anger burning in his eyes.

Since he entered the high realm, no one dared to look down on him so much, and those who once humiliated him also paid the price of their lives for this.

But at this moment, he once again felt the humiliation on the opponent!

He can't stand it!

A Heaven Realm Great Perfection, Star Realm's Peak battle strength level, has no fear other than the saint, and he does not need to endure it.

Zhang Yi laughed.

"Then see the real chapter underneath my hand, it just happens that my hands are itchy, let me see how the hypocritical love saint has several points of strength."

The voice fell, Zhang Yi's body shape is already disappeared.

Huajianzui is looking towards Zhang Yi coldly, whispering a few words in the ear of the girl, and choosing to follow along.

The other party and his lacking hatred and enmity, and a young girl is just a tool in the eyes of their powerhouse.

But the other party still said rudely, deliberately angering him, thinking about it, maybe there are other plans.

But Huajianzui still didn't hesitate, and chose to keep up with the other party.

He is Heaven Realm Great Perfection, and he is in the same realm with the opponent, he can advance and retreat, and he can come and go freely. Even if the opponent has any conspiracy, he is confident to retreat.

This is definitely not his carelessness or carelessness, but that the Martial Artist who reached the Heaven Realm Great Perfection Level by Star Realm was beheaded, but it rarely happens.

After all, it is in the same realm, and it has reached a limit, can't advance.

Although it is easy to score high and low, it is too difficult to kill it. You have to have a strength that clearly exceeds that of the opponent to do it.

But both are Heaven Realm Great Perfection, how big can the gap be?

In the history owned by Star Realm, except for the Holy One's actions and certain Heaven Realm Great Perfection who fell into the trap and beheaded, these powerhouses rarely die.

Even in the last hundred years, Star Realm has been so turbulent and killed a Heaven Realm Great Perfection on the front.

And Hanamazui can't believe that this three-hundred-year-old cultivation merely a trifling Alliance Leader also possesses the same strength as that.

Otherwise, it would hit many old monsters in the face too much.


one after the other, two streams of light flew out from the city and swept toward the deepest part of the wilderness.

This is also a convention.

The struggle of the high realm Martial Artist has to avoid crowded places and must not affect the secular world.

If the battle is launched directly outside the city, even if they deliberately avoid it, the aftermath of the battle will be enough to annihilate the city and cause heavy casualties.

If they do too much, even the saints will not like it.

After all, although they are raising Gu, they still have to maintain the most basic population.

Several hours later, in the barren mountain range, Zhang Yi's figure stopped, and Huajian followed closely from behind.

"Intentionally irritating me, what on earth do you want to do?"

Hua Jian Zulu stood in the air, looking straight at Zhang Yi coldly said.

Following up, this is the confidence of being a Heaven Realm Great Perfection.

Zhang Yi thought to himself.

The other party should think that he can get out of his body no matter what, so even if he knew that Zhang Yi deliberately angered him, he chose to follow.

But it’s easy to come, but it’s hard to leave.

Although Zhang Yi's strength is compared to the Peak battle strength list, I still don't know how high it is, but with the help of Eye of Revelation's intelligence.

Under know yourself and know your enemy, he has the confidence to emerge victorious in every battle! Do the same thing.

At this time, facing the opponent's problem, Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and held the Holy Order in his hand.

Unsurprisingly, Hua Jian's drunken eyes fell on it.

"I’m just a little curious, what is the effect of this holy order."

"The holy person’s order is qualified to participate. Those who participate What the hell is it?"

"Looking at your appearance, you should know something."

Zhang Yi asked slowly.

"You don't know."

Hearing Zhang Yi's question, Hua Jian was drunk for a moment, and then laughed.

"It turns out that your abacus is this. Do you want to get information from me, but why should I tell you."

"It's better to hand over the Holy Order to me , I can think about answering your doubts."

Hua Jianzui burst into laughter, but Zhang Yi shrugged helplessly.

"If you don't say it, then I can only let you say it."

He put the holy order into the storage ring, and then shook his palm, and the Splitting Space Sword appeared in his hand .

In an instant, the sword body bloomed endlessly and fiercely sword qi, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the opponent.


Huajian became more and more drunk and angry, and her mind seemed to have a flame burning.

The attitude and tone of the other party from beginning to end did not put him in the eyes at all!

Everyone is the same realm, how dare he!

However, when Hua Jian was drunk looking into Zhang Yi's eyes, he suddenly calmed down.

Through the casual attitude displayed by his eyes, he saw the indifference to the extreme calmness and a bright edge from the depths of Zhang Yi's eyes.

That kind of feeling is by no means a contempt of tone, but the calmness of spare no effort.

The bright edge hidden in the opponent's eyes, the sharpness that seemed to tear everything, made Huajianzui suddenly calm down.

The inside of this person may not be as casual as the tone of voice, he may be extremely terrifying.

As the Heaven Realm Great Perfection, when the real battle begins, the state of foil drunkenness will quickly return to its original state.

Although his anger still exists, it is well controlled by him, not showing the slightest.

"In that case, let me see if the Alliance Leader of the Quartet Alliance has several points of means."

Hua Jianzui said, raising his hand to move forward. Waved, a folding fan suddenly appeared in his hand.

This folding fan is one of his magic weapons for attacking girls, and it is also his weapon against the enemy!


Like a wisp of breeze, the drunk body flashed among the flowers, and the air rippled, he approached Zhang Yi.

The light and fluttering folding fan waved forward, and the wind was raging, the air folds, and the afterimages of virtual and real are all over the place, making it hard to guard against.

The moves supported by the fantasy artistic conception are unpredictable and unpredictable. It is difficult to grasp the real attack in detail.

As soon as he came up, Hua Jian was drunk.

Zhang Yi calmly looked at the afterimages of the numerous folding fans ahead, remaining unmoved.

The opponent is taking a path of illusion, the moves are complicated and confusing, with illusion as the center, use it to drive other martial skills.

However, the root of illusion is confusion. If it fails to confuse the other party, then it will naturally fall into a disadvantage.

"I mean like a sword, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome!"

"If you want to shake my will, you are still too far away!"

Zhang Yi heart is like a clear mirror, even if the phantom is still unmoved in front, a lightning sword qi is swung forward suddenly.

He didn't try to find the fatal blow in this true or false. Instead, he turned against the guest and made a burst of sword qi against the enemy.

Why do you have to see tricks?

Instead, it fell through, which is equivalent to being led by the nose.

True powerhouse is to let others follow his rhythm. He can attack if he wants to attack and defend if he wants to defend.

I am not here to crack your moves, but you are here to deal with my offense!

"Everything is illusory, why should I crack your moves, just split it with a sword!"

Zhang Yi shouting loudly, the vast sword qi instantly tears the sky with shadows , Directly forced to get drunk behind the flower room.

"Not good!"

A grave expression flashed in Hua Jian's drunk eyes.

He originally wanted to use this move to test the depth of Zhang Yi and grasp the rhythm of the battle by the way.

But Huajianzui didn't expect that Zhang Yi ignored his offense and regarded his offense as if there was nothing. Instead, he came first, and a sword qi preempted him to attack him.

Hua Jian frowned and frowned, and the folding fan spread out in front of him, blocking Zhang Yi's sword qi.

In the sound of the explosion, Hua Jian’s drunk figure suddenly disappeared in place like moon reflected in the water.

At the same moment, Zhang Yi's figure also disappeared.

In the distance, Hua Jian's drunk figure appeared. Before he could catch his breath, his expression changed, and he turned and shook his fan again.


The tip of the sword emerged from the void, hitting the fan and making a sound of gold and iron, and then the two of them disappeared again.


The sound of the air bursting endlessly, the movement method ghosts of the two people, clashes constantly appearing everywhere in the air, within a few dozen breaths, the two are fighting each other Hundreds of times.


In the woods, the figures of the two reappeared, and Zhang Yi, the fleshy body exerting force, stepped heavily on Huajian's drunk chest.

Suddenly, the flower room was drunk with blood and blood, and his ears roared.

Even if he has a true essence body guard, the power of Zhang Yi fleshy body is too terrifying, like throwing a mountain, a force exploded in front of his chest, causing the heart to contract suddenly. As if to be kicked.

And his whole figure is suddenly backward in the air.

"Damn it!"

Hua Jian looked towards Zhang Yi with drunken eyes and fiercely, abruptly, he held a folding fan and waved forward!

The fan blades were opened, and at the edge of the folding fan, where the fan bones were, suddenly there were slender needles shooting out.

hidden weapon!

The hidden weapon hidden in the bone of the folding fan, this is the hand that you can't guard against it!

Silver's long needle is slender and narrow, and it is extremely difficult for the naked eye to catch its trace when flying through the air.

And these silver needles are made of special materials, which not only have the effect of penetrating the true essence, but also smeared highly poisonous on the surface!

Even if it is a Heaven Realm Martial Artist, it will be a headache, and if you are not careful, it will fall.

The silver needle drew across the air, and a smile suddenly appeared on Huajian's drunk face.

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