
With a loud noise, in the palace, the black fist and shadow confronted this thunder sword.

The ultimate formidable power burst in an instant, the space in the center collapsed layer by layer, and everything around was swallowed by darkness.

And Zhang Yi who was the first to feel the violent punches, the black hair also flew backwards.

Although he has stimulated his fleshy body to the extreme, and his body even has a crystal luster, it still looks a little fragile, and some fine cracks appear on the surface of the skin.

The formidable power of this fist does not exceed the scope of Heaven Realm, but the Martial Dao Concept is too high!

Zhang Yi's Thunder Cloud Sword Art has reached Great Perfection, and it is even better after incorporating a touch of Thunder Punishment.

But under the opponent's Martial Dao Concept, it is still completely suppressed!

The terrifying fist intent, through the rays of light and the dazzling Splitting Space Sword, made him tremble all over. The jade-like skeleton in his body is all sounding in the ka-cha, just like it is To be broken apart.

Zhang Yi's leaping body was forced to fall to the ground within a few seconds after touching the black shadow.

With a bang, Zhang Yi's feet directly broke through the azure slate. When the slab broke like a cobweb, his entire foot plunged into the ground.

"What a high level of Martial Dao!"

"Obviously it is the same power, but the situation is the difference between Heaven and Earth. The use of power far exceeds me."

Zhang Yi's heart is condensed.

If it is said that he has exerted the power of the 10th layer, then under the blessing of the Martial Dao level, the opponent has exerted the power of the second 10th layer and even the third 10th layer.

How does this make Zhang Yi resist?

Although Zhang Yi tried to mobilize his whole body to resist this tyrannical power, his struggle only delayed the pace of failure.

With the ebbing of time, the coercion on him is getting stronger and stronger, and his whole person is gradually being pressed down to the ground by the black fist shadow.

Zhang Yi's ankle began to sink into the ground, and then his calf, and then his entire thigh.

At this moment, Zhang Yi seems to have become a human pillar, half inserted on the ground.

"Hold your head and mind, let out the divine sense, use your spirit to accept the fist in it, and feel the Martial Dao Will in it!"

Zhang Yi holds the Splitting Space Sword high, The sword was flashing with lightning, and above it was a black fist shadow that was constantly pressing downwards. Just when Zhang Yi's chest was also covered with mud, Dongfang Jue's voice suddenly came from his ears.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yi released the divine sense when his mind was united, and the invisible spirit suddenly emerged, spreading to the black boxing shadow above.


In an instant, Zhang Yi seemed to have breached a certain restriction and entered a vast world.

The earth there is black, and the sky is also full of dark clouds, without a trace of sunlight falling.

And in midair, there is a thousand zhang-sized boxing shadow oppressing him.

On the ground, Zhang Yi's spirit condensed into his own shape, and then suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky. Then, Zhang Yi's eyes condensed fiercely.

He saw it!

I saw a unique Martial Dao Will appearing on the black fist shadow suppressed from top to bottom!

This will, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, and it is extremely condensed, forming the core of this horrible punch.

"puff puff puff!"

The moment Zhang Yi Spiritual Body saw it clearly, the pressure it was under suddenly increased.

His Spiritual Body has cracks to make up for it, and blue light spots leak out from the cracks.

In Spiritual Plane, when this will is truly understood, it is the real test Zhang Yi needs to face.

In this Illusory World, the Martial Dao Concept of Fist Shadow has been enlarged infinitely, and Zhang Yi has lost the power to resist from the outside world.

If you want to gain power, you must first endure the danger of gaining power.


Black fist shadow quickly crossed the void, getting closer and closer to Zhang Yi, and wanted to explode him.

At the same time, the power of horror fell on Zhang Yi's shoulders like a real substance.

At this time, Zhang Yi's body seemed to be carrying a mountain, his legs trembled, and he was about to bend down!

The will in this fist, the overbearing one will crush Zhang Yi!

And if Zhang Yi really gave in and bowed down, he would undoubtedly lose the opportunity to grasp this fist.

The legs are trembling, the skeleton makes a sound, and Zhang Yi's Spiritual Body is indeterminate.

The blue rays of light are constantly escaping from his body, making his figure seem a little illusory.

At this time, Zhang Yi's situation is undoubtedly extremely dangerous!

But even if he encountered such a situation, Zhang Yi's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes were calm.

His divine ability is clear, firmly grasping the spiritual level, and not letting it fall a bit, like a flat boat ups and downs in the monstrous waves, seeming to overturn, but it always stays on the sea.

So, in Zhang Yi's eyes, the black fist shadow grew bigger and bigger, gradually occupying his entire eyes.

But he laughed, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"I am a man with a system, and a will wants me to surrender? Who do I look down on!"

Zhang Yi said in his heart, next moment, his eyes suddenly condensed Get sharp, and the trembling half-curved legs are suddenly lifted and straightened!

The silhouette that was about to fall under the endless pressure on the verge of collapse suddenly broke out in an imposing manner.

The will is like a sword, unshakable! This is Zhang Yi's belief.

He firmly believes that he will move towards Peak sooner or later, he firmly believes that he will overcome all difficulties in the end, and that he is the strongest person in the future!

Although Zhang Yi doesn't have the belief in invincible in the whole world that Dongfang Jue has created through all kinds of hardships, he still has no doubt about himself. (Perhaps the self-confidence of transmigrator?)

In Zhang Yi's eyes, this level is just a ladder.

Since it's a ladder, just step over it.

At this time, as Zhang Yi's belief broke out, the cracks on the surface of his Spiritual Body were repaired, and the entire body shape became solid again from illusion.

He looked up towards the black fist shadow that was already close at hand, roar towards the sky.

"Come on, let me see what is the core of this Martial Dao Will!"


Zhang Yi The tone barely fell, the next moment, a loud noise suddenly spread all over the space.

This fist shadow covering the heavens, shielding the sun finally fell completely, submerging Zhang Yi's figure.

And the earth trembled fiercely at the same time. Under the extremely powerful shock wave, one after another hideous huge crack was concave from the ground and then passed out to all directions.

The whole land was suddenly messed up, like a broken continent, and a sinkhole appeared in the center of the shadow of the fist.

Zhang Yi, who is at the center of Fist Shadow, has withstood the strongest strikes.

The form he transformed into from spirit suddenly exploded when the fist shadow fell.

Blue light is splashing!

The fleshy body burst into pieces!

Zhang Yi was beaten with a punch! The spirit was scattered and fleeing.

The whole piece of Heaven and Earth seems to have solidified at this time, the wind no longer flows, and time has stagnated.

I don't know how long it has passed, the broken world still maintains the scene after the blow.

In the Tiankeng, until a certain moment, the place where Zhang Yi burst open finally showed changes.

In the void there, suddenly dots of blue rays of light appeared.

As time goes by, more and more rays of light are gathered together like firefly.

At a certain moment, when the number of blue rays of light reaches a certain level, a will finally awakens from it.

Immediately, under the unity of will, the blue light spot suddenly shined generously and brightly.

Then these light spots are gathered together again, and then become solidified, becoming a man's appearance.

The man's closed eyes opened, and a trace of clear comprehension flashed under his eyes.

He is Zhang Yi.

Under that domineering fist, although his will is tenacious, it is still like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, and it was crushed and exploded.

But this fist is after all Dongfang Jue's will to let Zhang Yi experience this fist. How can he really obliterate his spirit?

Therefore, his spirit was not destroyed after being blown up and scattered, but survived, and gradually gathered together as Zhang Yi's will awakened.


"This fist is really overbearing."

At this time, the reorganized Zhang Yi recalled the process of being blown up. I also feel lingering in my heart.

That is a terrifying force, extremely difficult to stop, he seems to be hovering in the two heavens of life and death.

But no matter what the process was, he survived after all and gained some gains.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi looked down towards his Spiritual Body.

At this time, Zhang Yi's chest has a gleam of gloomy breath.

And this a thread of aura is similar to the Martial Dao Will circulating on the black fist shadow.

This is exactly the fragment of fist that he caught when his spirit dissipated.

Grasp the truth in destruction!

This is what Zhang Yi has gained.

Experiencing the power firsthand will undoubtedly play a vital role in his real control of this Martial Dao Will.

In fact, Zhang Yi has already had some guesses about this Martial Dao Will at this time.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi looked up and looked towards all around, laughed.

"This is not the time for research. Since I have grasped a wisp of mysterious, I will wait for a seed to be cultivated carefully in the future, and there will be a day when it will bear fruit."

"Now, let's get out of this fistful world first."

Thinking like this, the sky began to fall, and the space all around shattered instantly, revealing the palace again. contour.

"I'm back."

Zhang Yi's mind moved, and the divine sense integrated into the black boxing shadow instantly rushed out, returning to Zhang Yi's eyebrows, his eyes immediately. Bright.

“bang! ”

In the palace, with the return of Zhang Yi divine sense, a big explosion suddenly occurred. I saw the stone slab exploded where Zhang Yi was, and a big hole appeared. .

Zhang Yi jumped up, and the Splitting Space Sword with his hands raised above his head was even more dazzling.


The voice echoed all around, Zhang Yi used his hands without hesitation, holding the Splitting Space Sword and suddenly cut down.

The purple rays of light are generous, with countless thunder jumping around the blade.

At this moment, Zhang Yi's offensive reached Peak!

Faced with Zhang Yi's counterattack at this time, Black Fist Shadow finally trembled.

In Zhang Yi's delighted eyes, a crack quietly appeared in the contact position between Quan Ying and Splitting Space Sword.

As the pressure increased, the cracks on the black shadow became more and more.

Until reaching a limit, with the sound of "Peng", Zhang Yi suddenly cut down with a sword, and the black fist shadow completely divided into two!

Zhang Yi, who returned from divine sense from the black boxing shadow, finally resolved the offensive of Dongfang Jue in reality.

Immediately, Zhang Yi, who made this blow, fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

His face is a little pale, and cold sweat is dripping down his cheeks. It is obvious that cutting off this black fist shadow is not a small waste to him.

At this time, Zhang Yi's appearance is undoubtedly a bit battered and exhausted. After all, his entire body was previously oppressed by this fist shadow, and most of his body was trapped in the slate, and his clothes were damaged in many places.

But although his appearance is a little messy, his eyes are extremely bright and his spirit is even higher.

At this time, in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, with the return of divine sense, it also brought back the core will of that boxing sense.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Yi finally counteracted the past and divided the black boxing shadow into two.

"Many thanks Senior show mercy."

Take a short rest, Zhang Yi looked towards Dongfang Jue, thank you.

Dongfang Jue is slightly nodded, explaining, "The core of this fist is a Martial Dao Will who gives up everything."

"To give up life, give up life, will All of your own bet under this fist, that will naturally burst out power beyond the limit."

"And under this strong will, all of your own power will be completely unified. "

"This is the reason why my various powers are perfectly integrated."

"Abandon everything?"

Zhang Yi murmured, and then he His face is a bit bad to look at.

"Senior, can this will be used only when I work hard?"

"Of course not."

Dongfang Jue said with a smile.

"The key is to comprehend the essence of this will. When you do this step, you can naturally display it at will."

"You have a seed of Martial Dao Will, this matter is right It’s not difficult for you, it only takes some time."

"When you fall down, you can integrate your multiple powers to make it perfect Fusing into One, and show that one plus one is greater than two. This is the true purpose of the fist."

"When it is down, whether it is a fist or a sword, it is just a way of expression."

Dongfang must patiently explain Tao, while Zhang Yi is relaxed.

If this will can only be displayed with the crazy spirit of abandoning everything, it will not have much effect on Zhang Yi.

After all, he will not let himself fall into uncontrollable danger, so the so-called abandonment of everything will naturally cease to exist.

According to the other party, the main function of this Martial Dao Will is to unify one's own power, which is quite effective for Zhang Yi.

This means that Zhang Yi will control his own power to a higher level.

Understanding this, Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel joy.

After that, Dongfang Jue spoke slowly again.

"This is all I can give you. Now, I will send you away. The adventure of Star Realm is not over yet."

"senior... "

Zhang Yi subconsciously said, and wanted to say something more.

However, Dongfang Jue flicked his sleeve robe, and a vortex appeared in the middle of the palace.

And a huge suction suddenly came out from it, sucking Zhang Yi into it and disappearing.

Dongfang Jue was silent for a moment, then turned and walked towards the end of the palace.

He walked slowly through the hall, then stepped onto the ninth rank golden steps, and finally turned and sat on the seat.


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