The green spirit mountain range is very vast, as if it is composed of many mountains, and the top of the mountain is where the green Wood Spirit tree grows.

At this time, as everyone arrived, the void on the top of the mountain lit up one after another, like molten iron flowing in the channel, hot and amazing.

The veins are crisscrossed and crisscross, forming a mysterious complex pattern. This is the revival of the hidden formations here!

Many Martial Artists from Heaven Realm Great Perfection battle strength compete for opportunities here, and it is inevitable to start a battle.

The destructive power of Martial Artist of this level is obviously very high for Heaven and Earth, and it must be restricted, otherwise it will affect the mountain range and Spirit Tree.

Therefore, at this time, there is an array recovery around all around, so that the rocks and space in the mountain range of Deqingling mountain range are strengthened so as to withstand the battle fluctuations of Heaven Realm Great Perfection.

And this also means that the battle is about to break out.

After the formation recovered, the void was hidden, and soon there was a light breeze, and the trees swayed radiantly.

There are petals dancing again, mixed among the leaves of jade green swaying in the wind. The nine people surrounding the green Wood Spirit tree suddenly looked up, and their expressions became deep.

This time, among the fallen jade green leaves, there are six petals falling!

And one of the petals swayed a long tail light, like a star falling from the sky, looking at the direction of its fall, it is halfway up the mountain range.

So, all the people on the top of the mountain can fight for only five petals.

Among the five petals, there is one that floats towards Zhang Yi's position.

For a time, the power on the top of the mountain was agitated, and all parties were excited, and began to fight for the five petals.

While looking at the petals that went straight to him, Zhang Yi smiled.

First, two petals fell in front of him in advance, and now another petal came straight to him.

This impossible is a coincidence, and Zhang Yi already has some guesses in his mind.

Since this green Wood Spirit tree also has spirituality, when the petals fall, it is obviously not completely fair.

And he is the only Martial Artist among the nine who has accepted the original baptism, and he is favored by Heaven and Earth, so his priority will obviously be very high.

In other words, when the petals fall, he will have a high probability of being favored by the green Wood Spirit tree, so as to obtain more green wood petals.

Of course, this preference also needs to have enough strength to grasp it, otherwise it can only guard Baoshan and sigh.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi has enough strength to grasp his own opportunities.

At this time, Zhang Yi's face is calm, and his black pupils are faintly glowing. He stretched out his palm, and a true essence swept out, about to draw the petals that fell in midair.


Suddenly, Zhang Yi frowned.

This petal was struggling in midair, stagnating in midair, as if it was being drawn by another strange force, to get out of his control.

Someone did it secretly!

Five petals, nine people, this is also normal.

But Zhang Yi didn't expect this at the beginning. Someone planned to do something on him, trying to grab the petals in his hands.

"act recklessly."

Zhang Yi's eyes are like electricity, and he immediately followed the perception to look over, and found the person who snatched him.

That was a woman in a gorgeous palace costume, elegant and poised, with an elegant appearance.

But Zhang Yi didn't have the slightest disturbance in his heart, and he dared to compete with him for the opportunity, then Zhang Yi would not care whether the other party was a man or a woman.

Zhang Yi coldly snorted, his eyes suddenly turned cold, his right hand quickly increased his strength, his palm fingers shone violently, and he dragged the petals back into his hands forcibly.

After completing this step.

Zhang Yi stretched out his hand without hesitation, holding the Splitting Space Sword in his hand.

Then he didn't even look at it, and directly swept out a thunderclap sword light. An extreme thunder was formed in the air instantly, and then it turned into a hideous thunder lightning snake, biting towards the opponent.


In an instant, this thunder snake hit the woman, and her identity was Yue Wushuang, the Hall Master of Lingyue Hall.

"Not good."

Seeing Zhang Yi's attack without the slightest hesitation, Yue Wushuang's complexion changed drastically.

She took a step back quickly, drawing circles with her hands in front of her, forming a round moon, and a clear and cold mood suddenly filled her body.

next moment, this Razer hit the front of the woman's full moon, and then dived in.

The bright moon swelled up at once, and there were continuous bulges on the surface, as if something was constantly impacting inside it.

Yue Wushuang stepped back three steps in succession, the brilliance of the full moon in his hand was dim, and the power of Razer was also consumed.

Her throat is groaned, which is undoubtedly a sorrowful loss.

Zhang Yi glanced at the other person indifferently, the dangerous luster and warning in his eyes did not hide, and after a few breaths, he slowly withdrew his gaze.

As soon as this offensive was resolved, Yue Wushuang's face looked at Zhang Yi with a little horror.

With just one sword, it is divided.

As the Great Perfection Realm of Heaven Realm, she has no doubt completely fallen below.

The strength of the opponent is so high that it exceeds her imagination.

Yue Wushuang originally thought that even if he was invincible, but the gap was not that big, he could fight one or two.

But I didn't expect the other party to be so powerful, that the threat posed to her by that sword is no less than that of Haiyidao and Takutaka!

It's gone.

Yue Wushuang couldn't help but think of it, and her heart was heavy.

At the top of the mountain all around at this time, many Martial Artists are still competing, but the brief confrontation between Zhang Yi and Yue Wushuang obviously fell into their eyes and made them feel different .

On the side, the Thunder Lord Chen Yueheng, who is competing with another Martial Artist for petals, is playing a huge thunder, constantly controlling the lightning strikes, and watching Zhang Yi's shots.

When he saw Zhang Yi defeating Yue Wushuang with just one sword, his brows couldn't help but frowned.

"Really strong strength, just a single sword made Lingyue Hall Hall Master so embarrassed. Although Yue Wushuang just broke through Heaven Realm Great Perfection not long ago, the difference in strength is too obvious. "

"Didn't expect that there is a third person besides Tuobaxiong and Haiyidao with such strength. This time it is a bit difficult to compete for petals to gain something."

Raiden Karmapa remakes it with a palm, Senbai Thunder knocks the opponent back and puts the petals in the bag by the way.

However, even if he succeeded, his face remained unchanged. Instead, his eyes became a little unpredictable, as if there was something else in his mind.


A Golden Light Illuminates All puts a falling petal into the bag. The muscular Tuobaxiong can't help looking towards Zhang Yi, with surprise in his eyes .

The opponent's sword was slashed out, and even his fleshy body strength couldn't help feeling a bit of pain with the sharp breath.

And this also means that the opponent can break through his defense and hurt him.

"The heroes of the world should not be underestimated."

Tuo Baxiong sighed, put the petals in the jade box, and then stood still on the spot.


On the other side of the mountain, there is a Blade Intent that rolls the petals back into the sky.

Hai Yidao held the petals in his hand, and he looked towards Zhang Yi, his eyes suddenly brightened, as if there was something to discover.

The expression he looked towards Zhang Yi became more and more excited, and the long knife in his hand was constantly trembling.

"The very fast sword method, it turns out that you divided the mountain into two with one sword..."

"If you can fight against these Peak swordsmen, if you want to come, maybe you can make my Blade Dao realm bring it up a level."

"I’m really curious, I don’t know if my sword is strong or his sword is fast?"


Zhang Yi naturally does not know what they are thinking, nor does it need to know.

He played a small hand, revealing part of his strength, so that when he competes for petals again, he thinks that there will be fewer characters who are not enough to interfere.

Time passed, on the top of the mountain, the green Wood Spirit tree swayed again, and the leaves mixed with petals fell again.

And Zhang Yi once again swept out a sword qi, swept a petal into the air, and this time, no one came to stop him.

Not long after, Zhang Yi collected six petals.

Just as Zhang Yi was planning to collect it again, the green Wood Spirit tree suddenly turned brilliance, and then there were fifteen petals falling down in a row.

"hu hu!"

Everyone's eyes were hot and enthusiastic, and they continued to exhale with the heat that would melt people.

Don’t blame the Martial Artist of Heaven Realm Great Perfection for such lost self-control, it’s that treasure is too touching.

Fifteen petals fall down at a time, and no one can control his heartbeat.

Even Zhang Yi couldn't help licking his lips, his eyes were passionate, and he chose to shoot without hesitation.

I saw Zhang Yi's body shake, and the true essence of crystal clear and near-transparent suddenly broke out, rushing straight into the sky.


Zhang Yi loudly shouted, he was actually the first to start, holding the Splitting Space Sword and slashing forward.

In an instant, countless sword flowers appeared in the space in front of Zhang Yi, and then shrouded toward the five petals of it like a white cloud gathering and scattering.

Zhang Yi actually intends to gather five at once!


"Your appetite is too big, right."

Not far away, there was a shouted in a low voice. The blade glow follow closely from behind, breaking through the air, breaking Zhang Yi's white cloud sword qi open.

The person who made the shot was the extreme Sabrewielder.

One is that Zhang Yi's appetite is too big. There are nine people with 15 petals, and he alone intends to grasp the one third. Naturally, this situation is not allowed.

Secondly, Hai Yidao did plan to do a game with Zhang Yi.

Combining the two factors, Hai Yidao personally blocked Zhang Yi.

Seeing that his sword qi was pierced through, Zhang Yi raised his brow fiercely, turned his head and looked over, with a bad expression.

In an instant, Zhang Yi's true essence was mixed with sword intent, and turned into a sharp pressure, directly rising into the sky, and heading towards the sea with a ruthless oppression.

And Hai Yidao did not retreat, his mind moved, and the same majestic and domineering aura confronted Zhang Yi's oppressive power.

The two immediately started a confrontation in the air, and the invisible air machines of the two were all over the void, and they were fighting each other fiercely.

When I realized that Zhang Yi and Hai Yidao, the two Peak battle strengths here are going to show off, the people all around couldn't help being separated a little further.

Although the five petals located at the center of the two-person auras interlaced, although the eyes were eager, no one dared to fight for it at this time.

At this time, the two of them have already started a confrontation. If a third party intervenes, they will undoubtedly face the combined attack of the two in an instant, which is unbearable by everyone present.

Although the body cultivator thinks that he is not weaker than the two in his ambition, if he is one against two, he will also be defeated.

Therefore, the remaining seven people quickly made a decision.

They gave up the five petals surrounded by Zhang Yi and Hai, and instead prepared to compete for the remaining ten petals.

The war is about to start!

For the ownership of the ten petals, a melee broke out on the top of the mountain!

And Tuobaxiong, who is located in it, did not you let me win, and took the lead to shoot out a golden light, covering the two aoki petals in it.


In the void, two invisible powers confront each other, as if there are countless small sword qi and blade glow crisscrossing each other, and a bloody meaning gradually diffuses.

Swords and knives are undoubtedly sharp weapons for killing, and they are also one of the most used weapons in this world.

And the debate about the two has never stopped for a moment.

But no matter what the weapon is, the final decision depends on the person using it.

Blade Intent is overbearing, dignified right!

Sword intent is sharp, and go ahead!

At the top of this mountain, Zhang Yi is unstoppable, and more domineering than the opponent.

In the clearing, I saw Zhang Yi coldly snorted, taking a step forward and swept out with one sword first.

The sword qi trembles, the void trembles, Zhang Yi's figure follows closely from behind.

"Good come!"

Haiyidao eyes shined, and it is full of excitement.

He did not evade this blow, but chose to resist, intending to start a dangerous and exciting close battle with Zhang Yi!

In the face-to-face duel, the sword is undoubtedly more powerful than the sword.

The opponent chose to confront him head-on, instead of using skills to fight, which would have suffered some losses.

If he avoids under such circumstances, then Blade Dao can be said to be cultivation over.

"As soon as I get out of the sword, I must spare no effort, you have to be careful!"

Hai Yidao reminded him, and then he entered a state of battle.

He looked stern, without any expression, he came with a big crotch.

When the sword qi approached, the sea slashed straight out, and the pale white blade reflected a cold breath in the sunlight.

Suddenly, there was a harsh crackling sound from the top of the mountain, and World Space shook for a while.

The sweep of Zhang Yi's starting hand was broken, and Haiyi's nagant sword rushed towards Zhang Yi's long sword with great power.


The swords fought, and there was a harsh sound, making the heart of the person who heard it trembled, and there was a chilly feeling of hair on the back.


Unexpectedly, Haiyi was cut and flew out!

He rubbed his feet against the ground and slid backwards, leaving two straight scratches on the grass. He retreated several tens of meters before he stabilized his figure again.

Until now, the hand holding the sword is still trembling.

The two collided head-on, which was a pure power wrestling. However, the frontal power of the sword was lost to the sword.

Hai Yidao's face suddenly changed, and his expression became more solemn.

"As a swordsman, it is rare to have such a tyrannical power. No wonder he chose to fight head-on."

The sea opened the mouth and said.

"I just polished the fleshy body during the sword practice."

Zhang Yi said nothing.


Hai Yidao breathes deeply, his eyes change again, and there is a trace of crazy climbing up.

"Then please enlighten me!"

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