Wandering Star Realm for nearly two decades, Zhang Yi recounted the past with two acquaintances in Water Reflection Sect, and then set off again.

And the target is Connecting Heaven Peak located in the Core Zone of the middle domain.

It is the Heaven and Earth masterpiece of the same level as the Northern Domain Lei Zeland and the Eastern Territory Green Wood Spirit tree. It is the highest mountain in Star Realm, named after the sky.

At this time, near the end of the tour of Star Realm.

Zhang Yi no longer uses the identity of the star knight, but generously shows the original identity of the Alliance Leader of the Quartet Alliance, the third in the Peak battle strength list.

Farewell to Nan Lian senior and Old Ye, Zhang Yi embarked on a journey, and disappeared into the sky in the eyes of the two of them.

Half a month later, in a city inside the pool, Zhang Yi was taking a break in the restaurant. There was a knock on the door outside the private room. At the same time, there was a clear voice.

"Heavenly Star Sect Zhao Yu, meet Zhang Yi Alliance Leader."

At the table, Zhang Yi who was drinking a good wine could not help being frowned, he looked towards the door, although it was separated The wooden door blocked it, but Zhang Yi still caught a glimpse of the specific face of the incoming person.

The figure is tall, not angry and prestigious, and there is a powerful circulation in his body. This is a Martial Artist in the middle of Heaven Realm.

The moment Zhang Yi saw the other party clearly, Zhang Yi felt a little familiar. After thinking about it in his mind, he remembered the identity of the other party.

"Is it him?"

"Why is he here?"

Zhang Yi couldn't help but whispered in his heart.

After the failure of breakthrough Heaven Realm, he once entered the Super Influence Limitless Palace under the recommendation of Water Reflection Sect, where he gained the opportunity to increase the chance of breakthrough.

In the jungle in the Limitless Palace, he was lucky enough to get two gold Spirit Fruits, one for his own use and the other for Zhao Yu, who was traded to Heavenly Star Sect, which was when he knocked on his room. Martial Artist of the door.

"It seems that after getting the opportunity of the Golden Spirit Fruit and Immortal Spirit pools, he also made a smooth breakthrough to Heaven Realm, and in these two hundred years, he went further and reached the mid-term."

Zhang Yi thought, but he was a little confused.

The intersection of them is undoubtedly that time, and there has been no contact since then. Why did the other party visit him at this time?

And the other party accurately found his position, which obviously shows that at this time, he has entered the eyes of the sect forces of all parties.

Thinking to no avail, Zhang Yi's eyes flickered, and then he became calm again. He calmly opened the mouth and said.

"It turned out to be Zhao Yu Elder, come in."

As Zhang Yi's words fell, with a squeak, the door opened, and a man wearing a large star costume walked in. .

Heavenly Star Sect at this time Third Elder, Zhao Yu in the middle of Heaven Realm.

"Zhang Yi Alliance Leader, after a long absence, we finally met again at this time. Didn't expect that we were still at the same level at the beginning, but now you have come so far, let me wait I can only look up."

As soon as he walked in, Zhao Yu opened the mouth and said with a smile, with a warm attitude and a sincere expression.

"Zhao Yu, the kindness of the year, has always been in mind. If you hadn't reached out to help me trade the gold Spirit Fruit with me, I'm afraid that breakthrough Heaven Realm would have many variables."

"It's just a normal transaction, it doesn't matter."

Zhang Yi replied calmly, and then asked again.

"What's the matter with you here? I don't need to say any more if you are in a corner, straight to the point, tell me what you are coming from."

Zhang Yi's words made Zhao Yu For a moment, it seemed that he didn't expect Zhang Yi to be so direct. For one thing, he went straight to the subject, not even giving him a simple opportunity to communicate.

However, Zhao Yu did not show any dissatisfaction, or he dared not show the slightest dissatisfaction, he still said peacefully with a smile on his face.

"Since Alliance Leader Zhang said so, then I will say it straight."

"Zhang Yi Alliance Leader's heroic posture is fascinating, frankly, my Heavenly Star Sect's Great Elder admires it very much. I don’t know if Alliance Leader Zhang has time? If so, can I come to the humble house for a chat?"

"Heavenly Star Sect and Sifang Alliance are both one of the very best sects. I think we will have a lot of opportunities for cooperation."

Zhao Yu said sincerely, expressing his intentions, and Zhang Yi knew it instantly.

"Want to win over me?"

Zhang Yi couldn't help but sneered, Sifang Alliance and Heavenly Star Sect cooperate? It's really a shame that the other party can tell.

We must know that although the Sifang Alliance is developing rapidly under the leadership of Zhang Yi, it is not Zhang Yi who owns the system and can take off quickly.

But two to three hundred years, for a Great Sect thousands or even tens of thousands of dísciples, is far from enough.

Excluding Zhang Yi, the overall strength of the Quartet Alliance is not at a normal level in the middle area. How can it be compared with the Peak power Heavenly Star Sect, which is not in the same order of magnitude.

So Zhang Yi sneered at what Zhao Yu said about the cooperation between Heavenly Star Sect and the Four-Party Alliance. Heavenly Star Sect was obviously directed at him by his strength.

"After all, the other party is someone who has been in contact with me, so Heavenly Star Sect sent him to see me to see if he can get a chance?"

"One It is a battle strength comparable to Giant level. If you can join hands, it is obviously a great benefit..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi instantly lost interest.

Perhaps having a good relationship with Heavenly Star Sect is conducive to the development of the Quartet Alliance, but what about it?

He is the core of the Quartet Alliance.

As long as he is here, the development of the Quartet Alliance is not fast or slow.

Furthermore, Zhang Yi's gaze at this time is no longer limited to the struggle between forces, but is already detached from it.

As long as you become a saint, Star Realm is Sovereign.

At that time, the Sifang Alliance will naturally be Star Realm First Great Influence, why bother to engage in bits and pieces now?

Understanding this, Zhang Yi's eyes instantly cooled down, and he looked towards the other party without expression, indifferently said.

"I'm not interested in these things, Fellow Daoist, please come back."

"Alliance Leader Zhang......"

Zhao Yu opened his mouth. , I wanted to say something, but suddenly saw Zhang Yi's cold eyes.

In an instant, even as a Martial Artist of Heaven Realm's mid-term, he still felt cold all over, like falling into the cold cellar, as if his heart was caught in a hand, and life and death were in a thought.

"Then I will say goodbye first."

A cold sweat ran down his back, Zhao Yuqiang laughed, and immediately turned and left.

When Zhao Yu walked to the door, Zhang Yi retracted looking towards his back and said casually.

"Since I entered the Central Region these days, I am afraid that there are many sect's eyeliners quietly reporting my whereabouts."

"Although it is understandable for you to do so, but I don’t like it very much, it’s better to remove it."

"And I don’t like to disturb. Don’t come to any cat or dog from time to time to disturb my cleansing."

"Since you are leaving, please help me pass a message. If it makes me feel offensive, no matter what force it is, I can't kill it."

hearing this, Zhao Yu took a deep breath, A smile squeezed again on his face, replied, "I will definitely deliver the words from Alliance Leader Zhang."

After the words were closed, Zhao Yu turned and left. The moment he left the door, the door Peng closed.

"Really, any role dare to bother me. When my time is so worthless, the so-called arrogance of the Central Peak forces should also be reduced."

Zhang Yi sneered With a cry, he stopped paying attention.


second day, Zhang Yi continued on the road, but this time, no one interrupted.

Zhang Yi traveled all the way, walking on the vast land of the Central Region. After a few months, he came to Connecting Heaven Peak.

This day.

Zhang Yi stood on a cliff looking towards the front, with the silhouette of Connecting Heaven Peak reflected in his eyes, and a hint of wonder appeared on his face.

Connecting Heaven Peak is right in front of him!

Majestic and steep, towering into the clouds, with clouds and mist lingering on the mountainside, as for it, it is located in the sea of ​​clouds, which can no longer be peeped, a breath of isolation suddenly assaults the senses, and accompanied With Heaven and Earth Might.

"Connecting Heaven Peak, also known as the place closest to the sky, really is not in vain."

After watching for a long time, Zhang Yi exclaimed in his heart.

Immediately he jumped forward and fell below the cliff, then Zhang Yi paced towards Connecting Heaven Peak.

Connecting Heaven Peak is extremely large, and the convenience of the mountain is comparable to the mountain range. When Zhang Yi approaches, you can also see a lot of Martial Artists coming in and out.

These Martial Artists are either extraordinary natural talents, or are of good strength, or are the dísciple of Great Influence, and they are all good identities.

Zhang Yi smiled, and stepped onto the climbing ladder, heading to the top of Connecting Heaven Peak.

"It is reported that in this Connecting Heaven Peak cultivation, it naturally fits the sun, the moon, and the mountains, and the speed of Insights Heaven and Earth profound mystery will be greatly increased. For Martial Artist, it can be described as a first-class cultivation Holy Land. "

"But it is precisely because this Connecting Heaven Peak is comparable to Peak’s cultivation Holy Land, so it is not controlled by any Martial Artist forces. Even the seven saints do not know what they are thinking about. And he didn't attribute Connecting Heaven Peak to himself."

Zhang Yi walked slowly on the trails of the peaks while thinking in his heart, calmly comprehending the beautiful scenery all around.


Zhang Yi came to a steep cliff halfway up the mountain.

The wind speed here is extremely fast, blowing the branches and shaking constantly, and even the sea of ​​clouds in front of them is constantly surging, like the waves of the sea.

Zhang Yi's eyes reflect the birth and disappearance of the sea of ​​clouds, gradually falling into a state of sudden enlightenment.

After the original baptism, the affinity of Heaven and Earth greatly improved, coupled with the Peak enlightenment of Holy Land like Connecting Heaven Peak, Zhang Yi easily touched the heartstrings and his whole body The heart is thrown into it.

He stood on the edge of a mountain cliff, his eyes reflected the uncertainty of the sea of ​​clouds, and Zhang Yi's pupils seemed to become two slowly rotating white clouds while the white clouds were floating.

He was immersed in a deep level of comprehension, time passed slowly, the sun fell, and the moonlight enveloped his figure again, so few days time passed in an instant.

Connecting Heaven Peak, tall and majestic, connected to the cloud, sit and watch the changes.

At this time, beside the cliff, Zhang Yi looked down at the changes in the sea of ​​clouds below, and the divine sense also penetrated into the clouds, as if fuse together with it, moving with the sea of ​​clouds.

In his eyes, two white clouds are constantly dissipating and recombining, changing all kinds of mysterious, all kinds of subtleties and mysteries about the path of the clouds, gradually come to mind.

Zhang Yi's perception of Concept of Cloud is gradually deepening.

I don't know when, Zhang Yi only felt his whole body shook. The clouds gathered and separated in his eyes paused, and then exploded in an instant, and the comprehension of the path of the cloud suddenly brought it up a level.

At the same time, the sea of ​​clouds that had always existed in front suddenly split a cloud and fell towards the ground below.

"Great Accomplishment Concept of Cloud, so that's how it is, this is unexpected joy."

Zhang Yi's eyes are calm, and he said peacefully, without much joy in his tone The look, as if as it should be by rights.

Zhang Yi lowered his head to sort out the dew on some clothes, and said without rush.

"Strength is extraordinary and refined, like a bright moonlight that cannot be ignored. If I am not wrong, you must be the most mysterious Sect Master in the Harmonious Bond Sect. The Star Realm Peak battle strength ranks Ranked 1st White Night. Well, what can I do for you?"

As Zhang Yi's words spread, a second person appeared on the steep cliff.

At this time, there was warm sunlight hanging high in the sky, and the rays of light poured down, making all around covered with a layer of golden light.

At the other end of the cliff, a very beautiful woman appeared, eclipsing the soft sunlight.

Black hair like a waterfall spread out behind him, and under the slender eyelashes, there are big eyes that are as transparent as obsidian. The eyes are so clear that people can't help but be intoxicated.

This is a beautiful woman like an elf.

But it is a pity for Zhang Yi to wear black clothes. She gathers all her beautiful figure and refuses to show her beauty to the outside world.

The pity in my heart is fleeting, Zhang Yi smiled slightly at the woman and did not hesitate to display Eye of Revelation.

Although the beauty of this Harmonious Bond Sect Sect Master is beyond Zhang Yi's imagination, the iceberg-like personality is more attractive than the charming Su Meier.

Even Zhang Yi can't help but feel good, but he is a man who can accurately control his own desires.

He remembered that the accumulation of the woman in Heaven Realm in front of him was still extremely terrifying, far surpassing the Martial Artist of the same realm. Zhang Yi had to determine the true state of the other party to ensure that he was the only one who could Martial Artist in charge of World Source.

If there are variables, then Zhang Yi can only destroy the flowers.

Under Eye of Revelation, the opponent's state is all in Zhang Yi's eyes.

Name: Bai Ye

cultivation base: Heaven Realm Great Perfection

Martial Spirit: Condensed 50%

Artistic conception: Yin and Yang artistic conception 80%


The ripples in Zhang Yi's eyes dissipated, and there was already care in his heart.

The woman in front of him deserves to be the strongest Heaven Realm in Star Realm before him.

Under such a harsh Heaven and Earth environment, the concentration of Martial Spirit has reached a height of 50%, and the artistic conception is also a comprehensible yin and yang dual artistic conception. No wonder the battle strength is so amazing.

Be aware that when Zhang Yi didn't enter World Source, Martial Spirit's progress was just a 10% prototype!

Without Zhang Yi's sudden crossing, the other party would be the most dazzling Martial Artist of the Star Realm era.

However, although the opponent's Martial Spirit has already condensed 50%, there is still a huge gap if it wants to reach 10%.

"There is no threat."

Zhang Yi made a judgment, he couldn't help but smiled indifferently and calmed down.

After the white night on the opposite side showed his figure, the pair of obsidian eyes looked at Zhang Yi indifferently. After a long time, she said coldly.

"In your body, I feel threatened."

Except for the seven saints, this is something that I haven't experienced since the breakthrough to Great Perfection. It seems The rumors about you are still underestimated by the outside world. "

Like a pearl falling on a silver plate, the voice of the white night’s mouth, even if it is cold, is still extremely crisp.

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