"Gathering and dispersing, birth and death, and numerous changes, this is the Concept of Cloud."

"To this day, I finally master it!"


It was mid-morning, and the warm sunlight was shining down, laying a layer of light gold powder on the entire Connecting Heaven Peak.

Zhang Yi was on the edge of a mountain cliff, looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds below, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At this time, his clothes are fluttering, high above the sea of ​​clouds, like an immortal who is going to ride the wind, with a sense of illusion and unreality.

This is the effect created by the Concept of Cloud surrounding itself. This is not only reflected in the appearance, but even the temperament of Zhang Yi is also mysterious.

"It is indeed Peak enlightened Holy Land. In just a few years, my Concept of Cloud has crossed the two most difficult steps and reached Perfection Realm."

"Although there are reasons why this place is extremely suitable for the Comprehend Concept of Cloud, it also illustrates the strength of my background."

The more time passes, the more Zhang Yi feels the role of original baptism. This is an opportunity that ordinary Martial Artists can only accept if they break Saint Realm!

At this time, Zhang Yi got it early in the Heaven Realm period, which obviously helped his Martial Dao journey greatly.

Zhang Yi bowed his head and looked towards himself, silently comprehending his state at this time.

"Concept of Cloud Perfection has not only improved my Sword Soul and Sea of ​​Consciousness, but also for Leiyun Sword Art, will also get a significant increase in formidable power."

"With the blessing of Perfection's Concept of Cloud, the Yunshu Yunjuan movement method will obviously also undergo a qualitative improvement."

For some enlightenment, Zhang Yi's heart moved, Splitting Space Sword It was held in his hand.

Immediately, Zhang Yi's footsteps changed, and as soon as he sent his right hand forward, he launched Leiyun Sword Art directly.

Beside the cliff, with Zhang Yi's sword swinging, a sword light suddenly emerged, and the Straight Clashing Nine Heavens sky.

But this time, the Thunder Cloud Sword Art that Zhang Yi displayed has undergone some changes.

Extremely domineering, thunder strikes, extremely lethality, this is the label of Thunder Cloud Sword Art previously used by Zhang Yi.

It is mainly based on the power of thunder, although it also contains the Concept of Cloud, but it is more of an auxiliary deceiving role.

But at this time, with Zhang Yi Concept of Cloud Perfection, Leiyun Sword Art immediately changed.

Sword Art is no longer as overbearing as thunder, but is rebuilt with "cloud" as the core. Sword Art is as ethereal and illusory as clouds, with endless changes.

But in the endless changes, there is also a bit of thunder in it, making a fatal blow.

Zhang Yi Leiyun Sword Art was deployed to the pleasure place, suddenly jumped high and cut out with a sword.

Suddenly, a huge white cloud appeared in the void in front of it, pressing it forward, and then the white cloud dissipated, and the thunder that was perfectly contained in it instantly exploded, exploding the void!

Looking at this move, Zhang Yi was satisfied and nodded.

"Not bad."

"After Leiyun Sword Art joined Perfection's Concept of Cloud, it became more changeable and confusing."

"And thunder On the contrary, the strength of the enemy is contained under the white clouds, only waiting for the critical moment to give a fatal blow!"

"In this way, the difficulty of the opponent's defense will rise in a straight line!"

Zhang Yi A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he stepped out of the void, his figure suddenly dissipated.

Next moment, Zhang Yi's silhouette suddenly appeared everywhere in the sky. The countless silhouettes continued to dissipate, but they were reorganized elsewhere, making people elusive to be true or false.

The formidable power of Yunshu Yunjuan's movement method was fully brought into play by Zhang Yi at this time. It is really unpredictable and unpredictable like a cloud.

At a certain moment, the silhouette of the sky dissipated, and the silhouette of Zhang Yi reappeared on the edge of the cliff.

His thoughts move is to gather the Concept of Cloud that surrounds him, and return to calmness again, without a trace of brilliance.

Zhang Yi looked towards the distance, lips slightly moving.

"If you continue to accumulate in this way, you may be able to raise the Concept of Thunder before the Holy One's fate is opened."

"Inverted time double Heaven Realm Great Perfection, plus The power of double mood, even if there is a Foreign Domain opponent, what fear do I have?"

"One sword is enough to sweep!"

Zhang Yi has bright pupils and high morale. There is a kind of invincible self-confidence that comes from one's own strength.

After enjoying a while, Zhang Yi looked down along the cliff. Through the sea of ​​clouds, the outline of the terrain below appeared in his eyes.

"This mountain and river is really magnificent! And he will be mine in the end!"

Leaving this sentence, Zhang Yi's silhouette quietly disappeared.

A few days later, Zhang Yi's silhouette appeared at the foot of Connecting Heaven Peak, and then disappeared again.


Two months later, Zhang Yi came to a prosperous place.

This is the last stop of Zhang Yi's tour of Star Realm, and it is also the frontier city where the Peak force Ascension Gate is located.

There are many Martial Artists here, many of them are dísciple of Ascension Gate, and the Martial Artist of this city is a Hall Master of Earth Realm Great Perfection of Ascension Gate.

Zhang Yi came here to see how the pair of siblings was doing.

What kind of results have been produced for the reasons that were formed with the help in the past?

He is a little curious.

Zhang Yi stayed in the restaurant, and soon, a middle-aged man with a little fat hurried over.

"My lord, I don't know if the adults come to Yuhua city gate, but there are important things, if there is something to do, just ask the villain to do it?"

The visitor is Yuhua City. City Lord, and also serves as the Master of Ascension Gate Hall.

After Zhang Yi entered this city, he was undoubtedly known by him. It was only due to the words Zhang Yi had previously released, so he didn't dare to bother at first.

But what the City Lord did not expect was that Zhang Yi stayed after entering Yuhua City and showed no sign of leaving.

For several days like this, the Peak powerhouse has been staying at the front city of Ascension Gate, and naturally he was paid attention to by sect, so he ordered him to come and get in touch.

At the order of Sect Elder, the City Lord had to take the hot potato and came to inquire in fear.

Zhang Yi looked at him calmly, saw through his inner fear, laughed and said casually.

"I heard that Ascension Gate is a major in the Central Territory. Not only does it contain the Immortal Crane, but many dísciples are also extraordinary natural talents. So today Zhang Yi came here to visit one or two, which can be regarded as learning management. sect experience."

Zhang Yi said with a smile, but his tone was somewhat beyond doubt.

The black eyes stared at the fat man in front of him indifferently, making him feel a great deal of pressure.

The fat on his body was shaking constantly, and there was a cold sweat on the back of his forehead. The City Lord barely said with a smile.

"Ascension Gate is so appraised by senior, it is the honor of sect."

"However, the status of an adult is noble. It is not my young Young City Lord who can decide. Wait, wait until I inform Sect Elder to make a decision."


Zhang Yi said casually.

"My lord, the villain is leaving now!"

After that, the fat man hurriedly left, as if he didn't want to stay for another second.

Visiting a Peak Martial Artist, life and death are just a matter of thought. This is too much pressure for him!

even more how the strength of the Zhang Yi Alliance Leader in front of him, even in Peak Martial Artist, is at the absolute upper level.

Even if Zhang Yi beheaded him in situ on the grounds of neglecting him, Ascension Gate is at best a grudge, and in the end he has to submit to humiliation.

The Hall Master of the Earth Realm Great Perfection left, and his direction was exactly the direction where the Ascension Gate was located. Obviously he went to inform him.

Zhang Yi didn't pay too much attention, but waited patiently.

Soon after, an Immortal Crane flew from the Ascension Gate, and on its back there was an aura that blended with Heaven and Earth.

After the obesity Hall Master’s announcement, although Ascension Gate felt that Zhang Yi’s reason was a bit absurd, he did not dare to take him lightly, so he sent an Elder to greet him.

Immortal Crane flew, and the many dísciples in Yuhua City at this time all bowed their heads, and a silhouette fell in the restaurant where Zhang Yi was located.

The visitor is a woman, Zhang Yi couldn't help but froze when he looked up.

The face of the woman who fell from the Immortal Crane is delicate and pretty, she has a good figure, and has a lotus-like elegance.

But what makes Zhang Yi startled is not the other's face, but a sense of familiarity that arises from the bottom of his heart.

In Zhang Yi's mind, like a slide, he kept looking back on the face of the woman in front of him, and finally fixed it on the round cheeks of childhood.

Sometimes luck is so clever. The person who came to receive Zhang Yi at Ascension Gate was the younger sister of the pair of siblings hundreds of years ago. At this time, Ascension Gate Fourth Elder.

The Martial Artist who passed by Ascension Gate discovered the Martial Dao aptitude of its Top Grade and brought this pair of siblings back to sect.

Now that more than two hundred years have passed, it is clear that they have fully grown up and become Heaven Realm Martial Artists who can be their own.

"Ascension Gate Fourth Elder Lin Anxin pays homage to Alliance Leader Zhang."

An elegant voice came, pulling back Zhang Yi’s thoughts. When he heard the polite words, My heart sank.

Zhang Yi looked towards the other party, Lin Anxin also looked at him face-to-face, his attitude and actions were neither overbearing nor overbearing, and he did not appear unnatural at all because of Zhang Yi's cultivation base.

"Didn't you recognize it?"

Seeing Lin Anxin's expression, Zhang Yi couldn't help whispering in his heart, but it wasn't disappointed either.

After all, although Heaven Realm Martial Artist has extraordinary memories and can look back, the other party was only six years old at the time, and the memory in his mind was not very deep and clear.

Zhang Yi looked at the other party and said after thinking about it.

"It turns out that you are the dísciple of Top Grade aptitude that Ascension Gate took in back then. I still heard about it back then, but I don't want to be a real Heaven Realm Martial Artist anymore."

"It's just an ordinary Heaven Realm. Compared with adults, my achievements are not worth mentioning."

Lin Anxin seriously replied.

Zhang Yi nodded, he did not reveal the fact that he had rescued them, but instead asked instead.

"If I remember well, you should still have a big brother."

"Obviously, the younger sister's aptitude is so high, but her big brother is not innate. Talent was also a topic back then."

"How is he?"

Zhang Yi pretended to be curious and asked.

Speaking of this, Lin Anxin's face changed, her right hand squeezed tightly, and finally slowly loosened.

Lin Anxin said sadly on her cheek, "Frankly, my brother has disappeared for a long time."

"Missing? When did it happen?"

Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.

Lin Anxin replied.

"Over a hundred years ago, my brother accepted a task and needed to go out to complete it, but then there was no news."

"I have also searched for a long time. Day, but ultimately nothing. Perhaps, my brother has already encountered an accident."

Lin Anxin said solemnly, and Zhang Yi understood it.

The younger sister has grown up smoothly, but the big brother has been missing for many years. This is the end of this pair of siblings.

Zhang Yi felt a little sorrowful, and in Muran, he seemed to have returned to that night that year.

At that time, when I just came out of the Night Flower Tavern, when I was planning to find a hotel, I sensed an unexpected situation, so I rescued Lin Tian.

The latter is begging Zhang Yi to save his younger sister, who is Lin Anxin now in front of him.

Didn't expect, Lin Anxin was still there at this time, but Lin Tian had no news.

Converging his mind, Zhang Yi shook and sighed, "Star Realm is chaotic. It is indeed dangerous for common martial artist."

"Alliance Leader Zhang, my business But Ull, let you laugh. It is an honor for you to visit Ascension Gate. Next, please invite Alliance Leader Zhang to follow me to Ascension Gate."

Lin Anxin invited.

Zhang Yi went to Ascension Gate to visit.

Although the things you want have already had results, you still have to do a full set of things, otherwise it will inevitably arouse others' suspicion.

After some thinking, Zhang Yi also gave up telling Lin Tianxin his identity.

Anyway, from the very beginning of this incident, he was holding the other side with casual thoughts.

Since Lin Tianxin no longer remembers the past that year, and Lin Tian has also disappeared, let this past go with the wind.

Zhang Yi will not intervene with them. In the future, there will be no intersection between them, but he still has a question in his heart.

"Is Lin Tian dead or alive?"

"Although he has been missing for many years, there is no clue to prove that Lin Tian has truly died."

"Perhaps after I become the World Lord, I can use its origin to find out and trace my life and death."

Thinking passed through my heart, Zhang Yi entered the Ascension Gate and became a guest in it. month.

During this period, in Zhang Yi's perception, the formation of Ascension Gate was constantly opened, and there was still a digital vastness hidden between the gates.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi couldn't help but smile.

It seems that the pressure he brought is really huge, so that the Elders of Ascension Gate are so solemnly, for fear that he will directly start a battle at Ascension Gate.

So too.

In the eyes of the outside world, Zhang Yi's sudden visit to Ascension Gate is undoubtedly extremely abrupt!

Misfortune is greater than good!

They must take it seriously, otherwise, even if they occupy a favorable position in the sect, they will suffer heavy losses when facing a Ranked 3rd fierce on the Peak battle strength list!

In this way, amidst the fear of Ascension Gate, Zhang Yi called it a visit and took the initiative to stay at Ascension Gate for half a month before he got up and left.

And it wasn't until Zhang Yi left the mountain gate of Ascension Gate that many Elders were relaxed, and Zhang Yi looked back, then withdrew his gaze.

"The last thing is done, let’s go back to Raging Fire Country and stay with me, accompany my parents, free to guide a Lower Sect dísciple, spend this last time, quietly Waiting for the day of opportunity to come."

Zhang Yi murmured, and his body disappeared into the sky.

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