Luoyang waved his palm and slashed, forming a Great Hand Seal, which was about to fall on Zhang Yi's body.

However, when Zhang Yi punched Chang Tu back, and then turned and looked towards him, the indifference from the opponent's eyes made Luoyang's heart tremble subconsciously.

For some reason, a fear suddenly took root from the bottom of my heart, and then quickly grew into a towering tree.

And he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his chest, and an incomparable crisis emerged in his heart.

"What's going on?"

Luoyang is a little puzzled. He is a Peak powerhouse, how can he behave so unbearably?

He was full of heart, forcibly suppressing the fear that was gushing out, and shouted like a bluff.

"The guy dressed up as God, playing the Devil, eat me a Splitting Mountain Palm!"

Luoyang was cruel, and his true essence surged even more violently. A mountain that shrank countless times emerged in the palm of his hand.

Under a palm, it seems as if a real majestic mountain is falling towards Zhang Yi, to suppress him completely!

"unable to withstand a single blow."

Facing the palm that is already close at hand, Zhang Yi's hair is fluttering, said in a tranquil voice.

His eyes are calm, and there is a kind of boldness that I will stand still regardless of the wind and waves.

After that, Zhang Yi moved.

In his mind Sea of ​​Consciousness, the brand formed by the complete comprehend of the saint's fist is now shining slightly, illuminating the dark sea of ​​Consciousness like the vast sea.

Then the rays of light penetrated this spiritual space and spread to Zhang Yi's whole body, unifying all his multiple powers.

At this moment, Zhang Yi's cultivation base climbed again, taking another step on the Great Perfection.

His imposing manner over the sky in this brief moment shrinks and collapses inward, making his breath deeper and darker, like an invisible abyss, giving people a feeling of sinking.

Immediately, Zhang Yi's eyes showed a strange color.

He looked towards Luoyang, his mouth bends slightly, forming a ghostly arc.

At this moment, Luoyang's sense of crisis suddenly expanded to the extreme.

Under the mysterious perception, his heart is slightly cold, as if he has been penetrated!

Luoyang seems to be aware of something and wants to react, but he has no time to react.

At this moment, with Zhang Yi's actions, time seems to have been pressed to slow down.

Obviously this palm is less than two feet away from Zhang Yi, you can strike on Zhang Yi in an instant.

However, the distance at this moment is as if it is far in the sky, inaccessible.

In Zhang Yi's eyes, Luoyang's figure was incredibly slow at this time, like a snail, his movements were slowed more than ten times, and he could easily avoid this offensive.

Zhang Yi just stepped out of his body shape, fluttered with a hand and landed on the opponent's heart, and then pushed out.


In the depths of the void, there seems to be a loud sound reverberating at this moment.

In Luoyang's eyes, the entire Heaven and Earth that had fallen into the quagmire was suddenly shaken and shattered, and the real time flowed again!

However, at this moment, as the reality circulates again, he is suddenly terrified!

I don't know when, the figure on the other side has already drawn distance from him, and there is a palm on his chest!

It was originally that his sharp palm was about to smash the opponent's head, but for some reason, it seemed to be just a trance. The situation suddenly reversed, but the opponent's palm fell on him.

The palm he expelled is still hanging in the air.

At this moment, Luoyang finally understands why he felt a great horror in the past, and he felt a kind of penetration in his heart.

That's because his surreptitious perception sensed danger.

Although he reacted at this time, it was obviously too late.


Luoyang's eyes were splitting, and he looked at Zhang Yi in fear, while the other party lips slightly moving, as if saying two words.

"no! Wait..."

Luoyang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Zhang Yi's light and fluttering palm has been gently pushed out, and the azure power all over the palm suddenly Shocked!

With a small dull sound, an azure power directly penetrated Luoyang's chest, spread into his body, and then centralize in one point and burst out!

Without any room to fight back, without any room for manipulation, Luoyang's body was subconsciously shaken, and his entire heart was completely shattered.


Luoyang barely uttered a word, and then steaming blood came out of his mouth, which was also mixed with some fine red pieces.

Then, his eyes, nostrils, and ears were all filled with blood.

The look in Luoyang's eyes disappeared and became hollow, and Zhang Yi took a step back and retracted his palm.

Luoyang's body fell directly to the ground from a high altitude.

At this moment, Luoyang died in battle!

The two played against each other,

One round!

Under the eyes of everyone, a Peak Martial Artist of Heaven Realm Great Perfection was killed by Zhang Yi in one blow. This is simply an amazing feat!

After this battle, Zhang Yi's fame will spread throughout the two worlds!


As for the sky far away, Chang Tu backed back dozens of steps in a row. He just resolved Zhang Yi’s might of a single fist, and he was about to go up again. Entangling before, Zhang Yi slowly died.

However, just halfway through the flight, his movements suddenly stopped, and his expression on his face was horrified.

As a swordsman, as a Peak Martial Artist, Changtu’s temperament is undoubtedly excellent. Even if he was flying into a rage out of humiliation before, he could enter the state in a blink of an eye when fighting, calm down And sharp.

It stands to reason that he is able to deal with anything with ease, but at this time, he is completely broken!

At this moment, Chang Tu only felt cold in his hands and feet, the sky was gloomy, and his soul was dead still.

What ambitions, what revenge and hatred, are all seeming so pale and weak in this picture at this time.

Chang Tu only feels that his world view is about to be subverted!

What did he see!

Luoyang was killed by a spike? ! !

One blow, just one blow, the Martial Artist of the same level as him was completely defeated by the opponent and took his life!

How did this make him react?

For a moment, he almost thought that Zhang Yi had already become a saint in place.

"No, there are some exceptions. The Heaven Realm Great Perfection is at the end. No matter how strong it is, there is a limit. Impossible to kill the Martial Artist of the same realm."

"The other party should have performed some kind of strangeness. It’s just a single blow to make merit."

" And when Luoyang approached the opponent, his speed seemed to be affected, and the whole movement slowed down, letting the opponent drop a palm to his chest instead of doing it. Reaction!"

Chang Tu's thoughts ran extremely fast, his thoughts flashed across like lightning, and he pondered the cause.

Under a lot of calculations, his head became hot, and even a plume of smoke rose.

Chang Tu guessed that Zhang Yi just used a special secret technique to kill Luoyang in one fell swoop, but even so, Chang Tu had no intention of fighting again.

No matter what method the other party uses, it is also true that a Heaven Realm Great Perfection is destroyed with one palm!

The opponent's battle strength is simply terrifying, and they are not on the same level at all.

They have missed it!


At this time, Chang Tu no longer thought of revenge, but only a single thought.

And this is also the general idea of ​​Martial Artist who played against Zhang Yi in this world.

And in the end, it was naturally that none of them could escape.


The figure retreated extremely quickly, and Chang Tu decisively sold his teammates, turning into a stream of light and galloping out.

In order to prevent Zhang Yi from catching up, he even did not hesitate to use a secret technique that would damage him a lot to increase his speed.

As a swordsman, he should have a spirit of indomitableness, but in the face of true death, it still seems a little weak.


The two battlefields, where Elder He was fierce from the beginning, were fierce and extremely dangerous.

But the thunder is loud and the rain is small. The two have similar cultivation bases, and they are still in a stalemate until now.

Here Zhang Yi did not fight directly at the beginning, but looked at each other. The emptiness of Qi was competing with each other, and it seemed a little tepid.

But whoever wants to do nothing, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat!

In a very short period of time, the battle has come to an end.

Below Bai Wenyu nervously watched Zhang Yi's movement. Seeing Chang Tu and the two attacking at the same time from left to right, he suddenly raised his heart and became worried for Zhang Yi.

However, I never thought, even if it starts, it ends.

The real battle is no more than a few breaths of time. Zhang Yi beheaded a Peak Martial Artist like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, bringing the battle to an end ahead of schedule.

It's like taking off your pants and farting. I just put my hand on the waistband and haven't taken it down, so I can't help but release the pu' sound.

Until Chang Tu turned his head and fled, Bai Wenyu came back to his senses, with a face full of disbelief, he muttered to himself subconsciously.

"Fuck, this is too fierce..."

"Wang Zhong is one against two wins? This is a fart by comparison!"

"By the way, this guy is so hidden, Star Realm Heaven Realm hasn't changed in the first hundred years, how do I feel that I am about to change ownership?"


On the other battlefield, the Martial Artist who was playing against Elder He was originally steady and calm.

But seeing Luoyang being beaten by the second is a split in his liver and gallbladder, especially when he saw Chang Tu running away without hesitation.

The man broke out suddenly, and struck Elder He with all his strength to try to get rid of the trap.

However, how could Elder He be as he wanted? He also broke out with all his strength, and would hold the opponent at all costs!

In midair, Zhang Yi glanced at Elder He and then retracted his gaze.

He took advantage of the huge improvement brought by Martial Dao Will, his whole body burst out in an instant, forming a short freezing zone in the space in front of him.

At such a close range, Luoyang, who was unprepared, was hit by a stroke, and he was killed in a second.

Otherwise, in normal times, although he can kill Heaven Realm Great Perfection, he can't do one hit instant kill. After all, he is still in the same realm.

At this time, Zhang Yi whispered, and then turned into a stream of light to chase Changtu.

Start, it must be clean and neat!

Zhang Yi didn't intend to let the other party run away. Today, these three people have been sentenced to death in his heart!

One after the other two streams of light swiftly across the sky.

Even if Chang Tu uses the secret technique to escape, how can he compete with Zhang Yi in the super-Peak state?

After only a few ten breaths, Changtu was overtaken.

"You forced me!"

Chang Tu knew that he might die here, and his eyes were fierce, so he didn't care about it.

"If you want me to die, don't think about it!"

Chang Tu's face was gloomy, and he roared.

As soon as the voice fell, his figure suddenly stopped in the air, and with the help of Zhang Yi, there was still a little distance between him and him to cast the spell.

I saw both of his hands suddenly closed, and then a lightning-like change in the afterimage printing method of his debut.

"Land of Nine Nether, demons and monsters, all belong to me!"

Chang Tu shouted loudly, resounding all around, between this Heaven and Earth, suddenly there is an obscure coldness The breath seeps from the void.

Chang Tuxiang opened the passage to the Land of Nine Nether, and this space was immediately filled with the extremely strange power of Nine Nether!

After that, Chang Tu looked at Zhang Yi with crazy eyes, his eyes were cold, and his mouth was directly swallowing these cold and strange Power of Netherworld directly into his body!

Chang Tu felt like a whale sucking water, and the cold breath of all around quickly dissipated.

Instead, the true essence fluctuations all over him began to skyrocket at an alarming rate.

In just a few breaths, his imposing manner is to faintly bring it up a level.

However, Chang Tu is not satisfied yet, he knows it is far from enough!

"Come again!"

He loudly shouted, opened more space again, and absorbed the power of Nether crazily.

Soon, there were ice crystals on his eyebrows, and his lips and cheeks were covered with ice.

The whole person exudes an extremely deep cold breath, and even the river below has broken ice condensing on the surface of the river.

The blood in his body almost stopped flowing, even the beating of his heart was about to stop.

Obviously, Chang Tu was driven into desperation by Zhang Yi, and with the help of a certain secret technique, he inhaled the force beyond the limit in order to get the price of fighting against Zhang Yi.

But after this battle, even if he can live, he will be considered useless!

At this time, Chang Tu was already fighting with the heart of death. Even if he died, Zhang Yi must pay a heavy price!

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder it is called the Nether Swordsman."

In the distant sky, Zhang Yi flew over. He looked at the methods used by Changtu, nodded commented. .

"It's my misfortune. Your Excellency didn't expect is so strong."

Chang Tu said in a deep voice.

"But the previous blow should have restrictions, impossible to display unlimited, as long as I am not close to you, there may not be no way to crack it."

"If you want me to die, you There is also a price to pay!"


Zhang Yi's expression remained unchanged, but with a grip of the void, he came out Splitting Space Sword summon.


"Aren't you Martial Artist?"

Chang Tu opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Yi and took out the long sword. Something is bad.

"Training is just easy, and sword dao is my major."

Zhang Yi said in a tranquil voice.

And Chang Tu's heart suddenly sank into the seabed, and he felt that God made a joke on him.

A swordsman can kill a Peak Martial Artist with his bare hands. How can this be played?

Chang Tuben is ready to fight to the death, but now it seems a bit ridiculous.

The true strength of the opponent has never really been shown!

I used my own secret technique to increase cultivation base by a large margin. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking to fight against one.

Thinking of this, Chang Tu breathed heavily, and adjusted it after a few breaths. His eyes changed, and finally he said in a deep voice.

"It turns out that this is your true strength, but I have some overestimate one's capabilities."

His eyes returned to peace, cup one fist in the other hand said, "Nether Swordsman Chang Tu, please enlighten me!"


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