I have to say that in the face of the siege of everyone, Bai Ye did not have a trace of fear, but took the lead! This temperament alone is a must.

Her body surface has two currents of yang and yang, and the true essence lake also forms a Tai Chi Chart case, which provides her with plenty of power. Just for a flash, the white night appears In front of a Martial Artist.

"Not good!"

Faced with this ghost-like movement method, the other person was shocked and lifted the true essence of the whole body and cut it out.

“clang! ”

In this regard, the white night does not evade, and the majestic right hand stamped out, and the moment of contact, her right hand fist suddenly exploded into the sky. of light, like a blazing sun exploding, the divine light is unparalleled.

Yang Power covers the fist mark, she shakes the blade with her bare hands!


At this moment, the sky is full of sand and rocks, and the strong force is surging.

Along with the punch of Bai Ye, a storm swept away, shattered and frightening, silhouettes interlaced, the tyrannical Martial Artist roared in anger, somewhat surprised and angry.

In a staggered moment, the blade trembled, the blade glow was melted, and the power of the blazing sun instantly overwhelmed him, causing him to be forced to converge and his body was damaged, and this was just a contact between!

Success in one blow!

Then everyone saw that the silhouette of White Night was like a War God, and immediately transformed the target. She felt like she was bathed in holy light, with the power of mountains burst and ground split, and killed again. The second Martial Artist was also in danger soon after opening a big room to another person.

"White Night, Hugh is rampant!"

At this time, there was a sharp shout, Qiu Xiuyuan holding a golden long spear, his long hair scattered, his eyes staring coldly at Bai Ye , Swept across the void with the momentum of Wanjun! Close to the back of Bai Ye.

Before his long spear, there seemed to be golden ripples turning, with a sense of sharp cutting.

This is Concept of Metal!

The attack power is known for its sharpness, which seems to be able to penetrate everything!

Feeling the fierce energy behind him, Bai Ye's hands change, flipping his palms and patting Martial Artist’s chest in front of him, the man flies upside down, and then he is a little empty on his toes, turning around like a circle , Kicked to the opponent.


White night fell with one foot, Yin and Yang blended with each other, evolving the Tai Chi Chart case, so that white traces appeared in the void, and then hit the golden gun tip together.

During the offensive confrontation, Qiu Xiuyuan figure trembled, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, and then suddenly turned into fierceness. He did not retreat half a step, his gun-holding right hand turned abruptly, and the golden ripples suddenly strangled forward. Go.

The Yin-Yang Diagram case continues to evolve, but it is constantly being shattered under the golden ripples, and the two are in a stalemate.

"bang bang bang!"

"bang bang bang!"


White Night acted again, her feet kept stomping on the void, stepping on the golden gun tip, a dull sonic boom came from the void, and she wanted to step on the gun tip to the ground.

Yu Xiuyuan As the leading Martial Artist of Luotian world, and ranked first, his strength is much stronger than that of Typhoon Tan.

Qiu Xiuyuan is not evasive and chooses to face the violent attack of Bai Ye. In the confrontation, the body of the gun kept swinging, the void kept trembling when the tip of the gun hit, and the ground below also appeared one after another crack.

Then, I wanted to suppress what Qiu Xiuyuan’s Baiye felt, slightly frowned.

She stepped out for the last time and backed back with the force of the counter shock. At the same time, in midair, her hot breath was transformed into silver and cold ice, and then she suddenly pointed towards a void.

A ray of blue light suddenly penetrated the void, one silhouette was forced to appear, and then the void melted, and flames covered the void in front.

The blue glow and the flames collided and splashed. The red-clothed red butterfly’s lovable body shook, her eyes were full of shock, her beautiful face was sluggish, and she couldn’t believe it.

"She is very strong, just take a direct attack, don’t have Keep your hands at all, otherwise we are afraid that we will suffer a loss. "

Qiu Xiuyuan said solemnly, he took the lead and held a gun very close, pressing every step of the way.

And the red butterfly is also eyes flashed, with flames climbing in her eyes, and immediately on the surface of her body The flames covered nothingness.

Then, Red Butterfly also deceived himself to advance, and Qiu Xiuyuan shot left and right to contain most of Bai Ye’s energy.

As for the three Martial Artists, It is to assist from the side, one after another exquisite martial skill is covered by the white night.

In this remote place, there is a Peak War erupting!

This is the Holy One The battle of the lower leader-level battle strength.

With the passage of time, the fluctuation of the battle becomes more and more fierce, and it is the line between life and death at every turn.

At this time, Bai Ye is full of yin and yang. , True essence urged to the extreme.

Her body surface has evolved a faint hazy atmosphere, covering her figure, and when she shot her hand, the fists and palms interlaced, it was terrifying.

Powerful enough to severely damage the normal Heaven Realm Great Perfection.

However, her opponent is not weak.

Shan Shanqiu Xiuyuan’s golden long spear shook most of her head-on. Offensive, and obviously there is still more power, and Hongdie is also like a master of flames, behind him, there is an infinite flame burning in the void, which brings her a lot of pressure.

The two join hands and Bai Ye will be there.

She is restrained everywhere, let alone three other people intervening from time to time.

Gradually, she fell into a disadvantage.

Even if her battle strength is the best, it is Star Realm. The last monstruous talent genius at the time of decline. (Except for Zhang Yi, which is open)

One person has occupied the first place on the Star Realm Peak battle strength list for more than a hundred years, but at this time, the siege of five people is after all Some single trees are difficult to support, blood dyed red robe.

On her shoulder, there is a blood hole that keeps bleeding out, piercing her bones.

And the extremely sharp golden breath in it is constantly evolving, making her unable to suppress and heal her wounds with true essence.

Blood keeps staying, and Bai Ye’s face to the five people is already concentrated attention. completely, how can you draw your mind to suppress the wound on your shoulder, that will undoubtedly be defeated faster.

The situation is getting more and more dangerous.

With the continuous use of martial skills, her true essence, while the lake is turbulent, the water level on the lake is getting lower and lower.

The five of Qiu Xiuyuan looked indifferent, without a trace of anxiety, but like a poisonous snake, pressing every step of the way, waiting for the exhaustion of Bai Ye's physical strength, revealing a weak spot.

At that time, they will resolve the battle as quickly as thunder!

The first Martial Artist of Star Realm will surely fall into their hands!


Time is passing slowly, and the sun that can be seen faintly in the sky has tilted a lot, and it is about to be hidden by the mountains.

It's just that even in such a crisis situation, the expression of the night shift is still indifferent. Although the battle is more and more tilted towards the opponent, she still has no weak spot exposed.

During the attack, she was still open and close, and she was shockingly powerful.

So far, two people have been severely injured by her one after another, and have withdrawn from the battle. If Qiu Xiuyuan and Hongdie were not rescued in time, they would be killed by her.

Of course, behind this record, she also paid a great price.

At this time, her robe has been infested with blood in many places, and even her cheek is also scratched. For example, the fine jade has a flaw, which makes people feel distressed.

Bai Ye's eyes are always calm. She knows that anxiety and fear can't solve any problems.

She is waiting, waiting for an opportunity.

In the round, she will thunder counterattack!



The deafening thunder sound comes out from time to time, with a thick silver lightning arc in the black The clouds shuttle constantly, and on the top of the mountain, surrounded by thunderclouds, it has been three full days.

The rocks on the top of the mountain are smashed down by thunder from time to time. At this time, it has become scorched and it is obviously devastated.

In midair on the top of the mountain, there is a circular light cluster formed by lightning, its diameter is as large as tens of meters! The extremely tyrannical aura radiated from it, as if it was the core of this Fang Leiyun, which could destroy everything in the world.

At the center of the Lei Mang Light Group, at this time there is a one silhouette sitting cross-legged.

He was white clothed like snow, lightning attached to it, but did not cause the slightest damage, and his hair was standing upside-down, and the lightning snake wandered through it.

At this moment, he seems to be thunder himself!

Zhang Yi's retreat has come to a critical juncture. In these few days, he has merged with Thunder Cloud, and the highest profound mystery together with comprehend thunder has reached the most critical juncture.

In his mind Sea of ​​Consciousness, there are strands of lightning converging with each other, from illuminating the emptiness all around, and then more and more lightning, gradually forming a pole in the air Traces of mysterious.

The trace is a silver thunder, just like resembles nature itself.

But just looking at it, you will feel the extremely obscure and esoteric thunder principles on it.

At this moment, Zhang Yi stepped through the doorstep, and Lei Zhidao was promoted to Perfection Realm in the realm of artistic conception!

As for the Supreme Rule of everything running and maintaining the vastness of time and space, Zhang Yi's current understanding is only a drop in the ocean, and it is far from it.

But at this time, he is undoubtedly one step forward.

After Zhang Yi's understanding of thunder reached a new level, the rules of profound mystery feedback made him feel that Sea of ​​Consciousness ushered in another round of expansion.

Meaning Sea of ​​Consciousness During the ebb and flow of the tides, waves tens of meters high were set off, expanding towards nothingness. At the same time, his Sword Soul was also nourished and began to grow again.

The whole process of change lasted more than ten minutes before it ended, meaning that Sea of ​​Consciousness stopped expanding, and Zhang Yi's Sword Soul also increased from 60% to 60% Peak in one fell swoop!

Only one step away from Great Accomplishment Sword Soul.

Feeling the Sword Soul in his mind that is several times larger than the initial concentration of Sword Soul, Zhang Yi's heart is slightly sighed, a little disappointed.

Sixty percent Peak!

Failed to complete the breakthrough!

"I am a little greedy, and still have illusions."

"Martial Spirit's cohesion, the more Source Power needed later, the more geometrically improved, let alone From Small Accomplishment to Great Accomplishment."

"At the beginning, the Concept of Cloud Perfection was able to increase from 30% Sword Soul to 40% Sword Soul, but 60% of Sword Soul could only It has reached 60% Peak."

Zhang Yi shook the head and opened his eyes.

When he looked towards comprehend, the thunder light group condensed on its own, and the right hand opened.

“bang bang! ”

Suddenly, the thunder rays of light all around seemed to have found their home suddenly, swarming towards Zhang Yi's palm.

In the flashing lightning, the thunder on Zhang Yi’s palm was compressed, and the thunder light clusters tens of meters in diameter turned into half-hand-sized thunder vortex, and waves of destruction emanated from it, letting There was a tremor in the void.


Zhang Yi uttered a clear drink, and naturally flicked his right hand arm. The compressed thunder vortex suddenly burst out, and its speed was astonishing, but In a flash, it appeared ten thousand meters away, and then directly blasted on the top of a mountain.


Next, in Zhang Yi's eyes, the entire mountain was cracked at this time, and countless boulders splashed in all directions.

Every boulder that falls on the ground will cause the earth to tremble.

Even Heaven Realm Martial Artist, facing this extremely fast boulder, an inadvertent response will also seriously hurt, because Zhang Yi thunder's additional force is too strong.

"The formidable power is not bad."

"This thunder light group, even the leading Martial Artist of Luotian world, has to be treated seriously, but now it has been It’s a pity for me to consume it like this."

"But I can’t keep dragging this thunder vortex with my hands."

Zhang Yi thought of looking at the broken mountain ahead. , And then he retracted his mind and raised his hand with a wave to disperse the thundercloud that had been covering the mountain for several days, and then he fell to the ground.

Since Martial Spirit is still close to the Great Success Realm, Zhang Yi decided to take advantage of today’s catch!

"For others, maybe they can only stay at 60% Peak, but I still have a way."

Zhang Yi outlines the corner of his mouth and opens the attribute panel directly, looked towards the cultivation point column.

Although his comprehension has been greatly improved after he passed the Source Power baptism, and both Concept of Cloud and Concept of Thunder rely on self-understanding, the role of cultivation points is still indirect.

"At the critical moment, the cultivation points should be used. When I become a saint, I am afraid that I can earn millions of cultivation points in a year."

Zhang Yi murmured In a whisper, it is also unambiguous, directly thoughts move, and divides all the cultivation points into the Martial Spirit column.

Suddenly, his mind Sea of ​​Consciousness expanded and reappeared!

There is a mysterious force in the void, once again surrounding Zhang Yi's silver Sword Soul.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but groan, feeling as if he was wandering in a white milk hot spring.

All around is full of nutrition, and as long as he opens his mouth and continuously absorbs it, the changes will continue to grow.

The silver long sword trembles lightly, and at this moment, it sucks all the mysterious power all around into it like a whale.

Silence for three seconds, the silver long sword suddenly became indeterminate, and then suddenly swelled to more than three feet.

The rune on it is clearly visible, as if to truly turn the imaginary into the real, and come out of form.

The body of the sword is white, the tip of the sword is sharp, and the place where you stand is slightly distorted in nothingness, as if under extreme pressure!

And Zhang Yi’s open eyes flashed a rays of light at the same moment.

After several ten breaths, the void outside several dozen li suddenly resounded, and then a floating cloud was divided into two.

"Sword Soul condensed 70% and entered the Great Success Realm, and it was not a 70% first-timer, but a step forward on the 70% road."

Zhang Yi felt the change of the silver long sword in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Thunderclouds are comprehend mysterious, revealing the changes in the rules of the world.

Once you are successful, your strength will increase!

"I don't know..."

"If I am facing a leading figure in the Luotian world, under regular battle strength, can I be one enemy three?"


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