Desolate land boundary.

After the black rain swept over, it is still lively here, and many Martial Artists gather.

And Zhang Yi also took advantage of the dark rain and rushed here quickly.

After Zhang Yi stepped onto this boundary and walked deeper, he was moved in his heart.

The communication gem in the storage ring has reacted!

This shows that Zhang Yi's distance from the white night is already within a perceptible range!

Zhang Yi immediately took out the gem of communication, and then divine sense plunged into it, and he had a surprise discovery.

The gem of communication in his hand has a weak reaction with a distant boundary!

Zhang Yi Muran raised his head, his eyes looked towards that direction, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Is it there, I finally found it."

Zhang Yi relaxed in his heart, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he stepped forward, and his figure disappeared in mid-air. .


"At that location, I finally found it!"

In a low canyon, there are gravel everywhere The distance between the two sides of the mountain is only a few meters, which is very narrow.

However, this unremarkable valley has several people staying here.

The person at the forefront is Chen Tao, who is known as a Thousand Miles Rat.

both of his hands keeps forming changes in the air, using exploration methods, chasing the clues left by Baiye when he escapes.

Following Chen Tao's movements, he suddenly had a peculiar power flow all over his body, and then countless runes appeared in the void.


At the end, Chen Tao folded his hands and shouted loudly.

The illusory runes all over the void are all drawn into his eye sockets and projected into his eyeballs!

Chen Tao's breath and Zou Ran became a little gloomy.

He raised his head and looked towards the front, only to see the original brown eyes, which have now become pure black, and they seem to be terrifying.

Then Chen Tao's pure black eyes flowed like a whirlpool in the water, and the world in his eyes also changed at this time.

In Chen Tao's sight, the whole world was completely darkened at this time.

Whether it is trees, mountain range, water flow, or characters, they all become black at this time, just like black sketches.

In this state, some subtle traces that are usually not noticed are dented.

In the gray world, there are faint white radiance scattered all around in the sky and the earth. This is the residual fluctuation of Martial Artist!

There are traces of everything.

This is the core of Chen Tao's secret tracking technique.

No matter what it is, if you have been there, it will definitely leave traces between Heaven and Earth.

As long as you can find the traces scattered between Heaven and Earth, tracking is not difficult.

While Bai Ye was already hit hard when he ran away, the traces left by it were naturally deeper.

If it hadn't been for a heavy rain, which would have washed away a lot of this trace, Chen Tao would have found the trace of the white night.

At this time, Chen Tao did not know when there was something in his hands.

It was a broken sleeve with blood, and its owner was Bai Ye.

Chen Tao used this blood-stained half-length sleeve to compare the remaining breath on it with the many traces that appeared in midair at this time.

Finally, he eyes shined and finally found the traces left by Baiye's escape.

Chen Tao saw a white rays of light flashing.

The rays of light were extremely dim and hard to find, but he still noticed.

Because the breath contained in the rays of light is exactly the same as the breath contained in the half sleeves in his hand!

The white rays of light flashed room leads to the sky, forming a path to the distance.

That's Bai Ye's escape direction!

Finally grabbed the other's tail, so he trembled with excitement and couldn't help but speak loudly.

"At that location, I finally found it!"

At this moment, Chen Tao's eyes returned to their original state.

However, there is a line of blood flowing down the corners of his eyes. Obviously, opening this secret technique will cause great damage to him.

In this brief moment, Chen Tao's full and abundant spirit also became depressed.

This secret technique is very useful, but the backlash is also huge!

For this, he at least paid decades of lifespan as a price!

But at the thought of waiting for the reward of the saint after returning to Luotian world, Chen Tao was full of joy.

"Holy Son, I have found Bai Ye's escape direction, right there!"

Chen Tao stepped sideways, letting out his position, and then he bowed his hand and turned towards Qiu Xiuyuan Said.

"hahaha, good job, good job!"

Qiu Xiu's Primordial Spirit looked excited, and his face was not concealed with joy.

He patted Chen Tao on the shoulder, and said.

"This time, you should take the first place!"

"Chen Tao thanked Holy Son."

Chen Tao also has a smile on his face, as if he has already Saw the moment of reward.


"Since the location has been ascertained, the following will completely leave the other party behind!"

"Chen Tao, you lead the way, we Go!"

After a lot of laughter, Qiu Xiuyuan's expression became solemn, he said solemnly.

"This time, I must kill the opponent completely, and there can be no mistakes!"

The words fell, and a group of people burst out, under the guidance of Chen Tao Head down towards Bai Ye's hiding place!


Half a day turned around.

It’s very quiet, and the night falls over the rolling mountain range.

Because of the dimness of the sky in this world, the night sky does not have a bright moonlight, and some are just withered in the darkness.

In the barren land boundary, somewhere in the vast rolling mountains, there is a huge underground crack with no end in sight, spontaneously forming a Tianjian region.

Looking down from the sky, the huge sky stream is shrouded in thick black fog, and you can't see everything below it. It is composed of the terrible cold air rushing out from the ground.

Under the black mist, even the divine sense is isolated, unable to peek at the slightest.

This is truly bottomless!

And the terrible cold air inside it is constantly scouring down, and when they collide with each other, they also form an extremely violent baleful aura turbulence, which is daunting.

However, in such a bad Tianjian, there is a trace of vitality.

At the bottom of Tianjian, below the big crack, there was a woman sitting cross-legged.

She was wounded all over, her sleeves were torn, and even her delicate cheek was scratched.

Needless to say, just looking at her miserable status quo is to know that she is in extreme predicament.

She is White Night.

After the outbreak of Danger Land and the counter-killing of the two people, she briefly escaped from the realm of death.

Dragging a body, she stumbled across the air. With the help of the short-term recovery after the eruption, she swept thousands of miles away, and finally fell down at this day's stream when her strength was exhausted.

In the first seven days, she stopped in the mountains and forests, and at the same time tried to run the cultivation technique, trying to recover her injuries as soon as possible, so as to completely get rid of Qiu Xiuyuan and the others' chase.

However, Bai Ye failed!

In that War General, her background was completely wiped out, and the self-inflicted damage far exceeded the expectations of Qiu Xiuyuan and the others!

Her body is blank, the true essence is like a dry desert without a trace of water, it is unsustainable!

And its divine sense is also completely dried up, it can no longer give birth to a trace!

In the absence of the first Strands of Divine Sense and true essence.

Even if the cultivation technique of Harmonious Bond Sect pays attention to the coordination of yin and yang, it is endless, but because the initial disappearance, Bai Ye cannot enter the state of recovery.

She can do it now.

Only wait.

Wait for the first true essence to naturally spawn in the body, so that with the first true essence to start the cycle, she can gradually recover from her injury.

It can be said that she now has no power to fight back except the strength of the fleshy body itself!

And she is not a Body Refinement Martial Artist.

At this time, her battle strength declined so severely that she was beyond imagination. It can be said that she is the weakest person in the world at this time!

While resting for the eighth day in the mountains and forests, Bai Ye had a foreboding danger.

Although the divine sense has completely dried up, and there is no trace of spiritual discovery, her surreptitious perception still plays a role.

As a last resort, Bai Ye turned around and jumped out of the bottomless underground stream that was shrouded in the cold of the earth.

Get caught, that obviously only has a dead end.

But if you jump off the sky, there is still a glimmer of survival.

Perhaps God no longer bears the heart to bless the misfortune on Bai Ye's body.

When she jumped, she accidentally avoided all the turbulence from the terrible cold and fell to the deepest ground.

And the natural shielding of divine sense brought by the terrible cold in the sky also allowed her to avoid the exploration of many Martial Artists and survived.

At this time, she was sitting cross-legged, sitting alone in the bottomless sky, with the darkness as her companion.

Twenty days have passed since she escaped from the siege of five people, but even so, there is still no true essence in her body.

Even if she has Spirit Stone in her storage ring, she also has various medicine pills, but without divine sense and true essence, she can't turn it on! Had to wait passively.

However, even in the face of such a situation, her face is still calm, without any panic.

The temperament of White Night, it seems to be forged after all the hardships.

Even Zhang Yi surpasses her in terms of comprehensive background.

But if it is a pure state of mind theory, although Zhang Yi has been tested by the system, it is undoubtedly far behind Baiye.


The bottom of the sky is shrouded by the terrible cold all year round, without the sun, the concept of day and night is also blurred.

White night meditation cultivation.

At one point, she suddenly opened her eyes.

She felt it.

I felt the vibration of the earth!

From here, there is a spear intent that is no stronghold one cannot overcome!

The spear intent is as overbearing as the sun, it seems that even the sky stream shrouded in black mist all the year has been melted for a moment, and the rays of light are shining down.

Hiding for 20 days, Bai Ye’s hiding place has been found!

The disillusioned ending still seems unavoidable.


White night sighed, unwilling to flash in my heart, but in the end it completely fell silent.

She barely stood up, her palms on both sides stretched subconsciously into a knife.

Although she can say that she has lost all her battle strength now, waiting to die on the spot is not her style.

White night got up and waited.

However, although her perception can foresee the danger in the dark, it is nothing more.

She lost all divine sense, and the place was shrouded by the terrible cold air, so she could not capture the body of the other person.

If it is a real fight, she may be killed before she can see the opponent clearly.


The overbearing spear intent enveloped the sky and disappeared in an instant, and then the opponent came straight to the white night.

After counting the interest.

In front of the white night, the black mist composed of the terrible cold air rolled away, and a silhouette stepped inside.

The silhouette of the silhouette gradually appeared, Bai Ye's body slumped slightly, and the palms became harder.

As soon as the opponent appeared.

The moment Bai Ye stared at the other person's eyes, the eyes that had always been calm and composed finally fluctuated.

There was consternation, some completely unprepared, and a little bit of relaxation.

"long time no see."

The handsome young man stepped out of the dark mist, said with a smile.

"Zhang Yi, it turned out to be you."

The heart that Bai Ye mentioned was relaxed, and subconsciously said, there was a rare shock in the eyebrows.

"Who else is there besides me?"

Zhang Yi asked rhetorically.

"The overbearing spear intent, although it is different from the previous one, but in this world, only Qiu Xiuyuan should be able to do it."

Bai Ye said.

And Zhang Yi waved his hand to pull a stone from the distant mountain wall, and then helped Bai Ye to sit down slowly.

"so that's how it is, after all, I use a sword, it really makes sense."

Listening to Bai Ye’s explanation, Zhang Yi nodded, said.

"It was just the effect of the Tianyang Spear."

"After all, the boundary of this place is quite strange, the earth is filled with evil, and it claims to be a Tianjian, and even the divine sense is cut off. ."

"Although I have a way to find out."

"But this is an extraordinary period after all, and it is quite wrong to explore slowly."

" So I used the power of the Heavenly Sun Spear to let its scorching sun penetrate this Tianjian and see your position clearly."

"Heavenly Sun Spear?"

A trace of confusion flashed across Bai Ye's face, and then he seemed to understand something instantly, looked towards Zhang Yi and asked.

"Demonic beast forest."

"Hundreds of years ago, you actually participated in the saint ruins of Po Tian Sect. Could it be that you killed the evil star of the Three Palace Lords? Killed?"

"Not bad."

Sit down with Bai Ye, Zhang Yi said frankly.

By this time, he no longer meant to be secret.

After establishing his own Heaven Realm battle strength number one, Zhang Yi's thoughts gradually changed.

At this time, he really has a sense of freedom and ease, and he can face what he did before.

After all, his Tianyang gun is going to be used after all. It is impossible to keep this Supreme Treasure weapon under the bedside table.

If this is the case, let me know if it is not.

Of course,

As far as Hing came, Zhang Yi still intends to bury it in his heart forever.

Otherwise speaking of which will damage his reputation as the lord of Star Realm.

"It turned out to be you."

I heard Zhang Yi's answer simply, Bai Ye's breath was chaotic for a moment, but Zhang Yi calmed it down.

Zhang Yi's faint voice came from her ear.

"Martial Dao's battle for chance has always been a life and death."

"You and I went to this step, that hand is not contaminated with the blood of others?"

Bai Ye heard that the palm was clenched tightly, and then released after a few breaths. She recovered her calm, said.

"When I return to Star Realm, I will fight you as a Harmonious Bond Sect Sect Master."

Zhang Yi hearing this smiled and said.

"In the true sense of the Star Realm first Heaven Realm battle?"

"Okay, I accept."

Then Zhang Yi’s The hand fell on Bai Ye's shoulder.

"Okay, this topic ends here, your situation is not ideal, leave it to me now."

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