Another year of spring and blossom.

At this time, it has been more than 40 years since Zhang Yi retreats, and the Martial Dao event held by Inquiring Sword Mountain is only a few years away.

In the cultivation secret room, after a long time of accumulation and Saint Realm cultivation point investment.

At this time, Zhang Yi finally feels that the total amount of true essence that the ocean can hold in his body has reached its limit, and it can no longer grow anymore.

As if he has reached a barrier, unless he is doing a breakthrough, he will stand still.

3 Heavenly Layer Peak!

At this time, Zhang Yi is officially based in this field.

At this time, the only barriers in front of him are the 4th Heavenly Layer and the intermediate sage. After crossing this level, Zhang Yi will also be among the realm in addition to battle strength. Enter Level 1 of the princess.

"The cultivation base has reached its limit, can't advance, it's time to leave."

Perceiving the true essence ocean filled with the body, Zhang Yi thoughts move is to stop Supreme Profound Sword continued to carry the cycle and stood up.

After that, Zhang Yi's eyes fell on the realm column of the attribute panel.

[realm: 3 Heavenly Layer Saint Realm Peak (to be breakthrough)]

[The Saint Realm cultivation points required for advancement are: 40,000 cultivation points. ]

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yi slightly nodded.

"From 1 Heavenly Layer breakthrough to 2nd Heavenly Layer requires 10,000 Saint Realm cultivation points, and 2nd Heavenly Layer breakthrough to 3 Heavenly Layer requires 20,000 Saint Realm cultivation points."

"From 3 Heavenly Layer to 4th Heavenly Layer, because there are still low-level and intermediate-level points, it doubles and requires 80,000 Saint Realm cultivation points."

"However, at this time, it is accompanied by my cultivation. The base reaches 3 Heavenly Layer Peak, and the Saint Realm cultivation points required for breakthrough are also reduced by half, which is not bad."

Zhang Yi feels good.

According to this trend, his goal of becoming an intermediate saint within a thousand years is obviously achievable.

Zhang Yi will restrain aura and contain all the true essence of the extreme vigor in the body, without leaking the slightest, then he raised his hand and waved, he opened the formation of the retreat and left. go out.

At this time, the weather was beautiful, and sunlight fell on him, rendering his white clothes into a golden color, making Zhang Yi look quite handsome.

" Both the fleshy body and the cultivation base have reached a limit, and if the God of Fire wants to open, it is best to wait for the earth fire magic body cultivation to reach the Third Layer, so that you can be absolutely sure "

"And if the earth fire monster wants to cultivate to the Third Layer, it needs another opportunity to support it, otherwise it will only be slower than faster than the cultivation base breakthrough to 4th Heavenly Layer... ..."

Zhang Yi walked slowly, letting the sun fall on his shoulders, while silently thinking about what to do next.

He thought about going there, Zhang Yi found that he had no direction for improvement in a short time, only the way to breakthrough 4th Heavenly Layer Saint Realm.

His various aspects of the cultivation base have indeed reached a limit.

The only exception is the divine ability.

After all, the divine ability Huayun Zhang Yi only cultivated to Small Success Realm, there is still room for improvement.

However, due to Zhang Yi’s dual cultivation the sword way and body refinement, his basic battle strength is too strong, even if the divine ability is slightly weaker, it is enough for single force subduing for ten meetings to achieve crushing. .

"Looking at it this way, maybe I really have to think about the Martial Dao event. After all, the rewards are enough to help Martial Artist break through the 4th Heavenly Layer field more smoothly....."

"With my strength, the so-called Martial Dao event is basically just a process."

Zhang Yi touched his chin and had a conclusion in his heart, and then he stretched his waist. Leave all thoughts behind.

"At this time, there are still a few years before the Martial Dao event. Don’t even think about cultivation. After several decades of retreat, the body is about to rust. You have to move around, relax and experience. Let’s take a look at the various aspects of life."

"Let’s think about it, should I take this opportunity to go to the Shaman Temple to have a look, what kind of mysterious look is the so-called Assassin Organization?"


With this idea, Zhang Yi first took out the small lotus sword and modified the closed state so that it could accept notifications from the outside world. Then Zhang Yi saw several messages in the small lotus sword.

Zhang Yi just scans the divine sense, which is to bring this information into his mind.

Among them, there are several messages sent by Qidao Lin and the others. Zhang Yi glanced at him, but he didn't see any important things. It was nothing more than exchanging Martial Dao experience and exploring the relics. Things like that.

"The guy Qi Dao Lin really cares about the ruins. It has been several decades and is still insisting on it."

Zhang Yi couldn't help but smile, and said helplessly.

In addition to Qidao Lin and the others, there is a message that surprised Zhang Yi. This message was issued by Inquiring Sword Mountain Elder and is for all the saints of Inquiring Sword Mountain.

The content is that the lord of Liuyun County in the vast territory of Inquiring Sword Mountain fell to Tingxue Tower, one of the Peak forces, and became the owner of the seventh floor.

Inquiring Sword Mountain is furious and has issued a top arrest warrant!

"Lord of Liuyun County?"

Seeing this, Zhang Yi stroked his chin, eyes deep.

As a saint, any past experience can be recalled as long as you think about it, even if you have only seen it once.

I saw Zhang Yi's eyes showing thoughts, and soon he found the information he wanted in the vast memory.

"Liuyun County, one of the 28 Inquiring Sword Mountain counties, ranks in the top five in terms of comprehensive strength. The county owner is Lengyuejian Zhao Xing. According to reports, he is extremely powerful and is Inquiring Sword Mountain second only. to Four Great Elders..."


Zhang Yi could not help taking a deep breath.

"For such a heavyweight to fight against the enemy, it is no wonder that Inquiring Sword Mountain is so angry and issued a top-level reward for the entire violent Sea Territory, allowing a super-high reward."

"It is worthy of it. The violent Sea Territory, even the Peak forces, are competing against each other."

"I don’t know exactly how Ting Xuelou promised, since it can let the Liuyun County Princess offend Inquiring Sword Mountain, it’s also Want to turn..."

"Or Princess Liuyun used to be the Martial Artist of Tingxuelou?"

Zhang Yi shook the head and sighed, but no Regardless, these things are still too far for him, so let's focus on the present.

Zhang Yi quietly left Yifeng Stone Mansion, then passed through the Light Gate, and left Sword Mountain again.

After that, Zhang Yi took out the Wujin mask to transform the Supreme Treasure into another appearance, and at the same time, it also obscured his own breath.

At this point, Zhang Yi seems to have completely become another person, without any features similar to before.

After finishing this step, Zhang Yi raised his hand and shook it, and a silver token appeared in his hand.

This is the identity token of the Shaman Temple!

For the underground Assassin Organization, which seems to be a force outside the violent Sea Territory, Zhang Yi is still quite interested.

Now that I have time, Zhang Yi naturally wants to go shopping and get to know it.

With the existence of the Wujin mask, his identity can also be guaranteed not to be detected by outsiders.

"Earth Shaman Temple, originally sent three saints to assassinate me, although the plan failed, and the manipulator behind Xue Yan has been killed by me, but I don’t know the reward for me. Are there any tasks?"

"And the Temple of Earthly Shame seems to have its own channel of information. I don’t know if there is any news about pure Bloodline Power."

"I’m from that evil cultivator The giant spirit ring that I got in his hand is still in the seal, and it needs extremely pure Bloodline Power to undo the seal......"

Zhang Yi whispered in his heart, true essence flowed into this piece of silver Token.

Suddenly, a weak reaction appeared inside it, and a map seemed to emerge faintly.

Zhang Yi looked around and found that there was a mysterious land boundary outside the territory of Inquiring Sword Mountain, and at the corner of the map, there was a city with a black symbol.

"Is this the location of the Divine Hall branch?"

"It does not exist within the boundaries of the major Peak forces, but is established in a place where no one has jurisdiction The area is quite suitable for the style of the Assassin Organization."

"In such a realm, it’s no wonder that Inquiring Sword Mountain defaults to the existence of the Shaman Temple. I think the same is true for the other seven Peak forces. Right."

"After all, apart from the trouble, the Palace Lord in that place is also unfathomable, so there is no need to provoke it."

"Oh, it has the same effect as Chamber of Commerce. Wow, it's just that one is the Assassin Organization and the other is the Chamber of Commerce organization."

Zhang Yi flipped his hand and took the silver token away, and the whole person went away in an instant.

And his goal, naturally, is the Xuangu realm.

However, Zhang Yi obviously had a playful attitude during this trip, and going to the Disha Temple was just a pastime.

He has been in retreat for too long. At this time, he just wanted to wander around before the Martial Dao event. He didn't plan to do anything.

In a flash, several months have passed, and only then did Zhang Yi approach the Xuangu realm.

On this day, a stream of light fell from the sky, and when no one found it, it landed on a mountain peak.

The stream of light dissipated, and a young man with an ordinary face appeared. This was Zhang Yi who had been transformed into a Wujin mask.

At this time, he pretended to be a Martial Artist, intending to use this as his identity to contact the Earthshade Hall.

"Is this the Cangxuan Realm?"

Zhang Yi looked towards all around, muttering.

At this time, what appeared before his eyes was an invisible primordial jungle with several mountain ranges spreading in it, creating dangers.

At the intersection of the source of these several mountain ranges, there is a wide plain, where a steep city stands.

That is Zhang Yi's goal.

And the Disha Temple branch is also hidden in this city.

"It is said that this city is also called Sin City by some Martial Artists, because many Martial Artists wanted by all influence finally fled here, avoiding hunting, and rooting here. "

"Zhang Yi said in a tranquil voice, choosing to establish a branch here, it is really like raising fish in muddy water."

Zhang Yi said in a tranquil voice , And his body flashed immediately, he intends to follow the direction of the mountain range and go deep into the primitive forest.

And Zhang Yi is not very long when he left, so he raised his brow and looked towards not far away.

Under his perception, there was a trace of true essence fluctuations there, obviously someone was fighting.

Zhang Yi left with his intention, and stepped out, but just a few ups and downs, he was close to the battle site.

Then, the specific situation in the field fell into Zhang Yi's eyes.

Under the forest, the trees are dumped in patches, and there are chaos everywhere. Martial Artists with two black costumes are besieging a young man.

At this time, the young man's long hair was scattered, and blood was covered all over his body. He looked precarious and might be killed at any time.

"Friends, save me!"

"I am the Elder dísciple of Martial City. You saved me, the master will thank you again."

Because Zhang Yi appeared swaggeringly, his trail was naturally discovered by the three of them.

The young man who was besieged reacted very quickly, and he hurriedly called for help.

"hmph, this matter has nothing to do with your Excellency, you should leave quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being impolite."

One of the two faced each other. Zhang Yi said coldly, his actions became more and more ruthless, and the young man gradually couldn't stand it.

"Martial City, broken the mirror door?"

Zhang Yi murmured, unable to help his heart move.

Martial City is Zhang Yi's destination.

For outside Martial Artists, many people call it Sin City, but in the official name, this city is called Martial City.

It is also Martial Dao supreme, strength is respected!

In this city, all evil can be displayed. There are no rules and restrictions from the outside world. As long as you have enough strength, you can do anything at will.

At this time, Zhang Yi has not yet entered Martial City, but he has met people from Martial City here.

"Fortunately, news is news after all. Before entering Martial City, it is okay to find someone to understand the situation."

Zhang Yi thought in his mind, that is, body moved, Joined the battle.

He didn't use his full strength, but blasted out casually, but even so, he still killed one of them after a few breaths.

On the other side, the young man became more brave after the pressure dropped sharply. Soon after, he broke through the air with a sword and divided the second person into two.

"Thanks Senior to help, otherwise I will not escape today."

The young man walked in and said respectfully to Zhang Yi, his eyes full of sincerity.

"It's okay, it's just a small matter."

Zhang Yi indifferently said, "I am a Martial Artist out of town. This is the first time I come to Martial City. If someone helps me, it will naturally be much easier. "

"This Martial City dragons and snakes mingle is quite dangerous to outsiders, and it can be fatal at every turn."

"But your Excellency will save me, this is kindness. After I return to the Broken Mirror Gate, I will report it. I want to come to the Master to help the senior."

Just now Zhang Yi shot, and easily beheaded the opponent. This young man also changed his tone and called Zhang Yi senior. , Behaved very humble.

"That's fine, then let's go."

Zhang Yi slightly nodded, said calmly.

"Senior, please follow me."

As the young man said, he turned into a light and went away, and Zhang Yi body moved followed him.

A few days later, the two rushed to their destination.

On the sky dome in the distance, Zhang Yi looked forward and saw a majestic city standing at the source of the mountain range.

The city wall is formed by the accumulation of black spar, spreading to both sides, directly bordering the mountain range on the left and right, forming a wide wall.

This is like a natural danger, dividing the inner and outer space, giving people a feeling of depression.

This is Martial City!

Martial Dao is respected, strength is supreme, and there are no rules outside the law!

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