The night is dark.

The cold wind swept across from both sides.

With the support of Reiatsu, the strong wind in midair not at all brought Lin Lichuan a little bit of discomfort, but instead made him squinted with excitement.

With the rapid flight, the light brown cloak was flying around behind him, flapping, and stirring up the hunting wind, like a horse eagle flying in the sky, it swept out more than ten meters in an instant, the speed is no more than that on land The speeding car is poor.

The feeling that a person soars in the night sky alone, as if the entire sky belongs to him, is really intoxicating, even Lin Lichuan can’t help but be a little addicted.

Unfortunately, the speed is too fast and there are disadvantages. It didn’t take long before he arrived at his destination.

Linyang City Science Research Institute.

Although the institute is slightly remote and not in the city center, it occupies a huge area. You can see a cluster of tall and dense buildings from a distance. It is also a well-known location in Linyang City.

It’s just that many places in this building complex are now turned into fire seas and ruins. Looking down from a high altitude, you can see many corpses lying in the ruins, including researchers in white coats. , There are also security guards in uniforms and soldiers in military uniforms.

More surviving people are screaming and running around in the ruins, desperately trying to escape the institute.

Lin Lichuan glanced at the tragic situation underneath, with a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

The power of Flashblade lies in teleport ability and blade art. The scene in front of him is absolutely impossible because of his ability. Either the attacker who caused this tragedy is not Flashblade, or Flashblade detonated some kind of powerful power. Explosives.

Lin Lichuan looked around, and quickly noticed that there were many retrograde soldiers in the fleeing crowd, and their destinations all pointed to a place deep in the research institute without exception. He was a little focused After listening, I found that the sound from that direction was vaguely mixed with a lot of screams.

Seeing this, Lin Lichuan’s heart suddenly became clear, and the body flashed out.

The scene was chaotic, with fires blazing into the sky, and sniffling smoke everywhere, and no one noticed anyone flying over.

When there was still 300-400 meters away from the destination, Lin Lichuan lowered the flying height and landed on the roof of a three-story building.

As a result, as soon as he landed, an exclamation mark popped up in the lower right corner of his vision.

Seeing this, Lin Lichuan’s eyes flashed with joy, and he immediately clicked on the exclamation point. As expected, it was the information prompt about the location of the meteor stone, which was 298m away.

When I met Zheng Lei and the others in the restaurant earlier, Shinigami only popped up a message when the other party was within 300 meters. At that time, he guessed that Shinigami’s limit distance to detect meteor stone would not be The meeting will be three hundred meters, until this meeting is really confirmed.

“I don’t know if I can extend the detection range in the future.”

The distance of 300 meters is still a bit short. If the VIP Rank is raised to a certain level, the detection range can be increased.

Lin Lichuan’s thoughts flashed through his mind, and he quickly converged his distracting thoughts, and looked towards the battle not far below.

all around the skyrocketing fire illuminates the battle area brightly, and you can clearly see that a group of soldiers holding guns has surrounded an open space, and everyone is raising their guns and aiming at the open space. Central, but did not dare to pull the trigger.

Because of the two people fighting in the open space, apart from the intruder, one of them is high level personnel.

Lin Lichuan looked carefully, and vaguely recognized one of them as the Transcendent sent by the Special Control Committee to receive the meteorite. Last time, because the distance was too far, he didn’t see how the other person looked, but he wanted to come this time The Silver Transcendent who will be in the research institute is also the only member of the Special Control Committee.

The other is a young man holding a sharp longblade with a ridiculous smile on his face. Even if he is in battle and surrounded by countless fully armed soldiers, he still doesn’t panic. It looks like figure flashes occasionally appear behind the opponent instantly, forcing the opponent to rush into the attack.

Obviously, the people of the Special Control Committee will not be able to support it for long.

“It seems that this guy is Flashblade.”

Lin Lichuan waited for a while, then quickly retracted his gaze and started looking for the meteorite according to the distance prompt.

Now the people of Flashblade and the Special Control Committee are fighting, and the attention of the guards is also attracted by them. It is a good opportunity to search for meteorites.

The distance of 300 meters is not too far. It only took less than half a minute. Lin Lichuan determined that the meteorite was hidden in a building not far away and flew over without hesitation. ka- cha directly broke the glass with a sound and landed firmly on the floor of the corridor on the second floor.

Due to the attack and fire, the researchers in the building had already ran thoroughly, and there was no one on the large hallway.

Lin Lichuan glanced at the distance display in the lower right corner, followed the prompts and walked forward, and soon came to a metal gate.

The gate is thick and strong, exuding a silver luster under the light, and revealing an indestructible texture.

Lin Lichuan only observed for a few seconds, and he was sure that he could not destroy the metal gate with his current strength, but he did not intend to compete with the metal gate.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Lichuan directly releases Tenken, countless ripples are stirred up in the void in an instant, from which a huge unmatched fist is stretched out, like a cannon popping up like a rage Out, with a fierce imposing manner that was difficult to handle, it was blasting on the wall next to the gate.

In an instant, I heard a loud boom, and there was a huge hole in the thick stone wall between the sky full of rubble.

The rubble fell straight down.

Lin Lichuan relieved Shikai and stepped into the hole.

The room is spacious and bright. The walls are white on all sides. The large room is empty. Only the middle of the room is placed with a large transparent glass cabinet. Inside, there is a huge volume that exudes a strange aura. Of stones.

It is a meteorite.

Compared with the first time I saw a meteorite, its volume has been reduced by more than half, but Lin Lichuan has long learned from Zong Ye that strange beast has the habit of devouring meteorites to recover from their injuries. Not too surprised, the joy in his eyes flashed away, and he took a step forward and swung his sword decisively on the glass cabinet.


To Lin Lichuan’s expectation, the glass cabinet only cracked a little after a sword went down.

“This is made of bullet-proof glass?”

Seeing this, Lin Lichuan cut a few more swords and finally broke the glass cabinet. He immediately reached in and pressed it gently. On the surface of the meteorite, a message popped up in the field of vision.

‘detected convertible currency, whether to exchange? ‘


Lin Lichuan’s mouth was slightly raised, and without the slightest hesitation, he chose to absorb. In an instant, he keenly felt the meteorite in front of him shook slightly. This strange aura has disappeared, as if it suddenly became an ordinary stone that can be seen everywhere.

Open the personal interface again and see that the Crystal Stone Column has changed from 12 to 85, adding a full 73 crystal stone.

“85 crystal stone…you can draw 8 cards.”

Lin Lichuan couldn’t help but feel joyful, thinking for a few seconds, decisive Open Drawing Cards Interface.

According to his original plan, he wanted to wait for Ren Yanan to come back from deep mountain training and then draw his luck. However, thinking about the tough enemies he will deal with next, especially the tricky teleport ability of the opponent, he decided Still draw a few cards, maybe Zanpakutō can be drawn to restrain teleportation.

Since the decision has been made, Lin Lichuan stopped hesitating and immediately pressed the card draw option.

With the flash of radiance, a beautiful card suddenly appeared from in the sky, and after spinning a few times as usual, it turned into a streamer and plunged into his forehead.

In a moment, a name appeared in Lin Lichuan’s mind.


When he saw the name clearly, Lin Lichuan couldn’t help being taken aback.

This name sounds a bit strange, and it seems to be an extra Zanpakutō.

He tried his best to remember for a moment, and finally remembered this Zanpakutō named Benishidare, whose ability seems to be to spread a strange kind of pollen. Any Zanpakutō that comes into contact with pollen will bloom at the same time as flowers bloom. , Deprived of ability, can no longer use Shikai or Bankai.

After thinking about it clearly, Lin Lichuan was speechless for a while.

Zanpakutō’s ability is a bit tasteless. When facing an opponent who also holds Zanpakutō, the ability to neutralize the opponent Zanpakutō is very good, but there is no one in this world except him. Owning Zanpakutō can be said to be useless.

“Did you draw extra Zanpakutō for the first hand.”

Lin Lichuan gave a tut and continued with the second draw.

With the crystal stone deduction, the second name quickly appeared in his mind.


“It’s extra Zanpakutō again? Luck won’t be so bad, right?”

Lin Lichuan couldn’t help but be speechless.

This Zanpakutō is more familiar to him than Benishidare. The ability is to summoned multiple earth spikes from underground to block or besie the enemy, but it is not an earth element control, but a simple summon. earth spikes.

Generally speaking, Tsuchinamazu is better than Benishidare, and the ability is quite satisfactory, but in any case, these two Zanpakutō are far worse than Hyōrinmaru and Tenken, even Haineko is not even comparable.

After drawing two extra Zanpakutō in a row, Lin Lichuan doubted whether he was a non-chief.

Shaking his head, he once again chose to draw a card, and the name that emerged this time finally made him slightly relaxed.


Hisagomaru belongs to the extremely rare Healing-Type Zanpakutō. After cutting to the target wound, it can absorb the injury and heal the opponent, and when the damage is absorbed to a certain extent, it can also Released to attack the enemy, although the battle strength is not particularly outstanding, but it can also be called a very practical Zanpakutō.

“Finally, I got a good one.” Lin Lichuan murmured.

It’s just that although Hisagomaru is good, it’s not very suitable for combat, let alone against enemies with teleport ability.

“Do it again.”

Without hesitation, Lin Lichuan continued to draw the card for the fourth time.

As the card turns into a streamer and sinks into his forehead, a new name flashes in his mind instantly.


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