Facing Lin Zhenyi’s gaze, Lin Lichuan couldn’t help but feel dumb.

Should I tell aunt that his unarmed combat has reached the point where even Martial Daoist can easily kill it?

Not to mention that unarmed combat is just the weakest of his many abilities.

Others may learn a lot of practical things by going to the Royal Military Academy, but he is definitely not included.

After thinking for a while, Lin Lichuan decided to just let it go for the time being, so he nodded and said: “I am understood.”

hearing this, Lin Zhenyi smiled. , Said: “It’s good to have this goal. You are only a freshman now, so don’t worry too much.”

There is no need to worry. As long as Lin Lichuan has the idea of ​​going to the Royal Military Academy, it will be fine even if he fails to pass the exam. What she has is a way to get him into school. By then, she can easily surpass most students in the Academy’s practical skills assessment by taking some worldly treasures that will strengthen her body.

As for learning, there is no need to worry about Lin Lichuan’s grades.

After graduation, I tried to find a way to get an awakening potion to help him with his awakening ability. As long as he became a Transcendent, he could at least be a Captain Rank in the empire and step into the ranks of elite officers.

If you can become a Silver Rank and gain a certain degree of military merit, it is not a dream to become a nobleman, even if it is just the lowest-class Lord, you can formally enter the upper class circle and marry the right noble. Lady, give birth to a few cute children, and life will be completely happy.

If you can go further and get the title of hereditary aristocracy, then Lin Family can ascending to the skies with a single leap and become a new imperial aristocratic family. In that case, big brother and sister-in- If you know the law, you will be very pleased.

In just four or five seconds, Lin Zhenyi arranged Lin Lichuan’s bright future perfectly clear, and the scenes of his nephew from graduation to getting married and having children flashed in his mind, and his face unconsciously appeared. A smile of satisfaction and satisfaction.

Lin Lichuan looked in his eyes, secretly puzzled.

But he quickly put the matter behind his head and changed the subject: “aunt, how long are you on vacation this time?”

Lin Zhenyi came back to his senses , Replied: “About half a month, because the federation is merged into the empire, many places in the country are in chaos at the moment, and the company’s business has temporarily decreased a lot. When stability is restored, it will continue to be busy.”

Lin Lichuan thoughtfully nodded.

In other words, Nightsong should try to minimize its actions recently. Is it an acknowledgement allegiance to Tania Empire? Guaranteed not to make trouble?

However, speaking of which, Tania Empire and Qianyuan Trade Union attacked the White Crown Federation, both at the beginning and at the end of the war, which are very similar to the battle between Qianzhong and Nightsong, and the latter’s Not long after the end of the war, the former’s war also came to an end, and the outcome was decided, so similar and similar, it is unavoidable that people wonder if there is any connection between them.

Thinking about it, Lin Lichuan couldn’t help but flashed an unimaginable idea.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Zhenyi asked softly, noticing the change in his expression.


Lin Lichuan came back to his senses, temporarily pressing down the doubts in his heart, and continuing to eat.

In the evening, Lin Lichuan came out of the shower and was surprised to find that Lin Zhenyi had changed clothes and was wearing shoes at the hallway. Surprisedly said, “Are you going out?”

” Well, see some old friends.”

Lin Lichuan’s heart moved slightly.

The so-called old friend refers to the members of Nightsong, maybe Meng Xiaotong and Cheng Chun.

The core member of Nightsong staying in Linyang now seems to have only these two people.

Watching Lin Zhenyi leave, Lin Lichuan stood there thinking for a while, then turned back to the bedroom and took the opportunity to train the Reishi Air-Walking Skill.

As soon as Lin Zhenyi walked out of the community, a black car stopped next to her. The window opened, revealing Liu Dong’s honest smile.


Lin Zhenyi gently nodded to him, opened the rear door and got into the car, and asked casually: “Where are Xiaotong and Cheng Chun?”

“Waiting in the villa.”

“Jiang Family’s villa estate?”

“No, it is the military Chief-In-Charge stationed in Linyang City He knew that Captain had come to Linyang, so he immediately sent someone to send a villa to Captain’s future residence in Linyang.”

“He has good ears and eyes.” Lin Zhenyi said lightly.

Liu Dong laughed, but did not answer.

The vehicle quickly stopped in front of a spacious villa. After parking the car, Lin Zhenyi and Liu Dong walked into the villa side by side. As soon as they entered the lobby on the first floor, they saw Meng Xiaotong lying down. On the sofa, looking bored through the newspaper.

And Cheng Chun was leaning in the corner of the corridor, chatting hot with a pretty young maid, and didn’t know what he was talking about, making the other party’s cheeks flushed and laughing again and again.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Lin Zhenyi walking into the living room. Cheng Chun smiled slightly, leaned his head and whispered in the ear of the pretty maid, and then saw the girl blushing and leaving, and he was Turn around and walk towards Lin Zhenyi.


Meng Xiaotong also jumped up from the sofa, immediately laughing at the surface and said: “Captain, this time I perfectly completed the mission, and I haven’t gotten involved yet. Any trouble.”

Lin Zhenyi sat down on the opposite side of the sofa and said nonchalantly: “Although you didn’t kill the people in Qianzhong, but in terms of the result, the mission target was achieved. “

“I just assume that Captain is affirming that I am good.” Meng Xiaotong didn’t care, said with a grin.

“Okay, tell the truth.”

Lin Zhenyi’s sentence attracted the attention of everyone present.

“White Crown Province has just been established, and it will take a while to stabilize. This aspect does not require Nightsong to take action. It has its own administrative officials sent by Your Highness to be responsible, and then the power of Nightsong needs to be used. So Nightsong will not have any major actions during this time.”

“Nevertheless, we can’t just relax.”

Meng Xiaotong hearing this showed a curious expression and asked : “Why, are there any other missions?”


Lin Zhenyi’s concise and concise answer made everyone express a slight silence.

“This is also the reason why I gathered you in Linyang.”

“Most recently, people from the Special Affairs Division have appeared in Linyang City.”

“Special Affairs Division?”

The three present were frowned by coincidence.

Meng Xiaotong directly showed a look of disgust: “Why are those business hound coming to Linyang? Is it possible that what are they conspiring?”

“They are aiming at me Come.” Lin Zhenyi said lightly, with a hint of chill in her tone, “The people in the Special Affairs Division didn’t know where they learned of my hidden identity in the Federation, and they intended to kidnap Lichuan to threaten me, but they didn’t know what happened later. Something happened, and the person carrying out the kidnapping plan suddenly disappeared, and this failed.”

As soon as these words came out, the three of Meng Xiaotong suddenly started.

Didn’t expect the Special Affairs Division to plot this secretly. If this succeeds, the consequences will be unimaginable.

While secretly rejoicing, the three of them couldn’t help but have a series of doubts.

How did the Special Affairs Division know Lin Zhenyi’s hidden identity?

This information is extremely secret, and few people know it.

Furthermore, what happened to the kidnapping failed? Who stopped them?

The three of them browse slightly wrinkle and fall into contemplation.

On the contrary, Lin Zhenyi seemed to have guessed, and when he saw it, he said indifferently: “Anyway, we have to take out all the rest of the Special Affairs Division and deal with it. I have reported this matter. Go up, it will be handled by our team with full authority, and the troops stationed in Linyang will also have full authority to cooperate with us.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Meng Xiaotong looked at each other and said in unison. Replied.


The turmoil brought about by the war quickly subsided.

Linyang City gradually returned to calm, and social order was back on track. People still live and work normally. Everything looks the same as before, but it seems to be different.

Lin Lichuan’s life has also returned to a calm state.

With Lin Zhenyi there, he can no longer run out at will as usual. If he wants to train Reishi Air-Walking Skill, he can only choose the time period when Lin Zhenyi goes out occasionally.

Fortunately, the growth of enhancement points is not affected.

“Finally got it together.”

As Lin Zhenyi was out again, Lin Lichuan returned to his bedroom, closed the door and opened the personal panel, his eyes were on Enhancement Points Column.

‘Enhancement Points: 5121’

Seeing, Lin Lichuan eyes can’t help flash with joy, without hesitation, I chose to upgrade Reiatsu directly.

As the points are deducted, Reiatsu’s level instantly jumps to LV 6.

The familiar feeling of reinforcement resurfaced again. Lin Lichuan couldn’t help closing his eyes, carefully experiencing this enjoyable and wonderful feeling of rapid improvement in strength.

For a long while, as the feeling faded away, he re-opened his eyes, and he felt his body within the body strengthened a lot of Reiatsu, and his face was involuntarily smiling with satisfaction.

“This time Shikai should be able to reach Level 16 level.”

When Reiatsu was still LV 5, his Shikai Hyōrinmaru was already able to crush many 1Level 5, including even Including Elementalist, now Reiatsu Level has been upgraded again, and its strength has skyrocketed. Breaking to Level 16 is a certainty. Even Level 17 is not without the power of a battle.

“Speaking of which, what is the Bioenergy Level of aunt?”

Suddenly, a question flashed in Lin Lichuan’s mind.

Thinking for a moment to no avail, he shook his head to dispel the distracting thoughts, and put his mind back on the interface.

Seeing that there are more than 100 enhancement points left, he simply consumes 100 points to upgrade Hakuda, who hasn’t been upgraded for a long time.

Name: Lin Lichuan

Reiatsu: LV 6 (0/8,000)

Kendō: LV 5 (0/2,000)

Hakuda: LV 3 0

Kidō: LV 3 (0/1,200)

Shunpo: LV 10

Zanpakutō: Tenken, Haieko, Hyōrinmaru, Shinsō .. ….

Crystal Stones: 45

Enhancement Points: 21

“Now if it is not Shikai, my strength should be equivalent to Level 14 or so “

Lin Lichuan recalled the strengths of Level 14 and 1Level 5 Transcendent he had encountered in the past.

“But with Shunpo, even if you encounter Level 15 Silver Peak, it is not impossible to defeat.”

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