Lin Lichuan didn’t expect the opportunity to come so quickly.

It took less than two days to come to Huangpo City, and I waited for Zhou Guanghuan to leave the barracks and go out.

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, watching the convoy slowly approaching in the distance, he slowly grasped Miniature Reishūkaku in his hand.

“Then, follow the previously agreed plan, and others will leave it to you, and I will deal with the Gold Rank Transcendent next to Zhou Guanghuan.” He turned his head and looked towards Meng Xiaotong.

The girl pressed her lips tightly, nodded heavily.

“Let’s get started.”

Two minutes later, the convoy had arrived under the building where Lin Lichuan was located. He decisively mobilized Reiatsu and poured into Reishūkaku madly without reservation. A sphere of light flashed on the surface of the body for a while, and it strengthened at an unimaginable speed.

Reiatsu aura’s fluctuations rose rapidly, but only Lin Lichuan could clearly perceive it.

Even if Meng Xiaotong is close at hand, he can only vaguely perceive this through the change of the photosphere, and perceive that there is no energy fluctuation nearby.

In just a few seconds, Lin Lichuan within the body’s Reiatsu is on the verge of running out, and the strength of the reiatsu barrier around the body has reached an astonishing level.

He took out a bottle of Jiyō Kyōsōzai and took it, then jumped off the roof.

In the car below, Barton suddenly opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong.” Zhou Guanghuan, who was sitting next to him, noticed his movements and asked in confusion.


After hesitating, Barton slowly shook his head. For some reason, a premonition of anxiety suddenly surged in his heart, which can be traced back carefully. , But not knowing where it came from, not at all transcendent energy appeared within two hundred meters.

I was in shock and uncertainty, and suddenly I heard a slight sky-splitting sound.

Listen carefully, the sound seems to be coming from above.

In an instant, Barton realized something was wrong, his face changed drastically, and he roared decisively:

“Enemy attack!”

At the same time, he With a flip of his wrist, there were already a few pigeon egg-sized metal balls in the palm. He raised his hand and threw it upward.

As soon as the metal ball left Barton’s palm, it melted like hot butter, twisted and squirmed and expanded, turning into countless silver liquids, quickly enclosing him and Zhou Guanghuan in a blink of an eye. A huge metal ball was formed in the meantime.

The next second the metal ball was formed, a violent impact burst out.

The reiatsu barrier dropping from the sky exuding a faint radiance, the stars fell like a moon, crashing down until they approached within fifty meters above the convoy and heard the strong whistling sound from overhead, the soldiers did not When I found something was wrong, I looked up, and the look of horror appeared instantly, and I wanted to avoid it.

However, it was too late at this time. With a deafening roar, Reiatsu’s light ball was falling in the center of the convoy, and then the ka-cha shattered suddenly, and a terrifying shock wave erupted from it, moving like a hurricane. Towards all directions swept away, most of the convoy was flooded in an instant.


The closest few cars were lifted out like toys, flying high, in midair, they twisted and disintegrated into numerous parts and fragments, and the soldiers inside were squeezed without a hum. Into the meat sauce, blood and flesh flying.

Countless metal fragments mixed with glass slag splashed all over the sky, splashing around like bullets, shooting a slightly far away vehicle and the people inside into a hornet’s nest, and a few unlucky ones were hit The fuel tank, exploded into a ball of fire in an instant.

In just four or five seconds, the team fell apart, almost killing more than 80% of the people, and suffered heavy losses.

Several Transcendent surprised and angry who survived the explosion with their high-strength skills got out of the vehicle. Before they could stand firmly, their feet suddenly condensed in the blood flowing out of the vehicle. A sharp thorn protruded, slammed their vitals with lightning speed, and instantly took their lives.

Similar situations continue to happen around.

Through the diffuse smoke and dust, Meng Xiaotong concealed and quickly harvested the enemy’s life.

On the other side, at the very center of the explosion, the vehicle that Zhou Guanghuan was riding in was already disappeared, leaving only a huge deep hole in place, and the center of the deep hole was a huge metal with a diameter of more than two meters Round ball.

Lin Lichuan holds Asauchi in his hand and looks at the metal ball in front of him, his face calm and not surprised.

He was not prepared to solve Zhou Guanghuan with a surprise attack. After all, there is a Gold Rank bodyguard beside him, so it is not that simple to let him succeed.


The surface of the metal ball suddenly protruded with seven or eight sharp spikes, falling off like an arrow from the string, and immediately arrived in front of Lin Lichuan.

Faced with this sudden attack, Lin Lichuan’s expression remained unchanged, his figure shook slightly, and he used Shunpo to escape.

At this time, the metal ball suddenly melted and disappeared, turning into a silver bright ball again, revealing the silhouettes of Zhou Guanghuan and Barton, both shocked and angry looking at Lin Lichuan.

His eyes swept over the miserable situation of the surrounding team, Zhou Guanghuan expression instantly became gloomy, the anger in his eyes almost turned into substance, staring at Lin Lichuan’s appearance after the clown mask transformation, gnashing teeth:


“Okay, okay, didn’t expect you guys are quite brave. Instead of running back, you continue to assassinate me. Andres, that idiot is just being played around by you!”

At this point, Zhou Guanghuan became more and more angry, “Barton, kill them!”

Barton expression stared at Lin Lichuan vigilantly, and whispered: “General, this guy is not weak, I am afraid it is also a Gold Rank Transcendent , I think we’d better leave here first, and then mobilize manpower to wipe them out.”

“Gold Rank?”

Zhou Guanghuan was taken aback, his complexion suddenly changed slightly , His always cautious character immediately suppressed the anger in his heart, without the slightest hesitation, adopted Barton’s suggestion, “You are right, then leave here first!”

hearing this, Barton nodded, With a flick of the palm, he threw out more than ten silver bright balls, floating around him, spinning around. In the next second, most of them suddenly twisted and expanded, deformed into countless blades, spear, sword, halberd, tearing the air and shooting towards Lin Lichuan.

At the same time, he manipulated the remaining silver bright ball and turned it into a metal ball to cover himself and Zhou Guanghuan, like a cannonball, smashing the hong long long to the houses on the side.

During the ear-splitting boom, the house collapsed. Two shiver coldly civilians were immediately buried by falling rocks. They were killed before they even screamed.

Barton and Zhou Guanghuan turned a blind eye, rushing forward under the cover of smoke and dust.

However, as soon as the metal ball rushed out of the collapsed residential building, a icy chill quickly caught up, turning into ice and freezing the metal ball in place.


In the next instant, numerous spikes protruded from the metal ball, directly breaking the ice.

However, after blocking for such an instant, Lin Lichuan’s next attack immediately followed.

“Hadō #33. Sōkatsui!”

Surging blue flame, like a gust of wind, instantly floods the metal ball.

This kind of weird metal with extremely high flexibility and ductility is not afraid of slash or freezing, but it has the weaknesses of most metals, fearing high temperatures.

Under the terrifying high temperature and impact of Sōkatsui, the metal ball only supported for less than a second before it melted quickly.


The silhouette flashed, Barton grabbed Zhou Guanghuan’s arm and rushed out of the ball awkwardly, turning his head to see that the metal ball had melted into a lava The red liquid, falling on the ground, made a dense chi chi sound, and a lot of green smoke rose up.

In this terrifying scene, two people are complexion ashen, and their hearts are secretly hairy.

At this time, there were only four or five silver bright balls left beside Barton. From the corner of his eyes he glimpsed the center of the explosion pit, and he found the blade, spear, sword, halberd that had been transformed into the silver bright ball that had been shot at the enemy before. All fell on the ground, so thoughts move, I wanted to manipulate them back to me.

As a result of this attempt, I was surprised to find that those blade, spear, sword, and halberd had become a lot heavier for some reason, and it was quite difficult to manipulate.

“What’s the matter?”

Barton’s eyes flashed with an expression of uncertainty, he quickly increased the energy output, and finally successfully changed the blade, spear, sword, halberd to silver bright again Ball recalled to his side, but despite this, the fineness of manipulation inevitably became a lot slower.


At this time, the strong wind rolled up, blowing away the smoke nearby, revealing the silhouette of Lin Lichuan and the weapon in his hand.

As their eyes fell on the weapon, Barton and Zhou Guanghuan couldn’t help but halt together, as surprise flashed across their faces.

The two have never seen such a weird weapon.

It is a long sword, but the body of the sword is in the shape of a right-angled fish hook, which looks a bit like a sickle hook, and its shape is really weird.

“When did this guy have this weapon? Wait, is this weapon caused by the weirdness on the metal ball?” A question suddenly flashed in Barton’s mind.

And his question was quickly resolved.

With a slight flash of body shape, Lin Lichuan crossed a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, and furiously slammed in front of the two Bartons. The sword slashed horizontally and attacked like a sickle. The tearing air stirred up a sharp whistling sound.

So fast!

Barton started slightly, and finally reacted quickly. A silver bright ball in front of him quickly turned into a metal shield to block the attacking weapon.


Clear metal collision sound and dazzling sparks burst simultaneously.

The moment the sword fought with the shield, Barton suddenly felt his energy sink, and the control of the shield became a lot more difficult for an instant.

“This is… the weight has increased? That weird weapon can increase the weight of the things it touches?”

In the end, I have rich combat experience, just a little startled god , Barton wanted to understand the reason why the metal ball became heavier, and his face suddenly showed an incredible expression.

dang! dang dang!

The piercing metal strikes rang out one after another.

In just an instant, Lin Lichuan cut more than ten times on the shield. When the last shot fell, the metal shield bang fell to the ground, smashing the hard ground into large cobweb-like cracks.

No matter how Barton manipulates, he can no longer move the metal shield half-wire.

Looking at this scene, an expression of horror appeared uncontrollably on his face.

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