When Wesley rushed forward, along with the men he brought, more than a dozen people had been solved almost by Haineko, and only two or three were still struggling to resist and support.

Seeing Wesley rushing towards him with a grim face, Haineko smiled and glanced at him, dodges, and manipulate ash continues to slaughter the others. After more than ten seconds, with a scream, he is the last one. Also killed silently.

So far, the men brought by the two Fawkes have been wiped out.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Wesley’s forehead tú tú jumped straight, his cheek muscles twitched and he was obviously very angry.

“Big guy, it’s your turn next.”

Haineko didn’t seem to notice Wesley’s extremely angry expression, and said with a smile.

“bitch, I’ll kill you!” Wesley furiously shouted, mad as a lion outrageously out, the whole body qi energy to thrive, instant cohesion to fists, as if shell-like crashing punched .

“A man full of swear words will not be welcome.”

Haineko was not afraid, while manipulate ash rushed to Wesley, and slammed into it like a torrent, while still having more power To say.


Under the furious, Wesley power of this punch is so powerful that it smashes the ash that hits with one blow, but the scattered ash is just After a slight stagnation, it continued to rush toward him in a surrounding state.

The scene of the deaths of his subordinates is still vivid in my memory. How dare Wesley let Ash get close, so he had to withdraw and retreat, while Ash was chasing after him like a bone gangrene.

On the other side, Fawkes, who lost his weapon, was also in desperate situation. Most of his strength was in blade art. Without the steel blade, his battle strength was immediately reduced. In a blink of an eye, he was cut many times by Lin Lichuan. , The whole body was bruised.

Seeing the situation getting worse and worse, Fawkes was frightened, and while struggling to support it, he shouted:

“Hollow White! I’m from Secret Police, You are going to kill me, Second Prince will never let you go!”

“So much nonsense.”

Lin Lichuan thoughts move, relieved Wabisuke’s Shikai, and replaced the sword After restoring, Hyōrinmaru was released again.

The air temperature in the port dropped sharply in an instant.

Feeling the chill of assaults the senses, the thicker the frightened expression on Fawkes’ face, the more he no longer desires to fight, he screamed and turned around and wanted to escape.

However, before running a few steps, I heard a loud loud dragon roar suddenly coming from behind.

In horror, he looked back and saw a frost dragon baring fangs and brandishing claws. The horrible chill poured out like a flood, instantly submerging him.

In a blink of an eye, there is a crystal ice sculpture in the middle of the port.

Solved Fawkes, Lin Lichuan released Shikai, turned around and looked towards Haineko, and found that the girl was pushing Wesley into dire straits, got the upper hand.

Wesley’s strength is slightly lower than Fawkes, and the Bioenergy Level is about Level 17. In terms of strength, it is actually similar to Haineko, but he can’t stand his ability to be restrained to death. He doesn’t dare to be ash close at all. In this case, let alone encountering Haineko, I have tried my best to avoid ash.

Seeing this, Lin Lichuan couldn’t help but sigh secretly.

Haineko’s materialization of Zanpakutō’s ability far exceeds him. In Haineko’s hands, those ashs seem to have spirituality, and they are manipulated like an arm, even if they encounter higher level opponents. There is no possibility of victory.

“Even Haineko has this level of strength. I don’t know how strong Hyōrinmaru and Senbonzakura will be after Zanpakutō materialization?”

Lin Lichuan flashed a look of expectation, but at this stage, I can only think about it. It costs 100 crystal stones to exchange for a Tenshintai. The price is too expensive. He still has less than 200 crystal stones on hand now, and he still has to draw the Bankai Card, but he can’t use it casually.

As he thought about it, the battle between Haineko and Wesley was completely intensified. After several consecutive punches to defeat the ash, Wesley was finally caught up by the ash, and was immediately surrounded and drowned until he When ash broke open again and escaped, there were countless bloody wounds on his body.

However, to Wesley’s horror, the silhouette of Haieko was missing from his vision.

In the next second, there was a whistling sky-splitting sound over the head, Wesley complexion greatly changed, without the slightest hesitation, he wanted to lean to the side, but as soon as the body moved, the head suddenly hit With a heavy blow, the whole person suddenly groaned and fell forward to the ground.

Lin Lichuan watched clearly from the side. While Wesley was surrounded by ash and his vision was blocked, Haineko jumped up neatly and cleverly climbed to the side of the container, and quickly walked around Wesley. Next to him, following bent knees, the whole person jumped high like a spring compressed to the extreme in the next second, dropping from the sky and stomping heavily on Wesley’s head.

This move really went beyond Lin Lichuan’s expectations. He saw the shadow of Hakuda from inside. Didn’t expect Haineko to have a good knowledge of Taijutsu.

Even if Wesley, as a martial artist, has good physical fitness, his head cannot be relieved immediately after receiving such a heavy blow. The whole person is lying on the ground and can’t respond. At this time, Haineko has reached out. After coming out, the ash all around converged towards her palm as if being drawn invisibly, and recondensed into a long sword, which immediately turned into a stream of lightning and pierced the back of Wesley’s head.


The light sound of the sharp blade piercing the skin and flesh suddenly started, Wesley as if was struck by lightning, the body suddenly stiffened, and then he slumped slowly.


Haineko exhaled playfully, letting the long sword disintegrate into ash, slowly blending into the air and dissipating, turning his head to look at Lin Lichuan, the corners of both lips curled up, revealing a brilliant smile.

“You did good.”

Lin Lichuan walked to Haineko’s side, looked towards Wesley’s corpse, thought for a while, crouched down and searched the body for a while, after a while , He retracted his palm, and there was already an extra card in the palm.

‘Queen of Spades’

Haineko returned to the residence of the Military Affairs Bureau with Lin Lichuan half an hour later.

The heavily guarded Military Affairs Bureau is useless for the two of them. The remote Xisheng City Transcendent is not much, not much better than Linyang City, and even Silver Rank can’t find a few, so naturally it cannot be stopped. The two came and went freely.

After returning to the house, Lin Lichuan immediately took out the password case he got from Fawkes, laid it flat on the table, and violently smashed the combination lock of the box.

Haineko also leaned in curiously at this time, ready to take a look.


As the box opened slowly, wisps of cold white mist escaped from the box. When the lid was fully opened, the two of them looked intently and found that the box was covered with a layer of black velvet. , What is embedded on it is actually a glass tube injection.

These injections are only the size of an index finger. The whole body is small and exquisite. There are five in a row and ten in two rows. They lie quietly on the black velvet. The pale red liquid inside shines with a hazy luster under the light. .

Lin Lichuan slightly startled, didn’t expect the password case in it will actually be this thing.

Under curiosity, he stretched out his hand and picked up an injection to examine it carefully, and when he turned it over to the back, when he saw the words’QH-04′ printed on the glass tube, he couldn’t help but reveal the truth. expression.

As early as when Solitaire’s unique identity card was found from Wesley’s body, Lin Lichuan guessed that the password case was definitely not a meteor stone, now just as expected.

“QH-04 Injection…I don’t know what it has to do with the KH-03 Injection and KH experiment body I’ve met before?” A suspicious thought flashed in his mind.

“Master, what are these things?” Haineko curiously dialed the injection in the box.

“Some medicine.” Lin Lichuan said halfway, suddenly flash of intuition in his mind, KH-03 Injection has the effect of temporarily increasing strength greatly, price is to fall into weakness after use, to some extent Isn’t it the same as’madness’ in the above? The first letter of madness happens to be KH. As for the following numbers, it should be the first generation of the indicator agent, and so on, the meaning of the name QH-04 is estimated to be similar.

“QH…enhanced?” Lin Lichuan muttered to himself.

Haineko on the side asked persistently: “What medicine Ah?”

came back to his senses, Lin Lichuan replied casually: “It should be a medicine with a strengthening effect. “

Haineko’s eyes lit up after hearing this, and he happily said: “Then let’s use it!”

Lin Lichuan shook his head: “It can’t be used, this injection may be expected What side effects are there? It’s not too late to wait until the investigation is clear.”

After that, he closed the password case, took back his backpack, and was about to wait for the next day to discuss with Lin Zhenyi.

After doing this, he turned his head and looked towards Haineko, suddenly remembering how to arrange Haineko is also a problem.

Can Materialized Zanpakutō be taken back again?

Being staring at Lin Lichuan intently, Haineko didn’t feel shy at all, but the crafty radiance flashed in his eyes, putting one hand behind his head and the other on his waist, posing a sultry posture.

“Does it look good, Master?”

After getting along for a long time, Lin Lichuan has already experienced Haineko’s quirky temperament. Upon seeing the remaining unmoved, he directly said the question in his mind Came out.

“Hey, I’m going back so soon.” Haineko’s disappointed expression suddenly exhibited one’s feelings in one’s speech, but he answered obediently and honestly, “I can become Zanpakutō again.”

“But if the Master wants to use my Shikai anymore, he must first disarm the Tenshintai. In this way, next time I want to materialize me, I will have to consume one more Tenshintai.”

“There is this kind of thing.” Lin Lichuan slightly frowned, came back to his senses and nodded lightly at Haineko: “You become Zanpakutō first, and when you return to Linyang City, I will let you out again.”

“The Master must be as fast as possible, finally, we can substantiate free movement, and it is too uncomfortable to become a motionless Zanpakutō.” Haineko complained, but still did what he said.

I saw the black light flashed, and the tall cat girl instantly regained the appearance of Zanpakutō, crashing and falling to the ground.

Lin Lichuan quickly reached out to catch it, holding the sword hilt and feeling it for a while, but it didn’t feel like before, as if Zanpakutō had become an independent existence.

“Fortunately, there is no materialization Hyōrinmaru and Senbonzakura, otherwise you will probably lose a Tenshintai.”

Shaking his head, he took Zanpakutō back into his backpack.

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