The last time Blackflame Island caused a sensation on the island is no longer known when.

Even when Six Major Districts joined forces to attack Seireitei before, except for District 11, which is the center of the storm, most of the people in the rest of the city behaved quite calmly. Most people were holding a good show. Outsider mentality.

After all, the ending is obvious, and almost no one thinks Seireitei will survive.

However, the results are jaw-dropping.

All the six District Lords died, the united influence collapsed, and Seireitei became the ultimate and only winner.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar on Blackflame Island, and for a time the entire island ushered in an earthquake-like upheaval.

With the remaining prestige after the victory, Seireitei quickly launched a series of actions. First, they sent people to take over District 1, District 2, District 3, District 4 and District 12, a total of five new districts.

The reception process was very smooth. Most of the original influence members such as the Blood Dragon Pavilion were terrified by Lin Lichuan’s horrific power, and even the Blackflame Council recognized Seireitei’s control over these 5 districts. There was little resistance during the reception.

Following closely from behind is Seireitei’s massive expansion.

A battle with united influence, regardless of the annihilation of the six District Lords, the battle was not so violent. The Transcendent underneath suffered few casualties. The overall skeleton of Six Major Districts is still there, but the backbone is missing. , They can no longer survive.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Seireitei has absorbed many members, and the scale has suddenly expanded to an extremely alarming level.


“…Now there are 5380 people in Seireitei, including 1455 people in Transcendent, including 210 people in Silver Rank and 39 people in Gold Rank. .”

In the conference room, Aaron loudly reported the development of Seireitei to everyone in the past month.

The voice fell, and a slight inhalation sound suddenly came from the conference table.

Although it has long been known that Seireitei has grown a lot, everyone can’t help but startled when they really hear the specific data.

Especially Xu Pei and Tina and the others, their faces are full of surprises.

“In fact, this is the result of raising the barriers to entry, quality but not quantity, otherwise the number of Transcendent recruits will be more!” Aaron explained with a smile.

The number of people remaining in Six Major Districts is so huge, even if it only absorbs some of them, it has increased the size of Seireitei by four or five times.

Lin Lichuan inwardly nodded, no wonder the proportion of Transcendent, and the proportion of Silver Rank and Gold Rank in Transcendent is so high, the latter is even close to 20%.

Regardless of the rigor of the organizational structure, discipline, logistics, intelligence, etc., in terms of the number of Low Level Transcendents, Seireitei has completely crushed Nightsong and surpassed the Imperial Secret Police.

Even in terms of high-end battle strength, Seireitei now counts him and Zanpakutōs, there are a total of four Knight Rank battle strengths, and whether it is Nightsong or Secret Police, there are not four Knights in total.

There are a lot of Tania Empire Knights, but more control is in the hands of the Imperial Family, the army and the Great Noble.

Of course, this is just a rough comparison in terms of numbers. In other respects, Seireitei is far inferior to Nightsong and Secret Police. There is still a long way to go in these aspects.

Aaron continued to tell, until he stopped talking, Lin Lichuan asked: “How is the situation at the training camp?”

“The new venue has been rebuilt , The recruitment of new trainees has also come to an end. A total of 200 trainees have moved into the new training camp.” Aaron replied immediately. After taking over District 1, Seireitei immediately moved the headquarters to the more prosperous and spacious District 1. The training camp has also been replaced with a larger area and better facilities. “Now both new and old students have started training Kendō and Hakuda passed down by Sir, and the progress is very good.”

Aaron went off in the middle. In fact, he was a little confused as to why Sir gave such an unarmed combat technique such a weird name. The two seem to be unrelated, although the power of the systematic unarmed combat technique is very good.

Lin Lichuan didn’t know Aaron’s inner thoughts, so he was faintly muttered to oneself.

The training of Kendō and Hakuda cannot be accomplished overnight. After all, the trainees of the training camp do not have enhancement points to improve their skills. If you want to master Kendō and Hakuda proficiently, I’m afraid you will have to train for a long time. If you are proficient, you will need to spend more time and energy, let alone be able to accept the enhancement of Spirit Blade.

It is estimated that for a long time in the future, the training camp may not be really useful.

“It’s a move for the future.” Lin Lichuan secretly said in one’s heart.

came back to his senses, he looked up and looked around. Except for Tenken and Ashisogi Jizō, Zanpakutōs, Aaron and Tina who followed him first, and Xu Pei and Jiang Dianyuan who later recruited Competent operators, there are a total of more than 20 people sitting around the huge conference table, these people are Seireitei’s future skeleton team.

Unconsciously, so many people have gathered under his own hands.

Lin Lichuan sighed secretly, and settled for a moment, said with a slight smile: “Since the development of Seireitei is on the right track, that’s right, I can also leave for a while.”

Everyone was hearing this slightly startled, or Tobiume was the first to react, and asked softly: “Master, do you plan to go to Star Disaster Vestige?”

“Yes.” Lin Lichuan slightly nodded,” Now Seireitei’s site has basically stabilized. In addition, although the 6 districts are still chaotic and frequent conflicts, they have nothing to do with us. There should be no major problems in the future. You are responsible for handling them, and I am relieved.”

“Eh, Master doesn’t need us to follow?” Haineko immediately reacted and asked quickly.

Lin Lichuan laughed: “No, you stay here to assist Aaron and the others.”

Haineko, Tobiume, and Wabisuke are just Gold Peaks, and they can’t help much in vestige It’s better to stay here to watch the house. Hōzukimaru is the one who stayed in Seireitei specially to oversee. There is a Knight battle strength, which can fully cope with the emergence of overwhelming majority.

As for the helpers of vestige, Tenken and Ashisogi Jizō are there, enough.

hearing this, Haineko had no choice but to reluctantly nodded, and Aaron and the others would not disagree, so they nodded.

After arranging everything, Lin Lichuan disbanded the meeting and was ready to go to vestige.

Because of united influence, vestige’s trip has been delayed again and again, and now things have finally come to an end, and he has also broken through to the Knight Rank, his strength has greatly increased, and it will undoubtedly be easier to deal with Star Beast It is a good opportunity to explore the temple area, and the visit of vestige is imperative.

“I hope there will be gains in vestige’s temple.”

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