Small ice crystals flutter in the wind, slowly melting into the air.

Looking at this scene, Moreira trembled for some reason.

He had been chasing before and didn’t find it. Until this stopped, he realized that the three ice crystal flowers behind Lin Lichuan had all disappeared. Reminiscent of Lin Lichuan’s weird behavior of escaping, he suddenly had something faint Bad premonition.

And this premonition soon came true.

As the ice crystals dissipated, an extreme chilliness that was much colder and larger than before descended steeply, covering the sea area with a radius of more than a kilometer.

ka-cha! ka-cha!

A thick layer of ice quickly condensed on the sea below.

I don’t know when there is a thick ice mist in the air, which envelops Lin Lichuan and spreads like threads to all directions. Moreira’s palm accidentally touched At one point, the touched fingertips were instantly paralyzed, and the icy cold touch spread along the palm of the hand to within the body, as if to freeze the bone marrow and flesh and blood together.

Aware of this, Moreira’s complexion changed suddenly, and he immediately gathered his strength to expel the terrifying chill from within the body.

When he looked up towards Lin Lichuan again, his eyes were already shocked.

Daiguren Hyōrinmaru’s Bankai has two forms, Incomplete Bankai and Complete Bankai.

Like Lin Lichuan’s previous display has always been Incomplete Bankai. In this state, the three ice crystal flowers behind the ice wings will gradually wither over time. When the three ice crystal flowers, a total of When the twelve petals are completely withered, is the time when Daiguren Hyōrinmaru is truly completed.

As the ice mist disperses silently, Lin Lichuan’s silhouette is fully revealed. His shoulders, arms and feet are covered with blue crushed ice at some point, looking like Wearing a piece of armor, the aura emanating from the whole body and the difference between Heaven and Earth a moment ago, revealing a boring oppression.

A warning sign suddenly hit my heart.

Looking at Lin Lichuan whose appearance had changed, Moreira felt a strong sense of crisis for the first time, and his complexion suddenly became gloomy.

“so that’s how it is, this is Daiguren Hyōrinmaru’s Complete Bankai.”

Lin Lichuan looked at the ice fragment armor on his body, the pupil light flashed slightly, and then looked up towards Moreira.

“Speaking of which is the first time I have used this technique, just to test its power with you.”

“boasted shamelessly!”

Moreira hearing this sneered, body flashed, had carried vicious aura and killed it again, his right palm hooked into claws, tearing the air like a sharp blade, and rushing towards him.

The battle situation has changed drastically several times in succession. At this time, Moreira was completely devoid of at first’s confidence, and desperately wanted to kill Lin Lichuan, so as to prevent the latter from displaying some weird ability.

Lin Lichuan’s threat in his heart has now risen to a very high level.

In the ear-shattering sonic boom, Moreira’s sharp claw has hit Lin Lichuan.

Faced with this fierce blow, the latter was not afraid of it, and stabbed with the sword indifferently, and the whole person swept forward like a streamer, carrying the extreme cold head-on towards Moreira.


The two slammed into each other in the sky, and the moment the sword tip and sharp claw fought, a strong chill gushed out, directly freezing the completely unprepared Moreira with the claws into The cross-shaped ice cube slammed backwards like a cannonball and crashed into the sea.

In just an instant, the cross-shaped ice suddenly shattered. Moreira had broken through the ice and rushed out. However, before he could re-establish himself, he suddenly felt that he was surrounded by countless huge icicles. intermediate.

In the next second, the icicles suddenly closed and linked, forming a huge ice prison.

Sennen Hyōrō!

ka-cha! ka-cha!

The ice prison only lasted for a second or two, before it suddenly shattered into ice crystals in the sky, accompanied by the shattering of Moreira’s flesh and blood, and his body burst into numerous terrible wounds in an instant, cyan- As soon as the gray color blood splashed out, it was directly frozen into icy edges by the ultra-low temperature, and it rained down onto the sea.

Even with Ghoul’s strong physical quality, these injuries are a bit unbearable. Moreira couldn’t help but screamed, but he was also fierce and resolute. Instead of retreating, he rushed to kill. Forward, rushing towards Lin Lichuan with a murderous face.

Daiguren Hyōrinmaru under Complete Bankai State has greatly improved both the speed of skill release and the consumption of Reiatsu. Lin Lichuan only needs to condense into ice with a small amount of water vapor to be able to borrow This casts most of the skills.

Moreira only rushed halfway, and Lin Lichuan had already seen countless densely packed ice bullets in front of him. With a wave of his sword, suddenly swept out like an earth-shattering storm, and Moreira was instantly flooded.

Nevertheless, Lin Lichuan also knows that Guncho Tsurara’s power is not enough to stop Moreira. After releasing the ice bullet, without the slightest hesitation, he immediately whispered incantion.

“Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six, Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō !”

Six golden streamers emerge out of thin air, the arrow from the string Banji shot at Moreira, who had just broken through the ice bullet and rushed out, turning into a light sheet to cross and lock his waist, and immediately confined him in place.

One after another was attacked and constrained, but he couldn’t even get close to the enemy’s body. Moreira was already extremely angry in his heart, and he immediately mobilized his whole body strength and struck hard.


The six thin gold light that bound him immediately showed cracks.

Moreira is Level 25 Peak Morning Star Knight. Even Bakudō #61 of the complete incanation can only imprison him for no more than two seconds at most. Lin Lichuan had predicted that the reason for using Rikujōkōrō was just for To gain time.

Without hesitation, he immediately erected his long sword, sword tip pointed at the sky, and while his mind moved slightly, a force of Extreme Cold burst out suddenly, shooting sharp arrows toward the dense dark clouds in the sky. Submerge.

“Bingtian…Hundred Flowers Burial!”


Almost in an instant, that dark cloud suddenly burst into a dazzling white light, and tiny white glow shot through the cloud, quickly converging into a huge white disc.

As if endless snowflakes are falling from it, covering the place where Moreira is.

Looking into the eyes, the field of vision is full of pure white snowflakes, beautifully beautiful, but Moreira only feels cold all over his body, and clearly feels the snowflakes that make people like falling in a ice hole The extreme cold.

He just broke free of Rikujōkōrō’s shackles, and before evading, an unremarkable snowflake fell silently on him.


The moment I touched Moreira’s skin, the snowflakes suddenly bloomed, turning into a gorgeous and beautiful ice flower.

At the same time, a chill deep into the bone marrow flows from the position where the ice flower touches within the body, causing Moreira’s movements to stiffen slightly, and it stagnates for an instant, and more snowflakes have fallen one after another. His body.

ka-cha! ka-cha!

With the snow falling from the sky, ice flowers bloom continuously on Moreira’s body and the ground, spreading and connecting each other, and finally freezing everything into a huge pillar composed entirely of countless ice flowers.

Yao Qian and Yao Bing, who finally caught up from behind, saw the scene of Moreira being frozen as soon as they arrived at the fighting place. They stared at the beautiful ice standing between Heaven and Earth. Zhu and the expression were sluggish and speechless for a while.

After a while, they came back to his senses, their eyes swept back to Lin Lichuan who stood out of nowhere not far away, and their eyes were full of hard to describe shock.

“He still hides his strength?” Yao Bing couldn’t help but stunned.

Yao Qian was also full of horror. Although they didn’t believe that Lin Lichuan’s previous actions were fleeing, at most they thought he was an idea to bring down Moreira. Didn’t expect him to return Have the power to fight back.

Moreover, with this power, even they can’t help but feel a sense of awe from deep in one’s heart.

Across the huge ice pillar, 700-800 meters away, I can still feel the freezing cold.


At this time, the icicles in the distance burst suddenly, and countless ice flowers fell and fell, and Moreira broke free from it.

“hu! hu! ”

Moreira breathing heavily, the white mist visible from naked eye exhales from his mouth, and the skin under his body has turned into a weird iron gray and is faint There was a kind of purple-blue, and the wound on the chest that had not been completely recovered completely was dotted with hoarfrost. The muscles stopped peristaltic, apparently losing their self-healing ability temporarily.

“Damn it!!”

Moreira stared at Lin Lichuan with red eyes, his face was full of twisted colors, and under his ferocious face, there was a hint of it Horrified.

With his powerful strength and the special nature of Ghoul Bloodline, he has not experienced the fear of facing death for a long time, and the blow just made him experience it again. While he was shocked, he was more It’s anger.

With a roar, Moreira slammed Lin Lichuan with a sullen face.

“This Ghoul Bloodline is really tenacious.” Lin Lichuan eyes flash with surprise.

Hyōten Hyakkasō is also considered one of Daiguren Hyōrinmaru’s strongest skills. Didn’t expect a head-on blow, Moreira actually has battle strength.

“After all, it is the Morning Star Knight of Bioenergy Level 25.” He secretly exclaimed in his heart that the peak Morning Star Knight is so difficult to deal with. I don’t know how powerful the Radiant Moon Knight is?

Excited and exclaimed, Lin Lichuan didn’t slow down his movements, and shook his body gently, avoiding Moreira’s attack deftly.

To Yao Qian and Yao Bing’s surprise, Lin Lichuan follow closely from behind not at all counterattack, but constantly dodges Moreira’s attack, the latter’s body rigidity, flexibility and speed decrease. Little, I can’t even touch the corners of Lin Lichuan’s clothes.

“little bastard, would you just hide like a mouse?” Moreira was extremely angry, shouted.

hearing this, Lin Lichuan stopped abruptly, looked up at him, and said lightly:

“I’m not hiding.”

“You are here What to say…”

Moreira yelled halfway through, and his voice stopped abruptly. He looked intently. He was covered with frost for some time, and his whole body was frozen motionlessly. In the same place, his face still has a twisted surprised and angry color.

‘Shikai Hyōketsu’

The trick that Daiguren Hyōrinmaru can use after the complete release can completely freeze the space touched by the sword within four steps of walking.

If you look closely, you can find that not only Moreira, but also the space within 50 meters of his body, is completely frozen, and all material functions have ceased to operate.

Of course, this includes Moreira’s heart, blood, and breath.

For a long time, the ice fragment armor on Lin Lichuan’s body slowly melted away, and the frozen space also recovered. Moreira fell from a high altitude like a meteorite covered with hoarfrost, hitting the thick On the ice, embedded in it is motionless, already lifeless.

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