Stunned by Lu Qiu’s sudden charm, Lin Lichuan was slightly taken aback for a few seconds before reacting, shaking his head and saying with a smile, “Don’t expect too much from me.”

“Really, I think you can surprise me every time.” Lu Qiu lightly said with a smile.

Lin Lichuan laughed, waiting to speak, suddenly there was a loud noise in his ear, turning his head and looking around, he found a lot of people gathered near the entrance of the square, seeming to be discussing something intensely.

“What happened?” Suzumebachi poked his head curiously.

Lin Lichuan and Lu Qiu looked at each other, got up and walked towards the place where people gathered.

When they got close, they could see that on the other side of the crowd, outside the entrance of the square isolated by the defensive array, hundreds of people were fighting with the monster in the passage, while desperately resisting the monster’s attack. expression Shouted in panic across the square.

Although the sound is not clear because of the isolation of the defensive array, you don’t need to think about it and know that they are asking the people inside to open the defensive array.

At this time, the two groups of people gathered in front of the entrance blushed because of this quarrel.

“No! We won’t agree!”

“You can’t save you!”

“Fart! If you open the defensive array, the monster outside Wouldn’t it be rushing in!”

“Then is it possible that just watched them die outside?”

“If the monster rushed in, the dead would be us I don’t care if you want to be a bad guy, but don’t even think about fooling around with our lives!”

The two groups of people quarreled endlessly, and they didn’t do anything.

Lin Lichuan looked towards defensive array. The passage was about 100 meters long and five meters wide. Hundreds of Transcendents were crowded in the second half near the square, relying on the location to temporarily resist the monster’s attack, but If the defensive array has not been turned on, facing the endless stream of monsters, it is only a matter of time before these people are destroyed.

For the same Human Race, it is inevitable that some people will feel unbearable and can’t bear to watch them die outside.

The problem is that the defensive array of Redstone Colosseum does not have the function of partially turning on and off. Once it is turned off, the entire defensive array will disappear. If this is done, people outside can come in, but the monsters in the sky will also swarm Entering, transforming the entire square into a battlefield, there may be more people who will die than those who have been rescued.

Most of the people present have thought of this, and of course they are not willing to risk their lives. Therefore, there are very few who agree to open the defensive array. There are only a few more than a dozen people. Disadvantage.

“Why do you come to Redstone Colosseum so that you want to be a good person? Why don’t you stay outside to clean up the monster?” The big person who spoke was sneered, and his face trembled, “I put my words here. Now, there is no way to open the defensive array. If you want to come hard, I don’t mind killing you first and letting you be company with the guys outside!”

The voice fell, violent vicious aura was steep from the big person The ground exploded, and the Level 24 Knight Rank aura made the dozens of people on the opposite side look disillusioned. The strongest one of them was just a Level 21 Morning Star Knight, and probably not enough for the big person.

More than a dozen people looked around, but what they saw were indifferent or ridiculous faces. Upon seeing this, their complexions suddenly became very ugly, and they no longer clenched their teeth. Speak out.

Seeing that the opponent’s momentum was successfully suppressed, the big person sneered disdainfully and turned and left with his subordinates. The staff of Redstone Colosseum were all controlled by his people, and he was not afraid of the other party making ghosts.

Everyone quickly dispersed.

Looking at Transcendent with a desperate expression outside the defensive array, Lin Lichuan secretly shakes the head, turns around and returns to the original place to sit down.

Although what the big person said is ugly, and it is not made out of public heart, but at least one thing is correct. You cannot save the people outside at the cost of putting the people in the colosseum in a dangerous situation. .

At this time, there are more than two thousand monsters hovering above the colosseum. Once they lose the guardianship of the defensive array, the monsters swarm in. Even if they can hold on, they don’t know how many people will die.

Although the quarrel was over, the atmosphere in the square became more solemn and solemn.

More than ten minutes later, the last Transcendent outside the defensive array also died under the claws of Star Beast. Hundreds of people were wiped out. The corpse filled the corridor ground, making the air in the square more depressed.

Lin Lichuan lightly sighed, retracts the line of sight, dispels unnecessary distractions, and puts his mind back on the Drawing Cards Interface.

“I originally thought about drawing Murciélago or Zangetsu every day for ten consecutive draws, but now I don’t have time to draw them so slowly, I can only draw them all at once.”

Lin Lichuan originally had it on hand. There are 20578 crystal stone, and after absorbing and transforming the meteor crystal stone obtained along the way, the number suddenly increased to 22149.

“The Murciélago was drawn a hundred times last time, and now more than 22,000 crystal stones are enough for me to draw more than 2,200 cards. It should not be difficult to draw Murciélago or Zangetsu.”

Turning his thoughts, Lin Lichuan did not hesitate, and immediately concentrated one’s mind and started drawing cards.

In the sky invisible to others’ naked eye, exquisite cards emerge out of thin air. After a few moments of rotation, they turn into brilliant radiances and sink into Lin Lichuan’s eyebrows.

In just one minute, the number of radiance flashes exceeded a hundred times.

And Murciélago and Zangetsu still did not appear.

Lin Lichuan did not waver, and continued to draw cards intently.

Finally at the 178th draw, with the radiance submerged between his eyebrows, the four words [Murciélago] finally appeared in the depths of his mind.

Seeing this, Lin Lichuan in the heart relaxed with relief.

With the Murciélago card, at least in Bolin City, there is the ability to protect yourself. Even if you encounter the Grand Priest of Qiming Cult, don’t worry.

178 card draws consumed a total of 1780 crystal stone, which is almost 1.6 times as much as the last time, but Lin Lichuan is not surprised. After all, as the number of card draws increases, the Zanpakutō he has in his hand increases. The more you can draw, the types of Bankai Cards you can draw will inevitably increase. The further you go, the lower the probability of drawing Murciélago or Zangetsu.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Lichuan did not stop, but decided to continue drawing cards and draw another Murciélago.

trump card this thing the more the better, one is not safe enough, but two are safer, after all, the duration of Murciélago Resurrección: Segunda Etapa is only three or four seconds.

After drawing two hundred and fourteen times, Lin Lichuan got his wish and got the second Murciélago. Then he stopped drawing cards, and the number of crystal stones dropped sharply to 18,229.

“Speaking of which even Murciélago has drawn four times, but Zangetsu has only drawn once so far. The probability of this drawing is too low.” Lin Lichuan suddenly have a thought and secretly thought.

I don’t know if Zangetsu’s potential is higher than Murciélago.

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