Death silence!

Everyone stared blankly at the demonic black silhouette in the sky, and a heaven overflowing giant wave was lifted in their hearts.

Xia Fangxin complexion ashen is incomparable, and her eyes are full of shock, and she doesn’t restore the triumphant expression of having everything under control first.

He didn’t expect Lin Lichuan, who was regarded as his prey, to hide a terrifying trump card.

This heavy pressure as deep as the sea even surpassed myself at the peak period.

Level 32?

Or…on top of this?

The fear of death immediately enveloped Xia Fangxin’s heart.

In contrast, Xia Wu and Lu Changshan had a strong surprise from Hell to heaven. They looked at Lin Lichuan with ecstasy, their despair disappeared.

“Is this the Lichuan trump card that Little Qiu said? Radiant Sun Knight …….didn’t expect Lichuan still hides such a hand!” Lu Changshan muttered to himself .

Among the people present, Lu Qiu alone was the most calm. Although she was surprised, it was more about Lin Lichuan’s power. She was keenly aware of Lin Lichuan’s power with the same skills. It seems to be stronger than the previous two.

Without waiting for her to think clearly, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Xia Fangxin body flashed from the corner of her eye, turning away without the slightest hesitation, and swiping away thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.

Only relying on pressure perception, Xia Fangxin clearly realized that with his current serious injury state, it is basically impossible to be Lin Lichuan’s opponent, and only the dead end remained, so he decided to escape.

As for the desperate idea, he didn’t even have a moment of time in his mind, otherwise he wouldn’t saw that the situation was far from good when he was fighting with Evil Creature before, and he would abandon it mercilessly. Everyone fled.

“This kid must have used a secret skill with explosive power. As long as the duration of his secret skill ends, I can kill him by then!”

The thought in Xia Fang’s mind turned sharply, and a hideous cruel expression appeared on his face.

The next moment, he suddenly felt a strong sonic boom behind him, followed by a sharp pain in his back, and the whole person fell involuntarily from the sky as if being hit by a meteorite. Hit the ground hard.

There was a sudden burst of smoke and dust.

A few people watching Xia Wu clearly saw it, but it was Lin Lichuan who appeared behind the fleeing Xia Fangxin for an instant. The dark tail teared the air like a whip, carrying a sharp whistle Draw Xia Fangxin’s back and directly shoot him down from the air.

Follow closely from behind, Lin Lichuan suddenly spread his hands, and slowly condense an azure double-edged spear between the opposite palms.

Looking at the green javelin, whether it is Xia Wu or Lu Siblings, deep in one’s heart suddenly surges thick heart palpitations, as if facing something extremely terrifying, I can’t help it in an instant Scalp numb for a while.

Xia Fangxin, struggling to rise from the ground into the air, is even more aware of this. A strong panic immediately appeared on his face, and he couldn’t take care of other things anymore and shouted out in panic. .

“Wait a minute…”

He was interrupted by the harsh screaming pop.

As Lin Lichuan flicked his arm, green javelin dropped his hand and shot through the air like a sharp electric shot moving towards Xia Fangxin.

Lanza del Relámpago!

Azure’s thunderbolt tears the sky apart, as if dividing the entire sky curtain into two.

In Xia Fangxin’s horrified gaze, the spear shining with azure lightning struck him in the blink of an eye. In fright and despair, he had to roar, desperately mustering his strength, and countless blazing red flames. It swept forward like a wave, and slammed into Lanza del Relámpago.


Severe energy fluctuations burst out, and the strong shock wave swept across all directions like a hurricane. The place where Xia Fangxin was located seemed to be bombarded by countless shells. Suddenly, the sky was full of gravel dust, and it spewed like a volcano.

Looking from a distance, the thick smoke and dust is like an inverted giant bowl, covering the entire place where Xia Fangxin is.

A distance of thousands of meters, Xia Wu could feel the violent wind rushing towards her face, and her face was a little painful. One can imagine how terrifying the power of the attack center is.

For a while, he couldn’t help taking a breath, feeling horrified.

Lu Changshan and Lu Qiu also stared at the billowing smoke and dust in the distance. It took a long while before they came back to his senses and rushed forward.

Lin Lichuan has returned to the original shape at this time, looking at his arm with a pondering look.

“The duration of 15 seconds… is barely okay, as long as it is not against opponents of the same level, it is more than enough to deal with enemies below Level 31. Well, Level 31 may be a little reluctant. “Lin Lichuan meditated in his heart.

According to this trend, it is estimated that Reiatsu will be raised by one or two levels, and Murciélago’s Resurrección: Segunda Etapa can be used regularly.

It is Resurrección: Segunda Etapa’s High-Speed ​​Regeneration was a little bit beyond his expectation. The severe injuries such as severed limbs recovered in a flash.

Originally, he thought that if High-Speed ​​Regeneration could not quickly regenerate severed left arm, he would exchange a bottle of Hojiku-Zai in the store. That would be the magical potion that would truly regenerate the damaged body parts instantly.

“A’Chuan!” Lu Qiu’s voice came next to him, interrupting his contemplation.

Lin Lichuan turned his head and looked at the girl’s worried gaze, faintly smiled and said: “I’m fine.”

When the words fell, he turned his gaze to the ground, as the smoke dispersed, A huge pit of horrible to see gradually emerged.

In the center of the cracked deep hole, Xia Fangxin lay motionless drenched with blood, airy, and almost embedded in the ground. The lower body was already disappeared from the waist, and you can clearly see within through the fracture. The organs of the body, blood flowing out soaked into a pool of blood around body.

These injuries are almost unavoidable. Xia Fangxin is only supported by the powerful life force of Radiant Sun Knight at this time, and it won’t take long to swallow the last breath.

Even so, when he saw Lin Lichuan approaching, his eyes still showed pleading gaze.

Looking at this scene, several people in Xia Wu couldn’t help sighing for a while, didn’t expect dignified Radiant Sun Knight to be in this situation.

However, Xia Fangxin also deserved it. To blame, he is greedy.

came back to his senses, Xia Wu couldn’t help feeling bitter in her heart. When things have developed to this point, how to solve them next is undoubtedly a headache.

Lin Lichuan stared at Xia Fangxin quietly, with a thoughtful radiance flashing in his eyes. He didn’t say a word, and the others remained silent. The scene was a bit silent for a while.

After a while, Lin Lichuan suddenly turned his head and looked towards Xia Wu, fixedly looking at him, pointed at Xia Fangxin and said in a deep voice: “You come to take his life!”

Present Everyone was stunned, hearing this, and immediately reacted.

Xia Wu face changed, anxiously said: “Sire, are you suspicious of me?”

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