It really fell down!

Looking at the strange but terrifying creature in front of him, Jiang Han and Lu Lin didn’t know what to say for a while.

Although it is not Radiant Moon Knight, the huge creature in front of me is obviously only stronger, not weaker, and the pressure that permeates all around can’t be faked.

“This is too efficacious…”

Although it is not the first time I have seen Ren Yanan’s good fortune, I have seen it again with my own eyes, Jiang Han And Lu Lin still couldn’t help being shocked.

“What kind of creature is this?” Ren Yanan looked strange, or heartless, and looked curiously at the huge creature that suddenly appeared.

Compared with the surprises and curiosities of the girls, Koth and Saiura turned pale, and a layer of intensive cold sweat broke out on their backs. The huge oppression, like a rock, fell heavily on their hearts.

When the giant creature’s gray and sluggish eyeballs were spinning around, the shock in the hearts of the two reached their peak instantly, without the slightest hesitation, taking the lead.


The huge creature suddenly opened its mouth and screamed like a baby crying, making the eardrums sore.

Affected by the sound, Koth and Saiura couldn’t help but stagnate. In the next second, they were shocked to see a thick purple mist spewing out from the mouth of the giant creature, rushing toward them like a torrent. .

Even if you don’t know what purple mist is, you can guess by intuition that it must be fatal. The two of them chose to flash to the side by coincidence.

As soon as she landed on her feet, Saiura suddenly heard the crisp sound of metal rubbing in her ears, turned her head and followed the reputation, and found that the huge creature had arrived in front of her at some point, her mouth wide open and her mouth densely exposed. The sharp blade of the packed, moved towards I bite off.

“no! !!!”

The scream of horror was only halfway through and stopped abruptly. The huge creature’s mouth closed, and there was something like metal turbine blade stirring and friction. The sound of a tingling scalp.

Looking at this scene, Koth only felt as if a basin of cold water poured down from head to toe. The memory of almost dying under the sword of Gotei 13 Seated Officer rose in the mind again.

The fear of hard to describe instantly destroyed his fighting will. Without any hesitation, Koth turned his head and ran away, frantically rushing into the distance.

As long as you find a companion and find any Chief Sergeant, he will still have a chance to survive!

It’s a pity that his luck was not as good as last time. As a shadow shrouded, the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl embedded with countless sharp blades once again bit down, taking Koth with the hardness of his feet The ground swallowed together, leaving a huge pothole on the street.

Crunch! Crunch!

The sound of metal scratching and skeleton chewing echoes in the empty streets.

Even the three women who were rescued by the giant creatures were shocked.

“The monster won’t turn around and eat us too, will it?” Ren Yanan asked worriedly. The other party seemed to be less picky.

Jiang Han and Lu Lin shivered together, showing an expression of fear.

This method of death is absolutely painful!

However, looking at the scene where the huge creature effortless kills two Star Race Sergeants, you know that if it really wants to disadvantage the three of them, then they are impossible to escape.

“Don’t worry, Jizo will not attack you.”

As he was flustered, a gentle voice suddenly came from behind him.

The three women were startled, and quickly turned around to look around, only to realize that there was another woman behind them.

The woman is very beautiful, with a classic and gentle temperament on her body. The dark and soft hair is combed into a bun behind her head. Two strands of hair hang down from the side of the face, making the skin more white. as snow.

Her limbs are slender and slender, but if you look closely, there are puppet-like articulated patterns on the wrists, elbows, and shoulders.

“Who, who are you?”

Jiang Han took a half step back subconsciously, showing a look of alertness.

Never mind myself and Lu Lin, Ren Yanan is a Level 24 Morning Star Knight, who can approach the person behind her silently, at least the powerhouse of Radiant Moon Knight Rank.

“First there was a powerful terrifying strange creature, and then a powerhouse of Radiant Moon Knight Rank appeared. When did Radiant Moon Knight become full of streets, what happened in the city?” Jiang Han bites Teeth, confused.

Lu Lin stared at the woman in front of him intently, his eyes fell on the white haori dressed in the other party, and hesitating radiance flashed in his eyes.

“Huh? These clothes are so familiar, I always feel like I’ve seen them somewhere.” Ren Yanan scratched his head, his face puzzled.

These words burst from Lu Lin’s mind like thunder, instantly reminiscent of her memory, and finally recalled the information related to this white haori.

Gotei 13!

This white haori is a squad uniform of Gotei 13, and it is also a special costume that only Captain Rank characters can wear!

As soon as the thought emerged, Lu Lin couldn’t help widening his eyes, and swallowed his saliva in the forbidden area.

This woman…is Captain of Gotei 13?

One of the 13 strongest people in Gotei 13 rumored to be a powerhouse with the peak Radiant Moon Knight power?

As if aware of Lu Lin’s thoughts, the beautiful woman in white haori slightly smiled and said softly: “When we first met, my name is Benihime, and I am currently Gotei 13 Captain of the 12th Division.”

Sure enough!

Lu Lin took a breath, Jiang Han next to him also showed a startled look.

“Gotei 13? Ah, it’s the armed group founded by A’Chuan, right!” Ren Yanan suddenly patted the palm of his hand.

Jiang Han glanced helplessly at his friend with a big nerve, then looked towards Benihime and asked hesitantly: “You… how come the people from Gotei 13 appeared in Baiwei City “

“Lady Lin Zhenyi asked Seireitei for help.” Benihime explained softly.

The three daughters suddenly came across.

“Where is A’Chuan? Did he come?” Ren Yanan asked happily, “I haven’t seen him for nearly a year, I miss him so much!”

Jiang Expectation flashed in the eyes of Han and Lu Lin.

Benihime did not speak, but shook his head slightly, letting the three girls show disappointment.

“I’ll send you to a safe place.” Benihime beckoned, and Ashisogi Jizō, who was not far away, drifted over.

We are getting closer. The huge size of the oppression made Jiang Han and Lu Lin subconsciously tighten the lovable body, but Ren Yanan boldly stepped forward and touched the Ashisogi Jizō golden- yellow body.

“What creature is this?”

“It is my companion, called Ashisogi Jizō, you can call him Jizo.” Benihime lightly said with a smile.

The creature in front of me has nothing to do with humans in any way, and is more like a summoned creature. The three girls listened to Benihime’s words, only when the word companion was Benihime to express themselves and summoned creation Intimacy is the only way to say that, understandably nodded.

came back to his senses, Jiang Han finally remembered what was going on, and hurriedly said: “Lady Benihime, we have to rush out of the city to meet your majesty and them!”

“Call me Benihime Just fine.” Benihime said with a slight smile, “Let’s rush over now.”

paused, she turned to Ashisogi Jizō again, said a few words softly, and then saw that the latter’s body shrank sharply and changed It was only half a person tall, and a pair of butterfly-like wings swayed slightly behind them, hovering fifty centimeters above the ground.

“The Ksitigarbha is too big and the target flying in the air is too obvious. Let’s hurry over from the ground.” Benihime explained softly and walked forward.

Ren Yanan and the three of them looked at each other and quickly followed along.

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