Almost at the same time, all Knight Rank Transcendents on Blackflame Island felt the oppression of hard to describe.

It’s not heavy, but it makes people tremble from the heart. I can’t give birth to any thoughts of resistance at all, as if some higher life level existence has come.

After leaving dojo, Lin Zhenyi, who was walking on the cobblestone path, suddenly looked up, and the complexion slightly changed looked towards the sky.

Ryūjin Jakka who was resting in the inner courtyard suddenly opened his eyes, and his sharp eyes pierced into the sky like a sword.

Captain, Seated Officer, Exequias members, Cadres…Knights scattered around the island looked up at the same time, and their expressions looked at the source of the oppression from different places.

A tall and sturdy man standing out of thin air, hovering more than two hundred meters above the ground.

The smoothly curved Star Race combat uniform is like a sharp sword, stinging everyone’s eyes, causing their pupils to shrink, and they immediately understand that the person is not good, and the expression instantly becomes extremely solemn.

No need to communicate, no need to investigate, just by energy induction, everyone immediately understands the strength of the enemy.

A few people with agile brains have even guessed the identity of the person who came, and their complexion suddenly turned pale.

After Lin Lichuan killed Armand, anyone who dared to come to the Star Race of Blackflame Island alone, the identity seems to be revealed, besides the Chief-Commander Rodriguez of Eight Floating Cities, who else?

“You don’t need to make a move.”

Just as a few Captain begin to stir and want to make a test, a calm voice suddenly rang from everyone’s ears.

His eyes followed the voice. From the direction of the headquarters’ inner courtyard, a silhouette slowly rose into the sky, and it was Lin Lichuan.

Slowly came to the high altitude and stood still 100 meters away from Rodriguez. Lin Lichuan fixed his eyes on him, with the corners of his mouth slightly cocked.

“long time no see, Rodriguez.”

Rodriguez’s eyes were slightly twitched, staring coldly at Lin Lichuan for a long time, coldly said: “I really should have killed It’s yours!”

“It’s useless to regret now.” Lin Lichuan said with a slight smile.

“It’s okay, there is time to remedy it.” Rodriguez’s face unabashedly showed a murderous intent, “I won’t let you go again this time!”

“I am I think it’s too late.” Lin Lichuan faint smile said.

This relaxed and unfettered appearance made Rodriguez slightly frowned. He glanced at Lin Lichuan up and down, and suddenly his eyes flickered and said, “You think that killing Armand is qualified to be my opponent? “

“Rather than tentatively with words, it is better to feel it personally.” Lin Lichuan said

Rodriguez’s eyes condensed, his eyes deeper and deeper.

Knowing that his performance made Rodriguez start to be suspicious, Lin Lichuan secretly curled one’s lip, without the thought of continuing to wrestle with the enemy, his mind moved slightly, and the thick Reiatsu burst out suddenly.

The pitch-black Reiatsu visible with naked eye emerged out of nowhere, jumping from under his feet like a flame, and instantly flooded Lin Lichuan’s legs, waist, abdomen, and chest, until his head, and it took him whole in the blink of an eye. Devouring.

The thick black Reiatsu only lasted for an instant, and the next instant it scattered like fireworks.

The black light particles scattered in the sky, a tall and thin pale silhouette slowly came into view of everyone.

The sharp horn that pierced the sky like a sharp blade, the white as bone mask wrapped the entire skull, spreading straight down the neck, and the clavicle, wrists and ankles exposed outside the clothes were covered with a layer The thin but indestructible texture of the white nail layer, the muscle lines on it are clearly visible, it looks as if the skin is only dyed a layer of pale, two lines of pitch-black as ink run down from the top of the head and pass through the eyes And the corners of the mouth, submerged in the collar.

Until the long hair on the waist falls randomly on the back, the body is slender and straight, exuding the palpitations of hard to describe, just looking at it makes people feel that they will be eaten up at any time The illusion, as if it is not a human being right now, but a terrifying ominous beast about to stick out its fangs.

The cold killing intent on Rodriguez’s face has been replaced by a thick shock. He stared at the pale silhouette in front of him, his body tightened involuntarily.

“You…what ability is this!?” Rodriguez gritted his teeth and squeezed out a word.

The threat of deja vu emerged from deep in one’s heart. It was the feeling that Saint of the Lei Family played against the Lei Family in Azure Sky Dynasty, but at this time it was felt from Lin Lichuan again. How could he not be shocked? extremely.

You must know that this guy was only a 7-Star Level battle strength. How long has passed now is that he has a sense of threat from a Demi-God, which is simply unimaginable.

Lin Lichuan did not answer. Instead, he clenched his fists, seeming to experience the strength of his body, and followed closely looking towards Rodriguez. The eye sockets of the mask were dark, and the eyes were completely invisible. A bottomless black spring.

The air stagnates slightly.

In the next moment, Lin Lichuan leans forward abruptly. A pair of pale sharp horns are pointed at Rodriguez like thorns. The red light between the two horns emerges and swells sharply into a cloud of blinding crimson. light ball.

In an instant, a strong sense of threat emerged from Rodriguez’s heart. His eyes shrank, furiously shouted, and the qi energy around his body rolled, and the rich dark green radiance covered his body in the blink of an eye.

The moment the dark green radiance just submerged the last trace of his skin, the crimson light ball between Lin Lichuan’s two horns burst out suddenly, turning into a bloody torrent and pouring out, and it swept and flooded Rodriguez.

The world-shaking boom resounded across the sky, and the entire sky curtain seemed to be smeared with blood, and a layer of rich blood was spread in an instant.

The violent air waves invaded and spread like a hurricane, pressing against the ground like mountains, and raising countless dust. A group of Seireitei members quickly stretched out their hands to block their faces, until the wind weakened slightly, and then stared again. .

However, the sky is empty, whether it is Lin Lichuan or Rodriguez, all disappeared.

The silent silence lasted for a few seconds, and was immediately broken by the exclamation of one after another.

“Where are the people?”

“Where did you go?”

“Quick! Go find it!”

With a pan of water, Seireitei Headquarters immediately boiled, and countless people moved in a hurry, and the messy and short footsteps quickly sounded in every corner.

Lin Zhenyi and Meng Xiaotong were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly came back to his senses, not even thinking about it, but also followed to find the whereabouts of Lin Lichuan.


The deep and vicissitudes of life suddenly came from the sky, attracting everyone’s attention.

Looking up, Ryūjin Jakka appeared in the sky above the headquarters at some unknown time, and his turbid but restrained eyes looked into the distance.

Everyone seemed to be aware of something, and they rose into the sky, moving towards looking into the distance, and indeed saw the stormy sea far from the island, huge waves continued to emerge, and then they were shattered by invisible forces. .

It is obvious that the battlefield has been moved there.

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