The second Star Race Demi-God, who had just arrived in the sky above the pit, was stunned, staring dumbfounded at Lin Lichuan, who had regrown his left arm, and even returned to the peak state in an imposing manner.

All the people watching the battle were also stunned, their faces all in shock and speechless.

The potion that can instantly regenerate limbs is even more incredible than the extraordinary self-healing ability of injuries, let alone the magic potion that restores Lin Lichuan to peak state in the blink of an eye.

Lu Ding and Han Liejiong eyes shined immediately.

“I said, how dare Little Friend Lin continue to challenge, it turned out that he still hid such a hand!” Han Liejiong laughed heartily, forgetting the hate iron for not becoming steel when Lin Lichuan said a moment ago to continue. tension.

Lu Ding gave him a funny look.

The Star Race Demi-Gods were ashamed of water, and they immediately realized that they and the others were slammed by Lin Lichuan, but unfortunately they didn’t wait for them to speak out, and they got used to the new arms. Lin Lichuan, without a word, swung his sword to kill his opponent.

Star Race Demi-God, who played in the battle, had to temporarily suppress the horror in his heart and brace oneself against it.

The Star Race Demi-God played this time does not have the secret skill of the dead partner. The two are not the same in strength. Therefore, this battle is almost equivalent to a repeat of the previous one. After fighting to the death for more than two hours, Lin Lichuan decisively seized the opportunity to display Ittō Kasō again, killing the exhausted enemy who could not dodge.

As the charred corpse fell to the ground, the morale of the Star Race side fell to the bottom completely, silent as if pressing an iron plate, in stark contrast to the Human Race army world-shaking Excited roar that shook all directions.

After this battle, the morale of the Human Race army has reached its peak.

Lin Lichuan coldly glanced at the direction of Star Race Demi-God, without the slightest hesitation, turned and walked towards the Human Race battlefield.

In the watchful gaze of the Saints, the Star Race Demi-Gods, despite being murderous-looking, never made a move.

“Brother Lin, this time you have greatly increased the aspirations of our Human Race!”

Back in the battlefield, Han Liejiong laughed heartily on the shoulders of Patted Lin Lichuan, The title was also changed, and he was completely regarded as an equal existence in words.

The rest of Saint looked at him with a smile.

If they thought of Lin Lichuan before and there was a hint of junior in it, then Lin Lichuan has thoroughly proved his strength in two battles and won the respect of these old monsters.

“As Human Race, this is what I should do.” Lin Lichuan lightly said with a smile.

The peaceful, uncompromising attitude made the Saints secretly admired.

“Brother Lin, your arm…” Lu Ding frowned and stared at the wound on Lin Lichuan’s severed arm.

“The medicine for rebirth from severed limbs cannot be taken continuously. It takes three days apart.” Lin Lichuan replied.

This answer makes everyone relaxed, as long as it is not only able to recover once.

“All Elders, don’t care about my injury, the fight is not over yet.” Lin Lichuan brought the topic back to business.

“No need, Star Race has killed two Demi-Gods in a row. They dare not send anyone on the court anymore.”

Han Liejiong waved his hand and pointed to the distance The Star Race Army is slowly moving.

“The birdmen are ready to move for real.”

Lu Ding pondered then said: “The main force of Star Race’s army is Strange Beast and Star Beast, which will affect their defeat It’s not fatal. Order to go down and let the generals of the army do not let go.”

Someone answered immediately.

Saint is just the Supreme Commander in the name of the army. Leading the battle is not their area of ​​expertise. The real performer is someone else.

“Brother Lin, you have just gone through two battles, so let’s take a good rest in the back.” Han Liejiong laughed towards Lin Lichuan, and then moved towards the front of the battlefield and flew away with a loud voice like thunder rolling Spread out.

“Star Race’s fuckers, you Grandpa Han are here, come out and accept death!”

“Brother Han is still the same, with a bad temper.” Lu Ding shook his head and laughed, and swept away. Followed along.

The rest of Saints also took action.

At the same time, there were roars in the Star Race battlefield. The Demi-Gods rushed out of the battlefield and handed over with the Saints in advance. The air surged over the deep pit, and the loud boom sounded. One after another.

It didn’t take long for Human Race and Star Race Army to charge at the same time, as if two high-speed rotation turbine blades slammed into each other, foul wind and bloody rain were all set off in an instant. .

It’s not that Lin Lichuan has never seen war. When he was still in White Crown Province a few years ago, he personally participated in the war between Tania Empire and Qianyuan Trade Union and witnessed a fierce battle on a scale of ten thousand.

However, what happened before his eyes at this moment was a large-scale war that was far greater than the previous one. Hundreds of thousands of humans and beasts were densely packed on the vast grassland, fighting each other endlessly. Hundreds of lives have fallen, and wherever you look, there are blood and roars. The entire battlefield is instantly reduced to the meat grinder of Devouring life. The scene of endless wars and roars is really shocking.

For a long while, Lin Lichuan came back to his senses and he took a long sigh of relief.

After thinking about it, he still stepped back away from the battlefield.

My own family affairs, I know that his current state absolutely can’t be called. After killing two Star Race Demi-Gods in succession, he is almost exhausted. If he is rash at this time In the battle, then Star Race Demi-God will definitely take the opportunity to get rid of his thorny eye at all costs.

It is better to save your own life first, and there will be a chance to kill Star Race in the future.

Lin Lichuan looked up, Human Race lacked him and Lei Zheng two Peak battle strengths, but Star Race also died two Demi-Gods, the number of Saint and Demi-God on both sides was similar , The overall strength of Demi-God has the upper hand, but the gap is not very big, barely stalemate.

The main reason is that there is a very powerful guy in Demi-God, that is, the majestic man who gave Lin Lichuan a very dangerous feeling before. He 1 vs 3, dragged Lu Ding and the other two Saint, and still not letting go, in terms of strength, it seems to be on the head of Demi-God and Saint.

“At least equivalent to energization is 50%, or 60%. It is estimated that Ittō Kasō can’t help this guy.” Lin Lichuan whispered softly.

Peak battle strength duel Human Race is a bit inferior, but Human Race has the upper hand in the battle. The morale of Human Race sergeant fierce and unafraid of death rushes forward, shouting to kill The sky shook the sky and defeated the Star Race steadily.

The fierce war lasted for more than half a day, until the sky was dim and the vision was greatly affected, and the two sides of the battle retreated with gold, and left countless corpses piled up in the deep pit in the middle of the grassland.

After the war, tens of thousands of Human Warriors lost their lives, and Star Race’s battle damage was at least 30 to 40% more than Human Race’s battle losses. Saint and Demi-God did not appear to be killed again, strictly After all, Human Race won neither too big nor too small in this war.

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