Chapter 953 New Home

“Father, it’s best if you can adapt to it. Originally, I was worried that you would be uncomfortable during this long journey.”

Taking a train for a long time is indeed a kind of torture. Just like the little guys behind Ernst, they all looked listless. The same was true for Ernst and Karina. After all, the Ernsts stayed in the first town all year round. I don’t go out, so I’m not used to it.

Constantine smiled and said to his son: "Don't stay in the palace all the time. Just go out and walk more. You see, I am already this age. Why I am in good health is because of my years of exercise and travel."

Since entering old age, Constantine has been traveling around East Africa. Of course, for the sake of the king's health, Constantine usually travels along the railway, so since he often takes trains, this time from the first The journey from town to Rhineland was no difficulty for Constantine.

"Well, father, let's go take a look at our new home now! We have a lot of tasks when we first arrive," Ernst said.

In these three days, a lot of government affairs have not been dealt with, and he has to be busy moving, so Ernst’s first priority is to complete the work at hand.

Constantine said: "I have already been to the Rhine Palace. The environment is very good, and the architecture and garden design are also very novel. It is much larger than the Swet Palace. At least it is in line with the status of a world-famous royal family like ours in East Africa."

He was quite satisfied with the construction of the Rhine Palace, especially compared with the "sloppy" Svet Palace. In Constantine's opinion, the living experience of the Svet Palace was no different from that of the Hohenzollern Castle. I don't know. I thought that East Africa was a small palace like the original Heishingen Kingdom!

Ernst was also full of curiosity about the Rhine Palace. Although he had seen the drawings before, the specific effect could only be felt more intuitively after an on-site inspection.

Soon, Ernst and his party took a car in the direction of the Rhine Palace. The Rhine Palace is in the northeast corner of the Rhine City, and the train station is in the northwest of the Rhine City. So along the road, you can see the northern part of the Rhine City. Building progress.

 This has also aroused the interest of a few little guys. They are full of curiosity about Rhine City. Of course, they are just curious. After all, there is still a gap between the prosperity of Rhine City and Dar es Salaam.

Soon, Ernst and his party finally arrived at the Rhine Palace, and what they saw was a large number of man-made gardens.

Ernst was quite satisfied with the garden design of the Rhine Palace. The original Eastern and Western design did not make Ernst completely reassured, and he was afraid that it would be nondescript. However, after seeing the garden scene of the Rhine Palace, he Ernst's hanging heart can be relieved.

The garden design outside the Rhine Palace is mainly grassland and gardens, with a certain amount of woodland. The planning is well-proportioned. Bluestone slabs and gravel islands extend along the asphalt road, making full use of "water sources" to create various fountains and pools. and man-made streams.

The fountain is obviously different from Europe. Instead, it uses rockeries and rocks from the Far Eastern Empire to create a natural and harmonious "mountain and flowing water" scene.

 The garden design of the Rhine Palace also has distinctive tropical characteristics. For example, many tropical plants can be seen everywhere here, creating a unique artistic conception.

Therefore, the Rhine Palace garden has three different styles in the past century: Europe, the Far East, and the tropics. With the full cooperation of designers, the three styles are mixed together, which does not appear to be abrupt, but gives people a special feeling of freshness and refinement.

Ernst was also very interested in "pavilion" buildings. In Ernst's impression, "pavilion" buildings were indispensable in the gardens of the Far Eastern Empire.

The Rhine Palace Garden also adopts this architectural form, with a Western-style outdoor promenade, vines and various plants, which are naturally integrated into the garden terrain.

Anyway, Ernst was very satisfied with the design of the Rhine Palace, which was in line with his own aesthetics. Of course, Ernst asked his family members for their opinions: "What do you think of the gardens of the Rhine Palace?" "Anyway, I am quite satisfied, although It is not as regular as traditional European gardens, but it is orderly and well-proportioned in the chaos, so it will not cause aesthetic fatigue,” Constantine said frankly.

 And several little guys also said: "Dad, this place is very beautiful."

 The attitude of these children towards beautiful things is relatively real. What looks good is what looks good. If they pass the level of children, it means that there is no problem with the garden design of the Rhine Palace.

Ernst said to Karina: "My dear, what do you think?"

Karina nodded and said: "I think the gardens in Vienna are different from each other! Although I prefer European gardens, the construction of the Rhine Palace garden is also eye-catching, and it also integrates the characteristics of European gardens. It can be regarded as a collection of hundreds of schools of thought. Long."

Karina’s artistic vision is the highest in the family. After all, Karina was born in the Austrian court and received formal education since childhood.

Unlike Ernst and Constantine, Constantine used to be a warrior in the Junker aristocracy and was naturally insensitive to art, while Ernst was even less likely to inherit any artistic qualities from his father.

Therefore, Ernst was quite happy with Karina's affirmation. He said to Karina: "In order to build the Rhine Palace garden, I specially borrowed people from the royal family of the Far East Empire, their palace garden designers. The most powerful thing is that the garden can be designed to have a low-key luxury and cultural connotation. European garden designers are more flamboyant. The combination of the two creates a unique chemical reaction, which is why the Rhine Palace Garden is today. A bit of charm.”

Of course, Ernst didn’t think so before seeing the actual results. He was originally afraid that the two would not be effectively combined and come up with something nondescript.

This is not Ernst's worry, but his experience in his previous life. As a civil engineer in his previous life, Ernst had seen many antique buildings in China. He can only describe them as disgusting, especially ancient towers and palaces that were antique or restored. , has no ancient charm at all, and is full of a sense of construction garbage of the 21st century.

This is why Ernst only asked Far Eastern designers to only participate in the Rhine Palace garden design, while the main building of the Rhine Palace was completely completed by local and European designs.

Ernst was afraid of creating something nondescript, and compared to architecture, garden design was simpler. After all, gardens mainly use vegetation as the backdrop, so there would be no drama no matter how much they were done, and even if there were problems, they could be demolished and rebuilt. convenient.

After browsing the gardens, the final destination is the Rhine Palace. The Rhine Palace uses a combination of classical and modernism, and is absolutely unique among palace buildings around the world.

Because it adopts the modern industrial style, Ernst’s feeling is that the architectural design of the Rhine Palace will not be outdated in the 21st century. Of course, another reason for adopting the modernist style is naturally to install various modern furniture and Convenient circuit design.

Therefore, the Rhine Palace is destined to be the most modern among palaces in various countries, with the strongest living experience. At the same time, it is also relatively practical and easy to maintain in the future. For example, most of the windows of the Rhine Palace use transparent windows, not the European ones. Stained glass with high cost and complicated craftsmanship.

Of course, the glass of the Rhine Palace looks ordinary, but it has actually been specially treated and made stronger by adding glue. Of course, when the technology matures, it will definitely be replaced with stronger bulletproof glass.

 (End of this chapter)

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