African Entrepreneurship Records

Chapter 955: Rhine Palace Underground Station

Chapter 955 Rhine Palace Metro Station

Although the Rhine City Metro has been completed a long time ago, it will still take some time before normal operation, because the Rhine City is currently very empty and there is no need for dredging by means of the subway.

This led to the fact that the Rhine City Metro was completed earlier than the Hungarian Metro, but was officially put into use much later. In fact, the Rhine City Metro was completed as early as 1896. As for the completion time of the Rhine Palace Subway mentioned by Ernst, it was actually the Rhine City Subway. Line 2 of the city subway.

After all, it involves the royal palace, so Line 2 is more complex in design and has higher standards. In addition, the government and Rhine Palace sections of Line 2 also have supporting shelters, temporary headquarters and other places, so the amount of work is larger.

This means that the only two subway lines in Rhine City are currently out of service. Line 1 is a completely civil line, crossing the city center and southwest industrial and residential areas, while Line 2 is divided into There are two parts, one is a civilian line, and the other is for the use of the East African government and the royal family. There are certain differences between the royal family's dedicated lines and the East African government lines.

As for the two subway lines in Rhine City, which is the current subway construction situation in East Africa, Dar es Salaam, the most economically developed city in East Africa, has not yet been built.

After all, the city of Dar es Salaam only has about 700,000 people, while London already had more than 2 million people when the subway was built in 1863, and now it has exceeded 4 million, so Ernst believes that the subway construction standards should Taking an urban population of two million as a starting point, no city in East Africa can meet this standard.

As for the Hungarian subway, it was a political project in Hungary to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the founding of the country. Moreover, the population of Budapest had reached two million in 1896, and it met the standards for building a subway in terms of economic and population needs.

As for why Budapest has such a large population, it is mainly due to its good foundation. It was originally two cities, Buda and Pest, which were merged into Budapest after 1873 and became the capital of Hungary. At that time, the population of Budapest was one million.

With the industrial development of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in recent years, Hungary is a plain area, so it is easier for industry and population to concentrate in Budapest.

 Comparatively, the Rhine City subway is completely a political product. According to the current population size of Rhine City, the opening and operation of the subway is a complete waste of resources.

Of course, Ernst believes that the construction of the Rhine Metro is completely reasonable. After all, the planes in East Africa have already taken off. In the future, cities will face bombing during wars. The subway is a natural place of refuge, and the Rhine City, as the political center of East Africa, needs to be built early. Make preparations.

Of course, it is not an easy task for foreign forces to launch air strikes on the Rhine City. After all, the Rhine City is located in the center of the interior of East Africa, and it takes a lot of time to fly here from the coast.


 In the evening, after Ernst and Constantine returned to the Rhine Palace, Ernst and his family began to familiarize themselves with the structure of the Rhine Palace.

Of course, Ernst was also new here, so Butler Thomas introduced them to them.

"This is the entrance to the Rhine Palace subway. It is built in the room in the center of the Rhine Palace. Turn the mechanism behind the bookcase and a passage will appear. Go down the stairs at the entrance of the passage. There is a gate here. Pull him up and the power system will start. Power the lights."

As Thomas closed the gate, the lights in the passage suddenly turned on, and then everyone walked down the stairs.

"Actually, there are other passages in the Rhine Palace, and they are even equipped with elevators. However, the elevators are not very reliable after all, so it is best to choose this traditional staircase when escaping." Thomas said matter-of-factly.

Ernst did not comment on this point. The reliability of stairs is definitely higher than that of elevators, but it is not as easy to cause accidents as Thomas said.

 After all, the elevators at the Rhein Palace are well maintained. With regular maintenance, it is almost impossible to encounter malfunctions. Of course, nothing can be said with absolute certainty.

The Svet Palace in the first town is equipped with an elevator, and the Rhine Palace is even more equipped. Therefore, the elevator maintenance workload of the Rhine Palace is much greater than that of the Svet Palace. After walking for a while, we came to a flat area, but there were still stairs going down.

“The Rhine Palace subway is more than 170 meters underground, so the stairs extend downward in stages.” Thomas said.

 At last, when we were almost at the end, an iron gate appeared in front of everyone.

“This metal gate is the first barrier between the Rhine Palace subway and the Rhine Palace. There are two in total. The construction of this metal gate alone took a lot of effort and requires the use of machinery to open and close.”

As he said that, Thomas also demonstrated how to use a rocker to drive a complex mechanical structure to switch on and off.

And Thomas just gave a simple demonstration and moved the door by more than ten centimeters. After all, it still had to go down, so it was impossible to close the door first.

After a while, we finally arrived at the location of the Rhine Palace subway. The subway station under the Rhine Palace is a palace-style building with magnificent construction.

 In fact, according to Ernst’s opinion, this subway station is very similar to the subway station built during the Soviet era in Moscow, so he has a strong ability to accept the scene in front of him.

Constantine, Karina and the princes and princesses of the Hechingen royal family were different. They were greatly shocked. This was equivalent to building an underground palace under the Rhine Palace.

"This subway station and a small number of subway stations will not appear on the Rhine City subway map. The Rhine Subway also has many hidden lines and shelters. These areas are generally not open to the public, such as the Rhine Palace subway station. Unless the royal family In the event of a major threat, it will not be activated under normal circumstances, but the subway station will be on standby to deal with any emergencies that may occur. "

It is estimated that this situation will not occur in another hundred years. After all, thanks to Ernst’s arrangements, almost no foreign enemies will be able to enter the Rhine Palace area in the future, except of course for nuclear war. However, Ernst is confident that East Africa will become the world’s most powerful country in this time and space. The world's first nuclear-armed country, so unless there is a lunatic who really wants to fight East Africa and die together, the safety attributes of Rhine City are full.

“Speaking of which, I have never taken the subway in my entire life. Can you let me try it?” Constantine said on the side.

“Dad, we want it too!” The little guys are also interested in the subway just like their grandfather.

  After all, apart from East Africa, the only countries building subways in the world are the United Kingdom, Hungary, and the United States.

The first subway in the United States was built one year later than Hungary and East Africa. It was the Boston Subway that was completed and opened in 1897.

Ernst naturally agreed to the requests of his father and children. After all, he also wanted to see and experience the subway in the 19th century.

Subsequently, under Ernst’s instructions, the staff started the Rhine Metro, which ran from the Rhine Palace station to the platform of the Central Government Building, which was only a dozen kilometers away.

As for the experience, I can’t say it’s that good. This thing is actually not much different from a train, more like a tram. After all, it is also driven by electricity, but its power is supplied by the track, while the tram relies on the antenna above its head. The speed of the power grid is not very fast, and the staff do not dare to drive at high speed.

 (End of this chapter)

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