Chapter 69

Zhang Chenggong laughed loudly and ordered his men to take Liu Xin into the car.

Seeing Liu Xin again, Zhang Chenggong took off his sunglasses: “I saw Dr. Liu again, did you just say what Hu Wenfeng meant? Hehe, he is still so naive after all these years. If Laozi hadn’t been hiding, he would have become He shot a ghost, and he was playing with Grandpa Zhang, he was still a little tender, and let’s go!”

The car starts. Zhang Chenggong kept looking out the window until the car drove into the house before asking, “How many people did he send?”

“only me.”

Zhang Chenggong smiled again: “Hu Wenfeng, I still don’t understand? He is very cautious and meticulous. The person he wants to protect will definitely not let him have an accident. So you are safe now. Relatively, I am now. very dangerous.”

Liu Xin didn’t want to know the grievances between Zhang Chenggong and Hu Wenfeng, he only wanted to know the purpose of Zhang Chenggong’s request to come by himself.

“What the hell did you let me here for? If it’s just for an operation, why kidnap Love, not to mention that Love’s methods are much better than I don’t know.”

Zhang Chenggong shook his head: “Hehe, you can rest assured that I am the most creditable person. I really just want you to have an operation. Originally I wanted to go to the hospital to see you, but since you came in person, it would save me. Take a lot of effort.”

While talking, Liu Xin was pushed into the house, and Love was tied to a chair. Seeing Liu Xin appearing, he immediately blamed himself: “Sorry, my friend, I let you get involved.”

“Nothing, I was meant to save you.”

Liu Xin smiled frankly.

“Enough, you two don’t want to be short in the parents here, I am not asking you to come here to talk about your brotherhood, Xiaohu, send them there.”

“Yes! Boss!”

A young man named Xiaohu led the two into a room. The whole room was arranged to form a sterile space, and a foreigner was lying on the bed in the room.

“Your goal is to heal him. If he dies, you will also be buried with him.”

Zhang Chenggong is very direct, and Liu Xin knows that there is nothing he can’t do.

Liu Xin stepped forward and opened his eyelids. He found that the man’s eyelids were flushed and accompanied by a violent cough. He felt something was wrong, so he immediately took the mask from the medicine box and handed it to Loew on his side.

“What are the symptoms?”

Love hasn’t fully seen it yet, but Liu Xin is already prepared.

“Fever, cough, red eyelids, it’s not like a normal fever, there is no instrument underneath, and I’m not good to judge.”

Liu Xin immediately shouted at the door: “You have to give us equipment. We don’t know how to treat this environment alone!”

Zhang Chenggong walked out carrying the ak, pulled the bolt, and replied with an understatement: “Ebola.”

“What! Ebola? Are you crazy? This is a severe infectious disease. So far, there is no medicine that can cure Ebola. Even if you tell me, we can’t start it?”

Liu Xin questioned, Zhang Chenggong held up his gun and pointed at the two of them: “It doesn’t matter. If you can’t cure it, you will bury him with him.”

“You are too much!”

Loew was about to get up, but Zhang Chenggong fell to the ground with a gun butt.

“The third child, be optimistic about them. If they haven’t been cured within an hour, we will clean them up with Vodaf.”

“Good boss!”

Zhang Chenggong finished speaking and left. Two people stood alone in the room. The third child took out his watch and pointed to the number on the dial.

“You have fifty-two minutes.”

“For an hour, the Ebola virus, you are joking, let’s shoot!”

The third child ignored it.

“Liu, I’m sorry, I can’t help but I killed you.”

Liu Xin shook his head: “Don’t be so depressed. It is not impossible. Ebola will die in the second cycle. It seems that his condition has not reached such a serious level. Although it is simple here, I want to suppress it. It’s not impossible to live with the virus, you still need your help from Love.”

“how do you want to do it?”

Liu Xin took out the medical kit. Although he did not anticipate the patient’s illness before coming, he knew that it must be a critically ill patient, otherwise Zhang Chenggong would not have risked such a big risk to kidnap Love and let him replace him. He healed.

“In Africa, there is a very old method called bloodletting therapy, which is used to treat diseases, but this method has been improved and has a very solid theoretical basis in China.”


As the Taishan Beidou of the medical profession, Loew certainly knows this bloodletting therapy. In the past few hundred years, Europeans have used this method to treat chronic diseases. Although some have failed, there are also many successful cases. The theory of bloodletting therapy is difficult to find a reliable statement.


Liu Xin put on rubber gloves, took out two needles and handed one to Love, while the other was held in his hand.

“how do you want to do it?”

“There is a kind of medical technique in China called TCM, and you must have heard of it. Although it has not been paid attention to by the Western medical community for many years, it does have its own medical system. Ebola is also called the plague, exogenous fever. To reduce the fire, to remove the heat, the dialectical method of treatment does have a miraculous effect.”

After Liu Xin said, he pierced the needle into the man’s arm, slowly twitched the needle, and slowly pumped the blood from his arm into the needle. He took a full tube before he stopped.

“What should I do?”

Liu Xin signaled that he didn’t need to worry, stretched out his hand to open the man’s eyelids, still blood red, and directly opened the man’s mouth, motioning for Love to do it.

“What should I do?”

“Bloodletting, there is a cloud in Chinese medicine, building heat as a nest, building fire as a palace, clearing and nourishing the lungs, and focusing on hanging the palace.”

“What’s the meaning?”

Love could hear it. Although he knew Chinese, he didn’t understand ancient Chinese.

“Nothing else, draw blood from your tongue.”


It was the first time Love had heard of such a weird treatment, but seeing Liu Xin’s eyes so firm, he still dared to pierce the needle in, and slowly drew out nearly a tube of blood while the patient was lethargic.

“What happens next?”

Loew asked questioningly, holding a tube of blood.

“Continue to bleed, but this time it needs to be supplemented with tools.”

“With tools? What does this mean?”

“It just needs equipment.”

Liu Xin looked at the old third at the door and shouted: “Yes, the old third, bring me a pot of hot water!”

The third child was unmoved, as if pretending not to hear.

“I’m telling you, if Zhang Chenggong asks at that time, it is your responsibility that he has an accident. We are already doing our best to save people. As for life and death, it is now in your hands!”

The third child heard that Liu Xin had successfully moved out of Zhang, and impatiently walked out of the house and brought out a pot of hot water.

“Here! Stop beeping Laozi!”

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