After 20 Years Of Retreat, You Will Be Born With Gods Of Destruction Level Combat Power

56. Jiang Yang: The Retreat Reward This Time Is Really Nice! (Seeking Subscription)

"Master Beerus! I'm here!"

call out!

The sound of breaking the air sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Whis, holding the Angel staff, appeared in front of the two of them.


Beerus put his chin in his hand, and said: "Jiang Yang just raised a very interesting question [that is, whether the two different types of states of self-consciousness and self-consciousness can perform fusion."

"Thus... a powerful new state is born?!"

Jiang Yang on the side stared at Whis, obviously looking forward to his answer.


Hearing Beerus' question, Whis showed a look of astonishment on his face, and then looked at Jiang Yang, his eyes were full of amazement, and said: "As expected of little Jiang Yang, he can think of such a tricky question!"

"How about it, Whis! Do you... have any unique insights of your own?!"

Jiang Yang is looking forward to it.


Whis held his chin and pondered for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth: "Theoretically speaking, self-indulgence and self-intention cannot be fused, and a powerful new state will be born! But..."

"But what?!"

Jiang Yang and Beerus widened their eyes a little, and asked eagerly.

Whis took a deep look at Jiang Yang, smiled and said, "But.... If it's the little Jiang Yang who did such an amazing thing, I would feel very normal!



Hearing Whis' words, both Jiang Yang and Beerus fell down, and then both of their faces were speechless.

What Whis said, is simply not saying the same thing.

"Okay! Stop kidding!"

Whis straightened his face, looking a little serious, and said in a deep voice: "Little Jiang Yang's idea is very good, but at present, only Master Mei and Master Lawbreaker can control the two states at the same time. So ... If you really want to find out, I'm afraid you have to ask those two adults too!"

"Furthermore, the current you have not yet mastered the state of self-consciousness, little Jiang Yang~`!"


Hearing Whis' words, Jiang Yang nodded in approval.

Even the two mighty Gods of Destruction, Mei and Spellbreaker, had thought about it, but they couldn't do it.


Just because they can't do it doesn't mean Jiang Yang can't do it.

At present, it is not a good thing for him to think too far into the corner, it is better to understand his own ultimate intention before talking about other things!

In the following time, Jiang Yang followed Beerus seriously and began to practice.

In this way, a year passed quietly.

Ai Ji 763, a certain day in October.

Jiang Yang slowly walked out of the infinite multiple gravity chamber.


"Congratulations to the host, who has successfully retreated for a year and received rewards:

Flash time skill + 1 second, 10% chance to weaken attribute effects, 10% chance to kill attribute effects, primary self-intention (destructive power), unlimited multiple gravity room evolved into an advanced version unlimited multiple gravity room!"

"Receive the retreat reward now or delay it?!"

As soon as he walked out of the gravity room, the system's prompts sounded in Jiang Yang's mind.

"Huh?! Good guy... I have entered the state of self-intention several times a while ago, but now it is because of the retreat reward that I directly control the self-intention! This is really outrageous!. …”

Jiang Yang suddenly showed a happy smile. The reward of this system is to doze off, and the pillow will fall from the sky, so he will not be allowed to stay up for a little longer.

"Receive award!"

Jiang Yang directly received the retreat reward this time.

"Host: Jiang Yang."

"Bloodline: Saiyan."

"Combat power: Angel-level combat power (13.5)."

"Skills: flash time for 6 seconds, 50 times Kaio-ken without side effects, advanced version of Instant Transmission, 80% chance to kill attribute effects, 80% chance to weaken attribute effects, second stage Ultra Instinct, primary self-intention ( The power of destruction), the power of Angel, and turn back time for one minute."

"Items: Advanced Edition Unlimited Multiple Gravity Room, Unlimited Gourmet House, Xiandou 999+, Super Dragon Ballx3.

After receiving the reward, Jiang Yang glanced at his character attribute panel, and the smile on his face deepened a lot.

However, he doesn't quite understand the basic self-consciousness. Is there any deeper middle-level, high-level, or perfection?!

If this is the case, then I am afraid that they have mastered a level of self-intentional power. For ordinary Gods of Destruction, they can definitely easily break through their shackles.

By then...

Angel-level Gods of Destruction will appear on a large scale!

But if you think about it carefully, even if one day Jiang Yang reaches the highest point in his understanding of Ultimate Instinct, he will not pass it on casually.

"What is the advanced version of the unlimited multiplier gravity chamber?!"

Jiang Yang checked the introduction, and after reading it, he suddenly realized.

The speed of time has been increased in the gravity chamber with unlimited multiples. As the controller, he can make the time in the gravity chamber faster or slower than the time outside.

".~The advanced version of the unlimited multiplier gravity chamber is a good thing!"

Jiang Yang sighed inwardly.

"Um... drink... ha!"


Jiang Yang came flying, looking down from the sky above the Gods of Destruction realm.


above the earth.

Beerus was exploding with a terrifying aura, and as his roar gradually increased, the purple energy flames around him also shot up into the sky, forming a gas that looked like a substance!

"The current Beerus combat strength value has reached 10.7 points! This guy... is indeed the third Gods of Destruction to receive Angel's blessing!"

Jiang Yang was also very shocked by Beerus' growth.

You know, he's a man who is a big cheater, and Beerus doesn't have any golden fingers. He was able to reach the current combat power value of 10.7 points in such a short period of time. This shows that his talent potential is also very terrifying.

"Jiang Yang!"

Just when Jiang Yang in the sky was still marveling at Beerus' growth speed, Beerus below suddenly let out a loud cry, and then soared into the sky with an extremely strong fighting spirit.

Seeing this situation, for some reason, Jiang Yang subconsciously transformed into a super Saiyan God superimposed form of perfect freedom and ultimate intention.

"Very good! It seems that your body is involuntarily warming up, and you want to fight me!"

Seeing Jiang Yang's direct transformation, Beerus on the high altitude roared excitedly: "Come on! Brat, let me see how powerful you are now!"

"In this battle, I will attack with all my strength, and I will never hold back a single bit!"

"Come on! Let's have a good fight between you and me!"


After saying these words, Beerus' aura soared to an extreme. .

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