After 20 Years Of Retreat, You Will Be Born With Gods Of Destruction Level Combat Power

73. Anna: Wait For Me, Master Jiang Yang! (Seeking Subscription)


In one breath.

Jiang Yang took Anna back from the eighteenth universe to the seventh universe.

"You Instant Transmission...."

For Jiang Yang's operation, Anna expressed shock.

You know, it's not like she hasn't seen the ability of Instant Transmission before.

But to cross from a universe that is very far away to another universe, and only use one breath, this has to make Anna feel shocked.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Jiang Yang grinned, and then said: "How?! Do you want to go back to the fifteenth universe, or stay in the seventh universe for a while~?!"


Anna blinked her eyes, then looked at Jiang Yang, and said, "Would you believe me if I said that I am no longer an angel of the fifteenth universe?!"


Hearing Anna's words, Jiang Yang was stunned, and it took several seconds before he came back to his senses, and asked in surprise, "What's going on?!"

"I filed a severance request with my father!"

Anna smiled.

Hearing the four words of resignation request, the corner of Jiang Yang's mouth twitched.

Good guy!

These days Angel serves the Gods of Destruction, is it also called "going to work"?!

"and many more!"

Jiang Yang suddenly came to his senses, this Angel can still resign?!

It shouldn't be!

"Doesn't Angel have to serve Gods of Destruction all his life?!"

Jiang Yang said.

"That's just a normal Angel, but different!"

Anna smiled.

She is an Angel who was born in ancient times. She is powerful and has a very high status. She is fundamentally different from ordinary Angels who have no choice of her own!

"Then you are free now?!"

Jiang Yang rested his chin on his hand, his eyes were shining with a strange brilliance.


Anna smiled slightly and said without hesitation: "Whenever you become Gods of Destruction, I will be your Angel!"

"Ah this..."

Jiang Yang glanced at Anna with a wry smile, not understanding why she had such a deep obsession with becoming her own Angel!

Rebecca loves his food, so it makes sense to want to be his Angel.

But what about Anna...

Where is the reason?!

Jiang Yang couldn't figure out how to think about it.

"So... from now on, you will follow me?!"

Jiang Yang asked uncertainly.

"If nothing else happens, it should be!"

Anna smiled softly, making people feel as comfortable as a spring breeze.

Good guy!

Hearing Anna's answer, Jiang Yang called her a good guy.

Doesn't this mean that she has fallen for him?

In a sense, Anna who has been following Jiang Yang is his Angel.

In other words, at this moment, Anna has become Jiang Yang's Angel in advance.

And Jiang Yang has Angel to serve him as a candidate for Gods of Destruction, this news will definitely shock people's jaws!


At this moment, Anna suddenly laughed.


Jiang Yang didn't react at the first moment, but when he saw Anna's eyes, he immediately understood that this woman was lying to him just now!

"Well, Anna, you lied to me!"

Jiang Yang was speechless for a while, he really began to think about the life when Anna was by his side.

"Jiang Yang, I'm indeed free now, but I'm afraid I won't be able to follow you for the time being!"

With an extremely gentle smile on Anna's face as always, she said, "So... I'm not lying to you! After I return to the big Angel star, I will find you again!"

"That's it..."

Jiang Yang's eyes flickered.

At this time, the fragrant wind hit, and Anna was already close to Jiang Yang, she whispered in his ear: "Wait for me, Master Jiang Yang!"

call out!

After saying this, Anna took a step back, and disappeared into Jiang Yang's sight in a stream of light.

"This Anna is too provocative!"

At this moment, there was still a little bit of Anna's body fragrance in the air, which made Jiang Yang show a little wry smile.

It is undeniable that he is indeed a little moved by Anna, a powerful Angel.

But it was just a little bit of a heartbeat. He really hadn't thought about such a thing as Angel, because it was too bold.

call out!

Jiang Yang didn't think about it anymore, and teleported directly back to Xidu's home.

When Jiang Yang returned to the backyard of his home and saw two women and a young girl sitting in the small pavilion eating and drinking, his face suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

Good guy!

Did he go wrong?!

"Jiang Yang!"

Rebecca immediately sensed Jiang Yang's presence, and immediately turned her head and shouted.


Bulma and Blonde 18 also set their sights on him.

Bulma is okay, the relationship with Jiang Yang is already one step closer.

But for No. 18, seeing Jiang Yang at this moment is inevitably a little embarrassing.

After all, her relationship with Jiang Yang was nodding at best.

"That... hello!"

No. 18 got up from the stool rather restrainedly, then wiped his messy ear hair, and waved to Jiang Yang awkwardly but politely.


When Jiang Yang came, he also greeted No. 18.

He glanced at the food on the stone table in the small pavilion, they were all delicacies from the earth, although the taste was far inferior to his Chinese cuisine.

However, the taste is also very good. In the original book, Beerus and Whis also like the delicacies on the earth very much.

"Jiang Yang, I didn't expect such a small planet like the earth to have so many delicacies! Not bad, it's really good!"

Rebecca grinned.

"You stay in the seventh universe every day, and the people above know about it, are you sure you won't be punished?!"

Jiang Yang was a little surprised at the little girl's idleness every day.

"Hey hey hey, I'm my father's favorite daughter, and ah, I kept myself in the seventeenth universe, except for my father, no one can find out that it's a fake me

Rebecca sticks out her tongue with a proud look on her face.

"Okay! I really have you!"

Jiang Yang gave her a thumbs up, and then retreated to the open space in the backyard. He took out the advanced version of the unlimited multiplier gravity room, and then started his own retreat!

But when Jiang Yang walked into the gravity room, the gravity room on the open space in the backyard disappeared from everyone's sight.


Seeing this scene, Rebecca, who was still enjoying the delicacies of the earth, showed a slightly surprised expression on her face.

Then, she came to the open space and touched the air with her hand, but there was nothing. This made her interested immediately, and said in a low voice:

"Could it be the reason why this guy grew up so fast is that little house just now?!"

"Sister Rebecca, if you don't hurry to eat, I will eat it up!"

At this time, Bulma's voice came.

"Huh! My, my, all the delicacies are mine!"

Hearing this, Rebecca immediately turned around and came back, and then began to eat and drink, and she let go of her desire to explore Jiang Yang's little secret just now.

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