After 20 Years Of Retreat, You Will Be Born With Gods Of Destruction Level Combat Power

87. Buu, Perfectly Handled By Rebecca, Comes From Whis' Voice Transmission! (Seeking Subscripti


Jiang Yang couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard Anna's words.

In his opinion, Rebecca wouldn't be able to kill such a weak guy like Majin Buu, would she?!


She also praised Buu just now that this guy is cute.

"Facing pets that don't obey discipline, Rebecca will give a good lesson!"

Anna smiled.

Good guy!

Hearing Anna's words, Jiang Yang called her a good guy in his heart.

Emotional Rebecca sees Majin Buu as a pet?!


At this moment, a deafening roar suddenly exploded in the field.

Jiang Yang looked and saw that Majin Buu was blown up.

call out!

Rebecca flew into the sky, kicked it out, and kicked it several hundred meters away.

"Hahaha! Fun, fun, fun!"

Rebecca's melodious laughter like silver bells was constantly heard in the sky.

"Ah this........."

Seeing Rebecca Chunchun kicking Majin Buu around like a ball in the sky, East King Kai Xin and others below felt incredible.

Especially East King Kai Xin, although he understands that Rebecca is not easy, but...that is Majin Buu! That horrible existence who killed multiple Supreme Kais!


At this moment, in front of that little 743 girl who seems to have a different identity, like a ball, kicked here and there again!

"This is not a pet! It's completely treating Majin Buu as a toy!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yang felt amused.

"Rebecca is just so naughty!"

Anna shook her head and chuckled.

"Buu, my Buu! How can you be bullied like this by a little girl Pianzi?! Quick! Kill this little girl Pianzi, and then kill everyone present! In the end, we will unify the entire Universe! "


Babidi, who was expecting Majin Buu to wake up and started killing, looked at the constipated expression on his face, looking at Majin Buu being kicked around by Rebecca as a ball in the sky, let alone how depressed he is now!

"It's fun! It's fun! It's fun!"

Rebecca's excited voice has been uploaded in the sky to the ears of everyone below, and the expressions of each of them have changed from incredible at the beginning, shocking, and now they all turned into wry smiles. !

Especially East King Kai Xin, at this moment he even had some doubts, whether the Majin Buu in the sky was the Majin Buu in the legend.


so weak?!

"Or, in fact, it's not that Majin Buu is too weak, but that little girl is too strong?!"

East King Kai Xin exchanged a glance with the stunned Jabiter, and he thought to himself.

There is only one way to say that he knows Majin Buu to such an extent that he can even turn into ashes.


Majin Buu cannot be fake, nor can it be extremely weak.

Then there is only one answer left, Rebecca's strength has reached the point where she uses the mighty Majin Buu as a toy!



At this moment, a person fell from the sky to the earth.

Accompanied by the deafening roar of the explosion, a deep pit appeared in everyone's sight.

"Damn guy!"

Majin Buu, covered in dust all over his body, slowly flew out of the big pit. He looked at Rebecca sitting cross-legged in the sky with his arms folded on his chest with an extremely gloomy expression.

At this moment, he really hated the little girl in the sky.

woo woo woo!

The more Majin Buu thought about it, the angrier he became, and pink steam rose above his head.



Majin Buu clenched his fist vigorously and hammered his chest twice, and kicked his feet hard, soaring into the sky in an instant.



An extremely dull impact sounded, and in the next second, Majin Buu fell to the ground again, and another deep pit appeared.

See here.

There was an uproar in the audience.

"It's really a group of people who can follow Brother Jiang Yang..."

There was a wry smile on Kelin's face, and he didn't dare to say the word "abnormal", for fear of being heard by the scary little girl, and then he would be beaten up again.

"You are so funny, round!"


Rebecca landed slowly above the sky, looked down at Majin Buu who climbed out of the beag below, and praised with a smile.

Perhaps this remark is a recognition of Majin Buu for Rebecca, but for Majin Buu, it is not a recognition, but a humiliation of Chiguoguo!

At this moment, Majin Buu felt like he was about to be blown up by the little girl Rebecca, but...he is not an idiot, this guy's strength is so terrifying, he has always been passively beaten.

Not to mention fighting back, even his meow's defense can't do it!

have to escape!

Majin Buu immediately had a clear goal in his mind.

It is true that he looks silly, but in the original book, at this stage, his combat power is indeed top-notch, there is no need to think too much, push it horizontally and it will be over!

And now, after such a short period of fighting...


It should be said to be crushed.

Majin Buu knew instantly that he was no match for this little girl.


And absolutely only escape!

Otherwise, the ghost knows what will happen in the future.

Thinking of this, Majin Buu looked at Babidi who was on the side, and then flew to his side without thinking, and finally, under the stunned eyes of everyone, he grabbed Babidi and ran away directly.

"Majin... Majin Buu... escaped?!"

Seeing this scene, East King Kaixin's eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.


Rebecca chuckled, and was about to capture Majin Buu back when Jiang Yang said, "Rebecca, forget it!"

He was really afraid that Rebecca would play Majin Buu to death, but he hoped to see Son Goku and Vegeta's earring-fit fighter appear.

"Hmph! Anyway, I already remember this guy, as long as he is on the earth, he can't escape my induction!"

Rebecca snorted softly, but obeyed Jiang Yang's order and did not arrest Majin Buu.

"Goku and Vegeta are still fighting?!"

Jiang Yang looked not far away, and he could sense that the aura of Son Goku's demonized Vegeta was rising and falling, and it seemed that he was already exhausted.

"Uncle Jiang Yang, Vegeta Uncle he..."

Son Gohan came over and said helplessly.

"I know, it's okay! Vegeta's pride, I still appreciate it very much, neither of them will be fine!"

Jiang Yang waved his hand and didn't care.

"Little Jiang Yang!"

At this moment, a gentle voice suddenly rang in Jiang Yang's ear, which was Whis's call.


Jiang Yang responded.

"Master Mei has arrived in the seventh universe, seems that the visitor is not friendly!"

A slightly embarrassed voice came from Whis.

Hearing this, Jiang Yang couldn't help but cast his eyes on Rebecca, he guessed, "Mei's visit this time should be for the girl Rebecca!

He Jiang Yang abducted the human Angel into his own Angel, even though Rebecca wanted it.


He thought he had to blame himself for being too attractive!.

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