After 20 Years Of Retreat, You Will Be Born With Gods Of Destruction Level Combat Power

94. Son Goku: Brother Jiang Yang, Let's Fight! (Seeking Subscription)

"Too...too...too...too cool! Brother Jiang Yang, your transformation form of Super Saiyan God is a bit too cool!"

Seeing Jiang Yang's transformation form at the moment, Son Goku became excited.

In recent years, he has been practicing non-stop, just to see if he can go further and obtain a brand new transformation form under the transformation form of Super Saiyan 3.


He failed!

Now, seeing Jiang Yang's Super Saiyan God's transformed form, he naturally became excited instantly.

"This guy's transformation..."

Seeing Jiang Yang's Super Saiyan God transformation form, Vegeta's eyes were full of envy.

"Brother Jiang Yang, can you teach me and Vegeta to transform into this Super Saiyan God?!"

Son Goku hastily stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Yang's shoulder with a frenzied look on his face.


Jiang "Seven Five Seven" Yang looked at the extremely excited Son Goku, chuckled twice and then returned to his normal appearance, he said: "You can experience this state in a short time.

"However... through practice, you can obtain a more powerful transformation form!"

"How can I experience it in a short time?!"

Son Goku froze for a moment.

Vegeta is also looking at it, and is also very concerned about the transformation form of this Super Saiyan God.

"A Saiyan with five hearts of justice injects heart power into another Saiyan, and she can transform into the red form of Super Saiyan God I just said!"

Jiang Yang explained.

"Five Saiyans with a heart of justice, inject heart power?!"

Son Goku was stunned when he heard Jiang Yang's explanation, scratched the back of his head in confusion, and said, "What's the principle?!"

"What do you care about!"

Jiang Yang raised his hand and knocked on Son Goku's head, and said with a light smile, "Okay, let's get started!"

"Brother Jiang Yang, you won't participate?! Didn't you agree to have five Saiyans with a heart of justice?!"

At this time, Kelin came over, looked at Jiang Yang in surprise, and asked.

"Aren't there five of you?!"

Jiang Yang shook his head and smiled.

"This fellow Vegeta...does he really have a heart of justice?!"

Clint scratched his head.


Hearing this, Vegeta stared at the little bald head uncomfortably.


Sensing Vegeta's murderous gaze, Clinton jumped aside and stopped talking.

However, it was not difficult to see from the suspicion in his eyes that he did not believe that Vegeta had a heart of justice.

"Wait! Didn't five Saiyans with a heart of justice pour their hearts into another Saiyan to become a Super Saiyan God?!"

Whis spoke at this moment, "So, little Jiang Yang, I still need your help!"

Hearing what Whis said, Jiang Yang smiled slightly, and he set his sights on Videl who was on the side.

The latter also set his sights on him, Videl coughed lightly twice, and whispered: "That... Uncle Jiang Yang, I don't know if the baby in my belly is Saiyan?!"


Jiang Yang nodded affirmatively.

It's not that he doesn't want to contribute, but that he is afraid of any accidents.

After all, his strength level is different now, and he can still successfully transform into Super Saiyan God by himself.

Therefore, in order not to cause any unstable factors, he decided to use these people in the original book to transform Son Goku into Super Saiyan God.


Hearing Videl and Jiang Yang's words, Son Gohan's eyes widened suddenly, and then he said in shock: "You...are pregnant with a baby?!"

"I wanted to surprise you for a while, but since I need the baby's help, I can only say it!"

Videl lowered her head a little bit shyly, and it can be seen that, as a first-time mother, she is excited and shy at the same time.

After all, all the eyes of the audience were on her at this moment.

"Hahaha! I'm so happy, I'm going to be a father!"

Son Gohan immediately jumped up on the spot, and at this moment, he was extremely happy.

After a burst of collective happiness.

Everyone is also in place.


Vegeta, Son Gohan, Videl, Goten, Trunks held hands and surrounded Son Goku in the center.


Before it even started, Vegeta stared at Son Goku and made official complaints: "Why do you always let Kakarot be the protagonist!"

"Hey hey, don't say that, Vegeta!"

Son Goku grinned and said, "If this time is successful, I will let you be the protagonist next time, what do you think?"

"Is this true?!"

Vegeta rolled his eyes.

"Let's get started! Please note that it's not about breathing into Goku, it's about heart power!"

Jiang Yang's voice came.

Everyone hurriedly closed their eyes, then let go of their hands, and put them on Son Goku.

this moment.

I saw streaks of golden light appearing on Vegeta and the others, and then slowly sending them towards Son Goku's body.

It's just a short time.

A blinding golden light exploded and shot straight into the sky.


Beerus looked up at the sky, the sky has completely changed at this moment, with golden clouds in the sky, this scene looks very spectacular...

"It seems... interesting!"

Whis and Anna looked at each other, smiled and nodded.


At this moment, an extremely terrifying energy exploded from Son Goku's body and shot straight into the sky.


Under the stunned eyes of everyone, his body actually rose up on its own.

And at this moment.

He was surrounded by red rays of light, making it impossible to see through Son Goku in the rays.

this moment.

Four weeks began to experience the succession of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Sometimes it rains, sometimes it is sunny, sometimes it is windy, and sometimes it snows.


"Why is there hail all over my head?!"


There was a scream from Master Roshi on the side.

Everyone was raining and snowing normally, but he was the only one, when hailstones rained down one after another and hit his head, it was a pain!

See this scene.

Jiang Yang couldn't help laughing.


After another extremely dazzling red light exploded, all the miracles disappeared, and Son Goku also slowly fell from the sky.

Everyone's eyes were on Son Goku, and everyone's faces were shocked.

"How does this feel different from Uncle Jiang Yang's Super Saiyan God?!"

Son Gohan looked at Son Goku, who was also in the red form of Super Saiyan God, but couldn't help but compared it with the red color of Super Saiyan God transformed by Jiang Yang just now.

Finally come to a conclusion.

Uncle Jiang Yang’s Super Saiyan God has a much stronger sense of oppression, while his father Son Goku’s Super Saiyan God has a gentle temperament, which does not seem to be a strong person at all.

"Brother Jiang Yang! Am I the Super Saiyan God now?!"

Son Goku looked towards Jiang Yang and asked aloud.


Jiang Yang nodded.

Although, at this moment, Son Goku in the red form of Super Saiyan God cannot be weaker.


Compared with the previous Goku, he is absolutely powerful at this moment!

"In that case!"

Son Goku took a deep breath, bowed deeply to Jiang Yang, and then said: "Brother Jiang Yang, I have a heartfelt favor!"

"Oh?! Do you want to fight with me?!"

Jiang Yang raised his brows slightly, but he didn't expect that Goku, after transforming into Super Saiyan God, was not looking for Beerus, but him!

"I want to ask Brother Jiang Yang for advice!"

Son Goku continued. .

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