"What can I do? My mobile phone has no signal either."

The three female team members also became anxious.

If you were trapped in this maze-like cave and starved for several days, you would lose half your life.

The four of them were a little anxious.

"Steady, steady!"

Lin Zhongtian waved his hands and tried to calm down.

"Don't be too anxious. We haven't been back for a long time. Teacher Mao and others will send a rescue team to save us."

"Yes, Teacher Lin is right, they will definitely come to save us."

A few people finally relaxed a little.

"Let's think about the route carefully and see where we go next!"

Lin Zhongtian and the three female team members tried hard to recall the route they had taken before, but unfortunately it was still a mess.

"It's been less than three hours now."

Lin Zhongtian looked at the time on his phone and began to speculate.

"According to the walking speed of a normal person, we can only walk a few miles in an hour at most. What's more, we are still in such a complex environment, so the speed is even slower."

"Teacher Lin, you are right. In fact, we are only a few miles away from the entrance of the cave! Maybe only one or two miles."

A female team member’s eyes lit up.

"Yes, so let's not rush around to find a way. We have to think carefully. If it doesn't work, we will stay here."

Lin Zhongtian pondered.

"Yeah, let's just wait here for rescue."

The female team members all agreed.

At this time, they could no longer completely recall the route they took when they came here, so they stayed in this large cave and did not move any further.

This brought a lot of help to the subsequent rescue.

"There is nothing wrong with this water. It is very good mineral water."

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the inspection personnel finally arrived at the camp. After sampling and testing, they finally determined that there was no problem with the water quality in this area and that it was drinkable.

"Okay, thank you!"

Ye Fan and Mao Xiaojun quickly expressed their gratitude to the inspectors and sent them to the car.

"Teacher Mao, Teacher Lin and others may have really had an accident. Let's contact them quickly to check."

After sending away several testing personnel, Ye Fan took out his mobile phone and called Lin Zhongtian, but unfortunately he didn't get through.

"How about it?"

Mao Xiaojun, Shi Dong and others all looked over.

"Can't get through, it says it's temporarily unavailable.

"No? Where are the others?"

Everyone felt a little nervous. They took out their mobile phones and called several other members of Lin Zhongtian's team, but not surprisingly, none of them got through.

"Something really happened! They are probably in an area without signal now, and we need to launch rescue immediately."

Ye Fan made a quick judgment.


Mao Xiaojun immediately asked the staff to summon all the rescue personnel responsible for safety.

"Female team members do not need to participate in the rescue. All male team members should join us in the rescue! However, everyone must be careful not to act alone and must keep up with the large force.

The rescue personnel quickly formulated a rescue plan and prepared to search the nearby area within a few kilometers.

"I have an idea."

Ye Fan interrupted, "Their mobile phones have no signal, and based on the terrain characteristics of this area, I think they should be in a cave leading underground.

"This possibility is quite high."

The rescue leader nodded.

"Then we will use the caves found along the way as key search areas."

Mao Xiaojun interrupted.


Everyone brought necessary tools such as dry food and flashlights, and then set off.

By evening, the temporary rescue team had roughly searched a three-kilometer radius, but unfortunately found nothing.

Ye Fan and Mao Xiaojun were both worried.

"Trouble! I didn't expect such an accident to happen."

Mao Xiaojun felt something was not good, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and called the program manager of Mango Channel to report the situation.

"." Let's look for it first. If it doesn't work, Taichung will contact the local government tomorrow and send a large number of rescuers to participate in the search and rescue work. "

After making the call, Mao Xiaojun said to Ye Fan worriedly.

"Eat something first and then continue searching later.

Ye Fan sighed helplessly.


Mao Xiaojun told the people in the rescue team, and everyone rested and ate on the spot.

"Hey, there is a cave here."

A rescue team member was wandering around while eating. As a result, he turned a path and suddenly discovered a cave that didn't look very big from the outside.

"Go over and have a look."

Mao Xiaojun and Ye Fan looked at each other, and the two Zhao people walked towards the cave wood together with the rescue team leader.

"This cave is very unusual, aren't they here?"

A few people walked around the cave. They originally thought that the cave was only a few hundred square meters in size at most, but they did not expect that the terrain in the cave was particularly complicated. There were no less than a dozen branch roads at the entrance of the cave alone.

Several people walked to different forks for a short distance, but they all returned after a short time.

"How's it going there?"

Mao Xiaojun looked at several people.

"It's very complicated. There are so many forks inside, it's like an underground maze."

Ye Fan shook his head.

At this time, everyone already understood that Lin Zhongtian and the others were afraid of hiding in this cave. .

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