
The arrow flew diagonally into the air at a tricky angle, and it still continued to fly at a height of a hundred meters. The speed was so fast that it was indescribable, and it even made a sharp whistling sound similar to a sonic boom.

No one could describe the exquisiteness of this arrow. Even Wang Yu, who had been observing from a few meters away from beginning to end, could not see the direction in which Ye Fan's arrow fell.


A goshawk perched on the crown of a nearby big tree was alarmed, spread its wings in a hurry, and flew away quickly.

The blue sheep on the mountain wall were still strolling leisurely in the air, unaware that danger was about to come.

This is an unparalleled shot!

At this moment, Wang Yu had to admit that the gap between himself and Ye Fan in archery skills was at least several steps higher.

He had a premonition that this arrow would definitely accomplish something!

However, the subsequent result was still far beyond his expectation.

The arrow had already flown to the highest point at this time. Under the influence of gravity, it eventually changed direction and fell downwards.

Instinct made these blue sheep feel the danger after all.

In the middle of the mountain wall, several adult blue sheep looked into the air in fear. 18

Although they didn't know what was about to fall, they still instinctively wanted to avoid it.

Unfortunately, at this time, the speed of the arrow has been accelerated to the extreme under the influence of gravity.

With a "chi" sound, among the blue sheep, the largest and tallest one trembled, and ten bamboo arrows had pierced its back.

The seriously injured blue sheep didn't even have time to utter a cry, and then its whole body went limp. It lost its center of gravity and fell straight down.

Bizarrely, the direction in which it fell happened to be blocked by another blue sheep.

As a result, the unlucky blue sheep below was knocked directly off the mountain wall by the injured blue sheep, and its body rolled down the other side uncontrollably.

Not only that.

At this time, there were still several rock tails standing under the two blue sheep rolling down.

And so a chain reaction began.

As if controlled by a magical hand of God, the panicked blue sheep were hit one after another and rolled down the mountain.

During this process, some blue sheep with better luck found the stress point, stabilized their body, and narrowly escaped death.

But there are also unlucky blue sheep who fail to find the point of stress, and their bodies fall downwards uncontrollably, and the speed becomes faster and faster.

In the end, at least seven or eight blue sheep encountered difficulties.

Two of them fell directly off the cliff and died.

The rest rolled down to a gentle slope below and also fell to the ground.

"Is this the union of man and arrow?"

Wang Yu's eyes were full of horror!

I was speechless for a long time.

"The union of man and arrow? It's still far from perfect. At most, it's just a little bit of a blur!"

Ye Fan smiled and shook his head.

"Wang Yu, some of the fallen blue sheep are not dead yet, we have to hurry up.

"Oh well."

Wang Yu woke up from a dream and quickly ran down the slope with Ye Fan.

Ye Fan's arrow was captured by a drone and uploaded to the live broadcast room.

The melon-eating audience immediately went crazy.

"Is this playing dominoes? It turns out that dominoes can be played like this! I have learned a lot today, haha!"

"I just counted, and a total of eight fell down. Therefore, I have created an idiom called 'one arrow and eight sheep'. What do you think?"

"I'm worried now, will the two beauties need to lose weight after the competition?"

"People upstairs, be more confident and remove the word 'will you'?"

"It's unreasonable. I just came from another live broadcast room. The other contestants were already fighting and even fighting over a few kilograms of food. But contestant No. 37 is so evil!"

"I didn't like the smell of mutton before, but now I suddenly want to eat it again."

Imperial Studio.

The two hosts and five guests all had complicated expressions on their faces.

"Is all the luck in this competition concentrated on player No. 37?"

"I'm speechless!"

Wang Peng sighed.

"It's not luck, it's strength! If it were another player, would they be able to shoot down the blue sheep?"

Mao Xiaojun laughed.

“Not to mention other players, there are few people in the world who can hunt blue sheep under those circumstances.

"So, No. 37's so-called luck mostly comes from his own strength, experience and skills."

Shi Dong nodded and smiled.

"I suddenly had a feeling that the other players were really participating in the competition, and player No. 37 was more of a performance than participating in the competition."

Lin Han smiled so hard that his teeth were exposed, "I really want to see how player No. 37 will perform if he encounters a particularly harsh environment.

"Unfortunately, it is unlikely that we will see this scene this time."

"Several guests, after talking about this, I have an idea."

Host Hua Yu interrupted Lin Han, "After this competition is over, we can create a program with the theme of wilderness survival. Each program will choose a different environment, and the time spans from a few days to a week. Let several groups of players compete.”

"I think this kind of program is very entertaining and entertaining."

"At that time, we can invite contestant No. 37 as a special guest or a special contestant to participate in the show."

"This is a good idea. If player No. 37 is willing to come, I will also participate. Lin Han immediately expressed his approval.

"Sorry, I got six of them at once. They weigh over a thousand kilograms in total, right? How do I get them back?"

Ye Fan and Wang Yu stood on the slope, a little dumbfounded.

Six blue sheep cost 300, and they are all adult and sub-adult blue sheep. Their combined weight is at least eight or nine hundred kilograms.

Although Ye Fan and Wang Yu are both strong, it is impossible for them to carry four to five hundred kilograms of things down the mountain.

"How about we carry a few back first and then come over again?"

Wang Yu proposed a way.

"No, who knows if there are any wild animals on this mountain? It will take at least a few hours for us to go back and forth. If a wild animal comes by then, it will be great fun."

Ye Fan shook his head.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Let's do this. We make a simple trailer, tie the sheep to the trailer, and the two of us work together to drag it back to the camp.

Ye Fan touched his chin and came up with a feasible solution.

"Trailer? How to do it? I don't know how."

"I will, you wait a moment, I will chop some wood over.


More than an hour later.

Ye Fan finally finished the trailer.

The so-called trailer is actually a long wooden board with some small wheels attached to it.

The blue sheep was tied to it, and the two of them dragged it away, one behind the other.

Although this method is stupid, after the two tried it for a certain distance, they felt that it was okay.

In this way, Ye Fan and Wang Yu rested while walking. After four or five hours of difficult walking, they finally stumbled back to Camp 37.

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