The Grand Route.

In the sea surrounding the city of Impel.

On a magnificent ship

"Really, wouldn’t it be better if you just obeyed me earlier?"

"The navy is nothing but human beings. It is your luck to let you be my slave!"

At this moment, the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace, wearing the special clothes of the world's nobles and a bubble hood, was looking down at the young navy sitting on the deck with contempt.

"cough cough...Damn flying squirrel, what are you doing?"

Rock ignored the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace, but endured the severe pain in his body and looked at the Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel standing next to the Celestial Dragon.

Earlier, he and the flying squirrel escorted a group of pirates to Impel Down together.

Unexpectedly, they ran into the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace who came to select slaves.

Speechless, the latter actually took a fancy to him and insisted on taking him to Mary Joaquin to be a slave!!

Damn, is there anything wrong with being handsome?

Then Rock sternly refused and beat up the slave thugs brought by Xia Lulia Palace.

Just when he wanted to beat Xia Lulia Palace away, he was attacked by the flying squirrel who was traveling with him.

Although Rock reacted in time and was only slightly injured, he did not expect that the flying squirrel's knife was soaked with some strange venom.

The toxicity was extremely strong.

Rock's body was severely damaged.

""I'm sorry, Colonel Rock, you know that the orders of the Celestial Dragons cannot be disobeyed even by the three admirals!"

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel had a cold look in his eyes. He held his knife tightly, ready to guard against Rock's counterattack at any time.

The 17-year-old navy colonel in front of him was a very difficult character to deal with. He was called one of the strongest geniuses in the history of the Naval Academy by Teacher Zefa.

What a pity.

From now on, there will no longer be a person like Rock in the Navy.

Who made this guy provoke the Celestial Dragons?

The venom on his knife just now.

But it is a special venom weapon of the World Government, which was personally developed by Magellan, the director of the Impel Down City.

Once the venom invades the body, the physique will be quickly destroyed, and eventually become a useless person!

"Flying squirrel, I will chop you up sooner or later!"

Rock cursed angrily, and at the same time took the opportunity to try his best to suppress the venom flowing through his body.

"Tie him up and lock him up in the cabin, and then teach him a lesson when we return to the Holy Land!"

Seeing that the situation was settled, the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace gave the flying squirrel a word and turned back to the cabin.

The flying squirrel did not hesitate at all after receiving the order, and directly led a group of marines to surround Rock.

"Rock, surrender, your fate is already determined, and further resistance will only make you lose face."

The flying squirrel raised the knife in his hand, his tone cold.

The navy is not completely monolithic.

Where there are people, there are disputes. He and Rock are not the same kind of people. As a super star in the navy, the latter is likely to become their opponent in the future.

Therefore, he has no psychological burden to deal with Rock. Even if he is blamed by the higher-ups, there are still the Celestial Dragons to take the blame.

"Dignity? Your dignity is to be the dog of the Celestial Dragons? Flying Squirrel, I really sympathize with you, you are so pitiful!"

Rock forced himself to stand up straight, his hand on the sword with a cold expression.

He was a soul traveler, and after coming to the pirate world, he was used to seeing the evil deeds of pirates. He originally wanted to rely on the big tree of the navy to survive, but he didn't expect the navy to be so corrupt.

What a banner of justice, it's just a tool for the vested interests!

【Ding, it is detected that the protagonist has seen through the true nature of the pirate world and has chosen to quit the navy.】

【‘The Pirate God Sign-in Mission System is officially triggered】

【Current sign-in task: Go to Wanli Sunshine to sign in for one night. (The system will automatically guide you)】

【Mission rewards: Body recovery potion x1 (can restore physical strength), large sharp sword 21-level sword·Undead, 30 billion Baileys, perfect navy six-style·Shave, host exclusive toy: Transformer·Optimus Prime. (Can be transformed by mind control)】....

Listening to the mechanical sound that suddenly sounded in his mind.

Rock's mouth curled up.

Is this the legendary late but arrived?

After so many years in the pirate world, he never thought that he would have a system.

And the sign-in reward is quite good.

As for the Thousand Sunny.

It just so happens that Rock left the navy and didn't know where to go.

The Straw Hat Pirates are considered the good guys among pirates, not to mention that the first sign-in reward of the system is quite powerful.

Of course, the premise is to leave this damn place first.

As the destructive power of the venom increased, his body was already a little overwhelmed.


Feeling humiliated by Rock, the flying squirrel directly attacked

""Rock, go to hell!"

Swish - the light of the knife flashed in the sky.

The flying squirrel quickly swung the knife and rushed towards Rock. He knew that the latter would not surrender, so he could only use his absolute strength to completely injure him!

The flying squirrel was still very confident in his own strength.

After all, he was one of the vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

And even if Rock was a rising super star in the Navy, he was a half-crippled guy and could not be his opponent!

"Colonel Rock...You must hold on!"

Just as the flying squirrel attacked Rock.

Among the marines around, many marines who knew Rock clenched their fists and looked very nervous.

Such a thing happened to everyone. They wanted to stand on Rock's side, but they couldn't do it at all.

After all, they still have to rely on this job in the navy to survive, and everyone has a family to support.

However, someone has secretly notified the Navy Headquarters with a Den Den Mushi.

If Marshal Sengoku and other big figures are willing to help, Colonel Rock may still have a chance of survival.

But this flying squirrel is one of the vice admirals of the headquarters.

Colonel Rock is also heavily poisoned, and I'm afraid he can't even withstand a move from the flying squirrel!

Boom - just when the marines thought Rock was going to be hit hard by the flying squirrel.

The knife light was brilliant.

The next moment, the figure flying backwards surprised many navy soldiers!


The person who flew backwards in a mess was actually a flying squirrel! The dignified vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the flying squirrel, was actually knocked away by the poisoned Colonel Rock!?

"cough cough..."Conqueror's Haki, how, how is this possible!?"

At the same time, the flying squirrel who was knocked out kept coughing up blood, with a look of extreme shock!

At the moment when he just fought with Rock, he felt the Conqueror's Haki that was almost condensed into substance, which caused his spirit to be suppressed. That was why he was chopped away by the opponent.

That was the most powerful Conqueror's Haki he had never seen before!

Rock, this guy, actually hides such a powerful power!?

At this moment, the flying squirrel could even imagine that if it weren't for today's incident,

Rock would probably have the qualifications to be a general in the future!

""Flying squirrel, remember, I will chop you to death next time we meet!"

After repelling the flying squirrel,

Rock jumped off the boat without stopping, seized a small naval combat boat and fled quickly.

Perhaps because of his two lives, he awakened the Conqueror's Haki very early and reached a very high level. It was just that for the sake of safety, he had not displayed it before.

This sea area is very close to the Impel Down City.

If Magellan or Shiryu went out in person, his situation would be dangerous.

Although the poison does not affect the use of Haki for the time being, his gradually damaged body is not enough to support him to escape from the hands of the top strongmen.

The wind is tight and he is crying.

"Where is my slave? If he escapes, you will all be punished!"

"Lady Xia Lulia, please be patient. I am injured and cannot chase after the rebel Draculas.·D·Rock, but he can't run for long because he is poisoned!"

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel looked at the distance of the sea with a fierce look.

As the poison took effect, Rock would become a waste if he didn't die, and he would be hunted down by the navy.

He still wanted to chop him up the next time he met him, wishful thinking!...


The sea reflected the lonely moon.

A navy boat suddenly appeared beside the slowly sailing Thousand Sunshine.

In order to sign in safely for one night and complete the mission, Rock, who was heavily poisoned, used up his last bit of strength to activate the Conqueror's Haki and suppress the Straw Hat Pirates who were sleeping.

Fortunately, the Straw Hat Pirates were not very strong now.

Then he climbed onto the ship with the last bit of consciousness, picked a luxurious cabin at random by smelling the fragrance, fell on a bed and fell asleep.

This sleep, apart from the torture of toxins in his body.

He slept sweetly and soundly....

The next morning

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"....

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