As soon as the words fell,

Rock sneered.

A bloody light flashed throughout the entire bank's internal passage.

At this time, Rock held the famous sword, the Undead, in his hand, as if he had transformed into the god of death from hell. The extremely powerful aura almost condensed into substance and spread out, shocking Drake back again and again.

At this moment, both Drake and Nami were frightened by the powerful aura exuded by Rock.

In Drake's eyes,

Rock at this moment seemed to be the true god who had returned from the underworld, and was about to sound the death knell for the annihilation of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

He felt chilled.

And in Nami's beautiful eyes, there flashed a touch of shock and...Sympathy.

She didn't expect that Rock, who usually looked sunny and cheerful, actually had such anger and resentment in his heart.

"Rock, there are some things that we cannot change. As a sailor, all I can do is follow orders!"

After some self-psychological preparation,

X·Drake finally got back to his normal state.

Although he also sympathized with Rock's experience, as he said.

Some things cannot be changed by ordinary people.

Even though the navy has been criticized in some places, it is undeniable that the navy has indeed sheltered many places that have been invaded by pirates.

Therefore, his determination as a navalist is unshakable.

Then today, he must complete the task assigned to him by the Navy Headquarters and get rid of Rock!

Judging from the courage Rock just showed.

If this guy is allowed to heal his internal injuries, he will definitely be a big worry for the Navy Headquarters in the future!

Boom- without too much hesitation.

Drake in the Allosaurus state kicked the ground with his claws, and his huge body instantly catapulted into the air, opening his bloody mouth to bite Rock!

""Rock, be careful!" Nami warned worriedly as she saw the monster coming. The guy named Drake looked too scary after turning into an animal. Looking at his powerful jaws and sharp teeth, he could probably bite a pirate ship to pieces! Although Rock was very powerful, who knew what his physical condition was like. For some reason, she was very worried that Rock would get hurt.



At the same time, the huge Allosaurus Drake roared loudly, with a bloody mouth like an abyss. It looked as if he was going to bite Rock to pieces and swallow him.

However, just when Drake was determined to win and was ready to hit Rock hard, whoosh - the next moment, like a gust of wind,

Rock disappeared in front of Drake's big eyes in an instant. Drake didn't react at all at that speed. And when he realized it, Rock had already appeared behind him!

"Drake, you are too slow."

"Navy Six Styles: Shave? But how could it be so fast?!! How is this possible!"

At this time, Drake had no time to react to the huge danger behind him.

He was too shocked.

As a former rear admiral, he was naturally very familiar with the Six Styles of the Navy.

In fact, when Rock's group of sailors had just entered the Naval Academy for further studies, he had served as a teacher of the Six Styles of the Navy for a period of time.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that he was one of the teachers who led Rock to practice the Six Styles of the Navy.


What the hell is the speed of Rock's Six Styles·Shave now?!

How can the Six Styles·Shave be so fast!?

I'm afraid that even the navy predecessor who invented"Shave" may not be able to have such a speed?

Could it be that Rock has modified and practiced the shave to perfection?

At this speed, Drake has never seen a faster one except Admiral Kizaru!


That's not right, shouldn't Rock be poisoned?

How can he still exert such a terrifying speed?!

There was no time for Drake to think about it.

Before he finished turning around, the famous sword·Undead in Rock's hand had already chopped his back firmly!


""Yeah! Rock, you're awesome!"

When Rock hit Drake with his knife,

Nami almost jumped up with joy.

If there were no enemies, she couldn't help but rush over to give Rock a big hug.

However, the next scene soon made her speechless.

The power of Rock's knife was really... weak.

It was far from the previous one that cut off the huge anchor. It only left a shallow knife mark on Derek in the Allosaurus state.

Even Drake himself was a little confused.

What was going on?

Was Rock injured or not? How could he be so strong and weak!?

"It is indeed an ancient animal fruit, and it is quite useful."

Rock commented with a smile.

Of course, he didn't really cut Drake with that knife just now, but just tested Drake's physical strength.

Putting aside the disadvantage of not being able to touch sea water, devil fruits are still very necessary.

Especially some special devil fruits.

For example, Rock likes the Thunder Fruit very much, but it's a pity that it was wasted by Enel.

It would be great if the system could reward a god-level fruit in the future.

Of course, these are all later stories. The reason why he didn't solve Drake directly was mainly because although they had different positions, Drake was still worthy of respect.

Therefore, Rock would defeat him head-on!

"Rock, if you are not affected by the venom, don't hold back!"

"The same goes for me. Be prepared!"

At this time, Drake also turned around. He looked at Rock and roared.

No matter what, since he accepted the task, he would be determined to complete it to the end!

Therefore, he must deal with Rock today.

""Okay, take it!"

Rock didn't waste any more words.

He held the knife in both hands and slightly closed his eyes, wrapping a wisp of domineering aura around the undead!

When he opened his eyes again, a blood-red slash burst out like a rainbow piercing the sun!

One-sword style, blood blade like fire.

Swish - hum - at this moment.

Under the gaze of Nami and the members of Drake's pirate group who had just caught up, the blood-red slash directly forced Drake to release the Allosaurus form.

Then he was completely knocked unconscious by the huge residual force, and even his body flew backwards at a high speed, smashing one wall after another until it penetrated the entire Sabaody Archipelago Bank!


X·Drake's crew screamed.

But just as they were about to rescue the captain, another thunderbolt struck.

Nami's thunder and lightning had been waiting for them for a long time.

And before they could get rid of the thunder and lightning, a more powerful and terrifying slash came quietly.

Blood flashed, and all the crew members of the Drake Pirates felt a sharp pain in their souls, and were all beaten unconscious.

""Not bad, Nami, you have a lot of combat experience!"

After the battle,

Rock secretly gave Nami a thumbs up.

As expected of the Straw Hat Pirates' navigator, he can be sweet, salty, and a fighter, but he is a little greedy.

""Tsk, does this lady still need your praise?"

Nami snorted proudly, but her slightly raised lips revealed her true feelings.

Bulu bulu bulu~ bulu bulu~...

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