Area 1 of the Sabaody Archipelago.

Human auction.

When Straw Hat Luffy suddenly broke in, the entire venue was in complete chaos.

Especially when Luffy punched Charlos Saint.

Almost everyone present widened their eyes, their expressions filled with fear.

No way.

No one would dare to hit a Celestial Dragon! ?


Even though most people didn't believe that anyone would dare to attack a Celestial Dragon.

But Luffy's rubber pistol still hit Charlos Saint's chest firmly!

Bang - with a loud bang, Charlos Saint flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

Although Luffy is far from being a top-level strongman now, it is still very easy to deal with Charlos Saint, who is even worse than a dog.

Wow - everyone watched Luffy beat Charlos Saint backwards, and the whole audience was in an uproar!

Especially Trafalgar Law and Kidd, seeing Luffy doing this, they all had black lines on their faces.

It's over.

The admirals of the navy are probably going to be dispatched soon!

However, just when everyone was still immersed in the shock of Luffy's attack on the Celestial Dragons, the next scene made everyone feel like they were falling into an ice cave! Whoosh

- before Charlos Saint fell to the ground, Rock, wearing the Sniper King mask, suddenly took action and appeared right above Charlos Saint in almost the blink of an eye!

"Despicable human, I will...Kill you!"

After being knocked away by Luffy, Saint Charlos, who still retained a trace of consciousness, was still speaking harshly, not knowing that the real god of death had already arrived!

Boom - after a loud bang,

Saint Charlos, who was originally beaten into the air by Luffy, suddenly fell like a cannonball, and even smashed a huge pit on the ground.

Silence - at this moment, everyone present, even the Straw Hat Pirates, stood there in a daze.


Rock's punch actually smashed Saint Charlos's pig head into a pancake shape, and blood gushed out of the seven orifices of this Celestial Dragon!

When everyone saw this scene, they were all completely terrified.

With such injuries

, Saint Charlos is probably dead for sure!

"Charlos!!!! Despicable inferior human, what have you done?!"

At this moment.

Saint Rozwald was also completely furious.

He never thought that his son would be beaten so badly by a mere inferior race!

How dare these people?!

How dare they use such a heavy hand on the world's noble Celestial Dragons!?

Simply, unforgivable!

Under the order of Saint Rozwald.

All the Celestial Dragon bodyguards around rushed forward, including the guards of the auction house, who were temporarily requisitioned and began to besiege Rock, Luffy and others.

And those spectators at the scene were afraid of being implicated in such a heinous incident, and ran out of the venue frantically.

But Rock didn't intend to let these people leave.

Lest they go out and spread rumors randomly.


As an extremely strong mental shock burst out from Rock's eyes.

In just a short moment.

All the people who fled in panic fainted on the ground.

Even the Celestial Dragon bodyguards and auction guards who were besieging the Straw Hat Pirates could not resist, and fell to the ground one after another.

At this moment. Everyone present who was not affected by the mental shock was stunned.

Everyone, including Luffy, turned their eyes to Rock.

This time everyone felt something was very wrong.

Usopp, Chopper and others felt that their spirits were affected by some strange power.

And the source of that power was Rock wearing the Sniper King!

"Tsk... Who the hell is that guy?! Is there such a person in the Straw Hat Pirates!?"

Captain Kidd frowned, his words full of vigilance and fear.

He was surprised at the powerful strength displayed by Rock.

Secondly, he was a little worried about what was going to happen next.

After all, that guy slaughtered the Celestial Dragons!

And it seemed that he was not going to stop!

He was simply a lunatic!

Even more exaggerated than the Straw Hat Kid!


""Kemi, don't move. Someone will help you untie the slave collar later."

After controlling the situation,

Rock immediately smashed the fish tank and comforted the mermaid Kemi.

Then, he turned his eyes to the father and daughter of the Celestial Dragon below.

When he released the domineering aura just now, he deliberately bypassed Saint Rozwald and the Xialulia Palace.

"You, what are you going to do? Despicable guy, the admiral is on the way, stop it, otherwise you will all die!"

At this moment.

The arrogant Saint Rozwald and Palace Xialulia finally showed a rare look of fear.

After all, they have been domineering for so many years, and this is the first time they have seen such a ferocious criminal.

Usually, even those ferocious pirates on the sea will only kneel down humbly when they see them.

Who would have thought.

In this sea, there are really evil criminals who dare to kill the Celestial Dragons!?

"Oh? Noble Saint Rozwald, are you scared?"

"Whether the admiral can kill us is another matter. The current situation seems to be that I can kill you before the admiral arrives!"

Rock's tone was cold, and he leaned on his famous sword, the Undead, and looked down at the father and daughter of Rozward.

He wanted to see today.

How proud these high-ranking Tianlong people were.

"Luffy, Nami, Sister Robin, everyone!"

"And the Trafalgar gang and Kidd gang over there, you all should leave. This is the feud between me and the Celestial Dragons. Although you will inevitably run into the admirals of the navy, there is nothing we can do about it."

Before Rock attacked Saint Rozwald and Charlulia Palace, he specifically informed Luffy and the others to run for their lives.

After all, the severity of this incident is far from what Luffy could have done in the original plot when he beat up Saint Charlus.

Directly killing the Celestial Dragons is enough to shock the entire pirate world!

Even with the war on the top imminent, the Navy Headquarters might send two admirals to land on the Sabaody Archipelago.

If the Straw Hat Pirates were directly involved in this incident, it would be difficult for them to get away.

Rock had a good impression of the Straw Hat Pirates, so he naturally didn't want to drag them down with him.

However, what Rock didn't expect was that the Straw Hat Pirates didn't seem to have any intention of leaving.

After everyone looked at each other, led by Nami and Robin, they lowered their heads and walked quickly towards Rock.

Zoro and the others also followed Luffy and stood not far behind Rock, with a very clear meaning.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Rock?"

Robin looked at Rock with a little distress in her beautiful eyes.

She knew that Rock was so crazy because he must be very wronged.

After years of hard work, he became a newcomer in the navy, but was ruined by a casual remark from a Celestial Dragon. This was probably the biggest shame in Rock's heart.

"Yes, Rock, stop talking nonsense, we are friends!"


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