Marine Headquarters, Marinford!

At this moment, the entire Marine Headquarters was filled with gloom, and the fleets were frequently dispatched. Every marine had a serious look on their faces.

In the Admiral's office,

Admiral Buddha Sengoku, Navy Hero Garp, Admiral Akainu, and Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Tsuru and other core members of the Marine Headquarters were all gathered here.

Each of them looked extremely serious, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the freezing point.

"You actually sent out two generals, Sengoku!"

At this time, Hero Garp's eyes were full of black lines, and there was also a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes when he looked at his old friend.

"Cap! Don't you realize how serious this is?"

"Over the years, there have been very few incidents of contradicting the Celestial Dragons, not to mention that a Celestial Dragon died at the hands of pirates! ?"

"This is a heinous incident comparable to Rocks's crime back then!"

Faced with his old friend's dissatisfied look,

Admiral Buddha Sengoku slammed the table and pointed at Garp's nose, obviously angry at him for not fighting back.

"Garp, don't forget, you are an old marine, and now is the time when the navy needs you most."

"I don't want this to happen, and I don't want the Straw Hat Gang to be involved, but there's nothing I can do. Your grandson and his gang are too lawless!"

"Things have come to this, there is nothing I can do!"

After cursing for a few words, Buddha's Warring States sat down on the chair somewhat dejectedly.

Why do such super-troublesome incidents always occur recently?

The Whitebeard Pirates are about to attack.

As a result, there was an incident in which a Celestial Dragon was beaten to death in the Sabaody Archipelago. The

World Government issued a top order to him.

The culprit must be brought to justice.

And those criminals must be brought back to Marinford and executed together with Fire Fist Ace to serve as a warning to others!

This almost burned out the CPU. Does n't the World Government know that Garp, the Straw Hat Boy, and the Revolution Is it the relationship between the leaders of the World Government?!

If the Straw Hat Boy is really captured and brought to the Navy Headquarters to be executed together with Fire Fist Ace.

Then if we are not careful, the Navy will be at risk of subversion!

Too tricky.

Even though Sengoku is known as a wise general, he couldn't help but tremble in the face of this situation.

But he still had to make a decision, because the order of the World Government was very clear.

So he could only temporarily send the two generals Aokiji and Kizaru to the Sabaody Archipelago to arrest the murderer on the eve of the war.

And this is the only thing he can do for his old friend Garp!

"Marshal Sengoku, you should have sent me. Kuzan and Borsalino may not be able to bring back the Straw Hat Pirates."

Just when the atmosphere between Sengoku and Garp was a little tense,

Admiral Akainu, who was holding a smoking cigar, sneered and said, not forgetting to glance at Garp, but he looked away in an instant.

"There is no other way, Sakaski. War could break out at any time. Marinford needs you to be in charge, and you are also in charge of the defense deployment."

"Everyone, cheer up and give orders to speed up the call of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Those who do not respond to the call will be immediately removed from the list. The direction of the war is becoming more and more confusing, and those guys can't stay out of it!"

Buddha Sengoku ignored Akainu's words, but gave orders to several core vice admirals of the navy present with a serious look.

Then Akainu and others left the office.

Only Sengoku, Garp and Vice Admiral Tsuru were left.

""Zengoku, Tsuru, I heard a message from the Sabaody Archipelago that someone heard Rock's name from the Straw Hat Pirates."

Garp shared the information with his two old comrades with a serious expression.

If the news is true, then Rock is probably playing a big game and has even included him in his plan.

"Rock? Impossible. He was hit by the X-Venom weapon. Unless Vegapunk and Magellan treat him together, there is no possibility of a quick recovery."

"And you mean to say that Rock mingled with the Straw Hats and took revenge on the Celestial Dragons, which led to the heinous incident?"

"With Rock's ability and determination, it is possible, but the premise is that he has recovered and become stronger."

After hearing Garp's intelligence,

Vice Admiral Tsuru, the Navy's chief of staff, shook his head, and his expression was full of regret.

She was one of the people in the Navy who liked Rock the most.

Even Rock's swordsmanship was taught by her to Momoto.

But unfortunately, once Rock was hit by the World Government's X-Venom Weapon, even if Rock found a way to heal, it would be impossible for him to recover so quickly.

"That's right, I agree with Crane's point of view. Don't think about it for now, Garp. What I am most worried about now is not Whitebeard, not any pirate, and not Rock, but you!"

"You must remember your position!"

Buddha's Sengoku obviously believed in Crane's judgment more.

Could Rock recover his strength? Almost impossible!

Even if he really recovered, Rock's strength was not enough to change the course of the war.

So in comparison, Sengoku was more worried about Garp's position.

After all, if the Straw Hat Boy was really caught, then whether he could hold down Garp at the critical moment would be another matter!.....

Sabaody Archipelago.


With a loud bang,

Admiral Kizaru stepped on a cannonball and made a brilliant appearance. He kicked the huge red book, which was as big as an island, in half with a light-speed kick.

The next moment, the sea around the entire Sabaody Archipelago was instantly frozen!

Another admiral, Aokiji, also rode a bicycle and landed on the island slowly!

"Ah la la, Borsalino, just do the mission, don't mess it up."

Aokiji Kuzan glanced at his 'colleague' Kizaru with a lazy look, and his tone was somewhat dissatisfied.

"Wow~ Wow~, what a terrible cold air, Kuzan!"

"In addition to the terrifying Straw Hat Pirates, there are many other���What an interesting new pirate!"

"I will deal with those new pirates first. As for the Straw Hat Pirates, I will leave it to you and the pacifist~"

Admiral Kizaru said in a sarcastic tone, and then he disappeared without waiting for Aokiji to object.

Swish - the next second.

One of the supernova pirates, Kaiming Apu, was kicked away by Kizaru.

"Ah la la, damn Borsalino, he really knows how to pick jobs!"

Faced with Kizaru's blatant shirking of responsibility, Aokiji could only complain speechlessly.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Kizaru.

As for the Straw Hat Pirates.

They are really a group of lawless guys.

However, even if he and Kizaru didn't want to deal with the Straw Hat Pirates this time, they had to capture a few of them and report back.

After all, killing a Celestial Dragon is really a serious matter.


"What!? Admirals Aokiji and Kizaru landed on the Sabaody Archipelago together!?"

At the same time,

Rock and the Straw Hat Pirates also received the news that the two admirals landed on Sabaody.

Even Rock felt a little numb.

Fortunately, it was not Akainu who came.

If he wanted to leave, he could escape easily.

But it was not so easy for Nami, Robin, Luffy and others.

In any case, when they could retreat unscathed, the Straw Hat Pirates did not choose to leave him.

Then Rock naturally could not let the Straw Hat Pirates fall into a deadly situation. He had to think of a way.

It would be best to let Tyrant Bear take away all the people of the Straw Hat Pirates one by one according to the original plot.

Of course.

To do this, one of the admirals must be lured away first, otherwise the two admirals would have no reason to slack off even if they wanted to.

【Ding, a new sign-in task has been triggered!】..........

(PS:Dear readers, please support and comment. I will reply when I see it. Thank you all. Good night! )

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