Grand Line.

Amazon Lily Kingdom, Daughter Island

"Well....Luffy, I will burn your ancestor..."

Rock slowly woke up, holding his aching head, and still greeted Luffy warmly.

He never thought that he almost died at the hands of Luffy instead of the two admirals.

The poisonous mushrooms on Daughter Island are not very toxic.

But don't forget.

The X-toxin in Rock's body has not been completely eliminated.

So after he was forced to swallow the poisonous mushrooms, the remaining poison recurred, and he fainted.

"Huh? Look! This taller, better-looking man is awake!"

"Wow! So this is a man!"

"What a strange species, but he is really good-looking. It's a pity that Lady Snake will not allow us to keep a man."

When Rock thought of this, a large number of"spectator crowds" gathered around him instantly, and they were all hot girls from the Nine Snakes.

The scene shocked Rock.

He had never been surrounded by so many women before.

And most of them looked at him with eyes full of...Desire!?

Damn, it's worthy of being called Daughter Island

"Luffy, Luffy!?"

Rock temporarily ignored the women of the Nine Snakes outside.

Although the residual poison from the poisonous mushrooms he ate recurred, fortunately the recovery potion he drank before was very powerful, and the residual poison was not particularly strong, and it did not affect his combat power too much.

What's more, as long as he signed in at the palace of the Amazon Lily Kingdom for one night, he could gain the skill of being immune to poison.

However, the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock should not be on the Daughter Island at this time, otherwise, based on the latter's style of doing things, it is estimated that he and Luffy would not be so simple to be locked up.

By the way, where is Luffy!?

Rock called Luffy twice, and then looked back.

"Fog grass, monster~!"

When he saw Luffy behind him, even Rock screamed in shock.

Because Luffy, who was lying on the ground at this time, had many colorful poisonous mushrooms all over his body, which looked both funny and a little scary.

If he could not distinguish Luffy's appearance,

Rock would probably have drawn his sword and chopped him directly.

Of course, he was very glad that the mushrooms he ate only made him faint, otherwise it would be terrible if he was covered with mushrooms like Luffy.

"Is that your friend? He is seriously poisoned. The mushrooms must be removed as soon as possible, otherwise the situation will be very dangerous."

Rock was thinking about how to deal with Luffy.

At this time, a beautiful girl from the Nine Snakes tribe with blond hair came up and kindly reminded him.

"Pulling mushrooms? Are you Daisy Margaret?"

When Rock heard that he was going to pull mushrooms, he was stunned.

In his impression, Luffy seemed to have been pulled more than just mushrooms.....

As for the young and beautiful female warrior of the Nine Snakes, it should be Daisy Margaret.

Although the Nine Snakes living on the Daughter Island are all women, they are very famous in this world and are known as a fighting nation. Many well-trained people can use armed color domineering.

However, it is better to let the women of the Nine Snakes do things like pulling mushrooms.

It can also be regarded as a lesson for Luffy.

"Oh! Look, is this the golden egg?"

"Huh? ~ So interesting, it can be stretched even longer!"

Soon, under Margaret's arrangement, several female warriors of the Nine Snakes began to pull mushrooms for Luffy.

As expected, this time, several female warriors almost"forced" Luffy's fruit ability to the extreme, until Luffy woke up screaming in pain.

During this process.

Rock, accompanied by Margaret, stood behind and watched the fun. Seeing Luffy's frustrated look, the two laughed.

Let's see if Luffy dares to eat anything indiscriminately in the future, emm...I guess it can't be changed.

"Lord Rock, if possible, please leave here as soon as possible. The kingdom has an iron law that prohibits all men from entering."

"Lady Snake will be back soon. If she finds you, she will turn you into stone statues.

After a friendly exchange,

Margaret thought that Rock and Luffy were both good people, so she reminded the latter to leave as soon as possible. After all, once Lady Snake came back, no one could save them.

"Thanks for the reminder, Margaret!"

"But we can't leave now. In fact, I still need to meet your Lady Snake."

Rock naturally appreciated Margaret's kind reminder.

It can be seen from this that ordinary Nine Snake girls like Margaret are all very kind.

As for the notorious Pirate Queen Boa Hancock.

In Rock's view, Hancock is just a poor woman. She was abducted to the holy land of Marijoa as a slave to the Celestial Dragons in her childhood. She must have suffered a lot.

Now that she is strong, she will naturally try her best to protect herself.

"What? You want to see Lady Snake?"

Before he finished speaking, not only Daisy Margaret, but almost all the female warriors of the Nine Snakes tribe stopped laughing, and looked at Rock in confusion and even fear.

There was nothing they could do.

In the Amazon Lily Kingdom, Emperor Lady Snake is the one who dominates everything, and is also the strongest person admired by countless people. It's just that

Lady Snake has a bad temper.

If Lady Snake knew that there were men who entered the kingdom without permission, and they indulged them, then they would definitely be implicated and punished.

Daisy Margaret was so frightened at this time that her pretty face was defeated.

She picked up these two men, and she was the one who helped them treat the mushroom poisoning. If Lady Snake gets angry, she will probably be in trouble.

"Don't worry, I won't let you get into trouble."

Rock saw the worries of Margaret and the others, and couldn't help but sigh at the great authority of the Pirate Queen in this country.

In comparison, Marshal Sengoku's status and authority in the Navy are a little worse. Not only does Vice Admiral Garp, an old-timer, disobey orders, but he also has to suffer PUA from the World Government all the time. It

's really not easy to be a Marine Marshal.

"What are you doing here!? Margaret, why are you surrounding this man? Lady Snake is coming back soon!"

"All soldiers of the Kingdom Guard, listen up, chase and kill these two foreign invaders immediately!"

Just as Rock was making this promise to Margaret and the others,

Kikyo, the captain of the Amazon Lily Kingdom Guard, rushed over upon hearing the news and immediately ordered the Kingdom Guard to chase and kill Rock and the other two.

Whoosh - soon, a large number of arrows wrapped with a weak Armament Haki came shooting at them like a tide!

""Ah!? Why are these people suddenly attacking us!?"

Luffy was a little unhappy when he saw the other party suddenly turn hostile and attack. He waved his fist and was about to turn around to fight, but was grabbed by Rock.

He just came here to sign in, and he had to sneak into the Navy Headquarters to rescue Robin and Nami. He might need the help of the Pirate Queen.

Besides, Margaret and others did help them, so it was unreasonable not to do anything.

Swish- since he couldn't do anything, he naturally had to avoid the edge for the time being.

Rock immediately activated the Navy Six Styles·Shave, and instantly took away Daisy Margaret among the many members of the Kingdom Guard.

People are unfamiliar with the place, so they always need a guide.

On the way to the forest, Rock glanced in the direction of the sea outside the Daughter Island.

He felt a very strong breath erupting.

The world's most beautiful woman.

Pirate Queen Boa Hancock, is she finally coming back?....

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