"You killed a Celestial Dragon!"

The Pirate Queen looked obviously surprised.

She must have heard it right.

The mysterious man standing behind her at this moment.

He actually kept saying that he had killed a wicked Celestial Dragon! ?

Although she had just heard from her sister Sanda Sonia that someone in the Sabaody Archipelago had killed a Celestial Dragon not long ago.

But she had always been skeptical about this matter.

After all, although the Celestial Dragons were extremely hateful, it had to be admitted that in this sea, the world's noble Celestial Dragons did have a terrifyingly high status.

And for her, the mark behind her and the tragic experience of her childhood have always been the biggest shadow in her heart.

Even though she is now one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and a powerful Pirate Queen, she has never thought of taking revenge on the Celestial Dragons.

Because that is almost impossible.

Normally, colliding with a Celestial Dragon is a capital crime, not to mention killing a Celestial Dragon. When

Sanda Sonia heard about the Sabaody Archipelago incident, didn't the Navy Headquarters immediately send two admirals! ?

And according to her understanding of the World Government, if someone really killed the Celestial Dragons, then sending out the Navy Admiral would definitely be the most basic response, and there would probably be other powerful measures.

After all, this is an extremely evil incident that is enough to shock the world!

The World Government and the Celestial Dragons will get back at it no matter what.

"Of course, there is no need for me to lie to you, right! ?"

"I was teleported here from the Sabaody Archipelago by the Tyrant Bear, one of the Shichibukai like you, using the power of his fruit."

"The Navy dispatched Admirals Aokiji and Kizaru. If the Celestial Dragons hadn't died, the Navy wouldn't have needed to dispatch two admirals at once."

While Rock was telling the Pirate Queen, he took a red nightgown from the hanger beside him and put it on her delicate body.

Then he secretly admired the perfect figure of the world's most beautiful woman in his heart, and continued:

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe what I said. I believe that big news will be published soon. At that time, there were many people in the Sabaody Archipelago and the World Government and the Navy could not block the news even if they wanted to."

After saying this, Rock's eyes became gloomy.

It seems that he has to find a way to go to the Navy Headquarters as soon as possible.

In order to quell the negative impact of the killing of the Celestial Dragons, the World Government must kill the chicken to scare the monkey and give a warning to the whole world.

Although the World Government did not catch him, it did not catch Luffy who was also at the center of the storm.

But Robin and Nami fell into the hands of CP0!

According to the information passed to him by Admiral Kuzan, the World Government is most likely to order the Navy Headquarters.���Robin and Nami were executed as members of the Straw Hat Pirates and the main culprits of the Celestial Dragons' murders, along with Whitebeard's Second Division Captain, Fire Fist Ace!

For the World Government, it doesn't really matter who the culprit is. What matters is to eliminate the adverse effects of this incident as soon as possible.

Otherwise, over time, it will have a great impact on the status of the Celestial Dragons and the prestige of the World Government!

"Sister Snake, there is a man outside who insisted on breaking in to look for someone. He looks a bit like the Straw Hat Luffy who is very popular recently!"

"Hey! Why is there a man here? Damn it, how dare you get so close to me!?"

Just as Rock and the Pirate Queen were staring at each other in a stalemate, the emerald-green-dressed sister Sanda Sonya came in to report the situation outside.

But the scene in front of her shocked Sonya!

A man broke into Sister Snake's bathroom!?

That's fine, how dare he get so close to Sister Snake, almost sticking to her!!!

The weirdest thing is that in this situation, Sister Snake didn't get angry and turn the other person into stone!? It

's outrageous!

"Straw Hat Luffy?"

The appearance of Sanda Sonia seemed to give the Pirate Queen a chance to 'get rid of'.

She turned away from Rock's gaze as if escaping.

Damn, why are this man's eyes so charming, as if there are stars twinkling, and, did he really kill the Celestial Dragon?

"Did the Straw Hat Boy come with you?...Rock!"

Although she was a little confused, the Pirate Queen's pretty face was still as cold as ice, and her tone was also very cold.

"Ah, Straw Hat Luffy? Yes, he came with me. By the way, it’s best not to conflict with him. After all, he is a super rookie pirate with a bounty of 300 million berries."

At this time, Rock finally remembered Luffy. He was busy talking to the Pirate Queen just now, and didn't pay much attention to the situation outside.

"Well, since you are together, be prepared to accept my judgment together!"

The Pirate Queen Boa Hancock glanced at Rock arrogantly, then turned around to change clothes.

Rock met up with Luffy under the leadership of Sandasonia.

Then he and Luffy were taken to the central square of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, waiting for the appearance of the Pirate Queen.

In this process, Rock cooperated very well.

He knew what the Queen wanted to do.

It was nothing more than wanting to petrify him in public.

But he was very embarrassed, he was immune to petrification now!

The petrification ability of the Pirate Queen's Sweet-Sweet Fruit was destined to be firmly restrained by him!

"Hey, Rock, why are we staying here? Let's find a boat and leave, our friends are waiting for us!"

Luffy was confused at this time.

He really couldn't understand what Rock wanted to do.

Shouldn't he leave this strange place with only women now!?

"Don't worry, Luffy, you can't find anyone now."

Rock���He glanced at Luffy, hesitating whether to tell Luffy about the situation of Fire Fist Ace, Robin and Nami.

A few days ago, when Rock was still a navy, he already knew the news that the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace, had been arrested.

But he didn't mention it to Luffy in the past two days.

One of the important reasons is that once Luffy knows about Ace's situation, this guy will probably force his way into Impel Down, which is undoubtedly persuading him to die.

But since he has come to the Island of Daughters, it is time for Luffy to know the truth.

"Leave everything to me, Luffy. You should take a good rest. I'm afraid we will have several tough battles to fight soon!"

""A tough fight! ? With whom? Is the admiral of the navy coming to arrest us again?"

Luffy asked in confusion, but did not get Rock's answer.

Because while the two of them were talking, the world's most beautiful woman, Boa Hancock, who was wearing a purple cheongsam and had a sexy and enchanting figure, finally arrived late and sat on the throne with extreme arrogance.

The empress folded her long legs, exuding domineering aura.

"Draculas·D·Rock, come here!".......

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