Buzz buzz buzz - when the sweet wind brushed his cheeks.

Rock just felt that the wind was a little warm and fragrant.

And not only did he not feel uncomfortable at all, but he felt a little refreshed?!

Enjoying the feeling of the breeze on his face, Rock even closed his eyes and opened his arms.

But this action made the surrounding people who were eating melons confused.

Most people, including the three sisters of the Pirate Queen, thought that Rock had accepted his fate.

Opening his arms to welcome the sweet wind was proof.

As for Luffy and Margaret, they were mainly worried about Rock.

Although Luffy didn't know the ability of the Pirate Queen, he had guessed it from the discussions of the people around him.

So he was also a little worried about Rock's safety, but he also couldn't figure out why Rock didn't resist! ?

With Rock's strength and speed, it was not difficult to avoid a limited range of wind.

Could it be that Rock was charmed by that tall woman! ?

Luffy's thoughts were a little messy. Although he didn't think the Pirate Queen was very beautiful, she seemed to be more beautiful than ordinary women.

Damn, if Sanji was here at this moment, it would be great.

If Sanji was here, just by looking at his reaction, you can tell whether a woman is beautiful or not.

"Humph! Sandanonia, move that guy's statue outside my bedroom later. I want him to stand guard for me forever!"

After a wave of powerful sweet and sweet wind output.

The Pirate Queen snorted coldly and turned around.

In her opinion, Rock's fate was already doomed, and the latter would be completely petrified.

After all, her sweet and sweet wind just now was much stronger than usual!

Who asked that guy to block the damage for Margaret? This is the price!

Time passed second by second.

The Pirate Queen did not hear the response from her royal sister Sandanonia.

There was even no sound around.

What's going on!?

The Queen inexplicably had a bad premonition

"Sanda Sonia?"

"Snake sweet and sweet wind has failed. The man named Rock was not petrified!"

At this moment, as the surprised voice of the royal sister Sanda Sonya was heard, the whole audience exploded!


Rock, who should have been petrified by the sweet and sweet wind, was not petrified at all. Instead, he stood there with a look of enjoyment, and was not affected at all!?

How is this possible!?

There is actually someone who can withstand the sweet and sweet wind head-on without being petrified!

"Hehe, it's Rock as expected, so reliable. It seems that after I meet up with my friends, I must invite Rock on board!"

Straw Hat Luffy saw that Rock was safe and sound, and grinned and said.

At the same time.

Hearing the exclamations of the people around him, the Pirate Emperor was also shocked.

Could it be that....

"This! How could you not be petrified?!"

When the Pirate Queen turned around and saw Rock still standing there unharmed, the world's most beautiful woman, who was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was also in a mess.

Her peerless face was full of shock, and her moving deep blue eyes were full of confusion.

How is it possible! How could

Rock not be petrified!?

You know.

She deliberately increased the strength of the sweet wind just now.

No matter how strong a person is, once he is completely hit, it is absolutely impossible to avoid being petrified!

And Rock was completely hit!

The Pirate Queen was shocked.

She had never met such a man before.

At this moment, her curiosity about Rock reached its peak, giving her a very strange feeling.

It was as if something suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Boa Hancock, I've said it before, you might regret launching a petrification attack on me at will."

At this time, Rock was smiling, he could see that the Pirate Queen was a little panicked.

And this was the effect he wanted.

Of course, it was not easy to achieve this level.

The charm of the world's most beautiful woman was indeed hard to resist, and he couldn't help but feel moved.

Fortunately, he had the skill of being immune to petrification, otherwise he would have become a statue in all likelihood.

After all, he was not a sage like Luffy who had no interest in women at all.

In fact.

Rock always felt that the women in the pirate world were not only beautiful, but also very charming. This was true for the Pirate Queen, Sister Robin and Nami, and the Navy's Taotu teacher and other outstanding women.

Of course, this did not include the Four Emperors BIG MOM, who was simply a human seed receiving machine.

Being able to give birth to the core cadres of an entire Four Emperors pirate group was quite an explosive existence in the pirate world.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to fight me?"

The Pirate Queen saw Rock coming up step by step, and her expression suddenly became a little flustered.

She was not afraid of Rock. Even if the latter could not be petrified, she also had more than one ability.

Being able to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and protect the Amazon Lily Kingdom, her strength should not be underestimated.

However, for some reason, she didn't really want to fight with Rock now. This was completely different from her usual behavior.

In the past, when facing stinky men, she always acted directly and never hesitated.

But now facing Rock, why is it different?...

"Don't go any further!"

Seeing that Rock was about to step onto the platform, the two sisters Marigorud and Sandasonia immediately took on the responsibility of guarding and ordered Rock not to go any further.

The two sisters found that something was wrong with Sister Snake.

At this time, they had to stop Rock from going forward.

However, Rock did not stop. He looked at the Pirate Queen with his starry eyes and walked towards her on the platform step by step.

Seeing this situation, Marigorud and Sandasonia did not dare to be careless. They immediately activated their fruit abilities and transformed into giant snakes to attack Rock.

"Rock, let me help you!"

"No need Luffy, there is no need for you to take action now. Be prepared, something big will happen soon."

Rock rejected Luffy's kindness.

Although both Marigorude and Sandasonia are fruit ability users, their hard power is not strong.

And now that things have come to this, there is naturally no need for Luffy to take action.



Under the attacks of Marigorude and Sandasonia, the stairs of the platform were destroyed layer by layer.

The two knew that Rock was extremely fast.

Therefore, they all used their strongest offensives as soon as they came up.

Snake hair possession-Flame Serpent God!

Snake hair possession-Yamata no Orochi!

The two royal sisters launched the strongest offensive at the same time, and the momentum was very terrifying.

The spectators around them were all nervous, looking forward to what Rock would do next.

After all, the strength of the two royal sisters is only weaker than that of Lady Snake in the entire Daughter Island.

But this is only in the eyes of the women of the Nine Snakes.

At this time, Rock did not draw the famous sword · Undead from his waist. He did not want to hurt Sandasonia and the others.

And to repel the two, there is no need to draw the sword at all.

Swordless Flow · One Hundred and Eighty Troubles Wind!.......... ps: Dear readers, please support me and leave comments. This will give me motivation. I will soon enter the verification period. I hope you will give me five-star praise, interaction and everything. Please support me and leave comments. If I have time tonight, I will update more.

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