"Who are you?"

"I am Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters. Being good at naval warships comes at a price!"

At this moment.

Although Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel was deeply shocked by the opponent's speed, as an experienced vice admiral of the navy, he could only try his best to stabilize his mentality to face the enemy. He was able to sneak into the naval warship he led silently in the doldrums, and he also had such a terrifying speed.

The mysterious man in the mask in front of him must be very powerful!

But who would trespass into a naval warship here?!

It can't be the Pirate Queen's people, but the Amazon Lily Kingdom is full of women, and it is said that the Queen also hates men abnormally....

"Hey, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters? He is so impressive, but his noble title hides his dirty deeds."

"Forget it, I don't want to waste my time talking to a guy like you!"

Rock deliberately lowered his voice and snorted coldly.

Then he attacked directly, not giving the flying squirrel any time to react.

In a fight between masters, every second is enough to determine success or failure.

Originally, Rock was planning to use Conqueror's Haki.

But then he thought, if the flying squirrel found out and associated his identity with it, it would be bad.

After all, when the two of them fought before, he used Conqueror's Haki to repel the flying squirrel with one move.

I guess the flying squirrel still has a deep memory of that battle.

Bang - although he didn't use Conqueror's Haki, Conqueror's Haki.

But Rock's overall strength was still stronger than the flying squirrel. He kicked the latter back repeatedly with a hardened whip kick of Armament Haki.

Then he drew out the famous sword, Undead, from his waist.

Perhaps it was because of the rising moonlight, or perhaps it was because he sensed the master's fighting spirit.

The blade of the Undead was glowing with cold blood, which made people unconsciously tremble.

Buzz - there was almost no hesitation.

All of Rock's movements were done in one go, and the bloody slash burst out instantly, leaving no room for the flying squirrel to react.

""What a strong swordsmanship!"

At the same time,

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters was also surprised by the powerful bloody slash.

He believed that his swordsmanship was not bad, and his comprehensive strength was also a mainstay in the Navy Headquarters.

But facing such a powerful bloody slash, even he had to go all out.

Boom - after a loud bang, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, who blocked the bloody slash, retreated again and again, and the entire naval warship was completely alarmed.

It's just a pity that most of the elite navy on the warship had turned into stone statues, and the rest who wanted to come to help Flying Squirrel were all forced back by the enemy's backhand slash.

However, Flying Squirrel had no time to take care of these.

The moment after forcibly blocking the bloody slash.

The first reaction of the flying squirrel was to launch a counterattack as soon as possible to seize He had to take the initiative in the battle, otherwise, if he continued to be suppressed, it would be difficult for him to turn the tables.

Swish - what a pity.

Flying Squirrel still underestimated the opponent's speed.

Just when he was about to launch a counterattack.

The opponent's figure unexpectedly appeared beside him again like a ghost.

And before he could react, the opponent reached out and snatched the micro-technology bottle hidden in his pocket!

At this moment.

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel was shocked.

He realized that the opponent's target had been the No. X venom weapon hidden in his arms from the beginning to the end!

Damn, who on earth is this guy, how can he have such an amazing speed.

And looking at the way he exerts force, it is a bit like Six-style Shave, but the speed of shaving cannot be so fast!

""Damn it! Give it back to me, or you will be hunted down by the World Government and the Navy Headquarters!"

The Flying Squirrel roared in shock and anger.

He didn't have time to think too much now. The only thing he wanted to do was to get the No. X Venom weapon back as soon as possible.

However, when he swung his knife forward, intending to do everything he could to keep the other party.

Rock once again flashed in front of the Flying Squirrel.

And this time, Rock came with two small drops of sparkling"water drops".

Under Rock's deliberate operation, the small drops of water accurately dripped into the eyes of Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel.

"Enjoy the taste of this No. X eye drops!"

Rock said with a sneer, looking at Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel standing there in shock.

He wanted to give the Flying Squirrel a taste of the No. X venom himself.


As expected.

Just a moment later, the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters suddenly wailed in pain.

Then, within a few seconds, his eyeballs began to shrink, bleed, and fester until they were completely rotten. Then the venom began to seep into his body, and the huge pain caused him to wail non-stop.

Until this moment, the flying squirrel truly knew the power of the No. X venom weapon.

"Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, do you like the gift I gave you?"

"Haha, we will meet again, maybe in the new world, then I welcome you to come and seek revenge on me!"

Rock watched his revenge come true, suppressed his voice and sneered, then quickly left the main control room.

He finally let out a sigh of relief!

The flying squirrel will most likely say goodbye to the light in this life. The former is definitely the first one to use X-Venom as eye drops! The reason why Rock didn't kill the flying squirrel directly was mainly because the flying squirrel still had value to live.

After all, if the flying squirrel died, I'm afraid even the Pirate Queen wouldn't be able to enter the Navy Headquarters.

Only if the flying squirrel is alive can this naval battleship return to the Navy Headquarters, Marinford, unimpeded.

This is why Rock wanted to blind the flying squirrel's eyes.

The probability of a blind flying squirrel discovering that he and Luffy were hiding on the ship would undoubtedly be much smaller.

They even have the opportunity to disguise themselves as navy officers and directly blend into the flying squirrel's subordinates.

For this reason, in the process of evacuating the naval battleship,

Rock also deliberately kidnapped a commodore who was petrified by the Pirate Queen during the day......

"Are you back? Rock...Is it really back?!"

"Concubine...Did I hear you right?"

Amazon Lily Kingdom, Imperial Palace.

When the Pirate Queen learned that Rock and Luffy had returned to Daughter Island and checked into the room arranged by Sanda Sonya.

Just as New Granny Guroliosa said.

The Queen's 'incurable disease' was cured directly. Except for her pretty face which was still a little flushed, all other symptoms improved 360 degrees in an instant.

Even her spirit became extremely excited.

Seeing this scene, New Granny shook her head repeatedly.

Alas, the storm of love finally swept the most beautiful woman in the world.

That man named Rock is such a lucky guy!.....

After returning to the Amazon Lily Palace,

Rock was not in a hurry to see the Empress, nor was he in a hurry to tell Luffy about the news about Fire Fist Ace, Nami, and Robin.

What was to come would be very serious.

What Rock needed to do most now was to complete the system task and take a rest.

The night wind was fierce, as if it was heralding the turbulence of the sea.

The next day,

Rock woke up early.

The system arrived as promised.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of signing in for one night at Amazon Lily Palace!】

【Rewards are being distributed!】..........

(ps: Today is the day to enter the recommendation verification period. Please support me, and give me good comments to urge me to add more bookshelves. I also want all the data. The new book needs your care. Thank you very much!)

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