[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the side quest of the (highest) quest!]

Just when Rock was excited about the generous reward for this quest, he didn't expect the system to be triggered again!

This made Rock's spirit move again, and he almost jumped up.

This move also scared the Pirate Queen, who hurried over to care about Rock.

His attentive look stunned Brigadier General Barrons, who was guarding the door.

He is worthy of being Rock.

He can make the world's most beautiful Pirate Queen so devoted to him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, just a little..."I'm tired."

Rock tried to suppress his excitement and comforted the empress.

He was surprised and excited about the reward of the"Supreme Level" sign-in task. He didn't expect that this Supreme Level task would have a side quest!

【Current branch sign-in mission: Go to Momosabu's exclusive battleship docked near Marinford, and sign in for one night on the ship of Navy Admiral Candidate Momosabu Gion!】

【Reward: Devil's Blessing Heart x1.5, Perfect Navy Six-style Finger Gun, System Storage Space 9999998x10000000m³]


After seeing the content and rewards of the side quest, Rock immediately took a breath of cold air.

It is no exaggeration to say that the rewards for this side quest are also very generous.

Today's system is very powerful, give it a thumbs up.

Just these 1.5 Devil's Blessing Hearts are precious!

After all, this means that

Rock does not need to choose between the Human-Human Fruit, Mythical Beast, Death God Form or Thunder God Form.

Instead, he can eat them together!

When that time comes,

Rock has the Death God's Scythe in his right hand and Thunder in his left hand.

Even if he faces the Navy Admiral, he can fight!

Even the top powerhouses at the level of Navy Admiral are just around the corner!

You know, even Luffy, the son of luck, only has one God-level fruit ability!

Of course.

This side quest is not easy for Rock.

Sign in on Teacher Taotu's ship for one night.

And it's near Marinford.....

"Hey, Rock! You guys don't want to eat? I ate it all!"

Just as Rock was thinking about how to successfully complete the side quest and get the Devil's Blessing Heart reward first.

Luffy, who had eaten most of the food, finally remembered that there was someone like Rock.

But before Rock could respond,

Luffy swallowed all the remaining food in one gulp, and then patted his bulging belly:

""Burp~ I'm finally full!"

Rock looked at Luffy helplessly, wishing he could give him a beating. Bang

- before Rock could do anything, the Pirate Queen on the other side kicked Luffy's stomach flat with a flying kick.

"This is the food I asked for Rock, and you, a damned fellow, ate it all!"

The world's most beautiful woman rolled up her sleeves angrily and was about to continue beating Luffy, but fortunately Rock stopped her and she gave up.

Luffy and Rock naturally didn't take this little episode to heart.

Rock was a little touched.

After all, since he came to this world, few people would protect him like this.

Although the empress was usually arrogant and cold, she was extremely gentle and attentive to him.

"Is Ace in Impel Down?"

"Rock, Hammock, can you help me get to Impel Down? I'm going to rescue Ace. Nami and Robin are in your hands. Rock, I'll go to the Marine Headquarters as soon as I rescue Ace!"

After learning that Fire Fist Ace is currently imprisoned in Impel Down,

Luffy made a decision after a brief thought.

He believes in Rock's strength.

And in the current situation, he and Rock must split up.

"Is that so? Well, leave Nami and Robin to me!"

Rock did not reject Luffy's proposal.

In fact, this coincided with the battle plan he had in mind.

With Luffy's reckless character, if he really went to the Marine Headquarters with him, the possibility of them being exposed in advance would increase exponentially!

And once their identities were exposed before the start of the war on the top , he, Luffy, and even the Empress would be in a situation where they were doomed to die.

So letting Luffy make a big fuss in Impel Down as in the original plot is undoubtedly the best choice.

Bang bang bang——

"I am Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, Barrons, what happened in there?"

Just when Rock and Luffy decided to split up.

The voice of Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters suddenly came from outside the cabin.

Rock's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he glanced at Barrons, who immediately said with a shudder that it had nothing to do with him.

Then the Pirate Queen walked to the door, opened the cabin door and said:

"Who asked you to disturb me?"

"Your navy man acted rashly and annoyed me, so I gave him a lesson. Do you want to care about this? Blind Vice Admiral!?"

The empress's tone was very cold, and she didn't take the flying squirrel seriously at all.

In fact, after learning that Rock had been attacked by the flying squirrel, she listened to Rock's advice and did not petrify him permanently, which was very kind.

Naturally, she would not give the flying squirrel a good look at this time.

"Um....I am sorry for being rude. Please ask Barrons to report to me when you have time. I won't bother you any more!"

Facing the empress's ridicule, the flying squirrel could only endure it. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he was stopped by the empress.

"Wait, I heard that we will pass by the underwater prison on the way to the Navy Headquarters. I am very curious. Take me to visit it!"

According to Rock's instructions, the Pirate Queen took the initiative to make a request.

Although Flying Squirrel did not want to agree, due to the Pirate Queen's status as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and now the headquarters needs the power of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he was forced to agree and report to the headquarters for approval.

Soon, the battleship arrived at Impel Down.

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel was blinded and seriously injured, so he could only order Barrons to lead a team of elite marines to accompany the Pirate Queen to visit Impel Down.

This was exactly what Rock wanted.

Because this would give Luffy the opportunity to sneak into Impel Down.

It can't be the same as the original plot, letting Luffy hide in the Queen's clothes.

You know, if Luffy gets too close now, he will be kicked away by the Queen.

After all, in the eyes of the Pirate Queen, except for Rock, there is no one else who can tolerate him. No other man is allowed.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea came to visit.

It was not a trivial matter for Impel Down.

It was just because Magellan, the director of Impel Down, was in the toilet.

So only Deputy Director Hannibal could come to greet the Empress and her party.

This also created a better opportunity for Luffy to sneak in.

After entering the gate of Impel Down.

Luffy successfully sneaked into the interior of Impel Down under the cover of Rock.

However, although the goal has been achieved, the show still has to go on.

The Empress wanted to enter Impel Down for a visit. Rock didn't want to follow, but in order to avoid Barrons taking the opportunity to make trouble, he could only follow the latter into the interior of Impel Down.


During the security check.

Domino, the deputy warden of Impel Down, suddenly set his sights on Rock.............

PS:Can someone please watch it again? Please support me~~

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