
"Rock, are you going to rescue Nicole and Robin, the devil child of the Straw Hat Pirates! ?"

On the sea about 30 nautical miles away from the Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

The Navy G9 Base battleship stopped not far from the Gate of Justice.

When the Navy Admiral Candidate Momoto heard Rock's intention to come to the Navy Headquarters.

Even she felt a little unbelievable.

That is the Navy Headquarters, Marinford!

In order to prepare for the huge war that is about to break out, the Navy has gathered a large number of strong men here.

In this case.

Rock's desire to rescue the two girls of the Straw Hat Pirates who are being taken special care of is simply a pipe dream!

The possibility is very slim!

"Teacher Taotu, I know this will be difficult, but it is because of me that Robin and Nami were captured by CP0 and taken to Marinford."

"So no matter what, I will do my best to rescue them!"

Rock sat on a chair in the cabin, took a big sip of ice-cold beer, and said with a firm look in his eyes.

He naturally knew that Teacher Taotu was worried about his safety.

But just like he said.

No matter what, he will do his best to rescue Robin and Nami.

It's just that the war on the top is imminent.

The vigilance of the Navy Headquarters is very strict.

As death row prisoners closely watched by the World Government.

Nami and Robin will definitely be subject to the most stringent supervision of the Navy.

And with Rock's current strength, it is impossible to rescue Nami and Robin in advance in Marinford, where strong people gather now!

So Rock was not in a hurry to find out about Nami and Robin first.

Get the reward for the branch check-in mission first.

Then take advantage of the chaos of the war on the top to rescue Nami and Robin, and then get the reward for the 'Supreme' check-in mission.

By then, even if he is in the vortex of the war on the top, Rock is absolutely sure to get away with Robin and Nami!

"In that case, I will stay in Marinford too."

Looking at Rock's determined eyes, although Lieutenant General Taotu was still very worried, she finally softened her heart.

After all, if Rock was not such a man who valued affection, she would not like him so much.

"Ah, that's not..."

Rock originally intended to reject Taotu's kindness.

He didn't want to drag Taotu into this huge vortex because of his behavior.

However, before he finished speaking,

Rear Admiral Alice of the Navy G9 Base suddenly ran in in a panic.

"Lord Taotu, no, it's bad, Vice Admiral Chatun is here again!"

Before Major General Alice finished speaking,

Rock and Taotu realized something was wrong at the same time.

But they were still a step too late to take action.

A short figure had already jumped onto the deck of the battleship and was heading towards the cabin.

"What an annoying guy."

"Rock, hide for a while, I'll see if I can get rid of him."

At this time, even Vice Admiral Taotu looked a little panicked.

There was no other way.

Her cabin had only one door leading to the deck, and Rock couldn't hide at all.

And once Rock's existence was discovered by that guy Chatun, the consequences were self-evident!

"Navy Admiral Candidate Chaton Kake?!"

Rock narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression was cold.

He naturally did not reject Teacher Taotu's proposal.

Although this place is far away from the Navy Headquarters, even if a fierce battle occurs, it will not be noticed.

But now the situation is special, it is better to have less trouble than more.

"Kaji, what can I do for you?"

In order to avoid Rock being discovered,

Momosa took the initiative to go up to the deck to meet Chaton Kaji.

Momosa's behavior immediately flattered Chaton Kaji, who was also a candidate for the admiral of the navy.

You know, in the past, when he came to Gion's warship, he had to beg the latter to meet him.

This was the first time that Gion took the initiative to meet him.

"To propose for the 99th time, of course!"

"Gion, since I have worked so hard to catch up with you, please accept my proposal!"

Just like before.

Chaton Kaji took out a bouquet of roses and proposed sincerely.

But the difference from before was that his eyes were always looking towards the cabin.

I always felt that the atmosphere on this battleship was a bit weird.

"I reject!"

"I say again, don't bother me anymore, Jiaji!"

"You should leave now. I am very tired. I will return to the headquarters after a while. I will also participate in the next war!"

Momoto tried her best to hide her emotions.

Although Chatun hated her very much, it was undeniable that Chatun had great strength and insight to be a candidate for the admiral like her.

"Join the war?"

"Hahahaha, that's what happened"

"So Gion, do you really want me to leave quickly?"

"If you accept my proposal and become my fiancée, I can stay here now!"

Navy Admiral Candidate Chaton Kaji smiled obscenely and looked at Taotu with a playful look.


Looking at Chatun's smug look, a hint of deep anger flashed across Taotu's charming face, and at the same time, the Jinbi Luo on her waist was instantly pulled out three inches!

"Oh? Gion, have you thought it through? This place is less than 30 nautical miles away from the headquarters!"

At this time, Chatun Jiaji saw Taotu preparing to attack angrily, and reminded him with a sneer again.

At the same time, his suspicion was confirmed in his heart.

I'm afraid that there are people who shouldn't be on Taotu's naval warship now!

Buzz - just when Chatun was still hesitating whether to give Taotu a chance or report directly to the headquarters.


He only felt a gust of wind passing by.

The next moment.

Behind him, a very powerful slash suddenly attacked!

"Damn, such a fast speed, such a strong slash!"

Although he barely dodged the slash, the thrilling degree still surprised the Navy Admiral Candidate Chatun.

Just the speed and powerful swordsmanship just shown.

The opponent's strength is already beyond the reach of an ordinary Navy Vice Admiral!

"The most evil criminal, Dracula·D·Rock!"

"It's you, kid. You've become much stronger now!"

"Unfortunately, you met me. If you don't want your teacher Momosato to be implicated, just surrender!"

At this moment.

Navy Admiral candidate Chaton Kake sneered, and a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes when he looked at Rock.

Although this Rock is very much loved by Gion.

But as a candidate for Navy Admiral, facing such a heinous criminal, he can only bring him to justice!

As for Rock's strength, even if he is a little stronger, as long as Momosato does not intervene, he is sure to take him down!

After all, he is not an ordinary vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, but a candidate for Navy Admiral!

"Teacher Taotu, please help me to clear the battlefield!"

Facing the fierce attack of Navy Admiral Candidate Chatun,

Rock's expression also flashed with solemnity and decisiveness.

Since he couldn't escape, he had to fight!


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