Sea area near the Gate of Justice!


With a loud noise.

Rock's iron fist was wrapped with a wisp of domineering aura.

He hit the head of Chatun Kaji hard, and the latter instantly vomited blood, his eyes were scattered in an instant, and he was completely injured and fainted!

In the second before he lost consciousness, Kaji's eyes were still full of resentment and resentment.

He was too careless.

I didn't expect that this kid Rock actually had such a powerful domineering aura, and even had initially learned the domineering aura entanglement!

Facing such a powerful attack from Rock, even though he was a candidate for the admiral of the navy, his strength was far beyond that of the ordinary vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

But at such a close distance, he couldn't defend with all his strength, and he couldn't bear Rock's punch at all!

But, he really didn't want to accept it!

How could he!

How could he lose to a kid like Rock in front of Gion?!

Even though he was unwilling, after being severely hit by the hammer.

Navy Admiral candidate Chaton Kaji still fell directly on the spot like a dead dog.

However, although Rock had dealt with Chaton forcefully, neither he nor Vice Admiral Momotsuki was careless at this time.

Instead, the two of them looked solemn, almost at the same time stepping on the Moon Step and quickly rushed to the sky!

Chaton Kaji's final counterattack was very insidious.

Without even thinking, Rock knew that this guy must have made a call to a senior executive of the headquarters while throwing the video Den Den Mushi into the sky with all his strength.

And the person he called was most likely Akainu Sakaski, one of the three strongest fighters in the Navy Headquarters!

Once Akainu knew the news here, all of Rock's plans would disappear.

At that time, let alone saving people, even he himself might not be able to escape unscathed.

Obviously, Momotsuki also knew this, so she did not hesitate at all and rushed to the sky with Rock stepping on the Moon Step!

After all, in Momotsuki's opinion, her Six Styles Moon Step was much stronger than Rock's.

Kake's last throw of the Den Den Mushi was very powerful, so the Den Den Mushi was flying high into the sky at a very fast speed.

Time was running out.

At this time, she had to help Rock.

Chua! Chua! Chua!

Just as the Navy Admiral Candidate Momotosagi stepped on the moon step with all her strength, preparing to destroy the Den Den Mushi.

Who knew that Rock suddenly rushed past her quickly! ?



At this moment, a trace of surprise flashed across Taotu's charming face again.


Rock's moon steps were too fast, and the frequency was just like a propeller!

It took only two or three seconds to surpass her by more than 30 meters!

Taotu could no longer hide her inner shock.

What happened to Rock during this period of time? His strength increased so rapidly! ?

Or, this kid has never been playing the pig to eat the tiger before! ?

While Taotu was surprised.

Rock was already less than ten meters away from Den Den Mushi, and the upward impact of Den Den Mushi began to weaken, with a downward trend.

Without any hesitation, Rock drew out his famous sword, Undead, and a blood-colored slash burst out!

Buzz - at this moment.

Den Den Mushi just showed that the video call was connected, but it was directly chopped into a snail sashimi by the blood-colored slash, completely destroyed!

At the same time.

In Marinford, the final defense line deployment area.

Navy Admiral Akainu held a smoking cigar in his mouth, looking at the video Den Den Mushi in his hand, with a question mark on his face.

What is Chaton doing?

Don't you know he is making the final adjustment of the defense line?!

Why did he call me and hang up just when I was about to answer?

I don't understand!

Akainu was speechless.

He didn't think much about it.

After all, the Navy Headquarters is now on high alert, and Chaton Kake is not a weak man as a candidate for the Navy Admiral, so it is impossible for him to get into trouble.

Could it be that something is going on with Momosato! ?

It can't be that Chaton has nothing to do, or he pressed the wrong button.

Akainu became suspicious and sent a naval lieutenant to find out about Chaton and Momosato.

Of course, he only had a little suspicion. It is also possible that Chaton is looking for trouble.

After all, in this huge Navy Headquarters, there are fewer and fewer people who are willing to give everything for absolute justice. There are more and more people who are slacking off.

For example, those two guys Kuzan and Borsalino.

Two dignified Navy admirals were dispatched at the same time, but they couldn't catch Rock and Straw Hat Luffy back in the Sabaody Archipelago!

The only two criminals arrested were caught by CP0.

What a disgrace to the reputation of the Navy Admiral!

Akainu thought coldly.

If he had gone to the Sabaody Archipelago before,

Rock and the Straw Hat Pirates would have been captured by him and brought back to the Navy Headquarters to be publicly executed together with Fire Fist Ace!

After a while, the Navy Lieutenant Commander who was sent by Akainu to investigate the situation came back to report the situation.

According to the report of the Navy Lieutenant Commander,

Vice Admiral Momosa's G9 branch battleship had left the port two hours ago, but had returned to the port again ten minutes ago.

And someone saw that on the way Vice Admiral Momosa entered the port , Vice Admiral Chaton proposed to Vice Admiral Momosa again on the deck of the G9 branch battleship.

"Damn Kake, you are still proposing at this time, what a waste!"

After listening to the report,

Admiral Akainu cursed angrily, but fortunately nothing happened.

And since Momosagi has returned to the headquarters, she should have figured out that she wants to participate in the next great war!

"Has Fire Fist Ace been escorted there?"

"Keep an eye on the two pirates, Devil's Child Nico Robin and Thief Cat Nami."

"When the Whitebeard Pirates show up, we will use the heads of these two female pirates as a sacrifice to the navy!"

After not doubting Chatun's affairs,

Akainu sneered, issued an order, and then turned back to the headquarters building to discuss specific tactics with the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku.

This is a war about 'absolute justice'!

The navy must win!.....

At the port of Marinford.

Inside the G9 Navy warship

"Fortunately, it was fooled. Now the situation is serious. I don't think Akainu will come to check the situation in person."

At this time, the admiral candidate Momosagi looked at Chatun who was unconscious in the corner, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, her beautiful eyes turned to Rock, her eyes were full of confusion and shock.

It is no exaggeration to say that this time Rock and Chatun's battle really shocked her.

Whether it is the ridiculously powerful Six Styles·Shave and Six Styles·Moon Step, or the swordsmanship of the great swordsman, or even the initial use of the domineering color domineering entanglement.

The strength shown by Rock is already enough to fight against strong people of her and Chatun's level!

But, didn't they say that Rock was poisoned by the World Government's No. X poisonous weapon?

How come this little guy not only has no signs of poisoning and injury, but has improved his strength to such a level in just a few days!?

Momosagi was very curious, but she was more relieved.

"Teacher Taotu, I'm sleepy..."

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