On the battlefield of Marinford.

When Admiral Akainu suddenly announced the"crime" of Major General Alice of G9 Base, the eyes of most of the navy were attracted.

Some people's eyes were full of doubts.

Others' expressions were full of indignation against Alice!

And this is exactly the effect Akainu wants.

He doesn't need anyone's approval for what he wants to do, just don't cause too much adverse impact.

Fortunately, many navy officers have seen Taotu's abnormal behavior. Now he can unscrupulously unilaterally confirm Alice's crimes, which is also his own fault.

After all, who made them so close to Rock?

Now for the navy, Rock is a devil, a murderous butcher, and an unforgivable and extremely evil criminal!

At this time, when Akainu blasted Alice's chest with the Hades Dog.

A thunderous roar instantly resounded through Marinford.

Hearing the thunder, Akainu smiled grimly.

Although I don't know where that kid Rock ate such a powerful devil fruit, after all, young people are still a little immature.


��When the Hellhound was about to pierce Alice's body, a tall and extraordinary young figure appeared in the flash of lightning and quickly rescued Alice.

However, at the moment when Rock appeared,

Admiral Akainu's attack suddenly changed its angle midway, and the speed doubled and hit Rock's face!

This is not over yet.

Then, Akainu's left hand launched another Hellhound to attack Alice's slender body.

He wanted to see whether Rock would risk being seriously injured or choose to sacrifice Alice to save himself!

No matter which one he chooses, he will get a dream start!’

"damn it!"

At the same time.

Rock was indeed caught in a dilemma. In the crisis, he could only defend himself with all his strength and save Alice at the cost of being injured.

After all, with his current dual god-level fruit ability and high-level domineering strength, he would not be seriously injured even if he was hit by a Hades dog.

But Senior Sister Alice was obviously not able to do that. Once a Hades dog pierced her chest, she would surely die!


Just as Rock hurriedly launched his defense and planned to push Alice away to resist the two Hades dogs alone.

Almost exhausting all the energy in his body, Alice took the initiative and pushed Rock out of the attack range of the Hades dogs.

Just like when she deliberately lost in the swordsmanship competition in order to take care of Rock.

She held her saber tightly and resisted two magma attacks alone!

Boom- boom- even if Rock tried his best to remedy it after he reacted.

But the two terrifying"dark dogs" still hit Alice.

Her saber was directly broken by the burning magma.

The left shoulder and right abdomen were pierced by the magma respectively, and she was seriously injured and dying!


At this moment, when Alice fell into Rock's arms after being severely injured, the latter screamed in pain!


Why must it be like this.

Damn Akainu!!!

"Rock... don't be sad. Ever since I chose to become a marine... cough cough cough... I have been prepared for death... I just didn't expect... cough cough, that I would end up in the marines' hands. What a pity... I won't be able to hug you anymore..."

At this moment,

Rear Admiral Alice coughed up blood while reluctantly comforting Rock not to be too sad.

""Senior sister, don't say anything. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you!"

Rock's expression was unusually flustered.

He had never thought about how to face the scene of a friend he cared about dying to save him.

Now, he was full of anger, but he wanted to save Alice's life as much as possible.


Admiral Akainu didn't even give Rock the time to say goodbye.

Almost at the same time when Alice fell,

Akainu launched a powerful offensive again, and a dog-biting red lotus directly bombarded Rock and the dying Alice again.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

Face and the like, only the winner deserves it, right!?


At this moment, facing Akainu's attack again,

Rock was finally completely furious.

To be honest, the anger in Rock's heart was even worse than when he was humiliated by Xia Lulia Palace on the Judicial Island!

When the anger in his heart burned to the peak, the next moment,

Rock's pupils suddenly turned blood red, and a mysterious sense of death pressure burst out from his blood-red eyes.

Then, he quickly dodged and temporarily transferred the dying Alice to a safe place nearby.

Facing Akainu's attack again,

Rock directly fought hard.

He swung the black knife burning with blood-red flames, the Scythe of Death, and slashed directly with thunder. Then he slashed at Akainu!

90 million volts Trefa·One Sword Style·Death Gaze!


When this bloody slash wrapped in terrifying thunder burst out.

Even the Admiral of the Navy, Akainu, was panicked for a moment.

Because, at the moment when Rock counterattacked, when he looked into Rock's eyes, he was shocked for a moment!

Although it was only a short moment.

But he is the Admiral of the Navy, Akainu!


Although Rock's attack seemed a little hasty, it was not much weaker than the slash against Borsalino just now!


It's really terrible!

Such a guy must die.

Otherwise, the future of the Navy will never There will be no peace, and justice will be completely disgraced!

Admiral Akainu was more determined to kill Rock, but what he had to do was to resolve Rock's slash first!

The Dog-Eating Red Lotus was directly crushed by the Thunder Slash.

In a hurry, Akainu could only use more powerful moves, and a large amount of magma quickly burst out, constantly fighting against the Thunder Slash!

At this time.

The captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Phoenix Marco, was knocked down from the highest execution platform by a punch from the Navy hero Garp. He happened to land near Rock and others.

Seeing Marco.

Rock immediately seemed to have found a life-saving straw and shouted directly and called him over.

After being hit by Garp's iron fist, Phoenix Marco was obviously a little dazed, but fortunately he remembered that Rock was now his ally, so he gave Alice first aid at the latter's request.

While Marco was saving Alice's life.

Rock waved his knife again with an indifferent expression and rushed towards Akainu.

There was one thing Akainu did right.

Since they are already enemies of life and death, there is no morality.

Even if there is a glimmer of hope, they must be killed!

Although Rock is not sure of defeating Akainu now, he also knows that once he gives in, he will fall into the abyss.

Facing an opponent like Akainu, the only way is to fight to the death!

"Hahaha, that's right Rock!"

"Come on, fight me head-on!"

"It won't be too late to deal with Whitebeard after I've dealt with you!"

At this moment, when Akainu saw Rock coming towards him, he was not panicked at all, but excited.

What he wanted was for Rock to fight him head-on.

Because only in this way could he execute Rock with his own hands and wash away the shame of justice!..............

PS:Updates will be made normally in the next few days, and the overdue updates will be made up on the 28th. Thank you all for your support.

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